64 research outputs found

    Establishing a mycotoxin quantification platform to support FHB research and breeding programs

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    Non-Peer ReviewedFusarium head blight (FHB), caused by Fusarium spp., is a destructive disease of small grain cereals, such as wheat, barley, oat and canaryseed. Apart from grain yield losses and reduced baking and seed quality, a major concern with FHB is crop contamination with Fusarium-produced trichothecene mycotoxins, specifically deoxynivalenol (DON), also known as vomitoxin. These mycotoxins accumulate in the grain making it unfit for consumption by humans and animals. Significant DON contamination may render a crop unmarketable, or reduces the market value by 40-65%. Breeding productive cultivars with high disease resistance and low mycotoxin contamination is a priority for wheat breeders. However, measurement of DON content is not always included in breeding programs due to the lack of efficient quantification methods. Some methods are easy-to-use, but they lack the needed accuracy and sensitive, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA); while some chromatographic-based methods have relatively higher accuracy and sensitivity compared to ELISA, but require complex extraction and cleanup steps and longer running time, which are not cost-efficient and environmentally friendly. In this study, we established a tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) method, which employed a one-step acetonitrile extraction protocol and flow injection analysis (FIA)-MS/MS method (i.e. no analytical column) to reduce the complexity, cost and time. This method is designed for FHB breeding programs or DON quantification for other purposes that require a fast, high throughput DON phenotyping, but provides relatively high selectivity, accuracy and sensitivity compared to existing assays. This method has been fully validated according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Guidance for Bioanalytical Method Validation, including selectivity, linearity, accuracy, precision, recovery, matrix effects, stability and dilution integrity. With ease of use, high sensitivity and accuracy, this high throughput DON quantification method will increase breeding efficiency and accelerate the screening progress for FHB resistant germplasm

    LodgeNet: an automated framework for precise detection and classification of wheat lodging severity levels in precision farming

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    Wheat lodging is a serious problem affecting grain yield, plant health, and grain quality. Addressing the lodging issue in wheat is a desirable task in breeding programs. Precise detection of lodging levels during wheat screening can aid in selecting lines with resistance to lodging. Traditional approaches to phenotype lodging rely on manual data collection from field plots, which are slow and laborious, and can introduce errors and bias. This paper presents a framework called ‘LodgeNet,’ that facilitates wheat lodging detection. Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Deep Learning (DL), LodgeNet improves traditional methods of detecting lodging with more precision and efficiency. Using a dataset of 2000 multi-spectral images of wheat plots, we have developed a novel image registration technique that aligns the different bands of multi-spectral images. This approach allows the creation of comprehensive RGB images, enhancing the detection and classification of wheat lodging. We have employed advanced image enhancement techniques to improve image quality, highlighting the important features of wheat lodging detection. We combined three color enhancement transformations into two presets for image refinement. The first preset, ‘Haze & Gamma Adjustment,’ minimize atmospheric haze and adjusts the gamma, while the second, ‘Stretching Contrast Limits,’ extends the contrast of the RGB image by calculating and applying the upper and lower limits of each band. LodgeNet, which relies on the state-of-the-art YOLOv8 deep learning algorithm, could detect and classify wheat lodging severity levels ranging from no lodging (Class 1) to severe lodging (Class 9). The results show the mean Average Precision (mAP) of 0.952% @0.5 and 0.641% @0.50-0.95 in classifying wheat lodging severity levels. LodgeNet promises an efficient and automated high-throughput solution for real-time crop monitoring of wheat lodging severity levels in the field

    Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with leaf rust resistance in five spring wheat populations using single nucleotide polymorphism markers

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    Growing resistant wheat (Triticum aestivum L) varieties is an important strategy for the control of leaf rust, caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks. This study sought to identify the chromosomal location and effects of leaf rust resistance loci in five Canadian spring wheat cultivars. The parents and doubled haploid lines of crosses Carberry/AC Cadillac, Carberry/Vesper, Vesper/Lillian, Vesper/Stettler and Stettler/Red Fife were assessed for leaf rust severity and infection response in field nurseries in Canada near Swift Current, SK from 2013 to 2015, Morden, MB from 2015 to 2017 and Brandon, MB in 2016, and in New Zealand near Lincoln in 2014. The populations were genotyped with the 90K Infinium iSelect assay and quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis was performed. A high density consensus map generated based on 14 doubled haploid populations and integrating SNP and SSR markers was used to compare QTL identified in different populations. AC Cadillac contributed QTL on chromosomes 2A, 3B and 7B (2 loci), Carberry on 1A, 2B (2 loci), 2D, 4B (2 loci), 5A, 6A, 7A and 7D, Lillian on 4A and 7D, Stettler on 2D and 6B, Vesper on 1B, 1D, 2A, 6B and 7B (2 loci), and Red Fife on 7A and 7B. Lillian contributed to a novel locus QLr.spa-4A, and similarly Carberry at QLr.spa-5A. The discovery of novel leaf rust resistance QTL QLr.spa-4A and QLr.spa-5A, and several others in contemporary Canada Western Red Spring wheat varieties is a tremendous addition to our present knowledge of resistance gene deployment in breeding. Carberry demonstrated substantial stacking of genes which could be supplemented with the genes identified in other cultivars with the expectation of increasing efficacy of resistance to leaf rust and longevity with little risk of linkage drag

