236 research outputs found

    Delivery of MicroRNA-10b with Polylysine Nanoparticles for Inhibition of Breast Cancer Cell Wound Healing

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    Recent studies revealed that micro RNA-10b (mir-10b) is highly expressed in metastatic breast cancer cells and positively regulates breast cancer cell migration and invasion through inhibition of HOXD10 target synthesis. In this study we designed anti-mir-10b molecules and combined them with poly L-lysine (PLL) to test the delivery effectiveness. An RNA molecule sequence exactly matching the mature mir-10b minor antisense showed strong inhibition when mixed with PLL in a wound-healing assay with human breast cell line MDA-MB-231. The resulting PLL-RNA nanoparticles delivered the anti-microRNA molecules into cytoplasm of breast cancer cells in a concentration-dependent manner that displayed sustainable effectiveness

    Magnetic Separation of Impurities from Hydrometallurgy Solutions and Waste Water Using Magnetic Iron Ore Seeding

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    The removal of iron ion from leaching solution is critical for the recovery of value metals, with the method of choice commonly being crystallization (precipitation). This paper summarized the new improvements in iron removal by precipitation methods in recent years and proposed a novel process, magnetic seeding and separation. The new process can promote iron precipitate aggregation and growth on the surface of the magnetic iron ore seeds. A core-shell structure was formed of iron precipitate and magnetic iron ore seeds, which can be magnetized and coalesced in magnetic field, accelerating the solid-liquid separation. The efficient magnetic flocculation and separation offset the poor settleability and filterability of the residues, contributing to the development of the hydrometallurgy process. Moreover, magnetic seeding and separation was also used for the removal of organic and inorganic contaminants from wastewater, significantly improving the purification efficiency. Therefore, iron ore not only played an important role in mining and steel manufacture, but also can be used to solve some problems in crossing fields

    Hybrid GRU-CNN Bilinear Parameters Initialization for Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

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    The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA), a pivotal paradigm in the realm of variational quantum algorithms (VQAs), offers promising computational advantages for tackling combinatorial optimization problems. Well-defined initial circuit parameters, responsible for preparing a parameterized quantum state encoding the solution, play a key role in optimizing QAOA. However, classical optimization techniques encounter challenges in discerning optimal parameters that align with the optimal solution. In this work, we propose a hybrid optimization approach that integrates Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), and a bilinear strategy as an innovative alternative to conventional optimizers for predicting optimal parameters of QAOA circuits. GRU serves to stochastically initialize favorable parameters for depth-1 circuits, while CNN predicts initial parameters for depth-2 circuits based on the optimized parameters of depth-1 circuits. To assess the efficacy of our approach, we conducted a comparative analysis with traditional initialization methods using QAOA on Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi graph instances, revealing superior optimal approximation ratios. We employ the bilinear strategy to initialize QAOA circuit parameters at greater depths, with reference parameters obtained from GRU-CNN optimization. This approach allows us to forecast parameters for a depth-12 QAOA circuit, yielding a remarkable approximation ratio of 0.998 across 10 qubits, which surpasses that of the random initialization strategy and the PPN2 method at a depth of 10. The proposed hybrid GRU-CNN bilinear optimization method significantly improves the effectiveness and accuracy of parameters initialization, offering a promising iterative framework for QAOA that elevates its performance

    TIR/BB-Loop Mimetic AS-1 Attenuates Cardiac Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury via a Caveolae and Caveolin-3-Dependent Mechanism

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    AS-1, the TIR/BB loop mimetic, plays a protective role in cardiac ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) but the molecular mechanism remains unclear. The muscle specific caveolin3 (Cav-3) and the caveolae have been found to be critical for cardioprotection. This study aimed to evaluate our hypothesis that caveolae and Cav-3 are essential for AS-1-induced cardioprotection against myocardial I/R injury. To address these issues, we analyzed the involvement of Cav-3 in AS-1 mediated cardioprotection both in vivo and in vitro. We demonstrate that AS-1 administration significantly decreased infarct size, improved cardiac function after myocardial I/R and modulated membrane caveolae and Cav-3 expression in the myocardium. For in vitro studies, AS-1 treatment prevented Cav-3 re-distribution induced by H/R injury. In contrast, disruption of caveolae by MCD treatment or Cav-3 knockdown abolished the protection against H/R-induced myocytes injury by AS-1. Our findings reveal that AS-1 attenuates myocardial I/R injury through caveolae and Cav-3 dependent mechanism

    Fumigant activity and transcriptomic analysis of two plant essential oils against the tea green leafhopper, Empoasca onukii Matsuda

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    Introduction: The tea green leafhopper, Empoasca (Matsumurasca) onukii Matsuda, R., 1952 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), is currently one of the most devastating pests in the Chinese tea industry. The long-term use of chemical pesticides has a negative impact on human health, impeding the healthy and sustainable development of the tea industry in this region. Therefore, there is a need for non-chemical insecticides to control E. onukii in tea plants. The essential oils from plants have been identified for their potential insecticidal ability; however, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the effect of plant essential oils on E. onukii and its gene expression.Methods: In order to address these knowledge gaps, the components of Pogostemon cablin and Cinnamomum camphora essential oils were analyzed in the present study using gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. The fumigation toxicity of two essential oils on E. onukii was tested using sealed conical flasks. In addition, We performed comparative transcriptome analyses of E. onukii treated with or without P. cablin essential oil.Results: The 36-h lethal concentration (LC50) values for E. onukii treated with P. cablin and C. camphora essential oils were 0.474 and 1.204 μL mL−1 respectively. Both essential oils exhibited the potential to control E. onukii, but the fumigation activity of P. cablin essential oil was more effective. A total of 2,309 differentially expressed genes were obtained by transcriptome sequencing of E. onukii treated with P. cablin essential oil.Conclusion: Many of differentially expressed genes were found to contain detoxifification genes, indicating that these families may have played an important role when E. onukii was exposed to essential oil stress. We also found differential expression of genes related to redox-related gene families, suggesting the upregulation of genes associated with possible development of drug and stress resistance. This work offers new insights for the prevention and management of E. onukii in the future

    Distributed Power Allocation for Sink-Centric Clusters in Multiple Sink Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Due to the battery resource constraints, saving energy is a critical issue in wireless sensor networks, particularly in large sensor networks. One possible solution is to deploy multiple sink nodes simultaneously. Another possible solution is to employ an adaptive clustering hierarchy routing scheme. In this paper, we propose a multiple sink cluster wireless sensor networks scheme which combines the two solutions, and propose an efficient transmission power control scheme for a sink-centric cluster routing protocol in multiple sink wireless sensor networks, denoted as MSCWSNs-PC. It is a distributed, scalable, self-organizing, adaptive system, and the sensor nodes do not require knowledge of the global network and their location. All sinks effectively work out a representative view of a monitored region, after which power control is employed to optimize network topology. The simulations demonstrate the advantages of our new protocol

    An Engineered Arginase FC Protein Inhibits Tumor Growth In Vitro

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    Arginine is a semiessential amino acid required for the growth of melanoma and hepatocellular carcinoma, and the enzymatic removal of arginine by pegylated arginine deiminase (ADI) or arginase is being tested clinically. Here, we report a genetically engineered arginase FC fusion protein exhibiting a prolonged half-life and enhanced efficacy. The use of this enzyme to treat different tumor lines both inhibited cell proliferation and impaired cellular migration in vitro and in vivo. Our data reinforce the hypothesis that nutritional depletion is a key strategy for cancer treatment