10 research outputs found

    Impacts of Climate Change on Productivity and Efficiency Paddy Farms: Empirical Evidence on Tidal Swamp Land South Kalimantan Province – Indonesia

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    The purpose of this article is to evaluate the impact of climate change on productivity and technical efficiencypaddy farms in tidal swamp land. The analysis showed Impact on productivity have not good because negative.Technical efficiency analysis uses frontier production function. The analysis showed the farmers in tidal swampland have good efficiency, with an average of 78%. The local paddy varieties production in tidal swamp lands,positively and significantly, affected by land use, fertilizer; labor and climate. The number of seeds had nosignificant effect. Production factor that found significantly influence the farmers technical efficiency iseducation. Age and farm business experience had no real effect.Keywords: Tidal Swamp Land, Paddy Farms, Productivity, and Technical Efficienc


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    The purpose of this study was to estimate the production and profit function by farmers and to analyze the relative economic efficiency of rice farming in two typologies of wetland, tidal swampland and freshwater swampland. The analysis showed that the production facilities in the study area were very influential on the rice farming profit, so an increase in the high price of production facility would lead to a decrease in profit, which in turn would lower the level of farmers’ welfare. Under optimal conditions where maximum profit was reached, the effects of variable input prices and the input number remained significant except for the value of the equipment used. Based on the value of the coefficient function of fertilizer demand, pesticide and labor were inelastic towards the price while the seed input was elastic. Rice farming in the study area had decreasing returns to scale. It indicated that the increase in inputs was higher than the increase in returns

    Risk Analysis and Strategy of Rice Farmers in Swampland in the Face of Climate Change Impact (Case in South Kalimantan Province-Indonesia)

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    The impact of climate change does not only affect the production aspects but also on household income and other socioeconomic aspects. The research aims to determine the household economic behaviors of rice farmers in decisionmaking with relation to the production risks due to climate change and determine the farmer’s adaptation strategies in the face of climate change. The approach taken is the production risk analysis using the coefficient variance. The result shows that the farmers’ behavior to manage rice farming in the tidal area has neutral risk behavior. This means that if there is a risk or possibility of risk recurrence towards rice farming, thus the decision maker (farmer) still does not reduce or enlarge the scale of their business. Adaptation strategies adopted by farmers in swampland consists of short, medium and long term strategies. The improved adaptive capacity on farm level should be through planned adaptation whose development is conducted by the government to be synergistic and rely on autonomous adaptation that has been a tradition in the farmers community

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Tahu dengan Metode Green Engineering pada Pabrik Tahu Putri Deli, Deli Tua

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    Pabrik tahu Putri Deli saat ini merasa kesulitan di dalam mengolah limbah cair, limbah yang dihasilkan perusahaan hanya dibuang ke selokan di daerah kerja perusahaan yang berpotensi mencemarkan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan limbah tahu menjadi suatu produk yang bernilai jual yaitu menjadi pupuk organik cair (POC). Teknik pengolahan data dilakukan menggunakan metode Green Engineering. Dengan mengimplementasikan alternatif pengolahan limbah cair secara biologi, maka limbah cair pada pabrik berkurang, yaitu menjadi produk yang bernilai guna dan ekonomis. Penelitian ini menunjukan hasil pengolahan limbah cair tahu menjadi pupuk organik cair (POC) yang dapat dipergunakan untuk pertanian dan bernilai jual

    The Role of Agricultural Technology in Improving Productivity Maize: A Case from Indonesia

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    The role of the data is really important in estimating the state of the economy, the accuracy of capital is needed to perform the projection so that the resulting value has a small bias and can be used as the basis for a policy to deal with future problems. This paper attempts to estimate the economic behavior of maize Indonesia by building economic models simultaneously and compare the estimation results with the estimated made by the government. Based on the estimation of the model constructed shows that there are similarities with the estimates of the value of government, however, based on the result of estimation indicate that the value is more detailed than the estimation made by the government. This suggests that the accuracy in the preparation of the model produces best value in the analysis

    Remuneration Factors Production of The Cultivation Brown Rice (Oryza Nivara) in Teluk Lombung Village Babirik District Hulu Sungai Utara Regency

