166 research outputs found


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    Purpose: The aim of the study is to investigate extremism as a complex inter-branch concept which complicates law enforcement practice. Methodology: This is an analytic-dialectical research whose data are obtained through the analysis of historical, legal and sociological texts and data. Main Findings: When defining extremism in the basic law of anti-extremist legislation, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the phenomenon, the concept of which should be formulated, is manifested in different spheres of social and political life. In conclusion, extremism creates an ideological basis for terrorism, but the acts of terrorism go beyond the concept of extremism. Applications: This article can be used by regional schools, cultural organizations and universities. Novelty/Originality: In this study, correlation between the phenomena of terrorism and extremism has been studied on the basis of definition for terrorist act given in part 1 of article 205 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation

    Определение полисорбата 80 в биофармацевтических препаратах с помощью оптимизированной колориметрической методики

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    Objectives. We hereby describe an improvement of a previously developed quantification technique for polysorbate 80 in biopharmaceutical formulations (darbepoetin alfa and eculizumab) and report the validation of the new approach.Methods. Polysorbate was isolated from analyte samples by protein precipitation using an organic solvent, followed by supernatant evaporation in vacuum. Polysorbate was derivatized using a ferric thiocyanate reagent and extracted into an organic phase; the relevant optical density measurements were performed.Results. We established the optimal conditions for each step of the analysis procedure. The accuracy was 97–102% in the tested analytical range, the relative standard deviation did not exceed 5%, and the limit of quantification was 0.01 mg/mL.Conclusions. The reported approach is highly sensitive; polysorbate isolation and quantification do not depend on the matrix or, most importantly, the protein.Цели. В данной работе была усовершенствована ранее разработанная методика определения полисорбата 80 в биотехнологических препаратах (дарбэпоэтин альфа, экулизумаб), а также проведена ее валидация.Методы. Полисорбат извлекали из пробы осаждением белка органическим растворителем, затем выпаривали супернатант в вакууме. Полисорбат дериватизировали оптимизированным железо–тиоцианатным реагентом; дериват экстрагировали в слой органического растворителя и измеряли оптическую плотность.Результаты. Были установлены оптимальные условия для каждой стадии методики. Правильность находится в диапазоне степени извлечения 97–102%, относительное стандартное отклонение составляет не более 5%, предел количественного определения методики 0.01 мг/мл.Выводы. Представленная методика имеет высокую чувствительность. Извлечение и определение полисорбата не зависят от матрикса пробы – прежде всего, от присутствующего белка

    Correlation Time-of-flight Spectrometry of Ultracold Neutrons

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    The fearures of the correlation method used in time-of-flight spectrometry of ultracold neutrons are analyzed. The time-of-flight spectrometer for the energy range of ultracold neutrons is described, and results of its testing by measuring spectra of neutrons passing through interference filters are presented.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure


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    Purpose: The article is devoted to the study of egalitarian principles of medieval Czech statehood and the legal system. Methods: The authors pay special attention to the peculiarities of family self-government of the Czech communities, the institution of hazing in land law and the mechanism of reconciliation as an alternative to the death penalty. Findings: The paper proves that tribal remnants of the customary law of the ancient Czech people in the medieval era contributed to the preservation of egalitarian democratic principles of public administration and justice


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    Purpose: The article analyzes the hypotheses about the Carpathian and Azov ancestral home of the Serbian tribes and the political role of the territory of ancient Raska in the formation of medieval Serbian statehood via comparative legal and historical methods. Methodology: The methodological basis of this study is the dialectical method of cognition of social and legal phenomena and the concepts in their development and interdependence. Data was obtained from scientific, historical, and legal documents. Main Findings: The drafters of the Law sought to overcome the disparity in court proceedings and bring legal norms into a certain system, taking into account the needs of feudalism. The author comes to the conclusion that the preservation of Serbian ethnic identity influenced the restoration of statehood in the XIX century due to the spiritually and economically self-governing zadruge. Applications: This research can be used by historical organizations, educational organizations as well as by history scholars. Novelty/Originality: Serbian people and Turkish conquest has been studied using historical-legal documents

