112 research outputs found

    Percutaneous coronary intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: Insights from the nationwide registration data.

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    [Background] Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has negatively affected access to healthcare systems and treatment timelines. This study was designed to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). [Methods] From January 2019 to December 2020, 489, 001 patients from 1068 institutions were registered in the Japanese nationwide PCI (J-PCI) registry. We constructed generalized linear models to assess the difference in the daily number of patients and in-hospital outcomes between 2019 and 2020. [Findings] In total, 207 institutions (19·3%) had closed or restricted access during the first COVID-19 outbreak in May 2020; the number of closed or restricted institutions had plateaued at a median of 121 institutions (11·3%). The daily case volume of PCI significantly decreased in 2020 (by 6·7% compared with that in 2019; 95% confidence interval [CI], 6·2–7·2%; p < 0·001). Marked differences in the presentation of PCI patients were observed; more patients presented with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (18·3% vs. 17·5%; p < 0·001), acute heart failure (4·49% vs. 4·30%; p = 0·001), cardiogenic shock (3·79% vs. 3·45%; p < 0·001), and cardiopulmonary arrest (2·12% vs. 2·00%; p = 0·002) in 2020. The excess adjusted in-hospital mortality rate in patients treated in 2020 relative to those treated in 2019 was significant (adjusted odds ratio, 1·054; 95% CI, 1·004–1·107; p = 0·03). [Interpretation] While the number of patients who underwent PCI substantially decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic, more patients presented with high-risk characteristics and were associated with significantly higher adjusted in-hospital mortality. [Funding] The J-PCI registry is a registry led and supported by the Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics. The present study was supported by the Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Health and Labour (No. 20IA2002 and 21FA1015), the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (KAKENHI; No. 21K08064), and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (No. 17ek0210097h000)

    Impact of transport pathways on the time from symptom onset of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction to door of coronary intervention facility

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    AbstractBackgroundReducing total ischemic time is important in achieving better outcome in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Although the onset-to-door (OTD) time accounts for a large portion of the total ischemic time, factors affecting prolongation of the OTD time are not established.PurposeThe purpose of this study was to determine the impact of transport pathways on OTD time in patients with STEMI.Methods and subjectsWe retrospectively studied 416 STEMI patients who were divided into 4 groups according to their transport pathways; Group 1 (n=41): self-transportation to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) facility; Group 2 (n=215): emergency medical service (EMS) transportation to PCI facility; Group 3 (n=103): self-transportation to non-PCI facility; and Group 4 (n=57): EMS transportation to non-PCI facility. OTD time was compared among the 4 groups.Essential resultsMedian OTD time for all groups combined was 113 (63–228.8)min [Group 1, 145 (70–256.5); Group 2, 71 (49–108); Group 3, 260 (142–433); and Group 4, 184 (130–256)min]. OTD time for EMS users (Groups 2 and 4) was 138min shorter than non-EMS users (Groups 1 and 3). Inter-hospital transportation (Groups 3 and 4) prolonged OTD by a median of 132min compared with direct transportation to PCI facility (Groups 1 and 2). Older age, history of myocardial infarction, prior PCI, shock at onset, high Killip classification, and high GRACE Risk Score were significantly more frequent in EMS users.Principal conclusionsSelf-transportation without EMS and inter-hospital transportation were significant factors causing prolongation of the OTD time. Approximately 35% of STEMI patients did not use EMS and 21% of patients were transported to non-PCI facilities even though they called EMS. Awareness in the community as well as among medical professionals to reduce total ischemic time of STEMI is necessary; this involves educating the general public and EMS crews

    Is the combination therapy of IKr-channel blocker and left stellate ganglion block effective for intractable ventricular arrhythmia in a cardiopulmonary arrest patient?

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    Background: We have previously reported that the defibrillation success rate of intravenous nifekalant hydrochloride (NIF), a pure IKr-channel (IKr: the rapid components of the delayed rectifier potassium current) blocker, was more than 75% for lidocaine-resistant ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation (VT/VF) in patients with out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA). However, there was no effective treatment for the remaining 25% of patients in whom defibrillation was unsuccessful. We hypothesised that the combination therapy of NIF and left stellate ganglion block (LSGB) was useful for defibrillation in NIF-resistant VT/VF and investigated its efficacy in a retrospective study. Methods and results: We investigated sequentially 272 out-of-hospital CPA patients treated at Tokai University between April and December 2006. VT/VF occurred in 55 patients on arrival or during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). On the basis of our CPR algorithm, NIF was administered (0.15-0.3 mg/kg, i.v.) after the first direct-current cardioversion. NIF-resistant VT/VFs were observed in 15 out of 55 patients and LSGB was performed on 11 of these with administration of NIF. Sinus rhythm was restored in 7 patients following LSGB (64%) and complete recovery was achieved in 2 patients. In the non-LSGB group, however, all the patients died. Conclusions: The combination therapy of intravenous NIF and LSGB was useful for defibrillation in intractable VT/VF. It is a potential and innovative treatment strategy for IKr-channel blocker resistant VT/VF. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 355-365

