86 research outputs found

    Treatment of ischemic stroke caused by dissection and occlusion of internal carotid artery in a young patient

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    The type and etiology of stroke in young patients are known to differ from those in elderly patients, that influences the diagnosis and treatment. Dissection of cerebral arteries holds the top position in the structure of the causes of ischemic stroke in children and young people below 45 years. Currently no clear guideline on the proper treatment of this pathology exists. The article presents the case of acute ischemic stroke in a young patient (the stroke was caused by the occlusion due to dissection of the internal carotid artery) successfully treated with radiosurgical method - stenting of the cervical part of the artery with the transition to petrous segment of the left carotid artery using combined proximal and distal protection of cerebral vessels. The control of patient's state and results of angiography and ultrasound demonstrate the favourable immediate and medium-term prognosis for the patient

    Clinical use of various endovascular stenting techniques in challenging coronary interventions

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    Aim. Development of an algorithm of actions for stenting of artery stenosis during challenging percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) based on the analysis of the results of different endovascular techniques. Methods. We analyzed the experience of the department of radiologic endovascular diagnosis and treatment of Stavropol regional clinical hospital for endovascular surgical treatment of atherosclerosis of coronary arteries. The study included 317 cases of coronary interventions with technically impossible stent delivery to stenosis by standard method along the front-line guidewire and standard choice of the guide in case of distal TIMI 3 flow. For the study the patients were divided into 3 groups comparable by the number of subjects: 104, 113 and 100 respectively. For each group we determined different stages of enhancing support with consistent step-wise transition. The groups differed by the used methods of enhancing support and consistency of their use. Among other methods of support group 2 included the method of guide change and delivery of the second guidewire of enhanced support. At the same time groups 1 and 3 used these methods separately. Results. The smallest number of unsuccessful interventions was observed in group 2 compared to those of groups 1 and 3. The relative risk indicators also demonstrate the high effectiveness of tactics used in the group 2. Conclusion. The most preferable method for the necessary support when stent delivery distal to stenosis is impossible, is a choice of optimal guide and use of the second guidewire of enhanced support


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    ABSTRACT Modern concepts for reducing thermal NO emissions require the use of very lean fuel/air mixtures. Therefore a problem of lean quench should be solved during design process of gas turbine combustor and it's operational development. Since maintenance of flame stability for wide range of gas turbine engine operational modes is essential, therefore there is a great demand for models which are able to predict lean blow out limits of turbulent, premixed and partially premixed, aerodynamically stabilized flames. In this paper a model describing flame destabilization process is presented. This model takes into account various physical processes, which lead to flame destabilization. The model is based on equation for reaction progress variable. An expression of source term of this equation contains turbulent flame speed, which is calculated with the use of Zimont's formula modification, proposed by authors. The results of simulation were compared with test results for our lean premixed combustor. Fuel mass flow rate of pilot zone was decreased during test until heat release of pilot flame front became insufficient and couldn't support a combustion process in a lean premixed zone. Our simulation with modified model allows to get prediction of lean blowout limit

    Оценка эффективности и безопасности комбинации хондроитина сульфата и глюкозамина сульфата при остеоартрите коленного и тазобедренного суставов в реальной клинической практике

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    A combination of chondroitin and glucosamine is widely used in clinical practice as both a symptomatic and structure-modifying agent for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA). The emergence of new drugs based on this combination substantially expands treatment options for OA therapy.Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Artroflex® that is a combination of chondroitin sulfate 400 mg and glucosamine sulfate 500 mg (CS + GS) to support joint health in patients with knee and/or hip OA.Patients and methods. When implementing an open observational research program, the results of using the CS + GS complex were assessed in 644 OA patients (74.7% women) (mean age, 58.0±14.6 years) who experienced moderate/severe pain and required to continuously take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The CS + GS complex was prescribed in a dose of 2 capsules per day for 3 months. The investigators estimated changes in pain on movement by a 0 to 10 verbal pain scale, general health (GH) by a 0–10 visual analogue scale), the Lequesne index, the need for NSAIDs, and patient satisfaction with treatment and its tolerance.Results and discussion. After 3-month therapy, there were decreases in pain intensity by 49.2±16.8%, GH scores by 45.6±18.1%, the Lequesne index from 9.0 [6.0; 13.0] to 5.0 [3.0; 9.0]; less than half (45.2%) of the patients still needed for NSAIDs. 82.2% of patients were satisfied or completely satisfied with treatment results; 89.6% reported good treatment tolerance.Adverse events (apparently associated with NSAID use) were recorded in 2.2% of cases. There were no serious complications that required CS + GS treatment discontinuation or hospitalization.Conclusion. The findings have indicated that Artroflex® used to support joint health is an effective agent that controls OA symptoms and has a good safety level.Комбинация хондроитина и глюкозамина широко применяется в клинической практике как симптоматическое и структурно-модифицирующее средство для лечения остеоартрита (ОА). Появление новых препаратов на основе данной комбинации существенно расширяет возможности терапии ОА.Цель исследования – оценка эффективности и безопасности комплекса для поддержания здоровья суставов Артрофлекс®, представляющего собой комбинацию хондроитина сульфата 400 мг и глюкозамина сульфата 500 мг (ХС + ГС), у пациентов с ОА коленного и/или тазобедренного суставов.Пациенты и методы. В ходе наблюдательной открытой исследовательской программы были оценены результаты применения комплекса ХС + ГС у 644 больных ОА (средний возраст 58,0±14,6 года, 74,7% женщины), испытывающих умеренную/выраженную боль и нуждающихся в постоянном приеме нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов (НПВП). Комплекс ХС + ГС назначали в дозе 2 капсулы в сутки сроком на 3 мес. Оценивали динамику боли при движении (по вербальной шкале боли 0–10), общего состояния здоровья (ОСЗ, по визуальной аналоговой шкале 0–10), индекса Лекена, потребность в приеме НПВП, удовлетворенность больных лечением и переносимостью терапии.Результаты и обсуждение. Через 3 мес применения выраженность боли снизилась на 49,2±16,8%, оценка ОСЗ – на 45,6±18,1%, индекс Лекена – с 9,0 [6,0; 13,0] до 5,0 [3,0; 9,0], необходимость в приеме НПВП осталась менее чем у половины больных (45,2%). Удовлетворены или полностью удовлетворены результатами лечения были 82,2% больных, хорошую переносимость терапии отметили 89,6%. Нежелательные явления (по-видимому, связанные с приемом НПВП) зафиксированы в 2,2% случаев. Серьезных осложнений, потребовавших прерывания лечения ХС + ГС или госпитализации, не выявлено.Заключение. Согласно полученным данным, комплекс для поддержания здоровья суставов Артрофлекс® – эффективное средство для контроля симптомов ОА, обладающее хорошим уровнем безопасности