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    Geographically, Hulu Sungai Utara Regency is one of the regencies in South Kalimantan which is one of the regions producing brown rice with good results to develop. The land in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency is an average of swampland and rainfed, to plant brown rice only once a year. Brown rice is one type of rice that contains high nutrition. Based on the nutritional content, brown rice is very good for food-insecure areas, especially people who are malnourished. Farmers are less interested in planting brown rice although the selling price of red rice is higher than white rice and there is public awareness of the importance of the nutritional content of red rice for health so that the prospect of brown rice is very good to be cultivated. This research is raining to find out the costs, revenues, and profits of brown rice, to find out compensation for brown rice farming and to find out the problems faced in brown rice farming. The type of data used includes primary data and secondary data. The total sample of respondents was 11 farmers using the census method. The average land area used by brown rice farmers is 0.46 Ha. Based on the results of research on brown rice, it includes preparation of seedlings, land preparation, planting, maintenance, harvesting. The total costs incurred by farmers are Rp. 7,940,572, - per farm or Rp.17,303,649, - per ha. The total farmer income is IDR 14,784,000 per farm or IDR 32,139,130 ​​per ha. The total income of brown rice farmers is IDR 13,730,053 per farm or IDR 29,847,942 per ha. The benefits obtained by farmers are Rp.6,843,428, - per farm or Rp.14,835,481, - per ha. Repayment of farmers' capital is Rp.6,843,428, - per farm. Land compensation is Rp.6,843,428, - per farm. Retribution for labor in the family of brown rice farmers is IDR 6,799,348 per farm. The problem of brown rice farmers is that it is mostly an obstacle in regulating water, the difficulty of obtaining new land to cultivate brown rice, the difficulty of marketing the results of red rice to the community and the benefits of labor received by the red rice farmers smaller than the UMR of Hulu Sungai Regency North

    Risk Analysis and Strategy of Rice Farmers in Swamp land in the Face of Climate Change Impact (Case in South Kalimantan Province-Indonesia)

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    The impact of climate change does not only affect the production aspects but also on household income and other socioeconomic aspects. The research aims to determine the household economic behaviors of rice farmers in decision- making with relation to the production risks due to climate change and determine the farmer’s adaptation strategies in the face of climate change. The approach taken is the production risk analysis using the coefficient variance. The result shows that the farmers’ behavior to manage rice farming in the tidal area has neutral risk behavior. This means that if there is a risk or possibility of risk recurrence towards rice farming, thus the decision maker (farmer) still does not reduce or enlarge the scale of their business. Adaptation strategies adopted by farmers in swampland consists of short, medium and long term strategies. The improved adaptive capacity on farm level should be through planned adaptation whose development is conducted by the government to be synergistic and rely on autonomous adaptation that has been a tradition in the farmers community

    The Impact of Bio-Ethanol Conversion and Global Climate Change on Corn Economic Performanve of Indonesia

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    Many studies conclude that the rise in global food pricesdue to higher demand from the development of biofuels,climate anomalies, and increased of oil prices. Not onlythe food commodity index rose more than 60 percent, nonfoodcommodity price index also rose over 60 percent andcrude oil price index has increased even further above 60percent. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact ofbio-ethanol conversion and global climate change on corneconomic performance of Indonesia. The results showed thatthe food crisis caused by climate anomalies lead the worldcorn prices rose 50 percent, impact on Indonesia corn importsfell by 11.86 percent. And the other hand, the energy crisisthat caused the corn used as feedstock for ethanol that causedU.S. corn exports only 20 percent of their products have animpact on Indonesia on maize imports fell 32.4 percent

    The Impact of Bio-Ethanol Conversion and Global Climate Change on Corn Economic Performanve of Indonesia

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    Many studies conclude that the rise in global food prices due to higher demand from the development of biofuels, climate anomalies, and increased of oil prices. Not only the food commodity index rose more than 60 percent, nonfood commodity price index also rose over 60 percent and crude oil price index has increased even further above 60 percent. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of bio-ethanol conversion and global climate change on corn economic performance of Indonesia. The results showed that the food crisis caused by climate anomalies lead the world corn prices rose 50 percent, impact on Indonesia corn imports fell by 11.86 percent. And the other hand, the energy crisis that caused the corn used as feedstock for ethanol that caused U.S. corn exports only 20 percent of their products have an impact on Indonesia on maize imports fell 32.4 percent