19 research outputs found


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    Teacher quality has gained importance over the years. To ensure the quality of teaching and teachers, the pre-service teacher training programs are of great importance to gain the necessary competencies. In many countries, including Turkey, the ‘notion of a graduate who is ready-to-teach is the norm’. Thus, to gain necessary teacher competencies throughout the training programs becomes of great importance. In this study, rather than looking at competency gains of only senior students -which appears to be the case with most recent research into pre-service teachers’ teacher competencies in Turkey- ELT pre-service teachers’ teacher competencies are examined cross-sectionally with 132 pre-service teachers in different years of study at a ELT department of a state university in Turkey within the framework of the updated teacher competences (MoNE, 2017) presented by the Ministry of Education. A survey method research design is utilized in this study. The data for the study is gathered through an instrument prepared by transforming the teacher competency indicators into Likert-type Can Do statements. The results of the study showed that 2nd year pre-service teachers have the lowest perceived teacher competency and even the 4th year pre-service teachers perceive themselves as not having full competency in all indicators. There is a steady growth in teacher competencies over the years. Professional knowledge related teacher competency domain develop in the 3rd year, whereas professional skill related teacher competency develop steadily over the 2nd and 3rd year and fostered in the 4th year. The results of the study revealed how the students gained and developed teacher competencies throughout teacher training and 4th year students felt more competent just before their teaching career.  Article visualizations

    Procjena emisije ugljičnog monoksida iz ispušnog otvora motorne pile

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    In many countries, two-stroke chainsaws have been actively used in forest operations. Chainsaw operators are exposed to harmful gases and particulates generated by the exhaust of the two-stroke hand-held chainsaw. In this study, carbon monoxide (CO) parts per million (ppm) exposure of operators working with a chainsaw at 1900-2000 revolutions per minute (rpm) was investigated by mixing oil-fuel at a ratio of Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) 10W motor oil (2.5%) and 95-octane unleaded gasoline. To investigate the presence of CO at a short distance, the relationship between exposure time and distance from the source were divided into groups. The result of the statistical analysis has shown that the average amount of CO emitted from the chainsaw was 1683 ppm at a distance of 0 (±4 cm) cm, 343.6 ppm at a 10 cm distance, 252.3 ppm at a 20 cm distance and 86.5 ppm at a 30 cm distance. The analysis of variance, according to the distance, has shown the amount of CO (ppm) to be statistically significant (p <0.05). If the chainsaw operator is working very close to the chainsaw, CO exposure will be observed, which translates to a negative impact on their health and work efficiency. Therefore, training should be conducted to increase the awareness of the proximity to the chainsaw and the operators and the importance of using personal protective equipment. In addition to training support, the use of the new generation of chainsaw engines should also be encouraged and promoted to minimize CO emissions.U mnogim zemljama motorne pile sa dvotaktnim benzinskim motorom aktivno se koriste u šumama. Rukovatelji motornom pilom izloženi su štetnim plinovima i česticama koje su sastavni dio ispušnih plinova takvih motornih pila. U ovoj studiji, istraživana je izloženost operatera ugljičnom monoksidu -CO- (ppm) prilikom rada s motornom pilom u režimu rada od 1900-2000 okretaja u minuti (o/min). Pri istraživanju je kao pogonsko gorivo korištena mješavina bezolovnog benzina od 95 oktana i motornog ulja gradacije SAE 10W u iznosu od 2%. Kako bi se istražila prisutnost CO na malim udaljenostima, odnos između vremena izloženosti i udaljenosti do izvora emisije podijeljen je u skupine. Rezultat statističke analize pokazao je da je prosječna količina CO emitirana iz motorne pile bila 1683 ppm na udaljenosti od 0 cm (±4 cm), 343,6 ppm na udaljenosti od 10 cm, 252,3 ppm na udaljenosti od 20 cm i 86,5 ppm na udaljenosti od 30 cm. Analiza varijance prema udaljenosti pokazala je da je količina CO (ppm) statistički značajna (p<0,05). Ako rukovatelj motornom pilom radi vrlo blizu motorne pile, primijetit će se izloženost CO, što se smatra negativnim utjecajem na njihovo zdravlje i radnu učinkovitost. Stoga treba provesti obuku kako bi se povećala svijest o blizini motorne pile i rukovatelja te o važnosti korištenja osobne zaštitne opreme. Uz podršku pri obuci, korištenje nove generacije pogonskih motora motornih pila također treba poticati i promicati kako bi se emisije CO svele na minimum