    Left atrial diastasis strain slope is a marker of hemodynamic recovery in post-ST elevation myocardial infarction: the Laser Atherectomy for STemi, Pci Analysis with Scintigraphy Study (LAST-PASS)

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    BackgroundLeft atrial (LA) mechanics are strongly linked with left ventricular (LV) filling. The LA diastasis strain slope (LADSS), which spans between the passive and active LA emptying phases, may be a key indicator of the LA–LV interplay during diastole.AimThis study aimed to investigate the LA–LV interdependencies in post-ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), with particular focus on the LADSS.Materials and methodsPatients with post-anterior STEMI who received primary percutaneous coronary intervention underwent contrast cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) during acute (5–9 days post-STEMI) and chronic (at 6 months) phases. The LADSS was categorized into three groups: Groups 1, 2, and 3 representing positive, flat, and negative slopes, respectively. Cross-sectional correlates of LADSS Group 2 or 3 compared to Group 1 were identified, adjusting for demographics, LA indices, and with or without LV indices. The associations of acute phase LADSS with the recovery of LV ejection fraction (LVEF) and scar amount were investigated.ResultsSixty-six acute phase (86.4% male, 63.1 ± 11.8 years) and 59 chronic phase cardiac MRI images were investigated. The distribution across LADSS Groups 1, 2, and 3 in the acute phase was 24.2%, 28.9%, and 47.0%, respectively, whereas in the chronic phase, it was 33.9%, 22.0%, and 44.1%, respectively. LADSS Group 3 demonstrated a higher heart rate than Group 1 in the acute phase (61.9 ± 8.7 vs. 73.5 ± 11.9 bpm, p &lt; 0.01); lower LVEF (48.7 ± 8.6 vs. 41.8 ± 9.9%, p = 0.041) and weaker LA passive strain rate (SR) (−1.1 ± 0.4 vs. −0.7 [−1.2 to −0.6] s−1, p = 0.037) in the chronic phase. Chronic phase Group 3 exhibited weaker LA passive SR [relative risk ratio (RRR) = 8.8, p = 0.012] than Group 1 after adjusting for demographics and LA indices; lower LVEF (RRR = 0.85, p &lt; 0.01), higher heart rate (RRR = 1.1, p = 0.070), and less likelihood of being male (RRR = 0.08, p = 0.058) after full adjustment. Acute phase LADSS Groups 2 and 3 predicted poor recovery of LVEF when adjusted for demographics and LA indices; LADSS Group 2 remained a predictor in the fully adjusted model (β = −5.8, p = 0.013).ConclusionThe LADSS serves both as a marker of current LV hemodynamics and its recovery in post-anterior STEMI. The LADSS is an important index of LA–LV interdependency during diastole.Clinical Trial Registrationhttps://clinicaltrials.gov/, identifier NCT03950310

    Skuteczność terapii złożonej polegającej na podaniu blokera kanału IKr oraz wykonaniu blokady zwoju gwiaździstego w leczeniu opornych arytmii komorowych u chorych z zatrzymaniem krążenia

