16 research outputs found

    Diffraction of a released bose-einstein condensate by a pulsed standing light wave

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    We study the diffraction of a released sodium Bose-Einstein condensate by a pulsed standing light wave. The width of the momentum distribution of the diffracted atoms exhibits strong oscillations as a function of the pulse duration, corresponding to periodic focusing and collimation of the condensate inside the standing light wave. Applications of this thick grating regime of diffraction to atom interferometry are discussed

    Cold atom gas at very high densities in an optical surface microtrap

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    An optical microtrap is realized on a dielectric surface by crossing a tightly focused laser beam with an horizontal evanescent-wave atom mirror. The nondissipative trap is loaded with ∼\sim10510^5 cesium atoms through elastic collisions from a cold reservoir provided by a large-volume optical surface trap. With an observed 300-fold local increase of the atomic number density approaching 1014cm−310^{14}{\rm cm}^{-3}, unprecedented conditions of cold atoms close to a surface are realized

    Quantum gates with neutral atoms: Controlling collisional interactions in time dependent traps

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    We theoretically study specific schemes for performing a fundamental two-qubit quantum gate via controlled atomic collisions by switching microscopic potentials. In particular we calculate the fidelity of a gate operation for a configuration where a potential barrier between two atoms is instantaneously removed and restored after a certain time. Possible implementations could be based on microtraps created by magnetic and electric fields, or potentials induced by laser light.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Experimental properties of Bose-Einstein condensates in 1D optical lattices: Bloch oscillations, Landau-Zener tunneling and mean-field effects

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    We report experimental results on the properties of Bose-Einstein condensates in 1D optical lattices. By accelerating the lattice, we observed Bloch oscillations of the condensate in the lowest band, as well as Landau-Zener (L-Z) tunneling into higher bands when the lattice depth was reduced and/or the acceleration of the lattice was increased. The dependence of the L-Z tunneling rate on the condensate density was then related to mean-field effects modifying the effective potential acting on the condensate, yielding good agreement with recent theoretical work. We also present several methods for measuring the lattice depth and discuss the effects of the micromotion in the TOP-trap on our experimental results.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Glassy dynamics in thin films of polystyrene

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    Glassy dynamics was investigated for thin films of atactic polystyrene by complex electric capacitance measurements using dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. During the isothermal aging process the real part of the electric capacitance increased with time, whereas the imaginary part decreased with time. It follows that the aging time dependences of real and imaginary parts of the electric capacitance were primarily associated with change in volume (film thickness) and dielectric permittivity, respectively. Further, dielectric permittivity showed memory and rejuvenation effects in a similar manner to those observed for poly(methyl methacrylate) thin films. On the other hand, volume did not show a strong rejuvenation effect.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Phys. Rev. E (in press

    Diffraction of a released bose-einstein condensate by a pulsed standing light wave

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    We study the diffraction of a released sodium Bose-Einstein condensate by a pulsed standing light wave. The width of the momentum distribution of the diffracted atoms exhibits strong oscillations as a function of the pulse duration, corresponding to periodic focusing and collimation of the condensate inside the standing light wave. Applications of this thick grating regime of diffraction to atom interferometry are discussed

    Diffraction of Rydberg atoms by laser light

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    It is shown that semiclassical path representations provide a well-suited framework for the description of the diffraction of Rydberg atoms by laser light. They allow one to relate the momentum exchange between the atomic center-of-mass motion and the laser field directly to elementary laser-assisted collisions between the excited Rydberg electron and the ionic core. Thus besides a convenient calculational tool they provide also direct physical insight into the underlying internal dynamics of the Rydberg atoms