5 research outputs found

    Aspectuality and Variability of Verbal Phraseological Units in Russian Language and Speech

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    The article deals with the problems of classification of verb phraseological units and their variants in the Russian language. Formalized criteria for the differentiation of phraseological variants depending on their syntactic and derivational structure are presented on the example of Russian verbal phraseological units. The criteria are based on the grammatical features of verbs, which are the core component of phraseological units, such as aspect and phase, taking into account the theoretical provisions of modern Slavic aspectology on the correlation and derivation of verbs. The work was done at the intersection of phraseology and aspectology, its results have both theoretical and practical significance, in particular, for clarifying the lexicographic description of Russian verbal phraseological units. More than 4,000 verbal phraseological units and more than 10,000 actual contexts in which these phraseological units and their variants are used served as the material for the analysis. The authors proposed criteria for distinguishing phraseological variants (grammatical, lexico-grammatical and lexical) and phraseological synonyms based on the morphological features of verbs (the semantics of aspect and phase), lexical composition and syntactic structure of phraseological units. The phase valence and “creative potential” of verbal phraseological units are shown, which serves as a potential source of replenishment of the phraseological fund of the Russian language

    Proven and less studied hematopoietic and vasoactive growth factors in retinal capillary hemangioma

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    Pathogenesis of retinal capillary hemangioma has not been sufficiently studied at the present time. Therefore, the study of cytokine levels in biological fluids seems to be very relevant in order to increase knowledge about the mechanisms of the disease development and searching for targeted therapies. The content of hematopoietic and vasoactive growth factors in blood serum, lacrimal fluid, and vitreous body was studied in patients with retinal capillary hemangioma. A total of 26 patients with retinal angiomatosis were examined. The samples of blood serum (n = 23) and lacrimal fluid (n = 10) from practically healthy people aged 22 to 46 (27.4±1.4 years) were used as a control. To perform comparative assessment of cytokine concentrations in the vitreous body of patients with retinal capillary hemangioma, were used samples of the vitreous body from 6 patients (average age 33±4.7 years; from 21 to 49 years) with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. To measure the cytokine concentrations, we applied multiplex analysis technique using the xMAP platform with LuminexxPONENT 3.1 program and ProcartaPlex sets (eBioscience, Austria). A detailed characteristic of vasoactive factors in capillary retinal hemangioma was obtained as a result of this work. Some disorders in chemokine regulation were identified. There was a significant increase in serum concentrations of three vasoactive factors, i.e., PDGF-BB, HGF, and PIGF-1, with a decrease in chemokines (MCP-1, MIP-1α, and MIP-1β). The frequencies of PIGF-1 and MIP-1α detection also significantly differed from the control group. SCF was significantly more often determined in patients with retinal angiomatosis only at the systemic level. Correlations between PDGF-BB and PIGF-1, as well as PIGF-1 and MIP-1β were shown. A significant increase in VEGF-A, HGF, VEGF-D, as well as MCP-1 concentrations was shown in the lacrimal fluid. The inversion of PDGF-BB concentrations in serum and lacrimal fluid was noted. Analysis of intraocular cytokine levels revealed a significant increase in VEGF-A and HGF concentrations, with marked decrease in MIP-1α and MIP-1β. PDGF-BB in 100% of cases was determined only in vitreous body of patients with retinal angiomatosis. With respect to the revealed characteristic shifts of HGF/SF intraocular production in retinal capillary hemangioma, it seems relevant to search ways for its inhibition, thus providing potential basis for a new therapeutic strategy in treatment of retinal angiomatosis


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    The study included 96 patients with morphologically verified  squamous cell carcinoma of larynx and laryngopharynx T2–4N0–2M0 stage of the tumor process who were administered two courses of neoadjuvant chemotherapy at 3–4 weeks interval by the scheme paclitaxel 175 mg/m2, carboplatin AUC-6 plus radiotherapy in the regimen of multifractionated radiation dose of 1.3 Gy twice a day at 4 hours interval. In case of complete regression of the tumor (n=33) radiotherapy was performed to the accumulated radical dose of 65 isoGy. The next stage in partial regression and stabilization of the process (n=63) was radical surgical intervention. EORTC QLQ-30 and QLQ – H&N35 questionnaires were used to estimate quality of life of the patients. Quality of life as a criterion for the assessment of treatment efficacy was correlated with a significant increase in the 2-year overall and disease-free survival in patients who received chemoradiotherapy compared to those who underwent combined modality treatment including surgery. Changes in the values of EORTC QLQ-30 and QLQ – H & N35 modules clearly indicate the relationship between the quality of life measures and treatment methods

    Корреляционный анализ морфофункциональных и иммунологических параметров у пациентов с продвинутыми стадиями первичной открытоугольной глаукомы