    Synthesis of technetium hydride TcH1.3_{1.3} at 27 GPa

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    In this work, we synthesize and investigate lower technetium hydrides at pressures up to 45 GPa using the synchrotron X-ray diffraction, reflectance spectroscopy, and ab initio calculations. In the Tc-H system, the hydrogen content in TcHx_x phases increases when the pressure rises, and at 27 GPa we found a new hexagonal (hcp) nonstoichiometric hydride TcH1.3_{1.3}. The formation of technetium hydrides is also confirmed by the emergence of a new reflective band at 450-600 nm in the reflectance spectra of TcHx_x samples synthesized at 45 GPa. On the basis of the theoretical analysis, we proposed crystal structures for the TcH0.45±0.05_{0.45 \pm 0.05} (Tc16_{16}H7_7) and TcH0.75±0.05_{0.75 \pm 0.05} (Tc4_4H3_3) phases previously obtained at 1-2 GPa. The calculations of the electron-phonon interaction show that technetium hydrides TcH1+x_{1+x} do not possess superconducting properties due to the low electron-phonon interaction parameter (λ0.23\lambda \sim 0.23)


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    Tumor necrosis factor alpha (generally known as cachectin) was noted as a hallmark since the time of its discovery and still retains its position as one of the most intensely studied molecules in the field of biomedicine. TNFα is considered a prototype molecule of the family which, on the one hand, plays an important role in regulating normal differentiation, growth and metabolism of various cells, and on the other hand, acts as mediator of inflammatory processes in various human diseases. Intensive interdisciplinary studies of TNFα biological role and therapeutic use have led to understanding of its polyfunctional effects and establishment of its leading role in immune pathogenesis of diseases, which was the basis for the development of “anticytokine” therapy with highly specific monoclonal antibodies. We aimed for a search of literature in the field of studying TNFα structure and properties, its role under normal conditions, in different diseases and therapy. The literature studies were performed using scientific searching systems and databases. The results are as follows: the role of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) in human body in normal and pathological state was considered. Possible TNF-inducible signaling pathways, as well as existing inhibitors based on monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases are  described. In conclusion, intensive interdisciplinary studies of TNFα biological functions in normal state and diseases are still relevant today, despite huge knowledge gained on this subject.Undisputable progress in understanding the functional multiplicity of TNFα as a participant in regulation of various physiological and pathological processes in the human body has promoted development of biological agents, i.e., the tumor necrosis factor inhibitors based on monoclonal antibodies, which proved to be highly effective drugs for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other  diseases, thus being effective and safe biopharmaceuticals

    Модели-полиады и их применение в обучении математике

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    Considered systems of models, called models-polyads. Components of the model-polyads are various models of a prototype object, describing the same its properties, and the exchange of information between the components of the modelpolyads occurring without distorting the information. The examples of modelspolyads, in particular, shows that in the form of models-polyads are the algebra of geometric vectors, algebra of complex numbers, etc. There are highlights the benefits of studying the objects in the form of models-polyads, and especially in the case of training, when the objects under study are presented in a models-polyads.Рассматриваются системы моделей, называемые моделями-полиадами. Компонентами модели-полиады (в частности, модели-диады, модели-триады) являются различные модели некоторого объекта- прототипа, описывающие одни и те же его особенности, причем обмен информацией между компонентами модели-полиады, происходящий без искажения этой информации. Приведены примеры моделей-полиад, в частности, показано, что в виде моделей-полиад представлены векторная алгебра, алгебра комплексных чисел и др. Выделены преимущества изучения объектов, представленных в виде моделей-полиад, и особенности обучения в случае, когда изучаемые объекты представлены в виде моделей-полиад