    Elbow AVF configurations and indications

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    Introduction: Brescia-Cimino radiocephalic arteriovenous fistula (AVF) remains the first-choice vascular access procedure for patients in need of long-term hemodialysis. The average life expectancy of patients receiving hemodialysis has increased in recent years and many patients now live longer and require secondary or tertiary procedures. Elbow fistulas should only rarely be constructed as primary fistulas. The aim of the surgeon must be not only to achieve a functioning fistula, but to avoid possible complications other than failure to mature (FTM), like distal ischemia and cardiac failure and to save the vessels as much as possible for future procedure

    Microsatellite instability is not a common feature in medullary breast cancer

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    Microsatellite instability (MSI) is a form of genomic instability associated with defective DNA mismatch repair in tumors. MSI is found in 85-90% of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer cases; however, its occurrence in breast carcinogenesis still remains to be clarified. In addition, data are limited on the incidence of MSI in the medullary subtype. The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence of MSI in medullary breast cancer (MBC). The study included a total of 16 patients with MBC, nine with typical and seven with atypical histology. The incidence of MSI in five microsatellite loci (D2S123, D3S1611, D17S807, D17S796 and Xq11-12) was determined by comparing paired normal and tumor tissue DNA after PCR amplification from paraffin-embedded tissues. All 16 tumors showed stability at five loci. Although the number of microsatellite markers and DNA samples may limit the value of our results, we conclude that the MSI phenotype is uncommon in human MBC. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Microsatellite instability in early-onset breast cancer

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    Breast cancer in a young person is considered a rare and very aggressive disease. The theories addressing the underlying genetic mechanisms of this disease are controversial. Therefore, additional genetic concepts playing a possible role in its pathogenesis and prognosis must be investigated. Microsatellite instability (MSI) characterized by a mutational process of insertions or deletions in microsatellite repeats might constitute a sensitive indicator for genomic instability in cancer. MSI has been described in a wide variety of tumors, particularly in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer. The reports regarding its occurrence and prognostic significance in breast cancer are in conflict with each other. The purpose of this study was to investigate MSI in early-onset breast cancer and to correlate its occurrence with clinicopatbological prognisticators. In this study, 16 female patients with primary breast cancer under 35 years of age (range 29-34) were investigated for the incidence of MSI in five microsatellite loci (D2S123, D3S1611, D17S807, D17S796 and Xq11-12) by comparing paired normal and tumor tissue DNA after PCR amplification from paraffin-embedded tissues. No instability was found in any of these five microsatellite loci. Although care must be taken not to overstate the importance of this result due to the inadequate number of microsatellite markers and DNA samples studied, this preliminary report indicates that MSI phenotype is uncommon in human early-onset breast cancer. Therefore, it does not appear to be related to the prognosis of disease

    Rapid transformation of atypical myeloproliferative disorder with consistent t(8;13) to B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A case report

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    WOS: 000251645500004PubMed ID: 178524548p11 myeloproliferative syndrome (EMS; also known as the stem cell leukemia syndrome-SCLL) is a rare atypical myeloproliferative disorder associated with chromosomal abnormalities involving the 8p11 chromosomal band. Translocations associated with this syndrome result in the fusion of the fibroblast growth factor receptor I (FGFR 1) gene with various partners, resulting in ligand independent FGFR activity. The most commonly observed translocation of this syndrome is t(8;13), which results in the expression of a chimeric ZNF198-FGFR1 tyrosine kinase. Disease phenotype associated with this translocation has some typical features such as poor prognosis, and transformation to mainly acute leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma; commonly with a T-cell phenotype in which obtaining and maintenance of remission is difficult by conventional chemotherapy. We hereby present a case diagnosed as atypical chronic myeloproliferative disease with consistent t(8;13)(p12;q12) and transformed rapidly to pre-B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia which is a rare clinical presentation