598 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Seni sebagai Pendidikan Life Skill di Sanggaralang-alang Surabaya

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    Di Surabaya terdapat Sanggar Alang-alang yang merupakan salah satu pendidikan nonformal yang didirikan untuk memberdayakan anak-anak jalanan dengan salah satu strategi pembelajarannya menggunakan pendekatan seni oleh Om Didit Hape. Pembelajaran seni pada Sanggar ini tidak hanya sebagai media untuk anak jalanan berkegiatan seni tetapi dengan pembelajaran seni tersebut diarahkan untuk memberikan pendidikan life skill pada anak jalanan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan bentuk deskriptif. Berdasar data penelitian yang didapat melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi yang diolah secara diskriptif dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut : 1) Latar belakang Sanggar Alang-alang menggunakan pembelajaran seni sebagai pendekatan pembelajaran pada anak jalanan untuk memasukan pemahaman akan pendidikan etika, estetika, serta norma dan agama, yang dikemas dalam frame kesenian, yang bertujuan untuk mengubah pola pikir dan prilaku anak jalanan yang lebih normatif dan berbudaya. 2) Konsep pembelajaran seni yang menekankan life skill, melalui pembelajaran seni kerajinan digunakan untuk memberi bekal hidup life skill anak jalanan berupa keterampilan membuat berbagai macam kerajinan yang setelah keluar dari sanggar yang diharapkan dapat menggunakan ilmu yang telah didapatkan tersebut untuk mencari pekerjaan dan tidak kembali ke jalanan. 3) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran meliputi perencanaan pembelajaran melalui diskusi pengajar atau relawan dengan pengurus sanggar. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran melalui demonstrasi, praktek langsung, dan bimbingan. Evaluasi pembelajaran tidak menggunakan penilaian tertulis, pengajar hanya mengamati proses pembuatan kerajinan yang dilakukan anak binaan. 4) Kendala yang dihadapi oleh pengurus sanggar Alang-alang dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran adalah jumlah anak jalanan yang mengikuti pembelajaran tidak menentu, adanya anak dibawah kelas PAUR yang mengikuti pembelajaran, kendala dari anak jalanan adalah sebagian susah dalam berkonsentrasi dalam proses pembelajaran dan waktu kedatangan mereka biasanya terlambat dari jadwal. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran, Life Skill, Pendidikan Seni. here is a studio in Surabaya named Alang-alang studio involved as non-formal education built for street kids‟ emancipation with one of the learning strategy using art approach by Om Didit Hape. The learning art in this studio was not only as media to do the cultural activities but also as learning activities about life skill education for the street kids. The design of this study is qualitative method under the structure of descriptive design. The data of the study were obtained from the result of observation, interview, and documentation study which described descriptively as follows : 1) The background of the study why Alang-alang studio used learning art for the street kids was learning art used as learning approach to the street kids for giving understanding about ethic, esthetic, norm, and religion which package in frame of art. The aim is for change the mind and attitude of street kids more normatively and cultural. 2) The concept of learning art which emphasized life skill of the street kids through learning about making handicraft art which used for giving life skill performance. It will be very important to use the knowledge for the street kids after getting out from Alang-alang studio to be continued through look for another job in order to avoid returning to the street. 3) The implementation of learning : The lesson plan through teacher or volunteer discussion with the officer of the studio. The implementation of learning through demonstration, direct practice, and guidance. The evaluation in learning handicraft art did not use numerical assessment, the teacher only observed the process of making the handicrafts 4) The problem faced by the officer of Alang-alang studio in the implementation of learning : The problem of learning handicraft art process was the amount of the street kids could be decreased or increased and there were pre-school students PAUR followed the learning process. The problems faced by the street kids were to have difficult concentration while learning process and usually they were late to arrive in the studio.Keywords: Learning, Life Skill, Art Education

