438 research outputs found

    "Does e-Commerce Always Increase Social Welfare in the Long Run?"

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    We examine the effect of electronic commerce ("e-commerce") on social welfare, in the framework of conventional spatial competition models. We consider the case where both conventional and electronic retailers coexist in equilibrium. We show that e-commerce does not necessarily increase social welfare in the long run. In particular, when electronic retailers have clear cost advantage over conventional retailers, then the advent of e-commerce is shown to reduce social welfare.

    Stochastic Asymptotic Stabilizers for Deterministic Input-Affine Systems based on Stochastic Control Lyapunov Functions

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    In this paper, a stochastic asymptotic stabilization method is proposed for deterministic input-affine control systems, which are randomized by including Gaussian white noises in control inputs. The sufficient condition is derived for the diffucion coefficients so that there exist stochastic control Lyapunov functions for the systems. To illustrate the usefulness of the sufficient condition, the authors propose the stochastic continuous feedback law, which makes the origin of the Brockett integrator become globally asymptotically stable in probability.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 48th Annual IEEE Conference on Decision and Control [14

    Spectroscopic Studies of an Electron-Beam-Produced Plasma

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    An electron beam operating in medium-pressure gases has been constructed, and its operating characteristics investigated. Helium, neon and argon have been excited by the electron beam, and it has been found that for lower pressures, less than 1 torr in the case of helium, accelerated electrons directly excite the ionic excited level. The population densities in the neutral series levels have been observed up to n=15, and have been found to be roughly proportional to n⁻⁴. A possible explanation is proposed that is based on a direct excitation from the ground state and a depopulation by l-changing collisions

    The effects of herring-roe lyophilized powder on lipid metabolism

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    AbstractHerring-roe, which contains large amounts of docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, has anti-dyslipidemia effects. Here, we evaluated the effects of herring-roe on lipid metabolism in 33 adult subjects in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. We divided the subjects into a test group that ingested herring-roe lyophilized powder (herring-roe powder) and a placebo group that ingested non-herring-roe powder, with each member of each group ingesting 15 g daily for 8 weeks. Hematological tests and body composition measurements were performed before and after 4, 6, and 8 weeks of the study period. Although no significant differences in low density lipoprotein were observed, high density lipoprotein was found to be increased in subjects who ingested herring-roe powder. In addition, the level of free fatty acid was significantly improved in the herring-roe powder group. These results suggest that ingestion of herring-roe could influence lipid metabolism

    Does the tube-compensation function of two modern mechanical ventilators provide effective work of breathing relief?

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    OBJECTIVE: An endotracheal tube (ETT) imposes work of breathing on mechanically ventilated patients. Using a bellows-in-a-box model lung, we compared the tube compensation (TC) performances of the Nellcor Puritan-Bennett 840 ventilator and of the Dräger Evita 4 ventilator. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Each ventilator was connected to the model lung. The respiratory rate of the model lung was set at 10 breaths/min with 1 s inspiratory time. Inspiratory flows were 30 or 60 l/min. A full-length 8 mm bore ETT was inserted between the ventilator circuit and the model lung. The TC was set at 0%, 10%, 50%, and 100% for both ventilators. Pressure was monitored at the airway, the trachea, and the pleura, and the data were recorded on a computer for later analysis of the delay time, of the inspiratory trigger pressure, and of the pressure–time product (PTP). The delay time was calculated as the time between the start of inspiration and minimum airway pressure, and the inspiratory trigger pressure was defined as the most negative pressure level. The same measurements were performed under pressure support ventilation of 4 and 8 cmH(2)O. The PTP increased according to the magnitude of inspiratory flow. Even with 100% TC, neither ventilator could completely compensate for the PTP imposed by the ETT. At 0% TC the PTP tended to be less with the Nellcor Puritan-Bennett 840 ventilator, while at 100% TC the PTP tended to be less with the Dräger Evita 4 ventilator. A small amount of pressure support can be equally effective to reduce the inspiratory effort compared with the TC. CONCLUSION: Although both ventilators provided effective TC, even when set to 100% TC they could not entirely compensate for a ventilator and ETT-imposed work of breathing. The effect of TC is less than that of pressure support ventilation. Physicians should be aware of this when using TC in weaning trials

