76 research outputs found


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    In this research, the tendency for squall lines to stagnate upstream of mountain ranges is investigated through a series of 2-dimensional, idealized simulations where the basic state wind was varied from 1 m s−1 to 20 m s−1. These simulations included a set of simulations with no pre-existing convection but with a mountain (MO), a set with pre-existing convection, but no mountain (SO), and a set with both the pre-existing convection and the mountain (SM). These simulations show stagnation is dependent on the Froude number of the basic state flow with stagnation appearing to occur for smaller Froude number flow regimes. For subcritical Froude number flow, the greatest precipitation accumulations were found well upstream of the mountain. This maximum in precipitation was larger than that for either the MO and SO simulations and, additionally, was farther upstream than the maxima in either of these simulations. For critical Froude number flow, the SM simulations exhibited two precipitation maxima. The upstream maximum was colocated with the precipitation maximum in the SO simulation, while the downstream maxima was colated with that in the MO simulation. Finally, for supercritical flow, the precipitation maximum in the SM simulation was positioned over the peak of the mountain. This maximum was smaller than in the MO simulation

    Meso-beta scale numerical simulation studies of terrain-induced jet streak mass and momentum perturbations

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    An in-depth analysis of observed gravity waves and their relationship to precipitation bands over the Montana mesonetwork during the 11-12 July 1981 CCOPE case study indicated two episodes of coherent waves. While geostrophic adjustment, shearing instability, and terrain were all implicated separately or in combination as possible wave generation mechanisms, the lack of upper-air data within the wave genesis region made it difficult to define the genesis processes from observations alone. The first part of this paper, 3D Numerical Modeling Studies of Terrain-Induced Mass/Momentum Perturbations, employs a mesoscale numerical model to help diagnose the intricate early wave generation mechanisms during the first observed gravity wave episode. The meso-beta scale numerical model is used to study various simulations of the role of multiple geostrophic adjustment processes in focusing a region for gravity wave genesis. The second part of this paper, Linear Theory and Theoretical Modeling, investigates the response of non-resting rotating homogeneous and continuously stratified Boussinesq models of the terrestrial atmosphere to temporally impulsive and uniformly propagating three-dimensional localized zonal momentum sources representative of midlatitude jet streaks. The methods of linear perturbation theory applied to the potential vorticity (PV) and wave field equations are used to study the geostrophic adjustment dynamics. The total zonal and meridional wind perturbations are separated into geostrophic and ageostrophic components in order to define and follow the evolution of both the primary and secondary mesocirculations accompanying midlatitude jetogenesis forced by geostrophic adjustment processes. This problem is addressed to help fill the gap in understanding the dynamics and structure of mesoscale inertia-gravity waves forced by geostrophic adjustment processes in simple two-dimensional quiescent current systems and those produced by mesoscale numerical models simulating the orographic and diabatic perturbation of three-dimensional quasi-geostrophically balanced synoptic scale jet streaks associated with complex baroclinic severe storm producing environments

    Meso-beta scale numerical simulation studies of terrain-induced jet streak mass/momentum perturbations

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    An in-depth analysis of observed gravity waves and their relationship to precipitation bands over the Montana mesonetwork during the 1981 CCOPE case study indicates that there were two episodes of coherent internal gravity waves. One of the fundamental unanswered questions from this research, however, concerns the dynamical processes which generated the observed waves, all of which originated from the region encompassing the borders of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. While geostrophic adjustment, shearing instability, and terrain where all implicated separately or in concert as possible wave generation mechanisms, the lack of upper-air data within the wave genesis region made it difficult to rigorously define the genesis processes from observations alone. In this report we employ a mesoscale numerical model to help diagnose the intricate early wave generation mechanisms during the first observed wave episode

    An Operational Computational Terminal Area PBL Prediction System

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    There are two fundamental goals of this research project which are listed here in terms of priority, i.e., a primary and secondary goal. The first and primary goal is to develop a prognostic system which could satisfy the operational weather prediction requirements of the meteorological subsystem within the Aircraft Vortex Spacing System (AVOSS), i.e., an operational computational Terminal Area PBL Prediction System (TAPPS). The second goal is to perform indepth diagnostic analyses of the meteorological conditions during the special wake vortex deployments at Memphis and Dallas during August 95 and September 97, respectively. These two goals are interdependent because a thorough understanding of the atmospheric dynamical processes which produced the unique meteorology during the Memphis and Dallas deployments will help us design a prognostic system for the planetary boundary layer (PBL) which could be utilized to support the meteorological subsystem within AVOSS. Concerning the primary goal, TAPPS Stage 2 was tested on the Memphis data and is about to be tested on the Dallas case studies. Furthermore benchmark tests have been undertaken to select the appropriate platform to run TAPPS in real time in support of the DFW AVOSS system. In addition, a technique to improve the initial data over the region surrounding Dallas was also tested and modified for potential operational use in TAPPS. The secondary goal involved several sensitivity simulations and comparisons to Memphis observational data sets in an effort to diagnose what specific atmospheric phenomena where occurring which may have impacted the dynamics of atmospheric wake vortices

