7,182 research outputs found
Quantum Bit Commitment with a Composite Evidence
Entanglement-based attacks, which are subtle and powerful, are usually
believed to render quantum bit commitment insecure. We point out that the no-go
argument leading to this view implicitly assumes the evidence-of-commitment to
be a monolithic quantum system. We argue that more general evidence structures,
allowing for a composite, hybrid (classical-quantum) evidence, conduce to
improved security. In particular, we present and prove the security of the
following protocol: Bob sends Alice an anonymous state. She inscribes her
commitment by measuring part of it in the + (for ) or (for
) basis. She then communicates to him the (classical) measurement outcome
and the part-measured anonymous state interpolated into other, randomly
prepared qubits as her evidence-of-commitment.Comment: 6 pages, minor changes, journal reference adde
PPM demodulation for Reed-Solomon decoding for the optical space channel
The use of Reed-Solomon (RS) block codes over the pulse position modulated (PPM) frames to obtain the largest degree of error correction is considered. Since RS codes can correct both symbol errors and symbol erasures, a question arises as to the best way to demodulate the PPM laser fields in order to generate the input symbols for the RS decoder. The method selected for demodulating (converting the received laser field to digital symbols) defines the erasure and transmitted symbols of the laser link, and therefore determines the work error probabilities of the system. Several demodulating schemes are considered, and the effect of each on RS decoding performance computed. This computation was carried out for various optical receiver models. It is shown that simple threshold decisioning of pulse slots produces performance that degrades as the background noise increases. This is caused by the generation of too many erasures for the RS decoder to handle. A decision scheme, delta-max demodulation which offers improvement over threshold decisioning by redefining the generation of an erasure is proposed
The use of interleaving for reducing radio loss in convolutionally coded systems
The use of interleaving after convolutional coding and deinterleaving before Viterbi decoding is proposed. This effectively reduces radio loss at low-loop Signal to Noise Ratios (SNRs) by several decibels and at high-loop SNRs by a few tenths of a decibel. Performance of the coded system can further be enhanced if the modulation index is optimized for this system. This will correspond to a reduction of bit SNR at a certain bit error rate for the overall system. The introduction of interleaving/deinterleaving into communication systems designed for future deep space missions does not substantially complicate their hardware design or increase their system cost
Classical capacity of the lossy bosonic channel: the exact solution
The classical capacity of the lossy bosonic channel is calculated exactly. It
is shown that its Holevo information is not superadditive, and that a
coherent-state encoding achieves capacity. The capacity of far-field,
free-space optical communications is given as an example.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (revised version
Self-Similar Blowup Solutions to the 2-Component Camassa-Holm Equations
In this article, we study the self-similar solutions of the 2-component
Camassa-Holm equations% \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{array} [c]{c}%
\rho_{t}+u\rho_{x}+\rho u_{x}=0
m_{t}+2u_{x}m+um_{x}+\sigma\rho\rho_{x}=0 \end{array} \right. \end{equation}
with \begin{equation} m=u-\alpha^{2}u_{xx}. \end{equation} By the separation
method, we can obtain a class of blowup or global solutions for or
. In particular, for the integrable system with , we have the
global solutions:% \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{array} [c]{c}%
\rho(t,x)=\left\{ \begin{array} [c]{c}% \frac{f\left( \eta\right)
}{a(3t)^{1/3}},\text{ for }\eta^{2}<\frac {\alpha^{2}}{\xi}
0,\text{ for }\eta^{2}\geq\frac{\alpha^{2}}{\xi}% \end{array} \right.
\overset{\cdot\cdot}{a}(s)-\frac{\xi}{3a(s)^{1/3}}=0,\text{ }a(0)=a_{0}%
>0,\text{ }\overset{\cdot}{a}(0)=a_{1}
f(\eta)=\xi\sqrt{-\frac{1}{\xi}\eta^{2}+\left( \frac{\alpha}{\xi}\right)
^{2}}% \end{array} \right. \end{equation}
where with and are
arbitrary constants.\newline Our analytical solutions could provide concrete
examples for testing the validation and stabilities of numerical methods for
the systems.Comment: 5 more figures can be found in the corresponding journal paper (J.
Math. Phys. 51, 093524 (2010) ). Key Words: 2-Component Camassa-Holm
Equations, Shallow Water System, Analytical Solutions, Blowup, Global,
Self-Similar, Separation Method, Construction of Solutions, Moving Boundar
Two-mode heterodyne phase detection
We present an experimental scheme that achieves ideal phase detection on a
two-mode field. The two modes and are the signal and image band modes
of an heterodyne detector, with the field approaching an eigenstate of the
photocurrent . The field is obtained by means of a
high-gain phase-insensitive amplifier followed by a high-transmissivity
beam-splitter with a strong local oscillator at the frequency of one of the two
modes.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figur
Phase measurements with weak reference pulses
Quantum state discrimination for two coherent states with opposite phases as
measured relative to a reference pulse is analyzed as functions of the
intensities of both the signal states and of the reference pulse. This problem
is relevant for Quantum Key Distribution with phase encoding. We consider both
the optimum measurements and simple measurements that require only
beamsplitters and photodetectors.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. I apologize for this boring pape
Minimum output entropy of bosonic channels: a conjecture
The von Neumann entropy at the output of a bosonic channel with thermal noise
is analyzed. Coherent-state inputs are conjectured to minimize this output
entropy. Physical and mathematical evidence in support of the conjecture is
provided. A stronger conjecture--that output states resulting from
coherent-state inputs majorize the output states from other inputs--is also
discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure
Measuring the quantum statistics of an atom laser beam
We propose and analyse a scheme for measuring the quadrature statistics of an
atom laser beam using extant optical homodyning and Raman atom laser
techniques. Reversal of the normal Raman atom laser outcoupling scheme is used
to map the quantum statistics of an incoupled beam to an optical probe beam. A
multimode model of the spatial propagation dynamics shows that the Raman
incoupler gives a clear signal of de Broglie wave quadrature squeezing for both
pulsed and continuous inputs. Finally, we show that experimental realisations
of the scheme may be tested with existing methods via measurements of Glauber's
intensity correlation function.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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