10 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Augmented Reality sebagai Media Ajar Pengenalan Benda Sekitar pada Kelompok Bermain

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    Penelitian ini telah melakukan analisis penggunaan Augmented Reality (AR) untuk pembelajaran pada kelompok bermain dengan topik pengenalan benda secara 3D. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah waterfall diawali dengan observasi, rancang bangun aplikasi dan pengujian aplikasi. Observasi dilakukan pada 2 tempat yaitu pada kelompok bermain Ayah Bunda dan Pos PAUD di Kecamatan Colomadu. Aplikasi dikembangkan menggunakan openspace. Pengujian aplikasi dilakukan secara black box, sedangkan analisis pengujian aplikasi terhadap daya tarik pengunjung dilakukan melalui angket kuisioner dengan skala butir pertanyaan menggunakan skala Likert dalam 6 skala nilai. Responden yang mengisi angket kuisioner sejumlah 33 terdiri dari pengasuh dan wali murid. Tanggapan terhadap aplikasi diwujudkan dalam 5 aspek bernilai setuju-sangat setuju yaitu aspek ketertarikan terhadap aplikasi 93%, aspek kemudahan mendapatkan informasi 97%, aspek kemudahan navigasi 100%, aspek interaktifitas aplikasi 94%, dan aspek inovasi aplikasi 97%

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Donor Darah (SIMORA) di PMI Kota Surakarta

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    Masyarakat yang hendak melakukan donor darah seringkali mengalami kerepotan dalam pengisian form pendonor. Hal ini dikarenakan Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) atau Mobile Unit PMI belum mempunyai sistem registrasi pendonor yang dilakukan secara tersisteminasai dan terhubung pangkalan data pedonor yang dapat diakses dengan cepat. Perlunya menemukan cara utnuk memecahkan permasalahan yang ada dengan menyediakan sebuah program sistem informasi donor darah yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pendataan dan registrasi. Sistem Informasi Donor Darah berbasis Web merupakan sebuah cara untuk menampilkan halaman registrasi untuk pendonor sehingga diharapkan masyarakat dapat melakukan registrasi donor darah lebih cepat dan dikembangkan dengan metode waterfall. Dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, database MySQL dan framework CodeIgniter dalam pembangunan sistem informasi donor darah berbasis web. Hasil penelitian bahwa aplikasi dapat digunakan untuk mendata pendonor darah di kota Surakarta yang di kelola oleh Palang Merah Indonesia kota Surakarta. ================================

    Perancangan dan Pembuatan Sistem Kompetisi Sepak Bola Berbasis Web

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    Football is one of the most famous sport in the world. In Indonesia, this sport has become a favored game that people of all ages. However, from the various tournaments that have been held, there are some drawbacks one of which is the lack of statistical data regarding the schedule and complete pertadingan that can be known quickly by football fans, football observers, club officials and players themselves. Therefore, the need for a system to simplify the process of delivering all the information about the competition of football going to the actors of football.Implementation of the creation of a system of web-based football competition using PHP and MySQL that can provide information on the match statistics from the competition is complete and can be accessed quickly by the actors of football

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Perencanaan Agenda Pegawai Uns Berbasis Framework Yii2 Terintegrasi Dengan Api Uns

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    From the data in simpeg.uns.ac.id Term employees obtained the data civil servants and non-civil servants as much as 3169. Article Search Google PAID many as 1,435 civil servants Educator, Education Non PNS many as 153, as many as 963 education civil servants, and education as Non PNS 618. While period rooms at UNS per unit of less than 10 rooms.Implementation Planning System Application System employees singer agenda can be memeberikan Namely Solutions can be makes it MEMBER meeting to review the agenda of the Meeting Must know attended and received notification sms broadcast through web-based application framework WITH Yii2 And sms broadcast WITH using API UNS

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi E-Klinik Berbasis Web Menggunakan Framework PHP : Yii2