    Allozyme variation in Pinus cembra and P. sibirica: differentiation between populations and species

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    <p>Two closely related Eurasian species of 5-needle pines, Swiss stone pine<br />(Pinus cembra L.) and Siberian stone pine (P. sibirica Du Tour) occupy two disjunctive parts of the formerly common range in Europe and<br />Siberia, respectively. These forms show so close morphological and genetic similarity that in some classifications they are treated as subspecies. Using a set of 29 allozyme loci (Adh-1,-2, Fdh, Fest-2, Gdh, Got-1,-2,-3, Idh, Lap- 2,-3, Mdh-1,-2,-3,-4, Mnr-1, Pepca, 6-Pgd-1,-<br />2,-3, Pgi-1,-2, Pgm-1,-2, Skdh-1,-2, Sod-2,-3,- 4) we analyzed genetic differentiation within the Alpine-Carpathian part of the range (P.<br />cembra) and found relatively low genetic diversity for conifers (HE=0,08) and moderate level of differentiation (FST=7,4%). For the<br />same loci set within Siberian populations (P. sibirica) genic diversity was higher (0,14), while differentiation was lower (3%). The fact<br />that differentiation within the highly fragmented range of Swiss stone pine is just 2.5 times higher than in widespread closely related P.<br />sibirica makes us consider factors other than unlimited gene flow responsible for uniformity of allelic frequencies. Among these factors the leading role belongs to balancing selection.<br />Heterozygote superiority leads to both (i) increasing of heterozygosity in course of stand development and (ii) through balancing selection<br />to stable equilibrium state. Under this equilibrium, virtually the same genetic structure is maintained, even when remote and isolated<br />parts of the species' ranges are compared. For many studied loci, Swiss and Siberian stone pines have the same allelic profiles despite the fact that gene flow among them ceased a long time ago. According to one point of view fragmentation of the formerly united range might take place in the Atlantic time of the Holocene (about 5000 years BC), however, an alternative hypothesis refers to a much earlier<br />Pleistocene glacial time. Analysis of a combined data set (P. cembra + P. sibirica) including samples of both species showed that a subdivision of genetic variation is about 10 times higher than within each species. A problem of distinction between selective and nonselective<br />differentiation for allozymes and other genetic markers is discussed.<br /><br /></p


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    The possibility of obtaining intermetallic titanium alloys for compressor blades of gas turbine engines based on the method of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS). It was shown that the developed formulations of SHS mixtures and technological modes of SHS process, allow to create intermetallic alloys based aluminides titanium. The results of microprobe analysis were used to prove the receipt of g-TiAl in a two-phase structure of the alloy with intermetallic phase g-TiAl + a2-Ti3Al. It was established that the safety factor of the compressor blades of modern gas turbine engine made of intermetallic titanium alloys meet the requirements of normative documents.Рассмотрена возможность получения интерметаллидных титановых сплавов для лопаток компрессора газотурбинных двигателей на основе метода самораспространяющегося высокотемпературного синтеза (СВС). Показано, что разработанные составы СВС-смесей и технологические режимы СВС-процесса, позволяют создавать интерметаллидные сплавы на основе алюминидов титана. Результаты микрорентгеноспектрального анализа позволили доказать получение в g-TiAl сплаве двухфазной структуры с интерметаллидными фазами g-TiAl + a2-Ti3Al. Установлено, что запасы прочности лопаток компрессора современных ГТД, изготовленных из интерметаллидных титановых сплавов, соответствуют требованиям нормативных документов


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