2,052 research outputs found

    Oscillations of the purity in the repeated-measurement-based generation of quantum states

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    Repeated observations of a quantum system interacting with another one can drive the latter toward a particular quantum state, irrespectively of its initial condition, because of an {\em effective non-unitary evolution}. If the target state is a pure one, the degree of purity of the system approaches unity, even when the initial condition of the system is a mixed state. In this paper we study the behavior of the purity from the initial value to the final one, that is unity. Depending on the parameters, after a finite number of measurements, the purity exhibits oscillations, that brings about a lower purity than that of the initial state, which is a point to be taken care of in concrete applications.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Injection and detection of spin in a semiconductor by tunneling via interface states

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    Injection and detection of spin accumulation in a semiconductor having localized states at the interface is evaluated. Spin transport from a ferromagnetic contact by sequential, two-step tunneling via interface states is treated not in itself, but in parallel with direct tunneling. The spin accumulation induced in the semiconductor channel is not suppressed, as previously argued, but genuinely enhanced by the additional spin current via interface states. Spin detection with a ferromagnetic contact yields a weighted average of the spin accumulation in the channel and in the localized states. In the regime where the spin accumulation in the localized states is much larger than that in the channel, the detected spin signal is insensitive to the spin accumulation in the localized states and the ferromagnet probes the spin accumulation in the semiconductor channel.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Theory onl

    Selective writing and read-out of a register of static qubits

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    We propose a setup comprising an arbitrarily large array of static qubits (SQs), which interact with a flying qubit (FQ). The SQs work as a quantum register, which can be written or read-out by means of the FQ through quantum state transfer (QST). The entire system, including the FQ's motional degrees of freedom, behaves quantum mechanically. We demonstrate a strategy allowing for selective QST between the FQ and a single SQ chosen from the register. This is achieved through a perfect mirror located beyond the SQs and suitable modulation of the inter-SQ distances.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Distillation of Entanglement between Distant Systems by Repeated Measurements on Entanglement Mediator

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    A recently proposed purification method, in which the Zeno-like measurements of a subsystem can bring about a distillation of another subsystem in interaction with the former, is utilized to yield entangled states between distant systems. It is shown that the measurements of a two-level system locally interacting with other two spatially separated not coupled subsystems, can distill entangled states from the latter irrespectively of the initial states of the two subsystems.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; the version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Extraction of an Entanglement by Repetition of the Resonant Transmission of an Ancilla Qubit

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    A scheme for the extraction of entanglement in two noninteracting qubits (spins) is proposed. The idea is to make use of resonant transmission of ancilla qubit through the two fixed qubits, controlled by the entanglement in the scatterers. Repetition of the resonant transmission extracts the singlet state in the target qubits from their arbitrary given state. Neither the preparation nor the post-selection of the ancilla spin is required, in contrast to the previously proposed schemes.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Thermal spin current and magnetothermopower by Seebeck spin tunneling

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    The recently observed Seebeck spin tunneling, the thermoelectric analog of spin-polarized tunneling, is described. The fundamental origin is the spin dependence of the Seebeck coefficient of a tunnel junction with at least one ferromagnetic electrode. Seebeck spin tunneling creates a thermal flow of spin-angular momentum across a tunnel barrier without a charge tunnel current. In ferromagnet/insulator/semiconductor tunnel junctions this can be used to induce a spin accumulation (\Delta \mu) in the semiconductor in response to a temperature difference (\Delta T) between the electrodes. A phenomenological framework is presented to describe the thermal spin transport in terms of parameters that can be obtained from experiment or theory. Key ingredients are a spin-polarized thermoelectric tunnel conductance and a tunnel spin polarization with non-zero energy derivative, resulting in different Seebeck tunnel coefficients for majority and minority spin electrons. We evaluate the thermal spin current, the induced spin accumulation and \Delta\mu/\Delta T, discuss limiting regimes, and compare thermal and electrical flow of spin across a tunnel barrier. A salient feature is that the thermally-induced spin accumulation is maximal for smaller tunnel resistance, in contrast to the electrically-induced spin accumulation that suffers from the impedance mismatch between a ferromagnetic metal and a semiconductor. The thermally-induced spin accumulation produces an additional thermovoltage proportional to \Delta\mu, which can significantly enhance the conventional charge thermopower. Owing to the Hanle effect, the thermopower can also be manipulated with a magnetic field, producing a Hanle magnetothermopower.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Entanglement Purification through Zeno-like Measurements

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    We present a novel method to purify quantum states, i.e. purification through Zeno-like measurements, and show an application to entanglement purification.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure; Contribution to the Proceedings of "Mysteries, Puzzles and Paradoxes in Quantum Mechanics", Gargnano, Italy, 2003 (to be published in J. Mod. Opt.

    Boson Fusion and Higgs production at the LHC in six fermion final states with one charged lepton pair

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    Boson boson scattering and Higgs production in boson boson fusion will be actively investigated at the LHC. We have performed a parton level study of all processes of the type q1q2→q3q4q5q6l+l−q_1 q_2 \to q_3 q_4 q_5 q_6 l^+l^- using for the first time a full fledged six fermion Monte Carlo event generator which employs exact matrix elements at \O(\alpha_{em}^6). We have examined Higgs production in vector boson fusion followed by the decay chain H→ZZ→l+l−jjH\to ZZ\to l^+l^-jj, including exactly all electroweak irreducible backgrounds. In the high mass region we have compared the case of a relatively light Higgs with the no-Higgs case. The integrated cross section for the latter case is more than twice that in the former for a minimum invariant mass of the ZVZV pair of about 800 \GeV. We find, in a preliminary anlysis at parton level that, summing up the muon and the electron channels, about 30 events are expected in the light Higgs case for L=100 fb−1fb^{-1}.Comment: Final version published in Phys.Rev.

    On the generation of multipartite entangled states in Josephson architectures

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    We propose and analyze a scheme for the generation of multipartite entangled states in a system of inductively coupled Josephson flux qubits. The qubits have fixed eigenfrequencies during the whole process in order to minimize decoherence effects and their inductive coupling can be turned on and off at will by tuning an external control flux. Within this framework, we will show that a W state in a system of three or more qubits can be generated by exploiting the sequential one by one coupling of the qubits with one of them playing the role of an entanglement mediator.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
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