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    Wstęp: W poprzednich doniesieniach autorzy niniejszej pracy dowiedli, że współczynnik skuteczności defibrylacji przy jednoczesnym dożylnym podaniu chlorowodorku nifekalantu (NIF) - selektywnego blokera kanałów szybkiej składowej opóźnionego prostującego prądu potasowego (IKr) wynosił powyżej 75% dla opornego na lignokainę częstoskurczu lub migotania komór (VT/VF) w przebiegu pozaszpitalnego zatrzymania krążenia (CPA). Jednakże dla pozostałych 25% chorych, u których wykonana defibrylacja okazała się nieskuteczna, nie znaleziono efektywnych metod leczenia. Autorzy niniejszej pracy sugerują, że zastosowanie złożonej terapii polegającej na dożylnym podaniu NIF oraz wykonaniu blokady lewego zwoju gwiaździstego (LSGB) jest użyteczne w przypadku defibrylacji VT/VF opornego na działanie NIF. Na podstawie własnych badań retrospektywnych podjęto także próbę oceny skuteczności tej terapii. Metody i wyniki: Do badania włączono kolejnych 272 chorych przyjętych do Kliniki Kardiologii Uniwersytetu Tokai w okresie od kwietnia do grudnia 2006 roku z powodu pozaszpitalnego zatrzymania krążenia. U 55 pacjentów (podczas przyjęcia lub też w przebiegu resuscytacji krążeniowo-oddechowej) stwierdzono VT/VF. Zgodnie z samodzielnie wypracowanymi przez autorów pracy algorytmami prowadzenia resuscytacji krążeniowo-oddechowej NIF (w dawce 0,15-0,3 mg/kg) podawano dożylnie po pierwszej próbie kardiowersji. Oporne na działanie NIF częstoskurcze komorowe/migotania komór wystąpiły u 15 spośród 55 pacjentów. U 11 chorych z powyższej grupy wykonano LSGB oraz podano dożylnie NIF. U 7 osób (64%) po zabiegu LSGB uzyskano powrót rytmu zatokowego. Całkowity powrót do zdrowia zanotowano u 2 chorych. Jednakże w grupie, w której nie wykonano zabiegu blokady lewego zwoju gwiaździstego (grupa nie-LSBG), zmarli wszyscy pacjenci. Wnioski: Terapia złożona polegająca na dożylnym podaniu NIF oraz wykonaniu LSGB okazała się użyteczna w przypadku defibrylacji opornego VT/VF. Jest to potencjalna i innowacyjna strategia leczenia opornego na selektywne blokery kanałów IKr częstoskurczu komorowego/ migotania komór. (Folia Cardiologica Excerpta 2007; 2: 524-536

    Clopidogrel Monotherapy After 1-Month DAPT in Patients With High Bleeding Risk or Complex PCI

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    BACKGROUND: High bleeding risk (HBR) and complex percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) are major determinants for dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) duration. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of HBR and complex PCI on short vs standard DAPT. METHODS: Subgroup analyses were conducted on the basis of Academic Research Consortium-defined HBR and complex PCI in the STOPDAPT-2 (Short and Optimal Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After Verulam's-Eluting Cobalt-Chromium Stent-2) Total Cohort, which randomly compared clopidogrel monotherapy after 1-month DAPT with 12-month DAPT with aspirin and clopidogrel after PCI. The primary endpoint was the composite of cardiovascular (cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, definite stent thrombosis, or stroke) or bleeding (Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction [TIMI] major or minor) endpoints at 1 year. RESULTS: Regardless of HBR (n = 1, 893 [31.6%]) and complex PCI (n = 999 [16.7%]), the risk of 1-month DAPT relative to 12-month DAPT was not significant for the primary endpoint (HBR, 5.01% vs 5.14%; non-HBR, 1.90% vs 2.02%; P interaction = 0.95) (complex PCI, 3.15% vs 4.07%; noncomplex PCI, 2.78% vs 2.82%; P interaction = 0.48) and for the cardiovascular endpoint (HBR, 4.35% vs 3.52%; and non-HBR, 1.56% vs 1.22%; P interaction = 0.90) (complex PCI, 2.53% vs 2.52%; noncomplex PCI, 2.38% vs 1.86%; P interaction = 0.53), while it was lower for the bleeding endpoint (HBR, 0.66% vs 2.27%; non-HBR, 0.43% vs 0.85%; P interaction = 0.36) (complex PCI, 0.63% vs 1.75%; noncomplex PCI, 0.48% vs 1.22%; P interaction = 0.90). The absolute difference in the bleeding between 1- and 12-month DAPT was numerically greater in patients with HBR than in those without HBR (-1.61% vs -0.42%). CONCLUSIONS: The effects of 1-month DAPT relative to 12-month DAPT were consistent regardless of HBR and complex PCI. The absolute benefit of 1-month DAPT over 12-month DAPT in reducing major bleeding was numerically greater in patients with HBR than in those without HBR. Complex PCI might not be an appropriate determinant for DAPT durations after PCI. (Short and Optimal Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After Everolimus-Eluting Cobalt-Chromium Stent-2 [STOPDAPT-2], NCT02619760; Short and Optimal Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After Everolimus-Eluting Cobalt-Chromium Stent-2 for the Patients With ACS [STOPDAPT-2 ACS], NCT03462498)

    Clopidogrel Monotherapy After 1-Month Dual Antiplatelet Therapy in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: From the STOPDAPT-2 Total Cohort

