248 research outputs found

    Криміналістичне забезпечення діяльності установ судових експертиз та органів досудового розслідування і дізнання у протидії злочинності

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     Pressing issues of forensic support of activities of pre-trial investigation and inquiry bodies in countering criminal offenses are outlined. The concept and essence of crime counteraction are considered. The article analyzes the national criminal procedural legislation, departmental regulatory legal framework and their amendments concerning the direction under study, genesis of scientific findings on theoretical and applied issues of forensic support of the activities of pre-trial investigation and inquiry bodies in this direction, as well as the genesis of the concept and essence of forensic science as a science. The modern state of the development of forensic science, current high-priority issues and feasibility of changing the scientific paradigm of forensic science as well as the use of innovations are studied; ways for their improvement are proposed. Theoretical and applied problematic issues of criminalistics are subject to thorough study and resolution. Fundamental changes are required both in criminalistics in general and in particular in its individual areas. The current legislation, law enforcement agencies, forensic science institutions, prosecutors’ bodies and judicial bodies, as well as law enforcement, in which modern advances in science and technology (in particular, computer and telecommunication technologies) are being implemented should be reformed. The article highlights such problematic issues as the improvement of the forensic characteristics of cer-tain types of crimes, forensic techniques combining forensic techniques and tac-tics. The issue of further implementation in law enforcement and forensic expert activities of promising molecular genetic examinations for pre-trial investigation bodies, including the method of DNA analysis is outlined separately and fully. Relying on the results of research, specific author proposals and recommenda-tions are provided on the studied area of activity in general and in individual directions.Розглянуто проблемні питання криміналістичного забезпечення діяльності установ судових експертиз та органів досудового розслідування і дізнання у протидії кримінальним правопорушенням. Проаналізовано національне кримінально-процесуальне законодавство, відомчу нормативно-правову базу, генезис наукових позицій щодо теоретичних і прикладних питань криміналістичного забезпечення у цьому напрямі, а також щодо поняття та сутності криміналістики як науки, досліджено питання су-часного стану її розвитку, наявні проблемні питання та визначено шляхи вдосконалення. За результатами дослідження надано конкретні пропозиції й рекомендації щодо вивченого напряму діяльності


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    INTRODUCTION -A special physical exercises the biomechanical structure of those is corresponding to biomechanical structure of judo technique are used at modern training of highly skilled wrestlers. It is put the exercises with general character are not effective. However, the complexity of coordination structure of judo technique does not always allow to select adequately the special physical exercises for wrestlers that decreases the results of training process. The hypothesis of this investigation is based on the supposition about that special physical exercises which are necessary for highly qualitative training of judo-wrestlers may influence more effectively onto skeletal musculature of wrestlers. So the diagnostics of biomechanical properties of skeletal muscles at the training of wrestlers may increase essentially the quality of methodical provision for training process. RESULTS - Diagnostic complex that consisted of inertial piezoelectric sensor, interface, computer IBM 486 and software was used for the investigation of biomechanical properties of wrestlers' skeletal muscles. Muscles m.deltoidens, m.biceps brahii, m.latissimus dorsi, m.crector spinal, m.biceps temoris, m.quadriceps temoris were tested with 15 judoists who have gotten both special physical exercises of purposeful direction and exercises with character of general development. The results of investigation showed the contractile abilities (the index of hardness) of muscles are 10% above on the average at the effect of special physical exercises than at the usage of exercises with character of general development. The parameter of damping index after special exercises is 15% below on the average than after exercises with character of general development, that is testified about increased efficiency and increased results of the training by exercises of special character with comparison of exercises of general develop- mental character. CONCLUSION - These investigations give basis for the constructing and objective evaluating of quality of special physical exercises according to the criteria which are determined by biomechanical properties of basic groups of wrestlers' work skeletal muscles


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    Introduction: The localization of the human body’s general mass center (GMC) depends on the distribution of the separate body links. Any changes in the human body caused by its mass to move and its previous proportion to infringe, evoke changes in the localization of the center of gravity. The objective of this research is to study the biomechanical structure of the human body’s orthograde pose in onthogenesis. Methods and procedures: Age peculiarities of GMC localization are caused by the non-equal dimensions of the head, extremities and separate body parts and also by changes in these body links’ mass proportion during the growth period. They are connected with the human body’s orthograde posture characteristics which have been acquired in each age period beginning with the child’s first standing and ending with aging. In order to achieve this objective we used the stabilography method as one of the simplest and most quietly sensitive methods for the evaluation of the dynamics and quality of vertical pose maintenance. Results and discussion: The detailed learning of general center of gravity localization with aging changes’ correlation is of a certain interest for an understanding of separate body links’ masses displacement in the organism’s growth and not only for developing biostatics and biodynamics characteristics in the organism’s growth and aging, but also for understanding the role of the gravity force in developing some anatomical-physiological characteristics of the supporting-motion apparatus that will expand the possibilities of effective control for improving movement

