6 research outputs found

    The pragmatics and Semiotics Analysis of Vinyl Record Cover Art They Fell From The Sky's Album DECADE

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    In this study, the researchers focus on the meaning of the DECADE album cover from They Fell From The Sky music band. This was chosen because the artwork used is quite attractive and has This study uses qualitative research with a descriptive method. The analysis was carried out using the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes and the pragmatics theory of John Searle. This study aimed to determine the meaning contained in the cover design of the DECADE album. This research shows that between context signs and visible signs, there is a relationship where the two synergize in the title. The band, namely "They Fell From The Sky," by using a skull image that uses an astronaut costume in an iconic, denotative, and connotative symbolizing "death," a form of death because "falling from the sky" so the message to be conveyed is to publish the Decade album which for ten years or "a decade" like struggling until astronauts in outer space experience death as if falling from the sky. The Astronaut's skull artwork entitled in Indonesian "Binasa" ("Perish" in English) which is the basis of the DECADE album cover design, also strengthens this interpretation. Keywords: Album cover, Semiotics, Pragmatics

    Dampak Penggunaan Video Tutorial terhadap Kemampuan Akhir Siswa Jurusan Animasi SMK Komputama Majenang

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    Tujuan Pengkajian ini sebagai bahan evaluasi dengan mengetahui dampak pembelajaran dengan penggunaan video tutorial (audio visual) terhadap kemampuan akhir dari proses pembelajaran animasi di teaching factory pada jurusan Animasi SMK Komputama Majenang. Metode yang di gunakan adalah kuantitif dengan skala likert, Populasi yang di gunakan adalah siswa jurusan SMK Komputama Majenang angkatan 2020 dan 2021 yang berjumlah 4 kelas dengan komposisi dua kelas A 10 dan A 11 dan 2 kelas B kelas B 10 dan B11, yang ada di SMK Komputama. Rentang usia siswa berkisar 15 sampai 16 tahun yang berjumlah 127 siswa. Sample dari lokasi menggunakan metode cluster sampling. Jawaban responden didapatkan dari google form yang disebar selama 2 pekan, dimana mengandung 18 butir kuesioner. output hipotesis, merupakan hasil dari perhitungan likert scale Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran materi animasi pada video tutorial, terhadap siswa di Jurusan animasi SMK Komputama dilakukan observasi selama pembelajaran jarak jauh di lakukan. Hasil yang didapat adalah, bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan video tutorial memberi dampak peningkatan hard skill kepada siswa di 4 kelas, persentase yang didapat adalah: 4839 : 4572 = 1,0 = 100%.yang berarti “sangat kuat” dalam memberikan dampak, sehingga efek kemampuan akhir siswa dapat terpenuhi, Kesimpulannya adalah rentang skala 81% - 100% = Sangat kuat yang berada pada kisaran 100% secara intrepretasi hasil dari pembahasan memiliki dampak yang cukup mempengaruhi outcome pembelajaran siswa selama pembelajaran jarak jauh.The purpose of this study is to evaluate material by knowing the impact of learning with the use of video tutorials (audio visual) on the final ability of the animation learning process in the teaching factory in the Animation Department of SMK Komputama Majenang. The method used is quantitative with a Likert scale. The population used is students majoring in SMK Komputama Majenang class of 2020 and 2021, which totals four classes with a composition of two classes, A 10 and A 11, and 2 classes B classes B 10 and B11, which are at SMK Komputama. The age range of students ranges from 15 to 16 years, totaling 127 students. Sample from location using a cluster sampling method. Respondents' answers were obtained from a Google form that was distributed for two weeks, which contained 18 questionnaire items. Hypothesis output is the result of Likert scale calculations. To find out the effect of learning animation material on video tutorials on students in the animation department of SMK Komputama, observations were made during distance learning were carried out. The results obtained are that learning by using video tutorials has an impact on increasing the hard skills of students in 4 classes; the percentage obtained is 4839: 4572 = 1.0 = 100%. Which means "very strong" in providing impact so that the effect of students' final abilities can be fulfilled; the conclusion is that the scale range of 81% - 100% = very strong, which is in the range of 100% in the interpretation of the results of the discussion has a sufficient impact on student learning outcomes during distance learning

    Cultural and Communication Approaches in the Design of Visual Communication Design Works

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    This paper discusses culture and communication, which are essential in designing visual communication design works (visual communication design). A student and professional designer with a good understanding of culture and communication can create appropriate and effective designs for the target audience. Designers need to study the target audience's values, norms, Language, and beliefs. This is conducted to ensure the designs are acceptable to the target audience in achieving the desired goals. Designers must also consider visual elements such as colors, typography, symbols, and images appropriate to the target audience's culture. The designer must have a right and measurable design concept to accommodate cultural values and norms that are adapted to the placement conditions and the target market of the users of the visual communication design product. In the test and evaluation stage, the designer must test the design on an audience that fits the consumer culture. After that, the designer needs to evaluate the audience's response to the visual communication design product that is produced, including the effectiveness and readability of the message conveyed through the design communication. In conclusion, understanding culture and communication is crucial in designing visual communication designs. Designers who consider these factors can create appropriate and effective designs and solve design problems

    Desain Kemasan Produk UMKM Makanan Ringan sebagai Peningkatan Daya Beli Konsumen Keripik Singkong

