69 research outputs found

    Trait and ability emotional intelligence as predictors of alcohol consumption in adolescents

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    ABSTRACT. Background: Past studies have suggested that emotional intelligence (EI) is a new construct that may help to explain alcohol abuse. This study is one of the fi rst to examine the predictive capacity of both trait and ability EI, based on the Mayer and Salovey model, with regards to distinct variables of alcohol Consumption in an adolescent population. Method: A survey was conducted on 844 school children who completed a self-report and performance-based EI test, as well as a selection of items on alcohol consumption. Results: Regression analyses revealed that trait EI was the most predictive. Clarity and emotional Repair showed signifi cant negative correlations with alcohol consumption, as opposed to emotional Attention. Likewise, the abilities of Perceiving and Using emotions were found to be protective factors for consumption in schoolchildren. Conclusion: The results suggest that trait and ability EI are complementary dimensions that may help in the understanding and intervention of alcohol abuse in adolescents. The results are discussed in the EI research context, as well as their educational implications and future research lines.RESUMEN. Inteligencia Emocional rasgo y habilidad como predictores del consumo de alcohol en la adolescencia. Antecedentes: diversas investigaciones muestran que la inteligencia emocional (IE) es un nuevo constructo que puede ayudar a explicar el consumo abusivo de alcohol. El presente estudio es uno de los primeros en examinar la capacidad predictiva de la IE rasgo y de la IE habilidad, basada en el modelo de Mayer y Salovey, sobre diversas variables de consumo de alcohol en población adolescente. Método: se realizó una encuesta a 844 escolares que cumplimentaron un autoinforme y un test de rendimiento máximo de IE, así como una selección de ítems de consumo de alcohol. Resultados: los análisis de regresión revelaron que la IE rasgo fue la más predictiva. La Claridad y la Reparación emocional mostraron relaciones signifi cativas negativas con el consumo de alcohol, al contrario que la Atención emocional. Asimismo, la habilidad de Percepción y Facilitación emocional resultaron ser factores protectores del consumo en los escolares. Conclusión: los resultados sugieren que la IE rasgo y habilidad son medidas complementarias que pueden ayudar en la comprensión e intervención sobre el problema del abuso del alcohol en la adolescencia. Se discuten los resultados en el contexto de la investigación sobre la IE, así como su implicación educativa y futuras líneas de investigación

    The Protective Association of Trait and Ability Emotional Intelligence with Adolescent Tobacco Use

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    Abstract: The present study is one of the first to analyze the predictive capacity of both trait and ability Emotional Intelligence (EI) based on the Mayer and Salovey model, in relation to tobacco use in a sample of Spanish adolescents. In this study, 799 students between the ages of 12 and 16 participated. A self-report on trait EI, an EI peak performance test, and questions about habits relating to tobacco use were administered. This cross-sectional study developed a quantitative and correlation-type methodology. The main results of the regression analyses, once the sex and age of the participants were controlled, revealed negative associations between the factors of clarity and emotional repair of the trait EI with respect to the variables of tobacco use, and a positive association was found for them and emotional attention. By comparison, with respect to ability EI, emotional perception and understanding were inversely related to adolescent tobacco use. These results underscore the importance of EI skills as protective factors against early initiation and subsequent tobacco abuse

    Personal variables of protection against cannabis use in adolescence: the roles of emotional intelligence, coping styles, and assertiveness as associated factors

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    Abstract: (1) Background: Many public bodies have warned of the increased consumption of cannabis, particularly among adolescents. From the Positive Youth Development approach, the promotion of personal protective factors takes on special importance against some risks, such as the consumption of addictive substances. (2) Methods: This research is one of the first to study the role of trait and ability emotional intelligence in relation to cannabis use and with respect to other personal variables of protection, such as coping styles and assertiveness. For this purpose, a final sample of 799 schoolchildren was obtained. (3) Results: After controlling for age and gender, the results of the regression analyses revealed that emotional perception, emotional facilitation, emotional clarity, emotional repair, active coping style, and assertiveness were inversely and significantly associated with cannabis use behaviors. On the other hand, the emotional attention and avoidant coping style factors were positively and significantly associated with these behaviors. (4) Conclusions: These findings provide new evidence that could be useful in terms of guiding health-promoting clinical and educational interventions at an early age

    Learning through challenges and enigmas: educational escape room as a predictive experience of motivation in university students