    Окремі аспекти забезпечення і реалізації права на захист підозрюваного та обвинуваченого у кримінальному провадженні

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    Yukhno, M.A. (2015), “Some aspects of guaranteeing and implementing the right on protection of a suspect and accused within criminal proceedings”, [“Okremi aspekty zabezpechennia i realizatsii prava na zakhyst pidozriuvanoho ta obvynuvachenoho u kryminalnomu provadzhenni”], Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav, No. 2, pp. 141-147.Юхно, М. О. Окремі аспекти забезпечення і реалізації права на захист підозрюваного та обвинуваченого у кримінальному провадженні // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2015. - № 2 (69). - С. 141-147.З урахуванням кримінального процесуального законодавства України та практики його застосування розглянуто забезпечення і реалізацію права на захист підозрюваного та обвинуваченого. Під час дослідження встановлено, що, незважаючи на нововведення, запроваджені чинним КПК України, окремі питання залишилися невизначеними, понятійний апарат – недосконалим, у зв’язку з чим запропоновано внести зміни і доповнення до нього.The criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine, the practice of its application by the units pre-trial investigation, prosecutors, investigative judges and courts to guarantee the right on protection of such participants in criminal proceedings as a suspect and accused is considered and analyzed in the paper. The study found out that this area of guaranteeing human and citizen’s rights and freedoms have long been paid sufficient attention both by scholars in their research and practitioners, public institutions, international community while implementing these issues in law enforcement activities, in particular during the time of the previous Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine of 1960. Despite this, after the adoption of the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine in 2012, not all of these problems have been solved. And the author describes it in the article. Special attention of the article is paid to the analysis of novelties of the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine and regulations to guarantee and implement the right on protection of a suspect and accused in comparison with some other participants of the criminal proceedings. Existing problems on these issues both according to the current and the previous Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine are found out. The author has established the influence of ratified by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine international legal acts, decisions of the European Court of Human Rights on the formation of the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, the provisions of the Criminal Procedural and other legislation of Ukraine concerning the studied issues and forming legal enforcement activity of law enforcement agencies and the court. It is stated that international legal acts and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights have become recently the legal basis for national legislation and, in particular certain provisions and foundations (principles) of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine. The author states that, despite the usage of the experience of a number of European and other foreign countries some national peculiarities of the legislation have not been taken into account while adopting the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine in 2012. In accordance of the study’s results the author has made some propositions and recommendations for improving the current criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine on stated issues.С учётом уголовного процессуального законодательства Украины и практики его применения рассмотрены обеспечение и реализация права на защиту подозреваемого и обвиняемого. В ходе исследования установлено, что несмотря на новеллы, введённые в действующий УПК Украины, отдельные вопросы остались нерешёнными, понятийный аппарат несовершенным, в связи с чем предложено внести изменения и дополнения к нему


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    The author has analyzed the current criminal and criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine regulating the protection of the rights, freedoms and legal interests of journalists in exercising their professional activities, which is used during the pre-trial investigation to assess the committed crimes in this area, as well as other laws on the above mentioned and other issues. Some inconsistencies, disadvantages, gaps and unsettled issues, in particular the journalistic activity itself, and directly the pre-trial investigation, which take place in the current legislation, have been revealed. The said negatively affects the timely registration, qualification and the state of pre-trial investigation of crimes committed in order to counteract the professional activities of journalists and in general, the authority of both law enforcement and other state agencies. Propositions for improving the regulatory base on these issues have been provided. The author has also provided propositions to improve the interaction of journalists with pre-trial investigation agencies in order to use the acquired information and evidence by journalists for successful and effective use in the investigation of criminal proceedings of such a category, as well as in order to protect their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, up to court hearings. The court practice concerning the consideration of criminal proceedings (cases) on the studied category of crimes has been analyzed and the relevant propositions according to the established research results have been provided. Besides, the author has presented suggestions regarding the recognition of victims journalists themselves, along with close relatives of journalists, in certain categories of criminal offenses. The peculiarities of collection, recording, evaluation of evidence and carrying out certain investigative actions in the area of antiterrorist operation have been established. Besides, the author has provided recommendations for training journalists for law enforcement agencies at higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, as well as conducting introductory optional courses on legal profession for working journalists.Проаналізовано чинне кримінальне і кримінальне процесуальне законодавство, що регулює захист прав, свобод і законних інтересів журналістів при здійсненні ними професійної діяльності під час досудового розслідування, та інші закони з цих питань. Виявлено певні неузгодженості, недоліки, прогалини і неврегульованість окремих питань журналістської діяльності в чинному законодавстві, що негативно впливають на своєчасну реєстрацію, кваліфікацію та на стан досудового розслідування злочинів у сфері професійної діяльності журналістів. Надано пропозиції щодо вдосконалення законодавства з цих питань та взаємодії журналістів з органами досудового розслідування


