202 research outputs found

    Role of demyelination in the persistence of neurological and mental impairments after COVID-19

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    Long-term neurological and mental complications of COVID-19, the so-called post-COVID syndrome or long COVID, affect the quality of life. The most persistent manifestations of long COVID include fatigue, anosmia/hyposmia, insomnia, depression/anxiety, and memory/attention deficits. The physiological basis of neurological and psychiatric disorders is still poorly understood. This review summarizes the current knowledge of neurological sequelae in post-COVID patients and discusses brain demyelination as a possible mechanism of these complications with a focus on neuroimaging findings. Numerous reviews, experimental and theoretical studies consider brain demyelination as one of the mechanisms of the central neural system impairment. Several factors might cause demyelination, such as inflammation, direct effect of the virus on oligodendrocytes, and cerebrovascular disorders, inducing myelin damage. There is a contradiction between the solid fundamental basis underlying demyelination as the mechanism of the neurological injuries and relatively little published clinical evidence related to demyelination in COVID-19 patients. The reason for this probably lies in the fact that most clinical studies used conventional MRI techniques, which can detect only large, clearly visible demyelinating lesions. A very limited number of studies use specific methods for myelin quantification detected changes in the white matter tracts 3 and 10 months after the acute phase of COVID-19. Future research applying quantitative MRI assessment of myelin in combination with neurological and psychological studies will help in understanding the mechanisms of post-COVID complications associated with demyelinatio


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    Objective of research: to present the actuality and novelty of application of fish and grass “rotation” because this allows to reveal new data on pond drainage planning which is the most effective in sanitation of the fish farm.Materials and methods: To determine the most effective cycle for the summer drying of ponds, we studied ecological and epizootological features of fishing ponds, which had been used after drying within 1 and 5 years. As research object served 8 fish ponds: 4 drained ponds under crop (40 ha), 4 – overflowed (40 ha) and filled with one-year carps (2,5-З thousand ind./ha) and silver carps (1,2-1,4 thousand ind./ha).Results and discussion: The results of comparative research on anti-epizootic efficacy of pond drying at different periodicity of 1 and 5 years with the use of fish and grass “rotation” are provided. Data on decreased invasion of fishes (carp, silver carp) by parasites, absence of causative agents of infection, improved blood indicators, increased fish production at annual pond drying (with the use of fish and grass “rotation”) compared with the pond drying of 5 year periodicity are presented. Advantages of economic efficacy of the annual frequency of pond drying are confirmed: twice increased commercial fish production; reduced expenses for purchase of food (own barley and wheat production), drugs, disinfectants, fertilizers that allow increasing economic revenue and making profit.Цель исследований вызвана актуальностью и новизной применения рыбосевооборота, так как это позволяет выявить новые знания о наиболее эффективной для оздоровления хозяйства схемы осушения прудов.Материалы и методы. Для выявления наиболее эффективной периодичности летования прудов было изучено эколого-эпизоотическое состояние нагульных прудов, эксплуатируемых после осушения в течение 1 года и 5 лет. Объектами изучения были 8 нагульных прудов: четыре осушенных и засеянных сельскохозяйственными культурами (400 га), четыре залитых (400га) и зарыбленных годовиками карпа (2,5-Зтыс.шт./га) и толстолобика (1,2-1,4тыс.шт/га).Результаты и обсуждение. Приведены результаты сравнительного изучения противоэпизоотической эффективности разной периодичности осушения прудов (через 1 год и 5 лет) с использованием рыбосевооборота. Показано снижение заражённости рыб (карпа, толстолобика) паразитами, отсутствие возбудителей инфекций, улучшение показателей крови, увеличение рыбопродуктивности при годичной периодичности осушения прудов (с использованием рыбосевооборота) по сравнению с периодичностью осушения в 5 лет. Подтверждены преимущества экономической эффективности годичной периодичности осушения прудов: увеличилось в 2 раза производство товарной рыбы, уменьшились затраты на приобретение кормов (за счет собственного кормопроизводства зерновых - ячменя, пшеницы), лечебных препаратов, дезинфицирующих средств, удобрений, что увеличило выручку в хозяйстве и позволило получать прибыль

    Синергизм и синергические эффекты в технологии переработки полимеров

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    The work deals with the terms synergism and synergic systems evolution. The analysis of literatre sources in which the results of synergic effects study in polymer`s technology are presented, is carried out. Modern approaches to estimate synergic effects, identification, analysis and synergic systems forming are reviewed, and that allows scientifically-based solving the practical receipt-biilding tasks of polymer materials and their processing technological processes parameters choice.В работе отражена эволюция терминов синергизм, синергический эффект, синергическая система. Проведен анализ литературных источников, в которых представлены результаты изучения эффектов синергизма в технологии переработки полимеров. Рассмотрены современные подходы к оценке эффектов синергизма, идентификации, анализу и формированию синергических систем, что позволяет научно обоснованно решать практические задачи рецептуростроения полимерных материалов и выбора параметров технологических процессов их переработки

    Characterization of the core bacteriobiome in the rhizosphere of greenhouse vegetables: taxonomic diversity and putative functions

