71 research outputs found

    Analis Resiko Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja pada Petugas Kebersihan di Rumah Sakit

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    Work at hospital is likely risking get diseases transmission from patients. The risk is not potential to medical staff only, but also nonmedical staff such as cleaning staff. Along doing the work, risk that always faces by cleaning staff are biological factor and chemical such as bleaching. The purpose of the study was to analyze the risk of work health and safety of cleaning staff in Tugurejo hospital Semarang.  This study was descriptive analytic study, risk identification assessed with job safety analysis (JSA), data collection had been done with observational and interview. Result showed that the risk faces by cleaning staff was bacteria exposure, bacteria and virus and medical chemotherapy exposure that classified as high risk (36,6%). The risk of impaled needle and scratched sharp object, slipper, musculoskeletal problem, fall from stairs, and electric shock classified as moderate risk (45,1%). Allergic risk or irritation through chemical uses classified as low risk (18,3%). To prevent the risks, suggested to cleaning staff to use personal protection  equipment whenever and wherever in doing the job. While, need to evaluate on kind of personal protection equipment that used by cleaning staff especially conformity kind personal protection equipment with the occupation

    Analisis Faktor Risiko Kejadian Keracunan Pestisida Anorganik Pada Enzim Cholinesterase Dalam Darah Petani

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    Background and objectives: improved agricultural farmers using pesticides. The pesticide was toxic materials so it was harmful to health and the environment. The purpose of this research was to know the factors associated with the occurrence of inorganic pesticides poisoning against the enzyme cholinesterase in the blood on the farmers.Methodology: this research used analytic observational research-using the crossed sectional studied design. The sample in this research was the 45 respondents. A researched instrument in the form of a structured questionnaire, the taking of a blood sample to test cholinesterase, with the ethics commission with a number of 128/EC/FKM/2017. Results the statistical results could be concluded that there was no relationship between age (p 0. 18), educational leveled (p 0,546), age (p 0. 279), the number of pesticides (p 0. 58), how management (p 1. 000), the completeness of ppe (personal protective equipment) (p 1. 000) on the incidence of pesticides poisoning in inorganic horticultural farmers in the village of Batur, Getasan, Semarang regency. However, the relationship between dose (p 0. 006) and the incidence of pesticide poisoning in organic horticulture farmers in the village of Batur, Getasan, Semarang regency.Conclusions: the farmers should pay more attention to the completeness of the personal time off work, suggested the existence of health services for the management and construction of health workers and for other researchers expected the presence of further researched towards the factors associated with the incidence of pesticide poisoning with larger populations as well as the wider scopeKeywords: Cholinesterase, Horticulture Farmers, Pesticide Poisonin


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    Setiap tahun penggunaan pestisida mengalami peningkatan, namun diikuti juga dengan meningkatnya pencemaran lingkungan dan gangguan kesehatan pada petani dan konsumen. Perilaku yang tidak aman petani dalam menggunakan pestisida telah menjadikan budaya di petani Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggali serta menganalisis perilaku petani dalam menggunakan pestisida serta mengembangkan toolkit reduksi risiko pestisida berbasis analisis risiko dan HACCP sebagai upaya pencegahan pajanan pestisida. Metode penelitian adalah kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian menggunakan metode survei. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Curut Kecamatan Penawangan Kabupaten Grobogan Jawa Tengah. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 54 petani yang diambil berdasarkan kriteria inklusi. Pengolahan data menggunakan perhitungan analisis risiko untuk menentukan tingkat risiko (RQ) serta menggunakan Critical Control Point (CCP) untuk menyusun toolkit. Pajanan pestisida dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh petani melalui kulit,pernapasan dan pencernaan. Petani terpajan pestisida pada waktu membawa,menyimpan, memindahkan konsentrat, mencampur, menyemprot serta membersihkan alat semprot. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan RQ, 54 petani mendapatkan nilai lebih dari 1 yang berarti lebih dari batas aman yang diperkenankan. Perilaku petani yang tidak aman dalam menggunakan pestisida antara lain 50% petani menggunakan bahan aktif dalam sekali pencampuran 7-8 jenis. 61,1% petani tidak memperhatikan petunjuk pada label kemasan, tidak menggunakan alat pelindung diri. Analisis risiko memberikan gambaran pajanan pestisida dalam tubuh petani melalui identifikasi bahaya, dosis respons, penentuan pajanan serta penetapan karakteristik risiko. Toolkit reduksi risiko pestisida merupakan hasil pengembangan instrumen yang disusun berdasarkan analisis risiko dan penetapan titik kendali kritis. Diharapkan dengan tersusunnya toolkit ini dapat merubah perilaku petani dalam menggunakan pestisida sehingga mengurangi pajanan pestisida pada petani dan pencemaran lingkungan. Kata kunci: Petani, Pestisida, Kesehatan, Lingkungan, Analisis Risiko.   The use of pesticides has been increasing every year, yet it is followed by the increase of environmental pollution and health problems of farmers and consumers. The unsafe behaviours of the farmers in the use of pesticides have become part of everyday practices of farmers in Indonesia. The objectives of this study were to explore and analyse the behaviours of farmers in the use of pesticides, as well as to develop a pesticide risk reduction toolkit based on risk analysis and HACCP to prevent the exposure of pesticides. The research method of this study was quantitative in which survey method was used as the research design. This study was conducted in Curut Village District of Penawangan Grobogan, Central Java. By applying inclusion criteria, 54 farmers were included as the research sample.The data was analysed by using risk analysis calculation to determine the risk level (RQ) and by using Critical Control Point (CCP) in order to develop the toolkit. The pesticide exposures could detrimentally affect farmers through skin, respiratory and digestions systems. Farmers might be exposed to pesticides when they carried, stored, transferred the concentrate, mixed, sprayed and cleaned the spray equipments after they were used. Based on the calculation of RQ, 54 farmers received more than 1 point, which meant that the risk limit was more than the safe limit allowed. The unsafe behaviours in using the pesticides included 50% of the farmers used a mixture of 7-8 types of active ingredients at once, 61.1% of the farmers did not pay attention to the instructions on the label and did not use personal protective equipments as well. The risk analysis has provided the description of the pesticide exposures in the body of the farmers by means of hazard identification, dose response, exposure determination and identifying risk characteristics. The toolkit pesticide risk reduction was the result of the development of an instrument which was based on the risk analysis and the determination of the critical control point. It was expected that by using this toolkit farmers would alter their behaviours in using pesticides so that the pesticide exposure for the farmers and the enviromental pollution could be reduced. Keywords: Farmers, Pesticide, Health, Environmental, Risk Analysi


