53,855 research outputs found

    Comment on 'Note on the dog-and-rabbit chase problem in introductory kinematics'

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    We comment on the recent paper by Yuan Qing-Xin and Du Yin-Xiao (Eur. J. Phys. 29 (2008) N43-N45).Comment: 2 pages, no figure

    A Conversation with Yuan Shih Chow

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    Yuan Shih Chow was born in Hubei province in China, on September 1, 1924. The eldest child of a local militia and political leader, he grew up in war and turmoil. His hometown was on the front line during most of the Japanese invasion and occupation of China. When he was 16, Y. S. Chow journeyed, mostly on foot, to Chongqing (Chung-King), the wartime Chinese capital, to finish his high school education. When the Communist party gained power in China, Y. S. Chow had already followed his university job to Taiwan. In Taiwan, he taught mathematics as an assistant at National Taiwan University until he came to the United States in 1954. At the University of Illinois, he studied under J. L. Doob and received his Ph.D. in 1958. He served as a staff mathematician and adjunct faculty at the IBM Watson Research Laboratory and Columbia University from 1959 to 1962. He was a member of the Statistics Department at Purdue University from 1962 to 1968. From 1968 until his retirement in 1993, Y. S. Chow served as Professor of Mathematical Statistics at Columbia University. At different times, he was a visiting professor at the University of California at Berkeley, University of Heidelberg (Germany) and the National Central University, Taiwan. He served as Director of the Institute of Mathematics of Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and Director of the Center of Applied Statistics at Nankai University, Tianjin, China. He was instrumental in establishing the Institute of Statistics of Academia Sinica in Taiwan. He is currently Professor Emeritus at Columbia University. Y. S. Chow is a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, a member of the International Statistical Institute and a member of Taiwan's Academia Sinica. He has numerous publications, including Great Expectations: The Theory of Optimal Stopping (1971), in collaboration with Herbert Robbins and David Siegmund, and Probability Theory (1978), in collaboration with Henry Teicher. Y. S. Chow has a strong interest in mathematics education. He taught high school mathematics for one year in 1947 and wrote a book on high school algebra in collaboration with J. H. Teng and M. L. Chu. In 1992, Y. S. Chow, together with I. S. Chang and W. C. Ho, established the Chinese Institute of Probability and Statistics in Taiwan. This conversation took place in the fall of 2003 in Dobbs Ferry, New York.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/088342304000000224 in the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Study on the effect of biogas project on the development of lowcarbon circular economy -A case study of Beilangzhong eco-village

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    AbstractWith Beilangzhong eco-village as an example, the effects of the biogas project on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and its economic effects are analyzed. The results show that 1833.45t GHG (CO2 equivalent) was reduced, and an income of 1,117,000 Yuan (RMB), a net income of 958,500 Yuan (RMB), was gained by biogas sales, alternative energy, comprehensive utilization of anaerobic fermentation residues and the reduction of GHG emission, so the biogas project can greatly promote the establishment of low-carbon circular economy mode and sustainable development of ecological agriculture in Beilangzhong eco-village

    Is the Chinese Renminbi Undervalued?

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    The Chinese government has come under increasing criticism from both the U.S. government and some critics in U.S. industry for manipulating its currency. This article offers some insight on whether the yuan is correctly valued. Evidence suggests that, regardless of whether a fixed exchange rate or a market-driven exchange rate is used, the yuan is close to a correct value, and efforts to force more appreciation could be deflationary for China.exchange rate valuation; fixed exchange rate; real exchange rate

    China, el yuan y los desequilibrios monetarios internacionales

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    Durante los últimos meses se ha puesto de moda la tesis de que es inevitable a corto plazo una apreciación del yuan o renminbi chino, lo que se afirma que sería positivo no sólo para el ajuste macroeconómico en la propia China sino también para la corrección de los actuales desequilibrios monetarios mundiales (caída del dólar y consiguiente apreciación del euro y del yen). No obstante, existen argumentos para defender que la apreciación del yuan no es tan segura como se cree y que, si finalmente se produce, será en cualquier caso moderada, con lo que seguramente contribuiría poco a reducir el déficit corriente de EEUU y a aliviar la presión alcista sobre el euro. El análisis argumenta, en primer lugar, que, contrariamente a una opinión muy extendida, la apreciación del yuan o renminbi (RMB) no es tan segura como se cree. La razón principal es que, aunque presenta ciertamente ventajas, tiene también importantes inconvenientes para China. En segundo término, el análisis sostiene que si tal apreciación llegase a producirse, sería en cualquier caso moderada. De cumplirse ese escenario, es altamente improbable que la apreciación del RMB contribuya mucho a reducir el déficit corriente de EEUU y, por consiguiente, a aliviar la presión alcista sobre el euro respecto del dólar

    La dinastía Yuan en Corea

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    En este trabajo se compila, a través de las diferentes opiniones de los historiadores del siglo XX y XXI, el papel que ejerció la dinastía Yuan en la dinastía Goryeo desde el año 1270 y 1356. En esta aproximación histórica se contemplaran, mediante un acercamiento hacia las investigaciones elaboradas por expertos en varios aspectos del siglo XIII y XIV en Asia, todos los aspectos que resultaron de la nueva imposición gubernamental. Siendo las más principales el proceso de iniciación de las invasiones, el nuevo poder dirigente, las nuevas relaciones entre ambos territorios, la cultura y la economía. Así mismo también se enfoca en los cambios sociales que se produjeron de la nueva restructuración de clases y con ello el surgimiento de nuevos roles sociales. Al final de este trabajo se conducirá al desenlace que produjo la descomposición del poder mongol en Goryeo y los efectos que se manifestaron después de elloEn aquest treball es compila, a través de les diferents opinions dels historiadors del segle XX i XXI, el paper que va exercir la dinastia Yuan en la dinastia Goryeo des de l'any 1270 i 1356. En aquesta aproximació històrica es contemplarà, mitjançant un acostament cap a les investigacions elaborades per experts en diversos aspectes del segle XIII i XIV a Àsia, tots els aspectes que van resultar de la nova imposició governamental. Sent les més principals el procés d'iniciació de les invasions, el nou poder dirigent, les noves relacions entre els dos territoris, la cultura i l'economia. Així mateix també s'enfoca en els canvis socials que es van produir de la nova reestructuració de classes i amb això el sorgiment de nous rols socials. Al final d'aquest treball es conduirà al desenllaç que va produir la descomposició del poder mongol en Goryeo i els efectes que es van manifestar després d'això.This paper is compiled through the different opinions of historians of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, the role that exercised the Yuan Dynasty in the Goryeo dynasty since 1270 and 1356. In this historical approximation is contemplated, through an approach to research developed by experts in various aspects of XIII and XIV century in Asia, all aspects resulting from the new government. It is the most important the process of initiation of invasions, the new ruling power, the new relations between the two territories, culture and economy. Likewise also it focuses on the social changes that occurred in the new restructuring of classes and thus the emergence of new social roles. At the end of this work to the outcome that caused the decomposition of Mongol power in Goryeo and the effects manifested after that will be conducted