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    (1) Background. One of the most innovative gamification techniques emerging in the current educational context is the escape room, whose implementation aims to promote student motivation and learning. A review of the literature shows that many of the previous works lack a solid theoretical basis when it comes to explaining the motivational effects associated with student participation in this experience. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between gamification and motivation and identify which dimensions of gamification experience—through an educational escape room—better predict students’ motivation, based on the framework of self-determination theory. (2) Methods. This research develops a quantitative and correlational methodology. A total of 135 first-year university students participated. (3) Results. The results of the regression models showed that creative thinking, activation, and dominance predicted intrinsic motivation toward knowledge, achievement, and stimulating experiences. Likewise, a higher level of negative affect was predictive of amotivation and external regulation motivation in students. (4) Conclusions. These findings provide new empirical evidence that could guide the design of educational experiences through escape rooms in the context of higher education

    Estudio descriptivo de una cohorte de pacientes diagnosticadas de cáncer de ovario y portadoras de variante patogénica en BRCA 1/2

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    Este trabajo trata sobre cómo la realización del estudio genético de BRCA1 y BRCA2 puede influir en el manejo clínico del cáncer de ovario. Se trata de una cohorte de pacientes con cáncer de ovario muy seleccionada por subtipo tumoral. Desde que a finales de los años 90 comenzaron a realizarse los estudios genéticos de BRCA1 y BRCA2, los criterios de selección de pacientes se han ido modificando a lo largo del tiempo. Un ejemplo importante es el cáncer de ovario seroso de alto grado ya que es suficiente éste diagnóstico para indicar la realización del test, independientemente de la edad de diagnóstico (el cáncer hereditario suele presentarse a edades más jóvenes) y de la presencia o no de antecedentes familiares. La realización del test en estas pacientes es de gran importancia ya la frecuencia de detección de variantes patogénicas es elevada y además influye en las decisiones terapeúticas. También aporta información pronóstica y permite ofrecer medidas de diagnóstico precoz y reducción de riesgo de segundos tumores. Es un trabajo original y sobre un tema actual que evalúa en una cohorte de pacientes con cáncer de ovario seroso de alto grado cómo la realización del test influye en su manejo clínico

    How does emotional intelligence contribute to the study of personal protective factors for alcohol consumption in adolescence?

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    Resumen: Diversos organismos alertan sobre el incremento del consumo de alcohol y de su uso extendido en los adolescentes. Algunas investigaciones dan cuenta de la relevancia que posee la inteligencia emocional (IE) como nuevo constructo que puede ayudar a explicar esta problemática. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la contribución de la IE rasgo y habilidad a la comprensión del consumo de alcohol respecto a otros factores protectores personales previamente estudiados como la autoestima, la autoeficacia y la asertividad. Esta investigación desarrolla una metodología de corte cuantitativo y de tipo correlacional en una muestra de 799 estudiantes. Los resultados revelan que los factores de percepción emocional, claridad emocional, reparación emocional, autoestima y asertividad se asociaron de manera significativa e inversamente con las conductas de consumo de alcohol, al contrario que el componente de atención emocional. Estos hallazgos proporcionan nueva evidencia empírica que podría orientar intervenciones preventivas a edades tempranas.Abstract: A lot of public bodies have warned against an increase in alcohol intake and its extended use among adolescents. Some studies have revealed the relevance of emotional intelligence (EI) as a novel construct that may be useful in explaining this problem. The objective of this study is to analyze the contribution of trait and ability EI to the understanding of alcohol consumption with respect to other personal protective factors such as self-esteem, selfefficacy, and assertiveness previously studied. A correlational and quantitative methodology was used on a sample of 799 students. The results suggest that the factors of emotional perception, emotional clarity, emotional repair, self-esteem, and assertiveness were significantly and inversely related to alcohol consumption behaviors, unlike the emotional attention component. These findings offer new empirical evidence that may assist in establishing preventive interventions targeting young people

    Trait and ability emotional intelligence as factors associated with cannabis use in adolescence