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    Tujuan utama dari teknologi adalah membantu untuk mempermudah pekerjaan dan menyelesaikan permasalahan manusia. Dalam bidang kesehatan, klinik merupakan organisasi yang mengelola data dokter dan pasien, pendaftaran untuk pemeriksaan pasien, rekam medis, pengambilan nomor antrian dan kegiatan lainnya. Studi kasus dalam penelitian ini adalah klinik yang melakukan semua kegiatan tersebutdengan secara manual yaitu sebagai contoh pendaftaran pasien masih menggunakan cara manual. Kemudian untuk pendaftaran pemeriksaan juga harus datang terlebih dahulu dan antri untuk mendapatkan nomor urut pemeriksaan. Nomor urut antrian masih menggunakan cara manual yaitu dengan memanggil secara manual oleh petugas. Medical record juga masih menggunakan cara manual yaitu dengan menulis pada kertas atau buku rekam medis sehingga tidak efektif dan efisien. Solusi adalah aplikasi E-Klinik, dengan tujuan utama untuk memudahkan dalam memanajemen sebuah klinik. Pembuatan aplikasi ini menggunakan metode waterfall. Langkah-langkah dari metode ini yaitu pengumpulan data, membuat analisa kebutuhan sistem, desain database, testing, dan implementasi. Penelitian ini menghasikan rancang bangun aplikasi E-Klinik meliputi sistem antrian, manajemen data pasien dan dokter dan juga data rekam medis.________________________________________________________________AbstarctThe rapid development of technology has targeted all areas of human life. This is because technology is very important and helps to facilitate human work. One of them is in the health sector, especially in the management of a clinic. Such as registration activities for patient examinations, medical records, retrieval of queue numbers and other activities. For most clinics these activities are still done manually, for example the registration of patients still using manual methods. Then for the registration of the examination must also come in advance and queue to get the inspection serial number. There are still many sequential numbers using the manual method, namely by manually calling by the officer. Furthermore, in the medical record also still using manual methods, namely by writing on paper or medical record books so that it is not effective and efficient. Seeing this, the solution that can be given is by making an E-Clinic application that will facilitate the management of a clinic.Making this application uses the waterfall method. The steps of this method are data collection, system requirements analysis, database design, testing, and implementation. This study successfully designed the E-Clinic application including queuing system, patient and doctor data management and also medical record data

    Perancangan dan Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Pigura Online

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    During this sales system still relies on media interaction with consumers directly and is still centered on the location tertentu.Selain that consumers often kesulit to access a variety of information about the product, the latest price information, media promotion is limited and operating costs are increasing. With the creation of Information Systems Web-based Booking online Pigura is able to overcome it. Making its application using CodeIgniter Framework models 3. The system was developed using a number of other applications that notepad ++, Dreamweaver, PHP and CSS, javascript. Then using tokopigura.biptek.id to run PhpMyAdminnya as a database server and web browser. Furthermore, designing the architecture of the website. Booking information system is a web-based online picture frame as a means to expand and facilitate service so that it can more effectively and effesien to customers who shop via the web store frames. Within the frame stores are some convenience especially in this website is engaged in penjualann frames ranging from simple models to complex models, this application allows shoppers look for frames that wanted it through the system frame ordering information online. Iniformasi online booking system frame is significantly more desirable because its business processes more dynamic and interactive as well as having a clear differentiation pattern for all societies

    Perancangan dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Sistem Gudang Senjata (Sgs) di Batalyon Xyz

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    The armory is an important place in a battalion. The function of armoury is weapon place when the weapon is not used by members. Members acquire weapons of the lending process in the armory by armory staff. The process of borrowing in an armory still use manual recording so it takes time. So the armory need a system to speed up the transaction process of borrowing and the returning weapons to the armory.The implementation of application is using codeigniter framework, PHP, Javascript and barcode. Results of the application armory system that can handle the transaction process of borrowing and returning weapons using barcode. The application also able weapons data management as well as members involved in it

    Perancangan dan Pembuatan Aplikasi D3 Teknik Informatika Uns Berbasis Web dan Android

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    Field of information technology is one of the major role holder still lives today. With the technology more easily obtain the information society.System and Application D3TIUNS created using waterfall method, D3TIUNS web based applications created using programming language PHP with CodeIgniter Framework. And Android-based applications D3TI created using the Java programming language with Android Studio tool with the programming language php, java and using CodeIgniter Framework.The design used in the making of this application include: table of functional requirements, use case diagram, ERD, activity diagrams, Sequence diagrams and interface design. For application testing using methods blackbox. The results of this thesis is the creation of information system D3 Informatics Engineering UNS web-based and application-based android D3T

    Perancangan dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Carikost dengan Metoda Simple Additive Weighting Berbasis Web dan Android

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    Boarding house is a residence for rent for certain immigrants who settled diarea within a certain period . There have been many technologies that offer information about the boarding house but is still considered to be less efficient due to search for boarding in accordance with the desired criteria , boarding seekers still have to compare one by one facility as well as the criteria that owned the boarding house . Use of Simple Additive weighting method ( SAW ) on a decision support system is one of the solutions to deal with such matters , where the boarding seekers will find it helpful because it can give recommendations boarding places corresponding to the desired criteria .Research methodology to design and create this application is to use research methods waterfall that is by collecting data, analyzing system (define functional requirements and non functional), do the design (ERD, use case diagrams, use case text, sequence diagrams, and class diagram), and implementation (coding and testing). Marketplace information system is created using the programming language PHP CodeIgniter-based framework 2 and the MySQL database.Applications are focused in finding a boarding recommendation in accordance with the criteria corresponding to the booking to boarding room can be done with this application . With the app is expected to help seekers boarding house to get the best boarding recommendation and can assist in the boarding room reservations and provide benefits to the owner of the boarding house to be able to market his boarding house