54 research outputs found

    Історіографічний аналіз проблеми соціально-педагогічної підтримки дітей вразливих груп в Україні в другій половині ХХ століття

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    The historiographical analysis of the problem of social and educational support to vulnerable groups of children in Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century is presented in the article. Historical and pedagogical researches on social and educational support for children of vulnerable groups in the second half of the twentieth century are singled out, which can be classified according to the following thematic directions: research papers regarding forms, methods and organization of social and educational support for children of vulnerable groups in the second half of the twentieth century, achievements of outstanding teachers in the context of the study, research on statistical data concerning the problem of the study.В статті здійснено історіографічний аналіз проблеми соціально-педагогічної підтримки дітей вразливих груп в Україні в другій половині ХХ століття. Виокремленні історико-педагогічні дослідження з проблеми соціально-педагогічної підтримки дітей вразливих груп в Україні в другій половині ХХ століття, які можна класифікувати за такими тематичними спрямуваннями: наукові роботи стосовно форм, методів та організації соціально-педагогічної підтримки дітей вразливих груп в Україні в другій половині ХХ століття; напрацювання щодо особливостей діяльності видатних педагогів-мислителів в контексті проблеми вивчення; статистичні дані стосовно проблеми дослідження

    Risk-oriented strategic management accounting in Ukraine

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    In order to survive, Ukrainian enterprises in the conditions of war must look for new ways of effective management, a higher degree of integration of risk management and strategic management. Management accounting helps make risk-based decisions to achieve strategic goals. The expert survey method made it possible to identify the most significant risks for enterprises in Ukraine in war conditions: the risk of increased costs, reduced income, the risk of inability to repay obligations, loss of customers, non-payment of receivables, loss of asset value, risk of unprofitability, reduction of business and bankruptcy. The strategic management accounting risk matrix shows the probability and potential impact of each risk on accounting data. A strategic plan and measurement of the effectiveness of risk-oriented strategic management accounting was developed. It shows the relationship of accounting objects, the financial statements of the enterprise, with analytical indicators for assessing the financial condition and the impact of risks under pessimistic, optimistic and optimal scenarios. In practice, it helps to identify risks, determine their impact on enterprise performance indicators, model indicators, assess their compliance with strategic goals, adapt in a timely manner, and make effective management decisions

    Behavior and food consumption pattern of the population exposed in 1949–1962 to fallout from Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in Kazakhstan

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    The relationship between radiation exposure from nuclear weapons testing fallout and thyroid disease in a group of 2,994 subjects has been the subject of study by the US National Cancer Institute. In that study, radiation doses to the thyroid were estimated for residents of villages in Kazakhstan possibly exposed to deposition of radioactive fallout from nuclear testing conducted by the Soviet Union at the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site in Kazakhstan between 1949 and 1962. The study subjects included individuals of both Kazakh and Russian origin who were exposed during childhood and adolescence. An initial dose reconstruction used for the risk analysis of Land et al. (Radiat Res 169:373-383, 2008) was based on individual information collected from basic questionnaires administered to the study population in 1998. However, because data on several key questions for accurately estimating doses were not obtained from the 1998 questionnaires, it was decided to conduct a second data collection campaign in 2007. Due to the many years elapsed since exposure, a well-developed strategy was necessary to encourage accurate memory recall


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    Статья посвящена рассмотрению и анализу образовательной модели и некоторым аспектам образовательной политики Финляндии на современном этапе, а именно, организации школьного и университетского образования, преоб разований и адаптации к общим тенденциям мирового развития на рубеже веков и их взаимосвязи.The article is devoted to considering and analyzing the educational model and some aspects of educational policy in Finland at present moment, in particular: the arrangement of school and university education, reforming and adapting to general trends of the world development at the turn of the century and their correlation

    Perspectives of Using Ultrasonic surface hardening in Machine Part Manufacturing

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    The paper under consideration presents the review of the research results of different scientific schools on applying ultrasonic vibration energy. The effect of ultrasonic vibration energy on changes in the structure of surface layer material, surface topography and other characteristics are presented. A wide range of possibilities of using ultrasonic surface hardening in preparing surfaces before the chemical-thermal processing, for coating and as a finishing processing is presented. The possibilities of applying the method in the combination with other methods of affecting the material are considered. The possibilities of reducing the price of the machine part manufacturing because of implementing the operation of ultrasonic surface hardening in the technological process are shown

    Developing media literacy skills of future specialists in the contemporary teacher training education

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    Development of media literacy looks especially crucial in context of globalization characterized by a high level culture-language interaction. Contemporary education environment is defined by intensive information saturation which demands skills to act effectively and be flexible from a modern teacher in accordance with constantly changing needs of modern community. Evidently, media literacy is a significant component of professional competence for specialists of modern teacher training education. The advanced level of media literacy skills allows to raise efficacy and quality of teacher training education which is aimed at training a specialist who is ready for development, improvement and selfrealization in professional sphere. Media literacy is connected with applying information and communication technologies in theory and practice of contemporary professional education. So, the term “media literacy” implies future specialist’s skills to work not only with mass media but with various information and communication sources allowing to search, select and present necessary information possibilities for solving academic, personal, cognitive and developing tasks

