15 research outputs found

    Neuronal glutathione loss leads to neurodegeneration involving gasdermin activation

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    Accumulating evidence suggests that glutathione loss is closely associated with the progression of neurodegenerative disorders. Here, we found that the neuronal conditional-knockout (KO) of glutamyl-cysteine-ligase catalytic-subunit (GCLC), a rate-limiting enzyme for glutathione synthesis, induced brain atrophy accompanied by neuronal loss and neuroinflammation. GCLC-KO mice showed activation of C1q, which triggers engulfment of neurons by microglia, and disease-associated-microglia (DAM), suggesting that activation of microglia is linked to the neuronal loss. Furthermore, gasdermins, which regulate inflammatory form of cell death, were upregulated in the brains of GCLC-KO mice, suggesting the contribution of pyroptosis to neuronal cell death in these animals. In particular, GSDME-deficiency significantly attenuated the hippocampal atrophy and changed levels of DAM markers in GCLC-KO mice. Finally, we found that the expression of GCLC was decreased around amyloid plaques in AppNL-G-F AD model mice. AppNL-G-F mouse also exhibited inflammatory events similar to GCLC-KO mouse. We propose a mechanism by which a vicious cycle of oxidative stress and neuroinflammation enhances neurodegenerative processes. Furthermore, GCLC-KO mouse will serve as a useful tool to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration and in the development of new treatment strategies to address neurodegenerative diseases

    Potent amyloidogenicity and pathogenicity of Aβ43.

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    The amyloid-β peptide Aβ42 is known to be a primary amyloidogenic and pathogenic agent in Alzheimer\u27s disease. However, the role of Aβ43, which is found just as frequently in the brains of affected individuals, remains unresolved. We generated knock-in mice containing a pathogenic presenilin-1 R278I mutation that causes overproduction of Aβ43. Homozygosity was embryonic lethal, indicating that the mutation involves a loss of function. Crossing amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice with heterozygous mutant mice resulted in elevated Aβ43, impairment of short-term memory and acceleration of amyloid-β pathology, which accompanied pronounced accumulation of Aβ43 in plaque cores similar in biochemical composition to those observed in the brains of affected individuals. Consistently, Aβ43 showed a higher propensity to aggregate and was more neurotoxic than Aβ42. Other pathogenic presenilin mutations also caused overproduction of Aβ43 in a manner correlating with Aβ42 and with the age of disease onset. These findings indicate that Aβ43, an overlooked species, is potently amyloidogenic, neurotoxic and abundant in vivo

    Tau binding protein CAPON induces tau aggregation and neurodegeneration

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    To understand the molecular processes that link Aβ amyloidosis, tauopathy and neurodegeneration, we screened for tau-interacting proteins by immunoprecipitation/LC-MS. We identified the carboxy-terminal PDZ ligand of nNOS (CAPON) as a novel tau-binding protein. CAPON is an adaptor protein of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), and activated by the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. We observed accumulation of CAPON in the hippocampal pyramidal cell layer in the AppNL-G-F -knock-in (KI) brain. To investigate the effect of CAPON accumulation on Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis, CAPON was overexpressed in the brain of AppNL-G-F mice crossbred with MAPT (human tau)-KI mice. This produced significant hippocampal atrophy and caspase3-dependent neuronal cell death in the CAPON-expressing hippocampus, suggesting that CAPON accumulation increases neurodegeneration. CAPON expression also induced significantly higher levels of phosphorylated, oligomerized and insoluble tau. In contrast, CAPON deficiency ameliorated the AD-related pathological phenotypes in tauopathy model. These findings suggest that CAPON could be a druggable AD target

    Mechanistic Involvement of the Calpain-Calpastatin System in Alzheimer Neuropathology

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    The mechanism by which amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) accumulation causes neurodegeneration in Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) remains unresolved. Given that Aβ perturbs calcium homeostasis in neurons, we investigated the possible involvement of calpain, a calcium-activated neutral protease. We first demonstrated close postsynaptic association of calpain activation with Aβ plaque formation in brains from both patients with AD and transgenic (Tg) mice overexpressing amyloid precursor protein (APP). Using a viral vector-based tracer, we then showed that axonal termini were dynamically misdirected to calpain activation-positive Aβ plaques. Consistently, cerebrospinal fluid from patients with AD contained a higher level of calpain-cleaved spectrin than that of controls. Genetic deficiency of calpastatin (CS), a calpain-specific inhibitor protein, augmented Aβ amyloidosis, tau phosphorylation, microgliosis, and somatodendritic dystrophy, and increased mortality in APP-Tg mice. In contrast, brain-specific CS overexpression had the opposite effect. These findings implicate that calpain activation plays a pivotal role in the Aβ-triggered pathological cascade, highlighting a target for pharmacological intervention in the treatment of AD

    Neuronal glutathione loss leads to neurodegeneration involving gasdermin activation

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    Abstract Accumulating evidence suggests that glutathione loss is closely associated with the progression of neurodegenerative disorders. Here, we found that the neuronal conditional-knockout (KO) of glutamyl-cysteine-ligase catalytic-subunit (GCLC), a rate-limiting enzyme for glutathione synthesis, induced brain atrophy accompanied by neuronal loss and neuroinflammation. GCLC-KO mice showed activation of C1q, which triggers engulfment of neurons by microglia, and disease-associated-microglia (DAM), suggesting that activation of microglia is linked to the neuronal loss. Furthermore, gasdermins, which regulate inflammatory form of cell death, were upregulated in the brains of GCLC-KO mice, suggesting the contribution of pyroptosis to neuronal cell death in these animals. In particular, GSDME-deficiency significantly attenuated the hippocampal atrophy and changed levels of DAM markers in GCLC-KO mice. Finally, we found that the expression of GCLC was decreased around amyloid plaques in App NL-G-F AD model mice. App NL-G-F mouse also exhibited inflammatory events similar to GCLC-KO mouse. We propose a mechanism by which a vicious cycle of oxidative stress and neuroinflammation enhances neurodegenerative processes. Furthermore, GCLC-KO mouse will serve as a useful tool to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration and in the development of new treatment strategies to address neurodegenerative diseases

    Humanization of the entire murine Mapt gene provides a murine model of pathological human tau propagation

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    In cortical regions of brains from individuals with preclinical or clinical Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), extracellular β-amyloid (Aβ) deposition precedes the aggregation of pathological intracellular tau (the product of the gene microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT)). To our knowledge, current mouse models of tauopathy reconstitute tau pathology by overexpressing mutant human tau protein. Here, through a homologous recombination approach that replaced the entire murine Mapt gene with the human ortholog, we developed knock-in mice with humanized Mapt to create an in vivo platform for studying human tauopathy. Of note, the humanized Mapt expressed all six tau isoforms present in humans. We next cross-bred the MAPT knock-in mice with single amyloid precursor protein (App) knock-in mice to investigate the Aβ–tau axis in AD etiology. The double-knock-in mice exhibited higher tau phosphorylation than did single MAPT knock-in mice but initially lacked apparent tauopathy and neurodegeneration, as observed in the single App knock-in mice. We further observed that tau humanization significantly accelerates cell-to-cell propagation of AD brain-derived pathological tau both in the absence and presence of Aβ-amyloidosis. In the presence of Aβ-amyloidosis, tau accumulation was intensified and closely associated with dystrophic neurites, consistently showing that Aβ-amyloidosis affects tau pathology. Our results also indicated that the pathological human tau interacts better with human tau than with murine tau, suggesting species-specific differences between these orthologous pathogenic proteins. We propose that the MAPT knock-in mice will make it feasible to investigate the behaviors and characteristics of human tau in an animal model