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    Resumen: Diversos organismos internacionales alertan sobre el incremento de consumo de cannabis y de su uso extendido entre los adolescentes. El presente estudio ha sido uno de los primeros con el objetivo de analizar el papel de la inteligencia emocional rasgo y habilidad, basada en el modelo de Mayer y Salovey, en relación al consumo de cannabis en adolescentes. En este estudio participaron 799 jóvenes españoles con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 16 años. Se administró un autoinforme de inteligencia emocional (IE) rasgo, un test de rendimiento máximo de IE y se preguntó sobre los hábitos relacionados con el consumo de cannabis. Este estudio de tipo transversal se llevó a cabo a través de una metodología de corte cuantitativo y de tipo correlacional. Los principales resultados obtenidos mediante los análisis de regresión una vez controlados el género, la edad y el contexto de centro, revelaron asociaciones negativas entre los factores de comprensión y reparación emocional de la IE rasgo y las variables de consumo de cannabis, al contrario que la atención emocional. Por otro lado, en relación con la IE habilidad, los factores de percepción y facilitación se asociaron de manera inversa al consumo de cannabis en los adolescentes. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que tanto la IE rasgo como la IE habilidad son constructos complementarios que ayudan a explicar el consumo de cannabis. Estos hallazgos proporcionan evidencias empíricas que podrían orientar intervenciones clínicas y educativas enfocadas a la prevención del consumo en esta etapa.Abstract: Many international organisms have warned of the increased consumption of cannabis and its extensive use by adolescents. This study is one of the first with the aim of analyzing the role of ability and trait emotional intelligence, based on the model of Mayer and Salovey, with regards to the consumption of cannabis by adolescents. The study participants were 799 Spanish nationals aged 12 to 16. They were administered a self-report on trait emotional intelligence (EI), a test of maximum EI performance and were asked about their habits relating to cannabis consumption. This cross-sectional study used a quantitative, correlational methodology. The main results obtained from the regression analysis once gender, age and context of residence were controlled for, revealed negative associations between the factors of understanding and emotional repair of trait EI and the cannabis consumption variables, in contrast to emotional attention. On the other hand, with regards to ability EI, the factors of perception and facilitation were inversely associated with cannabis consumption in adolescents. The results suggest that both trait and ability EI are complementary constructs that help to explain cannabis consumption during this life stage. These findings offer empirical evidence that may help guide clinical and educational interventions focused on prevention of consumption during this period

    The Scarface Score: Deciphering Response to DNA Damage Agents in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer—A GEICO Study

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    Genomic instability; Machine learningInestabilidad genómica; Aprendizaje automáticoInestabilitat genòmica; Aprenentatge automàticGenomic Instability (GI) is a transversal phenomenon shared by several tumor types that provide both prognostic and predictive information. In the context of high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC), response to DNA-damaging agents such as platinum-based and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors (PARPi) has been closely linked to deficiencies in the DNA repair machinery by homologous recombination repair (HRR) and GI. In this study, we have developed the Scarface score, an integrative algorithm based on genomic and transcriptomic data obtained from the NGS analysis of a prospective GEICO cohort of 190 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor samples from patients diagnosed with HGSOC with a median follow up of 31.03 months (5.87–159.27 months). In the first step, three single-source models, including the SNP-based model (accuracy = 0.8077), analyzing 8 SNPs distributed along the genome; the GI-based model (accuracy = 0.9038) interrogating 28 parameters of GI; and the HTG-based model (accuracy = 0.8077), evaluating the expression of 7 genes related with tumor biology; were proved to predict response. Then, an ensemble model called the Scarface score was found to predict response to DNA-damaging agents with an accuracy of 0.9615 and a kappa index of 0.9128 (p < 0.0001). The Scarface Score approaches the routine establishment of GI in the clinical setting, enabling its incorporation as a predictive and prognostic tool in the management of HGSOC.This research was partially funded by GVA Grants “Subvencions per a la realització de projectes d’i+d+i desenvolupats per grups d’investigació emergents (GV/2020/158)” and “Ayudas para la contratación de personal investigador en formación de carácter predoctoral” (ACIF/2016/008) and “Beca de investigación traslacional Andrés Poveda 2020” from GEICO group. This study was awarded the Prize “Antonio Llombart Rodriguez-FINCIVO 2020” from the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Valencian Community

    The Impact of the Eye in Dementia: The Eye and its Role in Diagnosis and Follow‐up

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    Over the last few decades, the importance of ophthalmic examination in neurodegenerative diseases of the CNS has reportedly increased. The retina is an extension of the CNS and thus should not be surprising to find abnormal results in both the test exploring visual processing and those examining the retina of patients with CNS degeneration. Current in vivo imaging techniques are allowing ophthalmologists to detect and quantify data consistent with the histopathological findings described in the retinas of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and may help to reveal unsuspected retinal and optic‐nerve repercussions of other CNS diseases. In this chapter, we perform an analysis of the physiological changes in ocular and cerebral ageing. We analyse the ocular manifestations in CNS disorders such as stroke, AD and Parkinson’s disease. In addition, the pathophysiology of both the eye and the visual pathway in AD are described. The value of the visual psychophysical tests in AD diagnosis is reviewed as well as the main findings of the optical coherence tomography as a contribution to the diagnosis and monitoring of the disease. Finally, we examine the association of two neurodegenerative diseases, AD and glaucoma, as mere coincidence or possible role in the progression of the neurodegeneration

    Macular Thickness as a Potential Biomarker of Mild Alzheimer's Disease

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    Although several postmortem findings in the retina of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) are available, new biomarkers for early diagnosis and follow-up of AD are still lacking. It has been postulated that the defects in the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) may be the earliest sign of AD, even before damage to the hippocampal region that affects memory. This fact may reflect retinal neuronal-ganglion cell death and axonal loss in the optic nerve in addition to aging