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    The author has studied the features of modern information technologies in conducting secret investigative (search) actions, as well as forms of procedural registration and consolidation as evidence in criminal proceedings. Classification of secret investigative (search) actions under the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine has been provided; possibilities of their use in law enforcement activities have been revealed. The author has carried out classification of modern information technologies by dividing them into the following two groups – concerning the use of modern technical equipment and devices and concerning the use of modern computers and software during secret investigation (search) actions. Different points of view of scholars concerning the issues stated in the article have been analyzed. Peculiarities of assessment, tactical and procedural use and recording the results of secret investigative (search) actions during criminal proceedings and recognizing them as evidence have been separately analyzed. Special attention has been paid to the observance of such principles of criminal proceedings as the rule of law, legality, equality under the law and the court, guaranteeing the right to liberty and personal security, home or other property inviolability, secret of correspondence, non-interference in private life, spontaneity of evidence, objects and documents research, the presumption of innocence and providing proof of guilt, etc. It is emphasized that such actions are performed only on the basis of current legislation of Ukraine, including the criminal procedural one and the restriction of certain rights are carried out temporarily with the direct prosecutor and judicial control. The author has concluded about the existence of certain inconsistencies and incompleteness of certain provisions of the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine and the need for further study of these issues.Розглянуто особливості використання сучасних інформаційних технологій під час проведення негласних слідчих (розшукових) дій, форми їх процесуального оформлення та закріплення як доказів у кримінальному провадженні. Описано види негласних слідчих (розшукових) дій згідно з чинним КПК України та проаналізовано можливості їх застосування у правозастосовній діяльності. Запропоновано авторську класифікацію сучасних інформаційних технологій. Проаналізовано думки вчених щодо порушених у статті питань, надано авторську їх оцінку. Зроблено висновок про наявність певних неузгодженостей та неповноти окремих положень чинного КПК України

    Проблеми вдосконалення правового регулювання оперативно-розшукової діяльності та її узгодженості з кримінальним процесуальним законодавством України

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    The author of the article has studied the issues of further improvement of legal regulation of operative and search activities due to the fact that after the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Operative and Search Activity” in 1992 there were dramatic political, social and economic changes in society and the state. After the adoption of the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine in 2012 there were some discrepancies, gaps and inconsistencies with the law of Ukraine “On Operative and Search Activity”. It has been noted that the procedure of criminal proceedings experienced significant and conceptual changes, namely organization and conduction of secret investigative (search) actins on behalf of an investigator and initiating activities of operative units has been significantly decreased in terms, which worsened combating crime and solving crimes in the whole, particularly serious, especially serious, paid-for and resonance. It has been found out that adopted legislative and regulatory base in the field of regulation of operative and search activity after the introduction of the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine did not remove existing problems in organizing and carrying out operative and search activities, interaction with the pre-trial investigation agencies, prosecutor’s office and court. The author suggested to support scholars and practitioners’ propositions for adopting drastically new law, which would consist of two parts and regulate operative and search activity, particularly in terms of criminal proceedings and operative support in court and separately as independent activities. The author has also provided his own vision, evaluation, propositions and recommendations on regulation and improvement of certain areas in the suggested draft of the law concerning operative and search activity to address current problems of operative and search activity, structure of operative units, as well as activities for cooperation and coordination with the departments of pre-trial investigation.Розглянуто проблемні питання подальшого вдосконалення правового регулювання оперативно-розшукової діяльності у зв’язку з наявними неточностями, прогалинами та неузгодженостями з чинним КПК України. Проаналізовано наявну законодавчу та нормативно-правову базу з указаних питань, надано авторську оцінку, пропозиції й рекомендації щодо врегулювання і законодавчого вирішення виявлених проблем