    Combustion behaviour of some biodesulphurized coals assessed by TGA/DTA

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    Thermal analysis, i.e. TGA/DTA is used to study the changes in the combustion behaviour of microbially treated coals. In view of their high sulphur content and industrial significance three samples are under consideration, i.e. one lignite and two subbituminous from different region in Bulgaria. The differences in burning profiles can be related to structural changes resulted from biological treatments. The overall biological treatment generates these changes probably due to the oxidation process. Concerning organic sulphur biodesulphurization there is no change in any drastic mannerof the thermal characteristic parameters. In general, applied biotreatments provoke a complex influence on combustion coal behaviour. From one side a better ignition performance, a minor decrease in higher heating value and diminishing peak temperature of maximum weight loss rate for all biotreated samples are observed. From other side some decrease in the combustibility indicated by an increase in the combustion time and the end of combustion temperature are obvious. Also well determined decrease of self-heating temperature after biotreatments evolves high risk of spontaneous unmanageable coal combustion

    Kepemimpinan Camat Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Kerja Pegawai Pada Kantor Kecamatan Ketungau Hilir Kabupaten Sintang

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    This study started from the presence of issues of decreasing employee motivation for work through instructions ,which the Chief of the sub-district tried to remedy. He also attemted to create a pleasant atmosphere for work , as well as to establish good working communication (two-way) between the sub-district chief and his staff . The location of this study was in Ketungau Hilir sub-district office . The study was qualitative and used interviews as its major data collection effort, The respondents were divided into three groups: the principal respondents , the basic respondents ,and the key respondents. The results showed that the Ketungau Hilir sub-district chief in improving employees' work motivation is still inadequate, which can be seen from the results of the author's interviews or from the three factors mentioned earlier . First of all the instructions given to the staff was far from adequate . Second, the effort to create a pleasant atmosphere for work was also far from adequate And third, communication that exist between the sub-district chief with his staff was only one way, from the chief to his staff and not the other way around (top down). From the results of the three factors mentioned above it could be concluded that the leadership of the Ketungau Hilir sub-district still could not increase the motivation of its employees . There was actually an indication that the leadership at the Ketungau Hilir when viewed from the type of leadership theory could be categorized as authoritarian , which could influence the decline of motivation for employees. In this paper it was suggested to the Ketingau sub-district chief, that in order to increase the motivation of employees, instructions should be clear and work directives and orders should take into account the fit between tasks and ability of staff to complete a given task . Creating a pleasant work environment should also be through physical improvements (i.e through the provision of cleaning tools, filing cabinets, also meals and drinks ) Non-physical needs should also be given equal treatment to all the staff. There should often be evaluation meetings at least once a month in order to assess performance and listen to suggestions , complaints and problems faced by the staff. To establish good communication between the sub-district chief and his staff, the chief should be able to accept criticism and suggestions from his staff, and have frequent communication to give assignments or just listen to the opinions of the staff

    Disiplin Pegawai Negeri Sipil dalam Melayani Pembuatan Surat Keterangan Ganti Rugi pada Kantor Camat Tampan Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research based on of a problem from a phenomenon that happened at TampanDistrict Office, Pekanbaru. The phenomenon that happened there is employees, who lessdiscipline. This case is seen from some employees who do service in making indemnity letterat Tampan District.The purpose of this research is to find out how discipline the employee of civil servantemployees in making service of indemnity letter and what factors that affect the civil servantemployees at Tampan District Office, Pekanbaru. This research used discipline theory fromMalayu S.P Hasibuan and to find out the factors that affect the of employees discipline.The result of this research showed that, the discipline of civil servant in makingservice of indemnity letter at Tampan District Office Pekanbaru, have done, but there aresome aspect that is not as appropriate as wishing. The deviation of employees in service isthe priority attention, and the influencing factors like the lack of observation by the leader,uneffective attendance list and the influencing factors like the lack of applying disciplinepenalization for the employees of Tampan District Office, Pekanbaru.Keywords: Discipline, Employee Discipline and Servic