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    The aim of this research was to determine the effect of coffee on creatinine and plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) level in rats fed on high purine diet. A total of 24 male Wistar rats divided into 4 groups of 6 rats each. Beef broth were given to 3 groups (K1, P1, P2) for thirty days. Beef broth administration were followed by giving coffee (caffeinated= P1 or by a decaffeinated= P2, 144 mg/200 g BW). Serum creatinine levels and plasma MDA were examined periodically on day 0, 15, and 30. Data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance or MANOVA test (CI= 95%, P0.05). Coffee administration (caffeinated and decaffeinated) may decrease the serum creatinine (day-30, K1= 3.17+ 0.69; P1= 1.63+0.11; P2= 1.14+0.08) and MDA levels (day-30, K1= 9.8+0.28; P1= 5.80+0.55, P2= 3.87+3.26) after 30 days of treatment (P= 0.000 for creatinine and MDA levels in K1, P1, P2 groups). A lower serum creatinine and MDA levels can be found in decaffeinated coffee grup. Coffee consumption for 30 days (especially decaffeinated) may decrease serum creatinine and plasma MDA in rat induced by a high purine diet


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    Pesticides in the agricultural system is quite a role in increasing the plant, however, pesticides are also hazardous materials that could cause a negative influence on human health and environmental sustainability. Based on the results of blood examination kholinesterase on farmers in Magelang regency in the year 2006 with the number of examined samples of 550 people shows 99.8% with poisoned details poisoned weight 18.2%; virulence are 72.73% and 8.9% mild virulence. Goal of this research is to know the impact of economic environment resulting from the use of pesticides on the health of farmers in the area of agriculture horticulture Sumber Rejo village sub district Ngablak district of Magelang Central Java. The method of this research was an observation research with a cross sectional approach, the population is all farmers of vegetable at Sumber rejo village, Sub District of Ngablak. Sixty eight samples were taken using the simple random sanpling, while the residues of pesticides in soil samples taken 20. The result of this research showed significant relationship between the using dose of pesticide (p = 0,001), the use of APD (p = 0,001), method of spraying (p = 0,001), the method of mixing (p = 0,032) and mixing location (p = 0,002) with the occurrence of pesticides poisoned organofosfat and have poisoned the relationship between pesticide treatment of the cost with the results of the test statistics (p = 0,001) in the vegetable farmers in Sumber Rejo village sub district of Ngablak, district of Magelang. Conclusions of this research cholinesterase examination on farmers of vegetable who suffered pesticide poisoning 76,5 %, while pesticide residues in soil negative if examined in theory there are residues of pesticides in the womb of land. To avoid pesticides poisoned, Department recommended perform agricultural and health monitoring of both the farmers how to use pesticides and farmers' health checks periodically. Pestisida dalam sistem pertanian cukup berperan dalam peningkatan hasil tanam, namun demikian pestisida juga merupakan bahan berbahaya yang dapat menimbulkan pengaruh negatif terhadap kesehatan manusia dan kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan kholinesterase darah pada petani di Kabupaten Magelang pada tahun 2006 dengan jumlah sampel yang diperiksa 550 orang menunjukkan keracunan 99,8 % dengan rincian keracunan berat 18,2%; keracunan sedang 72,73% dan keracunan ringan 8,9%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dampak ekonomi lingkungan akibat penggunaan pestisida pada kesehatan petani di area pertanian hortikultura desa Sumber Rejo kecamatan Ngablak kabupaten Magelang Jawa Tengah. Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dengan populasi petani sayuran di Desa Sumber Rejo Kecamatan Ngablak. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling, jumlah sampel 68 orang, sedangkan residu pestisida pada tanah diambil 20 sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan bermakna antara pemakaian dosis (p=0,001), penggunaan APD (p=0,001), metode penyemprotan (p=0,001), metode pencampuran (p=0,032) dan lokasi pencampuran (p= 0,002) dengan kejadian keracunan pestisida organofosfat serta ada hubungan antara keracunan pestisida terhadap biaya pengobatan dengan hasil pengujian statistik(p=0,001) pada petani sayuran di Desa Sumber Rejo Kecamatan Ngablak Kabupaten Magelang. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah petani sayuran yang mengalami keracunan sebesar 76,5% sedangkan residu pestisida pada tanah negatif namun jika dikaji secara teori masih terdapat kandungan residu pestisida dalam tanah. Untuk menghindari keracunan pestisida, disarankan Dinas pertanian dan Kesehatan melakukan pemantau terhadap petani baik itu cara penggunaan pestisida serta pemeriksaan kesehatan petani secara berkala