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    [Background:] The benefit of clopidogrel monotherapy after 1-month dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) compared with 12-month DAPT with aspirin and clopidogrel was demonstrated in the STOPDAPT-2 (Short and Optimal Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After Everolimus-Eluting Cobalt-Chromium Stent-2), but not in the STOPDAPT-2 acute coronary syndrome (ACS); however, both trials were underpowered based on the actual event rates. [Methods:] We obtained the prespecified pooled population of 5997 patients as the STOPDAPT-2 total cohort (STOPDAPT-2: N=3009/STOPDAPT-2 ACS: N=2988; ACS: N=4136/chronic coronary syndrome [CCS]: N=1861), comprising 2993 patients assigned to 1-month DAPT followed by clopidogrel monotherapy, and 3004 patients assigned to 12-month DAPT with aspirin and clopidogrel after percutaneous coronary intervention. The primary end point was the composite of cardiovascular (cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, definite stent thrombosis, or any stroke) or bleeding (Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction major/minor) end points at 1 year. [Results:] One-month DAPT was noninferior to 12-month DAPT for the primary end point (2.84% versus 3.04%; hazard ratio [HR], 0.94 [95% CI, 0.70–1.27]; Pnoninferiority=0.001; Psuperiority=0.68). There was no significant risk-difference for the cardiovascular end point between the 1- and 12-month DAPT groups (2.40% versus 1.97%; HR, 1.24 [95% CI, 0.88–1.75]; Pnoninferiority=0.14; Psuperiority=0.23). There was a lower risk of the bleeding end point with 1-month DAPT relative to 12-month DAPT (0.50% versus 1.31%; HR, 0.38 [95% CI, 0.21–0.70]; Psuperiority=0.002). One-month DAPT relative to 12-month DAPT was associated with a lower risk for major bleeding regardless of ACS or CCS (ACS: HR, 0.46 [95% CI, 0.23–0.94]; P=0.03, and CCS: HR, 0.26 [95% CI, 0.09–0.79]; P=0.02; Pinteraction=0.40), while it was associated with a numerical increase in cardiovascular events in ACS patients, but not in CCS patients, although not statistically significant and without interaction (ACS: HR, 1.50 [95% CI, 0.99–2.27]; P=0.053, and CCS: HR, 0.74 [95% CI, 0.38–1.45]; P=0.39; Pinteraction=0.08). [Conclusions:] Clopidogrel monotherapy after 1-month DAPT compared with 12-month DAPT with aspirin and clopidogrel had a benefit in reducing major bleeding events without being associated with increase in cardiovascular events

    Details on the effect of very short dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation in patients with high bleeding risk: insight from the STOPDAPT-2 trial

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    Previously we briefly reported the effect of 1-month dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) for patients with high bleeding risk (HBR) receiving percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the STOPDAPT-2 trial, but full analysis data have not been available. We conducted post hoc subgroup analysis regarding the effect of very short DAPT for HBR patients in STOPDAPT-2 trial. The primary endpoint was a 1-year composite of cardiovascular (cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, definite stent thrombosis, or stroke) and bleeding (TIMI major/minor bleeding) outcomes. Major secondary endpoints were 1-year cardiovascular composite endpoint and bleeding endpoint. HBR was defined by the academic research consortium (ARC) HBR criteria. Among the 3009 study patients, 1054 (35.0%) were classified as HBR and 1955 (65.0%) were as non-HBR. There were no significant interactions between HBR/non-HBR subgroups and the assigned DAPT group on the primary endpoint (HBR; 3.48% vs. 5.98%, HR 0.57, 95% CI 0.32-1.03, and non-HBR; 1.81% vs. 2.36%, HR 0.78, 95% CI 0.42-1.45; P for interaction = 0.48), the major secondary cardiovascular endpoint (HBR; 3.07% vs. 4.03%, HR 0.77, 95% CI 0.40-1.48, and non-HBR; 1.41% vs. 1.61%, HR 0.89, 95% CI 0.43-1.84; P for interaction = 0.77), and the major secondary bleeding endpoint (HBR; 0.41% vs. 2.71%, HR 0.15, 95% CI 0.03-0.65, and non-HBR; 0.40% vs. 0.85%, HR 0.48, 95% CI 0.14-1.58; P for interaction = 0.22). In conclusion, the effects of 1-month DAPT for the primary and major secondary endpoints were consistent in HBR and non-HBR patients without any significant interactions. The benefit of 1-month DAPT in reducing major bleeding was numerically greater in HBR patients.Clinical trial registration Short and optimal duration of dual antiplatelet therapy after everolimus-eluting cobalt-chromium stent-2 [STOPDAPT-2]; NCT02619760