745 research outputs found

    Secure Transmission for Relay Wiretap Channels in the Presence of Spatially Random Eavesdroppers

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    We propose a secure transmission scheme for a relay wiretap channel, where a source communicates with a destination via a decode-and-forward relay in the presence of spatially random-distributed eavesdroppers. We assume that the source is equipped with multiple antennas, whereas the relay, the destination, and the eavesdroppers are equipped with a single antenna each. In the proposed scheme, in addition to information signals, the source transmits artificial noise signals in order to confuse the eavesdroppers. With the target of maximizing the secrecy throughput of the relay wiretap channel, we derive a closed-form expression for the transmission outage probability and an easy-to-compute expression for the secrecy outage probability. Using these expressions, we determine the optimal power allocation factor and wiretap code rates that guarantee the maximum secrecy throughput, while satisfying a secrecy outage probability constraint. Furthermore, we examine the impact of source antenna number on the secrecy throughput, showing that adding extra transmit antennas at the source brings about a significant increase in the secrecy throughput.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted by IEEE Globecom 2015 Workshop on Trusted Communications with Physical Layer Securit

    Over-the-Air Federated Learning Over MIMO Channels: A Sparse-Coded Multiplexing Approach

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    The communication bottleneck of over-the-air federated learning (OA-FL) lies in uploading the gradients of local learning models. In this paper, we study the reduction of the communication overhead in the gradients uploading by using the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technique. We propose a novel sparse-coded multiplexing (SCoM) approach that employs sparse-coding compression and MIMO multiplexing to balance the communication overhead and the learning performance of the FL model. We derive an upper bound on the learning performance loss of the SCoM-based MIMO OA-FL scheme by quantitatively characterizing the gradient aggregation error. Based on the analysis results, we show that the optimal number of multiplexed data streams to minimize the upper bound on the FL learning performance loss is given by the minimum of the numbers of transmit and receive antennas. We then formulate an optimization problem for the design of precoding and post-processing matrices to minimize the gradient aggregation error. To solve this problem, we develop a low-complexity algorithm based on alternating optimization (AO) and alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), which effectively mitigates the impact of the gradient aggregation error. Numerical results demonstrate the superb performance of the proposed SCoM approach

    Long-Term Pavement Performance Indicators for Failed Materials

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    State Transportation Agencies (STAs) use quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) specifications to guide the testing and inspection of road pavement construction. Although failed materials of pavement rarely occur in practice, it is critical to have a sound decision framework to assist in making data-driven, informed decisions regarding failed materials because such decisions have profound impacts on the long-term performance of the pavement and the operation and maintenance costs of the responsible highway agencies. A performance-related specification (PRS) is a quality acceptance (QA) specification that specifies the acceptable levels of key acceptance quality characteristics (AQCs) that are directly related to fundamental engineering properties, which in turn, determine the long-term performance of the constructed end products. Two PRS tools, PaveSpec for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) and Quality Related Specification Software (QRSS) for QC/QA Hot Mixed Asphalt (HMA) pavement, were investigated in this study to develop decision frameworks for PCCP and HMA pavement to assist the decision-making regarding failed materials at INDOT. A large number of simulations of various scenarios in the context of INDOT pavement construction were conducted to fully develop and implement the decision framework. For PCCP, the newly developed decision framework based on PaveSpec was validated using data from an INDOT construction project. The framework is readily implementable to assist INDOT in making informed decision regarding failed materials for PCCP. For QC/QA pavement, it was found that QRSS is not an appropriate PRS tool to estimate the long-term performance because of its limitations, the misalignment between QRSS process and INDOT practice, and erroneous simulation results

    A Synthesis Study on Collecting, Managing, and Sharing Road Construction Asset Data

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    Accurate and complete construction records and as-built data are the key prerequisites to the effective management of transportation infrastructure assets throughout their life cycle. The construction phase is the best time to collect such data. Assets such as underground drainage and culverts are visible and physically accessible only during construction. For assets such as guardrails, signals, and pavement, it is safer and more efficient to collect data during construction than after construction when the road segment is open to traffic. The purpose of this project was to conduct a synthesis study to 1) assess the current status at INDOT regarding the collection of asset data during the construction phase and the use of such data in the operation and maintenance (O&M) phase, and 2) develop a framework for INDOT to leverage the construction inspection and documentation process to collect data for assets. Data needs during O&M were identified through rounds of meetings with relevant INDOT business units. The current practice in construction documentation was investigated in detail. A survey of state highway agencies (SHAs) was conducted to assess the state-of-the-practice. A practical framework was developed to leverage the construction inspection and documentation practice to collect asset data that are needed in O&M. The framework uses specific pay items—construction activities that result in physical structures—as the bridge to connect plan assets (i.e. physical structures specified in the design documents) to their corresponding counterparts in the asset management systems. The framework is composed of 1) a data needs component for determining the information requirements from the O&M perspective, 2) a construction documentation module, and 3) a mapping mechanism to link data items to be collected during the construction documentation to data items in the asset management systems. The mapping mechanism was tested and validated using four priority asset classes—underdrains, guardrails, attenuators, and small culverts—from an INDOT construction project. The testing results show that the newly developed framework is viable and solid to collect asset data during the construction phase for O&M use in the future, without adding extra workload to construction crews. The framework can reduce/eliminate the duplicate data collection efforts at INDOT, leading to savings and efficiency gains in the long term

    Do agricultural productive services alleviate farmland abandonment? Evidence from China rural household panel survey data