    Analis Resiko Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Pada Petugas Kebersihan di Rumah Sakit

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    Work at hospital is likely risking get diseases transmission from patients. The risk is not potential to medical staff only, but also nonmedical staff such as cleaning staff. Along doing the work, risk that always faces by cleaning staff are biological factor and chemical such as bleaching. The purpose of the study was to analyze the risk of work health and safety of cleaning staff in Tugurejo hospital Semarang.  This study was descriptive analytic study, risk identification assessed with job safety analysis (JSA), data collection had been done with observational and interview. Result showed that the risk faces by cleaning staff was bacteria exposure, bacteria and virus and medical chemotherapy exposure that classified as high risk (36,6%). The risk of impaled needle and scratched sharp object, slipper, musculoskeletal problem, fall from stairs, and electric shock classified as moderate risk (45,1%). Allergic risk or irritation through chemical uses classified as low risk (18,3%). To prevent the risks, suggested to cleaning staff to use personal protection  equipment whenever and wherever in doing the job. While, need to evaluate on kind of personal protection equipment that used by cleaning staff especially conformity kind personal protection equipment with the occupation.Bekerja di rumah sakit dapat menimbulkan risiko untuk tertular penyakit dari pasien. Risiko ini tidak hanya berpotensi bagi tenaga medis saja, namun juga terhadap tenaga non medis seperti petugas kebersihan. Saat bekerja risiko yang selalu  dihadapi oleh petugas kebersihan adalah terpapar faktor biologi dan terpapar bahan kimia atau obat pembersih. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis risiko keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja apa saja yang dapat terjadi pada petugas kebersihan di RSUD Tugurejo Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik. Identifikasi risiko menggunakan JSA (Job Safety Analysis), pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara observasional dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa risiko yang dihadapi petugas kebersihan adalah risiko terpapar kuman, bakteri dan virus dan terpapar obat kemoterapi, dengan tingkat risiko termasuk dalam high risk (36,6%). Risiko tertusuk jarum suntik atau tergores benda tajam, terpeleset atau jatuh karena lantai licin, gangguan muskuloskeletal, terjatuh dari tangga, dan tersengat listrik merupakan risiko dengan tingkatan moderate risk (45,1%). Risiko alergi atau iritasi terhadap penggunaan bahan kimia merupakan risiko dengan tingkatan low risk (18,3%).  Untuk mengendalikan risiko tersebut, disarankan kepada petugas kebersihan agar selalu menggunakan alat pelindung diri yang baik dan benar dimana pun dan kapan pun saat melakukan pekerjaan. Selain itu juga sebaiknya dilakukan evaluasi tentang jenis APD yang digunakan petugas kebersihan, terutama mengenai kesesuaian jenis APD dengan pekerjaan yang dilakukan

    Musculoskeletal Disorders pada Pekerja Cleaning Service RSUD Kota Semarang

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    Musculoskeletal disorder is the pains on muscle of skeletal that can be felt by people begin from medium to very sick pains. Based on the initial survey, cleaning services employee had musculoskeletal disorders on back, neck, hands and foot. The purposed of this study was to analyze factors correlated to cases of musculoskeletal disorders on cleaning services employee in Semarang district hospital.The study was explanatory research with cross sectional approach. The instrument was interview guidelines, data clollected by observation and interview. The number of sample was 44 people. Data was analyzed by pearson correlation and rank spearman. Result showed that musculoskeletal disorder happened on right hand (100%),  left hand (93.2%), right foot (70.5%), left foot (68.2%) and back pain (63.6%). Majority of the cleaning services employee 38 people (86.4%) suffered from middle musculoskeletal disorder. There was correlation between nutritional status and musculoskeletal disorder and there was no correlation between age, gender, lenght of work, work period, work attitude, smoking behavior, exercise and recurrent activities and musculoskeletal disorder.The suggestion is hospital has to standardize the tool of cleaning service to prevents musculoskeletal disorders.Keywords: musculoskeletal disorder, cleaning services, nutritional status
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