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    Produk makanan ringan keripik singkong merupakan salah satu produk yang sedang berkembang di pasar. Salah satunya di Desa Puntukrejo, kabupaten Karanganyar. Produsen keripik singkong di desa tersebut baru berjumlah satu orang yaitu usaha keripik singkong yang dimiliki oleh Bapak Ibnu Kurniawan dan belum memiliki nama UMKM. Kendala yang dihadapi oleh mitra yaitu pada proses pengemasan, produk masih dikemas dengan cara tradisional yaitu dengan menggunakan plastik dan lilin untuk merapatkan sisi kemasan. Oleh sebab itu, produk yang dihasilkan rawan dengan resiko ketengikan dan tidak dapat disimpan dalam waktu yang lama (daya umur simpan rendah) yang berakibat pada penurunan kualitas produk. Selain itu, desain kemasan juga masih berbentuk sederhana dan kurang menarik. Padahal desain kemasan merupakan salah satu faktor penentu konsumen dalam membeli produk. Selain itu, adanya pandemi covid 19 menyebabkan omzet penjulan semakin menurun. Keterbatasan sumber daya manusia, juga menjadikan pembukuan/laporan keuangan mitra belum tercatat dengan baik serta pemasaran yang dilakukan belum mengoptimalakan digital marketing, sehingga jangkauan pemasaran belum terlalu luas. Maka dari itu, tim pengabdi mempunyai gagasan untuk bekerjasama dengan mitra untuk membuatkan desain kemasan yang menarik sehingga dapat meningkatkan daya beli konsumen yang berdampak pada peningkatan nilai tambah produk dan profitabilitas usaha. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), yaitu sebuah metode pemberdayaan yang menekankan partisipasi aktif mitra dari perencanaan sampai dengan evaluasi program. Kegiatan utama dalam pengabdian ini dibagi dalam tiga tahap. Tahap pertama dengan menggunakan metode instruksional dan dialogyaitu melalui kegiatan sosialisasi optimasi desain kemasan menarik serta digital marketing. Tahap kedua dilakukan dengan pengemasan produk dengan desain kemasan baru. Tahap ketiga dilakukan pemasaran produk dengan mengoptimalkan digital marketing. Manfaat dari program ini adalah terwujudnya pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan pembuatan desain kemasan yang menarik dan digital marketing. Harapannya omzet penjualan mitra semakin meningkat. Luaran yang direncanakan dalam program ini adalah publikasi jurnal berISSN


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    Abstract  MSMEs’ Product Packaging Review on Solo’s Destination Branding. With its designation (Solo.red) as the City of Culture, Solo has a distinct image and its positioning on the Indonesian tourism map, which is very appealing if showcased on the packaging of its souvenir products.  MSMEs' processed food products are souvenirs that tourists find attractive when visiting a tourist destination. Packaging that promotes regional specialties commonly encourages tourists to purchase products. The product packaging can include storytelling about the areas visited, but this strategy is not used for all MSMEs' processed food products. The identification of design elements on the packaging and the literature study on how to package processed food according to government legality for processed food products of SMEs were performed in this study to investigate the implementation of the destination branding concept of Solo as a City of Culture on the packaging of souvenir products. It is expected that packaging labels developed with such a strategy empower MSMEs and support their products to become the spearheads in the tourism sector in Solo City.   Keywords: processed food products, packaging, MSMEs, destination branding   Abstrak Tinjauan Kemasan Produk UMKM pada Destination Branding Kota Solo. Dengan penetapan Kota Surakarta (Solo.red) sebagai Kota Budaya, Solo mempunyai citra khas dan positioning tersendiri dalam peta pariwisata Indonesia yang akan sangat menarik apabila ditampilkan dalam kemasan produk oleh-olehnya. Produk makanan olahan UMKM merupakan produk oleh-oleh yang cukup diminati wisatawan saat mengunjungi suatu destinasi wisata. Kemasan yang menampilkan kekhasan daerah seringkali mendorong pembelian produk oleh wisatawan. Kemasan produk bisa menampilkan storytelling atas daerah yang dikunjungi, tapi tidak semua produk makanan olahan UMKM dikemas dengan strategi demikian. Identifikasi atas elemen-elemen desain pada kemasan dan studi literatur tentang cara pengemasan makanan olahan sesuai legalitas pemerintah atas produk makanan olahan UMKM dalam penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat implementasi konsep destination branding Kota Solo sebagai Kota Budaya pada kemasan produk oleh-olehnya. Diharapkan, Label kemasan dengan strategi demikian akan membuat UMKM semakin berdaya dan produk mereka mampu menjadi ujung tombak dalam bidang pariwisata di Kota Solo. Kata kunci: produk makanan olahan, kemasan, UMKM, destination brandin

    Framework Pengembangan SDM Tendik di FSRD Universitas Sebelas Maret Berbasis Innovation Capability

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    This research is a conceptual framework design that serves as a guide in human resource development and HR development management for educational staff at the Faculty of Art and Design, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. The framework concept itself was obtained by a qualitative method combined with content analysis. The research was carried out from August to December 2022. The results obtained were a framework with performance as a boundary and the framework presented that starting from active management support in participation to intense communication built in groups will have a major influence on the transformation of workforce management education in the form of outcomes that have implications for three main levels, namely the group level, organizational level, and individual level where at each level there are four characteristics that must be met so that in the process stages, towards the final result in the form of innovation capability. Innovation capability has parameters that are described in six stages of HR management which will be three parts input, process and outcome