    Genetic mapping of leaf rust (Puccinia triticina Eriks) resistance genes in six Canadian spring wheat cultivars

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    The Canada Western Red Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars AAC Concord, AAC Prevail, CDC Hughes, Lillian, Glenlea, and elite line BW961 express a spectrum of resistance to leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks. This study aimed to identify and map the leaf rust resistance of the cultivars using three doubled haploid populations, AAC Prevail/BW961 (PB), CDC Hughes/AAC Concord (HC), and Lillian/Glenlea (LG). The populations were evaluated for seedling resistance in the greenhouse and adult plant disease response in the field at Morden, MB for 3 years and genotyped with the 90K wheat Infinium iSelect SNP array. Genetic maps were constructed to perform QTL analysis on the seedling and field leaf rust data. A total of three field leaf rust resistance QTL segregated in the PB population, five in the HC, and six in the LG population. In the PB population, BW961 contributed two QTL on chromosomes 2DS and 7DS, and AAC Prevail contributed a QTL on 4AL consistent across trials. Of the five QTL in HC, AAC Concord contributed two QTL on 4AL and 7AL consistent across trials and a QTL on 3DL.1 that provided seedling resistance only. CDC Hughes contributed two QTL on 1DS and 3DL.2. Lillian contributed four QTL significant in at least two of the three trials on 2BS, 4AL, 5AL, and 7AL, and Glenlea two QTL on 4BL and 7BL. The 1DS QTL from CDC Hughes, the 2DS from BW961, the 4AL from the AAC Prevail, AAC Concord, and Lillian, and the 7AL from AAC Concord and Lillian conferred seedling leaf rust resistance. The QTL on 4AL corresponded with Lr30 and was the same across cultivars AAC Prevail, AAC Concord, and Lillian, whereas the 7AL corresponding with LrCen was coincident between AAC Concord and Lillian. The 7DS and 2DS QTL in BW961 corresponded with Lr34 and Lr2a, respectively, and the 1DS QTL in CDC Hughes with Lr21. The QTL identified on 5AL could represent a novel gene. The results of this study will widen our knowledge of leaf rust resistance genes in Canadian wheat and their utilization in resistance breeding

    Multi-locus genome-wide association studies reveal the genetic architecture of Fusarium head blight resistance in durum wheat

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    Durum wheat is more susceptible to Fusarium head blight (FHB) than other types or classes of wheat. The disease is one of the most devastating in wheat; it reduces yield and end-use quality and contaminates the grain with fungal mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol (DON). A panel of 265 Canadian and European durum wheat cultivars, as well as breeding and experimental lines, were tested in artificially inoculated field environments (2019–2022, inclusive) and two greenhouse trials (2019 and 2020). The trials were assessed for FHB severity and incidence, visual rating index, Fusarium-damaged kernels, DON accumulation, anthesis or heading date, maturity date, and plant height. In addition, yellow pigment and protein content were analyzed for the 2020 field season. To capture loci underlying FHB resistance and related traits, GWAS was performed using single-locus and several multi-locus models, employing 13,504 SNPs. Thirty-one QTL significantly associated with one or more FHB-related traits were identified, of which nine were consistent across environments and associated with multiple FHB-related traits. Although many of the QTL were identified in regions previously reported to affect FHB, the QTL QFhb-3B.2, associated with FHB severity, incidence, and DON accumulation, appears to be novel. We developed KASP markers for six FHB-associated QTL that were consistently detected across multiple environments and validated them on the Global Durum Panel (GDP). Analysis of allelic diversity and the frequencies of these revealed that the lines in the GDP harbor between zero and six resistance alleles. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the genetic basis of FHB resistance and DON accumulation in durum wheat. Accessions with multiple favorable alleles were identified and will be useful genetic resources to improve FHB resistance in durum breeding programs through marker-assisted recurrent selection and gene stacking
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