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    Розглянуто застосування кримінальної процесуальної складової при здійсненні кваліфікації злочинів. Проаналізовано застосування та співвідношення норм матеріального та процесуального права при кваліфікації злочинів і при виконанні завдань і мети конкретного кримінального провадження.The author of the article has studied and established the importance and need for the correct qualification of crimes during the pre-trial investigation; has determined the feature of its separate stages. It has been emphasized that the proper qualification of criminal offenses is the necessary condition for the realization of the constitutional principle of legality in criminal proceedings, perfect and considerate pre-trial investigation and consideration of criminal proceedings in the courts, sentencing just and reasonable punishment for persons convicted by the court or their dismissal from prosecution or from punishment. The author has determined the results of the study revealed concerning defined criminal procedural component while implementing the qualification of crimes. Application and correlation of substantive and procedural law norms while qualifying the crimes and executing the tasks and objective of the certain criminal proceedings have been analyzed and determined. The issue about the process of qualification of crimes has been primarily considered within criminal procedural area. Scientific positions of individual scholars both from the point of view of law on criminal liability and from the point of view of the criminal procedural law and their correlation have been analyzed. The author has determined controversial issues arising in the theory and law-enforcement activity; has provided propositions for their solution. The author has separately researched the issues of correlation between accuracy of qualification of crimes on pre-trial investigation and while sentencing just punishment or exemption from criminal liability or court punishment, assessment of their correctness while further consideration by different courts. It has been concluded that the proper qualification of criminal offenses at the stage of pre-trial investigation can be provided only in terms of the compliance and the correct application of the law norms on criminal liability and the provisions of criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine within criminal proceedings that will ensure the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals.Рассмотрено применение уголовной процессуальной составляющей при осуществлении квалификации преступлений. Проведён анализ применения и соотношения норм материального и процессуального права при квалификации преступлений и при выполнении задач и цели конкретного уголовного производства

    Правові підстави процесуальної діяльності та взаємодії працівників оперативних підрозділів при виконанні доручень дізнавача, слідчого, прокурора з питань проведення негласних слідчих (розшукових) дій

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    The author of the article provides a retrospective analysis of the provisions of legislative acts of Ukraine, decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the European Court of Human Rights, as well as some national criminal procedural legislation and departmental regulations on legal grounds for procedural activities and interaction of operative units to execute written instructions of interrogators, investigators, prosecutors on investigative (search) actions and secret investigative (search) actions. The author has made a retrospective analysis of the introduction of this amendment to the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine since 2012, as well as the legal grounds for its use in pre-trial investigation and has focused on the conclusions about its significant prevalence in law enforcement activities of pre-trial investigation, and in connection with recent amendments in the legislation also in the initial practice of the inquiry agencies of the National Police of Ukraine. The author researched positions of scholars and representatives of scientific schools in relation to the conceptual apparatus and the essence of the concept of “interaction” in general, as well as “interaction” between pre-trial investigation and inquiry agencies and operative police units in this direction. Special attention has been paid to the study of the peculiarities of forms of interaction and its subjects in criminal proceedings, as well as the existing legislative and practical issues concerning the compliance with operative deadlines of police orders of interrogators, investigators and prosecutors and has suggested the ways to solve them in practice and, in particular, at the legislative level. Additionally, it has been established, substantiated and focused on theoretical and applied improvement of the use of such a feature in law enforcement activities that operative staff, in carrying out written instructions of interrogators, investigators and prosecutors on the conduction of investigative and secret investigative actions, has procedural rights of the investigator and interrogator. Based on this, the author also offers propositions and recommendations in this area.Проведено ретроспективний аналіз положень законодавчих актів України, рішень Конституційного суду України і Європейського суду з прав людини та, зокрема, національного кримінального процесуального законодавства і відомчих нормативно-правових актів стосовно правових підстав процесуальної діяльності та взаємодії працівників оперативних підрозділів з виконання доручень дізнавача, слідчого, прокурора щодо проведення слідчих (розшукових) дій та негласних слідчих (розшукових) дій. Установлено, що під час виконання таких доручень оперативні працівники наділені і користуються процесуальними правами слідчого

    Reduction of Occupational Risks for Workers of the Oil Refinery By Introducing An Automated System for Evaluation of Operators’ Professional Ability

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    An automated system for psychophysiological testing of operators of oil refineries is designed. The system helps to improve the accuracy of the assessment of operator proficiency and to reduce occupational risk