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    As an important means to solve “who will farm” and “how to farm” in the future, agricultural productive services change the allocation structure of agricultural factors and play an important role in alleviating farmland abandonment. This study uses the 2017 China Rural Household Panel Survey data and adopts the logistic model, the IV Tobit model, and the mediating effect model to investigate the impact of agricultural productive services on farmland abandonment. The results show: (1) Agricultural productive services significantly reduce farmland abandonment by 1.51% on average. (2) Mechanism analysis implies that agricultural labour substitution, land transfer effect, and technological adoption effect play important intermediary roles in alleviating farmland abandonment. (3) Moreover, compared with the eastern, central, and non-karst regions, agricultural productive services failed to reduce farmland abandonment in the western and karst regions with poor terrain conditions. Agricultural productive services could alleviate the farmland abandonment of small farmers and elderly farmers. Therefore, agricultural productive services contribute to the reuse of small-scale plots

    Risk-Based Construction Inspection

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    Construction inspection is a critical component in the quality assurance (QA) program to ensure the quality and long-term performance of pavements. Over the years, INDOT has been developing and modifying its standard specification to set requirements for construction inspection and material testing. With the retirement of experienced employees, INDOT is challenged with the lack of knowledge to effectively inspect the critical elements of construction results/deliverables such as pavement, soil embankment, and bridge (decks). There is a critical need for INDOT to allocate limited resources to the riskiest areas and equip construction inspectors with necessary knowledge to conduct inspection, ensure the quality of construction results, and minimize risks to INDOT. This study developed a risk-based inspection guide that has addressed the aforementioned problems of shortage in staffing and loss and lack of knowledge by providing answers in aspects of what, when, how, and how often to inspect. A comprehensive list of testing and inspection activities were extracted from INDOT’s material testing manual, INDOT’s standard specification, and the QA implementation at the Ohio River Bridge (ORB) project. This list was narrowed down to a core set of items based on survey responses and interviews with INDOT domain experts. Testing and inspection activities in the core set were aligned with the construction process. The risk associated with each inspection activity was assessed by considering both the probability of failure and consequence severity of failure in four dimensions: cost, time, quality, and safety. A composite risk index was developed as a single measure for the overall risk. All inspection activities were prioritized based on the composite index. For implementation, a linking mechanism was developed to link inspection activity, pay item, and check items (extracted from specification). This linking mechanism aligns with the business process of construction inspection at INDOT: starting with a pay item, field inspectors retrieve the associated check items and their inspection priority (based on risk), inspection frequency, and inspection criteria. A digital, ontology- and risk-based inspection system was proposed and its conceptual model was delivered to INDOT for its incorporation in the field application of construction documentation, a component of the e-Construction initiatives at INDOT. It will be tested on Project R-30397 through a pilot study

    A new framework for the integrative analytics of intravascular ultrasound and optical coherence tomography images

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    Abstract:The integrative analysis of multimodal medical images plays an important role in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease by providing additional comprehensive information that cannot be found in an individual source image. Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and optical coherence tomography (IV-OCT) are two imaging modalities that have been widely used in the medical practice for the assessment of arterial health and the detection of vascular lumen lesions. IV-OCT has a high resolution and poor penetration, while IVUS has a low resolution and high detection depth. This paper proposes a new approach for the fusion of intravascular ultrasound and optical coherence tomography pullbacks to significantly improve the use of those two types of medical images. It also presents a new two-phase multimodal fusion framework using a coarse-to-fine registration and a wavelet fusion method. In the coarse-registration process, we define a set of new feature points to match the IVUS image and IV-OCT image. Then, the improved quality image is obtained based on the integration of the mutual information of two types of images. Finally, the matched registered images are fused with an approach based on the new proposed wavelet algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate the performance of the proposed new approach for significantly enhancing both the precision and computational stability. The proposed approach is shown to be promising for providing additional information to enhance the diagnosis and enable a deeper understanding of atherosclerosis

    Spatio-temporal variations and influencing factors of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric bulk deposition along a plain-mountain transect in western China

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    Ten atmospheric bulk deposition (the sum of wet and dry deposition) samplers for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were deployed at a plain-mountain transect (namely PMT transect, from Daying to Qingping) in Chengdu Plain, West China from June 2007 to June 2008 in four consecutive seasons (about every three months). The bulk deposition fluxes of ∑15-PAHs ranged from 169.19 ÎŒg m−2 yr−1 to 978.58 ÎŒg m−2 yr−1 with geometric mean of 354.22 ÎŒg m−2 yr−1. The most prevalent PAHs were 4-ring (39.65%) and 3-ring (35.56%) PAHs. The flux values were comparable to those in rural areas. Higher fluxes of total PAHs were observed in the middle of PMT transect (SL, YX and JY, which were more urbanized than other sites). The seasonal deposition fluxes in the sampling profile indicated seasonality of the contaminant source was an important factor in controlling deposition fluxes. PAHs bulk deposition was negatively correlated with meteorological parameters (temperature, wind speed, humidity, and precipitation). No significant correlations between soil concentrations and atmospheric deposition were found along this transect. PAHs in soil samples had combined sources of coal, wood and petroleum combustion, while a simple source of coal, wood and grass combustion for bulk deposition. There were significant positive correlation relationship (p < 0.05) between annual atmospheric bulk deposition and local PAHs emission, with biomass burning as the major contribution to the total emission of PAHs. This transect acts as an important PAHs source rather than being a sink according to the ratio of deposition/emission. Mountain cold trap effect existed in this transect where the altitude was higher than 1000 m. Long-range transport had an impact on the bulk deposition in summer. And this transect was a source to Tibetan only in summer. The forward trajectory analysis showed most air masses did not undergo long-range transport due to the blocking effect of surrounding mountains. Only a few air masses (<10%) arrived at the eastern and northern region of China or farther regions via long-range transport