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    PURPOSE. To study the correlations between the immunological data and the indicators of electroretinography (ERG) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) in patients with advanced stages of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG).METHODS. Previously, we conducted a multimodal study of patients with advanced stages of glaucoma involving ERG, morphometric and immunological studies. In this new study we performed a correlation analysis of the immunological and morphofunctional data of patients with advanced stages of POAG. The study included 35 patients (35 eyes), among them 19 women and 16 men, who were divided into two groups: group 1 — stage II POAG (12 patients, 12 eyes), and group 2 — stage III POAG (23 patients, 23 eyes). The average age of the subjects was 64.2±6.5 years. Intraocular pressure was compensated in all study patients. The Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to calculate the linear relationship between continuous features.RESULTS. In the subgroup with stage II POAG significant correlations of moderate strength (according to the Chaddock scale) were found between the parameters of pattern ERG (PERG) and photopic negative response (PhNR) and the level of VEGF-A in the blood serum (BS), EGF in the tear fluid (TF) and aqueous humor (AH); strong correlations — for the concentrations of EGF and TGF-β2 in the AH. In group 2, moderate correlations between PERG and PhNR parameters and the level of IL-1RA in the TF were found, as well as moderate correlation of TGF-β2 expression in the AH with PnHR amplitude from the baseline. In patients with stage II glaucoma, the levels of MIP-1β/CCL4 in the TF, IL-1RA in the intraocular fluid correlated with the thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and retinal ganglion cell layer (GCL), while the EGF in the TF and AH correlated with RNFL thickness. In the group with stage III POAG, correlations of moderate strength were found for the expression level of TNF-α, IL-8/CXCL8 in the TF and RNFL thickness, and strong correlations — for the level of IP-10/CXCL10, HGF/SF, TGF-β2 in AH and the thickness of RNFL and GCL.CONCLUSION. Comparison of ERG, OCT findings and the level of cytokines of various biological effects in the BS, TF and AH confirmed the high informativeness of PERG and PhNR indicators and immunological data as markers of advanced stages of POAG, and allow EGF to be considered as the most promising pathogenetically oriented immunological marker of II and III stages of glaucoma.ЦЕЛЬ. Изучить корреляционные взаимосвязи между данными иммунологических исследований и показателей электроретинографии (ЭРГ) и оптической когерентной томографии (ОКТ) у пациентов с продвинутыми стадиями первичной открытоугольной глаукомой (ПОУГ).МЕТОДЫ. Ранее нами было выполнено мультимодальное исследование пациентов с продвинутыми стадиями глаукомы, включающее электроретинографию, морфометрические и иммунологические исследования. В настоящей работе проведен корреляционный анализ данных иммунологических и морфофункциональных исследований у больных с продвинутыми стадиями ПОУГ. Проанализированы результаты исследований 35 пациентов (35 глаз), в том числе 19 женщин и 16 мужчин, в двух группах: 1 — с развитой (12 больных, 12 глаз), и 2 — далекозашедшей стадией ПОУГ (23 пациента, 23 глаза). Средний возраст исследуемых составил 64,2±6,5 лет. Внутриглазное давление было компенсировано у всех обследуемых. Для вычисления линейной зависимости между непрерывными признаками использовали коэффициент корреляции Пирсона.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. В подгруппе с развитой глаукомой выявлены достоверные корреляции «заметной» силы (по шкале Чеддока) между параметрами паттерн-ЭРГ (ПЭРГ) и фотопического негативного ответа (ФНО) и уровнем VEGF-A в сыворотке крови (СК), EGF в слезной жидкости (СЖ) и внутриглазной жидкости (ВГЖ); и взаимосвязи «высокой» силы – для концентраций EGF и TGF-β2 в ВГЖ. В группе больных с далекозашедшей ПОУГ выявлены корреляции «умеренной» силы для параметров ПЭРГ и ФНО и содержания IL-1RA в СЖ, и «заметная» корреляция экспрессии TGF-β2 в ВГЖ с амплитудой ФНО от изолинии. У пациентов со развитой стадией глаукомы уровни содержания MIP-1β/CCL4 в СЖ, IL-1RA в ВГЖ коррелируют с толщиной слоя нервных волокон сетчатки (СНВС) и ганглиозных клеток сетчатки (ГКС), а концентрации EGF в СЖ и ВГЖ — с толщиной СНВС. В группе с далекозашедшей ПОУГ обнаружены корреляции «умеренной» силы для уровня экспрессии TNF-α, IL-8/CXCL8 в СЖ и толщины СНВС и «заметной» силы — для содержания  IP-10/CXCL10,  HGF/SF,  TGF-β2  в  ВГЖ  и  толщины СНВС и слоя ГКС.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Сопоставление результатов электроретинографии, ОКТ и уровня цитокинов разнообразного биологического действия в СК, СЖ и ВГЖ подтверждают клинически значимую информативность параметров ПЭРГ и ФНО и показателей иммунологических исследований как маркеров продвинутых стадий ПОУГ и позволяют выделить EGF в качестве наиболее перспективного патогенетически ориентированного иммунологического маркера II и III стадии глаукомы


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    The study included 96 patients with morphologically verified  squamous cell carcinoma of larynx and laryngopharynx T2–4N0–2M0 stage of the tumor process who were administered two courses of neoadjuvant chemotherapy at 3–4 weeks interval by the scheme paclitaxel 175 mg/m2, carboplatin AUC-6 plus radiotherapy in the regimen of multifractionated radiation dose of 1.3 Gy twice a day at 4 hours interval. In case of complete regression of the tumor (n=33) radiotherapy was performed to the accumulated radical dose of 65 isoGy. The next stage in partial regression and stabilization of the process (n=63) was radical surgical intervention. EORTC QLQ-30 and QLQ – H&N35 questionnaires were used to estimate quality of life of the patients. Quality of life as a criterion for the assessment of treatment efficacy was correlated with a significant increase in the 2-year overall and disease-free survival in patients who received chemoradiotherapy compared to those who underwent combined modality treatment including surgery. Changes in the values of EORTC QLQ-30 and QLQ – H & N35 modules clearly indicate the relationship between the quality of life measures and treatment methods