    Influence of the step number of the approach run on the jumping kinematics in volleyball spike jumps

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    Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology Volume 4: Issue 1, Article 15, 2023. In volleyball, the approach run serves as a strategy to execute a spike from an elevated striking position. Nevertheless, the influence of the step number of the approach run on the jumping kinematics in spike jumps is unclear. Therefore, this investigation aims to clarify the impact of varying step numbers within the approach run on jumping kinematics. Seven female volleyball athletes were tasked with executing spike jumps, employing 2 and 3-step approach runs. These trials were recorded using high-speed cameras and digitized, and then the kinematics of the 2 and 3-step trials were compared. The findings of this study unveiled that, in the 3-step trial with higher horizontal velocity, the center of gravity was upheld at an elevated level, thereby curtailing the vertical displacement of the center of gravity from the last step before the takeoff to the takeoff. Within the 2-step trial, a notable deceleration of horizontal velocity in the first half of the takeoff was virtually absent. However, the 3-step trial with higher horizontal velocity entailed more flexion of the dominant knee joint to decelerate the horizontal velocity during the first half. Furthermore, the 3-step trial entails a swifter extension of the hip, knee, and ankle joints of the non-dominant leg. This accelerated extension likely contributes to an augmented vertical velocity at the foot release of the takeoff

    Effects of reduced rebreathing time, in spontaneously breathing patients, on respiratory effort and accuracy in cardiac output measurement when using a partial carbon dioxide rebreathing technique: a prospective observational study

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    INTRODUCTION: New technology using partial carbon dioxide rebreathing has been developed to measure cardiac output. Because rebreathing increases respiratory effort, we investigated whether a newly developed system with 35 s rebreathing causes a lesser increase in respiratory effort under partial ventilatory support than does the conventional system with 50 s rebreathing. We also investigated whether the shorter rebreathing period affects the accuracy of cardiac output measurement. METHOD: Once a total of 13 consecutive post-cardiac-surgery patients had recovered spontaneous breathing under pressure support ventilation, we applied a partial carbon dioxide rebreathing technique with rebreathing of 35 s and 50 s in a random order. We measured minute ventilation, and arterial and mixed venous carbon dioxide tension at the end of the normal breathing period and at the end of the rebreathing periods. We then measured cardiac output using the partial carbon dioxide rebreathing technique with the two rebreathing periods and using thermodilution. RESULTS: With both rebreathing systems, minute ventilation increased during rebreathing, as did arterial and mixed venous carbon dioxide tensions. The increases in minute ventilation and arterial carbon dioxide tension were less with 35 s rebreathing than with 50 s rebreathing. The cardiac output measures with both systems correlated acceptably with values obtained with thermodilution. CONCLUSION: When patients breathe spontaneously the partial carbon dioxide rebreathing technique increases minute ventilation and arterial carbon dioxide tension, but the effect is less with a shorter rebreathing period. The 35 s rebreathing period yielded cardiac output measurements similar in accuracy to those with 50 s rebreathing

    Petrography of foundation stones of the Bizen Kokubunji Temple, Okayama Prefecture, Japan ―an attempt to identify their collected site―

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    The Bizen Kokubunji Temple was constructed in the 8th century, in Maya, Akaiwa City, Okayama. Only foundation stones are preserved. Geological characteristics of the foundation stones suggest that they are collected from mountain area of Maya, about 300 to 800m west from the site. The similarity of the foundation stones and the rocks Maya are identified by the following characteristics. 1) Assemblage of rock types (high grade welded tuff breccia, tuff breccia, tuffaceous sandstone and conglomerate) are the same. 2) Lithology of the 3 rock type of the foundation stones and the rocks from Maya are the same. 3) Rheomorphic flow structures are developed in both high grade welded tuff breccia. 4)Mudstone fragments are contained in both high grade welded tuff breccia tuff breccia