    Indigenous language education in Russia : current issues and challenges

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    Despite the high number of recognised Indigenous groups who are struggling to maintain their languages, cultures, and identities in Russia, there is little research done on the matters of cultural and linguistic revitalisation. This study sought to address this gap by exploring the views of two Indigenous groups, Karelian and Mari, on the development of their Indigenous languages and educational strategies to protect and revive their languages. The study relied on in-depth one-on-one interviews with 20 participants, ten from each Indigenous group. The findings show that despite older generations’ relative proficiency and interest in their respective Indigenous languages, motivation to master them is fading among younger Indigenous populations. There is also a lack of opportunities to learn the languages including informal settings despite protections within the federal legal system. The participants identified three reasons for the rapid decrease of language speakers that include assimilation of the Indigenous groups, differences in rural and urban development, and globalisation. The article concludes with recommendations on how to revitalise Indigenous languages in Russia.peerReviewe

    Revealing the technological modes range for ultrasonic surface hardening of cast iron

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    Prospects of using the ultrasonic surface hardening of different materials as a way of achieving a simultaneous strengthening and finishing effects are presented. It is shown that this method is applicable for non-rigid and brittle parts. Thus, it allows processing gray cast iron. Therefore, the paper is devoted to establishing technologically significant parameters of ultrasonic surface hardening of particular gray cast iron. Research was conducted using mathematical modeling of the process. According to the calculations, the application of the modes revealed makes it possible to achieve the depth of the hardened layer up to 2 mm. Moreover, the parameters of the hardened layer, such as the diameter of a single imprint and the maximum intensity of deformation for specified processing conditions are calculated

    Indigenous education in Russia : opportunities for healing and revival of the Mari and Karelian Indigenous groups?

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    Despite being a multicultural country throughout its history, the Russian Federation has long struggled to embrace its diversity. As a result, the country’s many cultural, religious, and ethnic minority groups have been going through waves of assimilationist policies and practices. Assimilation into the Russian society enforced through formal schooling, daily life, and mass media has led to a destruction of Indigenous lifestyles, cultures, identities, and languages. This article explores the views of Russia’s Indigenous people regarding the country’s education system and its ability to support the cultural revival of Indigenous groups as well as the healing of the trauma that emerged from historical oppression. Within the scope of this article, we investigate the views of two Indigenous groups: Mari and Karelian peoples. Their insights show that despite the decrease in discrimination, the education system has not yet changed its assimilative tendencies.peerReviewe


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    Urgency of the research. Today the formation of adequate tariffs for water use is controversial in the scientific debate. Target setting. The state influence on the mechanism of rational nature resources use concentrates on the rating and tariffing as the main economic tools and we find the quality of water resources as the basic index of water resources condition in the aspect of this rating. Now we need to find out the best ways of the water resources qualitative index considering foreshortened the rating aspect. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. A number of well-known Ukrainian scientists Melnyk L. G., Karintseva O. I., Shevchenko S. M., Shapochka M. K., Bun E., Yatsyk A. V., Gryshchenko Y. M., Volkova L. A., Melnyk, L., Shevchuk V. A. conducted investigations on salient and emerging trends in water resources rating and their quality determination. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The research objective. Still this topic remains of the considerable importance as water resources rating faces a number of issues which have to be organized, investigated and resolved. This article describes how to establish main aspects of water conditions rating by identifying the trends of water resources use by the industrial enterprises. The statement of basic materials. The article investigates a qualitative component of water resources in general water economic system of Ukraine, it’s considering in the rating process and also the system of economic stimulating ecologic policy in the industrial sphere. The paper also describes the issues and explores how to solve the identified major problems. Conclusions. Water resources quality considering is one of the key elements of rating as a component of economic stimulating ecologic policy of industrial enterprises. Water quality influences rating as the tariffs are formed by rental concept and also the concept of the charges partition between all the participants of the water consumption system. The price for industrial water consumption differences from basin to basin, so this is another proof of water quality considering (among other factors). The water quality considering must remain one of the main tools in tariffing and there must me new ways of water quality determination investigated.Актуальність теми дослідження. Сьогодні формування адекватних тарифів за використання водних ресурсів є дискусійним питанням у науковому диспуті. Постановка проблеми. Державний вплив на механізм раціонального природокористування концентрується на тарифікації і тарифоутворенні як основних економічних інструментах, тому ми приймаємо якість водних ресурсів базовим індикатором умов водних ресурсів в аспекті такої тарифікації. Тепер нам потрібно винайти найкращі способи врахування якісних показників водних ресурсів стосовно аспекту тарифікації. Аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій. Відомі українські вчені Мельник Л. Г., Карінцева О. І., Шевченко С. М., Шапочка М. К., Бун Е., Яцик А. В., Грищенко Ю. М., Волкова Л. А.; Шевчук В. А, зробили великий вклад у оцінювання водних ресурсів та визначення їх якості. Виділення недосліджених частин загальної проблеми. Постановка завдання. Процес оцінювання використання водних ресурсів є надто складним. Тому у даній роботі досліджено основні аспекти умов оцінювання водних ресурсів шляхом ідентифікації напрямків водокористування промисловими підприємствами. Виклад основного матеріалу. У статті характеризується складова якості водних ресурсів у загальній водній економічній системі України, її врахування у процесі тарифоутворення, а також система економічного стимулювання екологічної політики у галузі промисловості. Описана проблематика і запропоновані методи вирішення основних проблем. Висновки. Врахування якості водних ресурсів є одним з ключових елементів оцінювання складової економічного стимулювання екологічної політики промислових підприємств. Якість води впливає на оцінювання, оскільки тарифи формуються шляхом рентної концепції, а також концепції розподілу витрат між учасниками водогосподарської системи. Ціна за промислове водокористування відрізняється залежно від басейну. Врахування якості води повинне залишатися одним з основних інструментів у тарифікації, і мають бути винайдені нові шляхи дослідження та визначення якості води