26 research outputs found

    Origin, function and role in the development of skin diseases CLA+T-lymphocytes

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    The idea of CLA+T-lymphocytes, which are a special subpopulation of cells with a tropic to the skin, is given. The issues of maturation, migration and functional features of CLA+T-cells are considered. Special attention is paid to the different phenotype of memory T-cells. Modern data concerning the role of CLA+T-cells in the pathogenesis of autoimmune and allergic dermatoses, as well as malignant skin tumors are also presented. The conclusion about the necessity of further study of CLA +T-lymphocytes for detailed understanding of pathogenesis and search of variants of targeted therapy in psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, skin lymphomas and other skin diseases is made


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    Mitochondria import hundreds of different precursor proteins from the cytosol, and only 13 proteins are encoded by mtDNA itself. Recent investigations demonstrated real size of mitochondrial proteome and complexity of their functions There are many methods using for mitochondrial proteome profiling, that help to understand a molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial functions and identify the causes of disruptions that lead to different disorders. In this review we discuss a recent data in the field of mitochondrial proteomics.Собственная ДНК митохондрий кодирует лишь 13 полипептидов – субъединиц электронтранспортной цепи. Большинство же белков импортируются в митохондрии посредством различных механизмов. Последние исследования митохондриального протеома продемонстрировали истинные размеры и сложную функциональную организацию митохондриальных белковых профилей. Для протеомного профилирования митохондрий применяются различные технологии, которые в сумме представляют результаты, помогающие понять молекулярные механизмы функционирования органелл и выявить нарушения, приводящие к различным заболеваниям. В данном обзоре рассмотрены и проанализированны последние данные в области протеомики митохондрий и затронуты некоторые аспекты молекулярного патогенеза заболеваний дыхательной цепи


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    В статье обоснована актуальность, представлены цели, алгоритм и результаты создания и апробации методологии ревалоризации индустриального наследия на примере Атласа индустриального наследия Большого Екатеринбурга.The article substantiates the relevance, presents the goals, algorithm and results of the creation and testing of the industrial heritage revalorization methodology on the example of the Industrial Heritage Atlas of Greater Ekaterinburg.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ и Правительства Свердловской области в рамках научного проекта № 20-49-660009 «Индустриальное наследие Большого Екатеринбурга: методология изучения, принципы презентации, актуализация ценности»

    Model for calculating the risk of venous thrombosis

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    Aim. To develop a model for calculating the risk of venous thrombosis, taking into account the presence of known risk factors, comorbidity and congenital thrombophilia.Material and methods. During the study (2015 to 2017), 79 patients with venous thrombosis were examined (36 men and 43 women, mean age — 56,76±15,570). The control group consisted of 83 patients and healthy volunteers without thrombosis at the moment and in history (35 men and 48 women, average age — 43,95±18,136). All individuals included in the study were analyzed for the presence of G1691A mutations in the factor V gene, G20210A in the prothrombin gene, C677T polymorphism in the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene, and polymorphism in the SERPINE1 gene of plasminogen activator inhibitor. Real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to identify mutations. To create a risk calculation model, a linear regression analysis was performed.Results. We have developed a model for calculating the risk of venous thrombosis. The resulting formula showed high prognostic accuracy (the area under the ROC curve is 95,9%). For patients who do not have data on the presence of these mutations, a short version of the risk calculation model was developed (the area under the ROC curve is 94,6%).Conclusion. We have developed a risk calculation model taking into account the presence of known risk factors, congenital thrombophilia and comorbidities. Thromboprophylaxis is necessary in >0,45 individual risk, which corresponds to a high risk of developing venous thrombosis. Patients who have not previously been diagnosed with thrombophilia and are in the middle risk group for venous thrombosis, according to a short version of the model, must be screened for congenital thrombophilia to clarify the risk