    Combustion behaviour of some biodesulphurized coals assessed by TGA/DTA

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    Thermal analysis, i.e. TGA/DTA is used to study the changes in the combustion behaviour of microbially treated coals. In view of their high sulphur content and industrial significance three samples are under consideration, i.e. one lignite and two subbituminous from different region in Bulgaria. The differences in burning profiles can be related to structural changes resulted from biological treatments. The overall biological treatment generates these changes probably due to the oxidation process. Concerning organic sulphur biodesulphurization there is no change in any drastic mannerof the thermal characteristic parameters. In general, applied biotreatments provoke a complex influence on combustion coal behaviour. From one side a better ignition performance, a minor decrease in higher heating value and diminishing peak temperature of maximum weight loss rate for all biotreated samples are observed. From other side some decrease in the combustibility indicated by an increase in the combustion time and the end of combustion temperature are obvious. Also well determined decrease of self-heating temperature after biotreatments evolves high risk of spontaneous unmanageable coal combustion

    Pengaruh Faktor Internal Bank Terhadap Jumlah Kredit Yang Disalurkan (Studi Empiris Pada Bank Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

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    Providing funds (lending) in the form of credit is an activity that dominates the banking businessin its function as an intermediary institution. Performance of the banking industry-improvedresults with increasing intermediation role and has improved bank profitability. This study aimedto examine the effect of bank internal factors (third party funds obtained from the public, capitaladequacy ratio, return on assets and non-performing loans) to outstanding loans. The samples inthis study were the banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2006 to 2009. The data willbe analyzed by multiple regression. The analysis technique used to test the research hypotheseswere the F test and t test with a significant level of 5%. The results of this study indicate that thethird-party funds have a positive effect on lending, capital adequacy ratio has a negative effecton lending, return on assets has a positive effect on on lending. Non-performing loans have anegative effect on lending. From the analysis it can be concluded that the third-party funds,adequecy capital ratio, return on assets and non-performing loans have an effect simultaneouslyto outstanding loans

    Trends in Competition and Profitability in the Banking Industry: A Basic Framework

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    This paper brings to the forefront the assumptions that we make when focusing on a particular type of explanation for bank profitability. We evaluate a broad field of research by introducing a general framework for a profit maximizing bank and demonstrate how different types of models can be fitted into this framework. Next, we present an overview of the current major trends in European banking and relate them to each model’s assumptions, thereby shedding light on the relevance, timeliness and shelf life of the different models. This way, we arrive at a set of recommendations for a future research agenda. We advocate a more prominent role for output prices, and suggest a modification of the intermediation approach. We also suggest ways to more clearly distinguish between market power and efficiency, and explain why we need time-dependent models. Finally, we propose the application of existing models to different size classes and sub-markets. Throughout we emphasize the benefits from applying several, complementary models to overcome the identification problems that we observe in individual models.


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    This study aims to find out about the economic development of the people through the business unit owned by the Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic Boarding School, Malang City. In addition, researchers also want to know the strategy for implementing business unit management during the COVID-19 pandemic. The literature review used refers to the concepts of modern entrepreneurship integrated with Islamic boarding schools. The method used to analyze the data is using the Cresswell model, because it will be easier to find and group research results related to the themes and sub-themes of business unit development. The results that can be concluded from this study are 2 philosophies (main reasons) for the establishment of a business unit at Pondok Pesantren Bahrul Maghfiroh Malang, namely as an education for students to be independent and as a tool to support the welfare of the pesantren (santri). Second, the choice of the type of business that already exists because of the opportunities and potential of the Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic boarding school in Malang which can be developed for the Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic boarding school in Malang. Third, maximizing digital marketing and direct marketing is a strategy to anticipate the weakening of the economy during the pandemic at the Bahrul Maghfrioh Islamic Boarding School, Malang. Finally, the result of the business unit at the Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic Boarding School is the realization of the vision and mission of the Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic Boarding School in Malang, which is to become a boarding school that has good facilities at a low cost
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