    Meso-beta scale numerical simulation studies of terrain-induced jet streak mass/momentum perturbations

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    Work performed during the report period is summarized. The first numerical experiment which was performed on the North Carolina Supercomputer Center's CRAY-YMP machine during the second half of FY92 involved a 36 hour simulation of the CCOPE case study. This first coarse-mesh simulation employed the GMASS model with a 178 x 108 x 32 matrix of grid points spaced approximately 24 km apart. The initial data was comprised of the global 2.5 x 2.5 degree analyses as well as all available North American rawinsonde data valid at 0000 UTC 11 July 1981. Highly-smoothed LFM-derived terrain data were utilized so as to determine the mesoscale response of the three-dimensional atmosphere to weak terrain forcing prior to including the observed highly complex terrain of the northern Rocky Mountain region. It was felt that the model should be run with a spectrum of terrain geometries, ranging from observed complex terrain to no terrain at all, to determine how crucial the terrain was in forcing the mesoscale phenomena. Both convection and stratiform (stable) precipitation were not allowed in this simulation so that their relative importance could be determined by inclusion in forth-coming simulations. A full suite of planetary boundary layer forcing was allowed in the simulation, including surface sensible and latent heat fluxes employing the Blakadar PBL formulation. The details of this simulation, which in many ways could be considered the control simulation, including the important synoptic-scale, meso-alpha scale, and meso-beta scale circulations is described. These results are compared to the observations diagnosed by Koch and his colleagues as well as hypotheses set forth in the project proposal for terrain-influences upon the jet stream and their role in the generation of mesoscale wave phenomenon. The fundamental goal of the analyses being the discrimination among background geostrophic adjustment, terrain influences, and shearing instability in the initiation and maintainance of mesoscale internal wave phenomena. Based upon these findings, FY93 plans are discussed. A review of linear theory and theoretical modeling of a geostrophic zonal wind anomaly is included


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    During Mesoscale Alpine Program (MAP) IOP-8, a strong stable layer formed over the Po Valley and northern Ligurian Sea. Based on observations, reanalysis data and prior studies, we hypothesize that differential advection (Lin et al., 2005) led to the formation of the stable layer and differential advection along with blocking of cool easterly flow by the western flank of the Alps over the Po Valley played significant roles in the maintenance of the stable layer. Numerical sensitivity tests with the MM5 model were performed to examine these possible formation and maintenance mechanisms of the IOP-8 stable layer. When the western flank of the Alps was removed, the stable layer still formed, but eroded more quickly and became much shallower and narrower at the later stage of IOP-8, which is consistent with the hypothesis. It was also found that the Dinaric Alps and evaporative cooling did not play significant roles in forming and maintaining the stable layer

    Numerical modeling studies of wake vortex transport and evolution within the planetary boundary layer

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    The proposed research involves four tasks. The first of these is to simulate accurately the turbulent processes in the atmospheric boundary layer. TASS was originally developed to study meso-gamma scale phenomena, such as tornadic storms, microbursts and windshear effects in terminal areas. Simulation of wake vortex evolution, however, will rely on appropriate representation of the physical processes in the surface layer and mixed layer. This involves two parts. First, a specified heat flux boundary condition must be implemented at the surface. Using this boundary condition, simulation results will be compared to experimental data and to other model results for validation. At this point, any necessary changes to the model will be implemented. Next, a surface energy budget parameterization will be added to the model. This will enable calculation of the surface fluxes by accounting for the radiative heat transfer to and from the ground and heat loss to the soil rather than simple specification of the fluxes. The second task involves running TASS with prescribed wake vortices in the initial condition. The vortex models will be supplied by NASA Langley Research Center. Sensitivity tests will be performed on different meteorological environments in the atmospheric boundary layer, which include stable, neutral, and unstable stratifications, calm and severe wind conditions, and dry and wet conditions. Vortex strength may be varied as well. Relevant non-dimensional parameters will include the following: Richardson number or Froude number, Bowen ratio, and height to length scale ratios. The model output will be analyzed and visualized to better understand the transport, decay, and growth rates of the wake vortices. The third task involves running simulations using observed data. MIT Lincoln Labs is currently planning field experiments at the Memphis airport to measure both meteorological conditions and wake vortex characteristics. Once this data becomes available, it can be used to validate the model for vortex behavior under different atmospheric conditions. The fourth task will be to simulate the wake in a more realistic environment covering a wider area. This will involve grid nesting, since high resolution will be required in the wake region but a larger total domain will be used. During the first allocation year, most of the first task will be accomplished