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    The aim of the study. The aim was to profile 16S rRNA gene diversity and to assess functional potential of bacterial assemblages in the rhizosphere of some unconventional vegetables grown in protected greenhouse conditions in West Siberia. Location and time of the study. Novosibirsk, Russia, 2016. Methodology. At the end of the growing season in the middle of September the rhizosphere soil was collected from the plants of wax gourd (Benincasa hispida), bitter melon (Momordica charantia), kiwano (Cucumis metuliferus) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) grown on peat-based substrate in a polyethylene-protected greenhouse that has been in operation for more than 40 years. The metagenomic DNA was extracted and amplified with V3-V4 primers for 16S rRNA genes, and the amplicons sequenced with Illumina MiSeq. The obtained OTUs tables were used to predict putative functions by running through the FAPROTAX database. Main results. The rhizosphere bacteriobiome was dominated by Proteobacteria (32±11% of the total number of sequence reads), Acidobacteria (23±7%) and Actinobacteria (18±3%) phyla, together accounting for about three quarters of the rhizosphere bacteriobiome. In total 20 bacterial phyla were found. The rhizosphere bacteriobiome was surprisingly diverse with Shannon index ranging 7.0–7.5. The number of the observed operational taxonomic units (OTUs) per sample was very high, ranging 4,500–4,900, and the potential number of OTUs estimated as 5,100–5,700; all those OTUs were evenly and equitably represented in the bacteriobiome, and dominance indices (Simpson dominance and Berger-Parker) were very low. The main dominant OTU represented Bradyrhizobiaceae family and accounted for just 1% on average. Overall the study identified 27 OTUs belonging to the Bradyrhizobiaceae family, but only four of them were ascribed to nitrogen fixation by FAPROTAX. Function prediction by FAPROTAX also suggested that bacteriobiome had a marked potential for the carbon cycle, denitrification, aromatic compound and plant polymer degradation, but no plant pathogens. The biggest difference in rhizosphere bacteriobiome diversity was observed between the bitter melon and the other three vegetable crops: bitter melon had much increased abundance of Arthrobacter and Sphingomonas as compared with wax gourd, kiwano and cowpea, and increased number of bacterial species associated with aromatic compounds degradation. Conclusion. Based on the finding that the studied rhizosphere bacteriobiomes were very diverse, we conclude that the crops were able to recruit diverse microbiota from the peat-based soil substrate, which, in its turn, means that diverse soil substrate microbiota has been sustained over several decades of the greenhouse operation. All crops apparently shaped distinct bacteriobiomes in their rhizosphere, which ideally should be included into studies of plant-associated bacterial diversity profiles for breeding and sustainable production.The aim of the study. The aim was to profile 16S rRNA gene diversity and to assess functional potential of bacterial assemblages in the rhizosphere of some unconventional vegetables grown in protected greenhouse conditions in West Siberia. Location and time of the study. Novosibirsk, Russia, 2016. Methodology. At the end of the growing season in the middle of September the rhizosphere soil was collected from the plants of wax gourd (Benincasa hispida), bitter melon (Momordica charantia), kiwano (Cucumis metuliferus) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) grown on peat-based substrate in a polyethylene-protected greenhouse that has been in operation for more than 40 years. The metagenomic DNA was extracted and amplified with V3-V4 primers for 16S rRNA genes, and the amplicons sequenced with Illumina MiSeq. The obtained OTUs tables were used to predict putative functions by running through the FAPROTAX database. Main results. The rhizosphere bacteriobiome was dominated by Proteobacteria (32±11% of the total number of sequence reads), Acidobacteria (23±7%) and Actinobacteria (18±3%) phyla, together accounting for about three quarters of the rhizosphere bacteriobiome. In total 20 bacterial phyla were found. The rhizosphere bacteriobiome was surprisingly diverse with Shannon index ranging 7.0–7.5. The number of the observed operational taxonomic units (OTUs) per sample was very high, ranging 4,500–4,900, and the potential number of OTUs estimated as 5,100–5,700; all those OTUs were evenly and equitably represented in the bacteriobiome, and dominance indices (Simpson dominance and Berger-Parker) were very low. The main dominant OTU represented Bradyrhizobiaceae family and accounted for just 1% on average. Overall the study identified 27 OTUs belonging to the Bradyrhizobiaceae family, but only four of them were ascribed to nitrogen fixation by FAPROTAX. Function prediction by FAPROTAX also suggested that bacteriobiome had a marked potential for the carbon cycle, denitrification, aromatic compound and plant polymer degradation, but no plant pathogens. The biggest difference in rhizosphere bacteriobiome diversity was observed between the bitter melon and the other three vegetable crops: bitter melon had much increased abundance of Arthrobacter and Sphingomonas as compared with wax gourd, kiwano and cowpea, and increased number of bacterial species associated with aromatic compounds degradation. Conclusion. Based on the finding that the studied rhizosphere bacteriobiomes were very diverse, we conclude that the crops were able to recruit diverse microbiota from the peat-based soil substrate, which, in its turn, means that diverse soil substrate microbiota has been sustained over several decades of the greenhouse operation. All crops apparently shaped distinct bacteriobiomes in their rhizosphere, which ideally should be included into studies of plant-associated bacterial diversity profiles for breeding and sustainable production

    Физическое представление и расчет начала кипения в пульсационной тепловой трубе

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    Отримано формулу для розрахунку теплового потоку, який забезпечує початок кипіння теплоносія в пульсаційній тепловій трубі (ПТТ), і визначено нижню границю ефективної роботи ПТТ. Показано, що основними факторами, що впливають на величину цього теплового потоку, є рушійний капілярний напір та швидкість руху парової бульбашки. Формулу для визначення теплового потоку було отримано для замкнених ПТТ, виготовлених з міді, з водою як теплоносій. Інформація про величину теплового потоку є необхідною для подальшого проектування систем охолодження різноманітних теплонавантажених елементів, чутливих до перегріву, наприклад світлодіодів перспективних освітлювальних пристроїв.LED development is accompanied by the need to ensure a constructive solution for the thermal conditions problem. For this purpose one can use pulsating heat pipes (PHP), that operate more efficiently after the start of heat carrier boiling. This article describes the physical representation and formula that allows determining the boiling point, which is a lower bound of the PHP effective operating range. It is shown that the main factors influencing the required heat flow are driving capillary pressure and velocity of the vapor bubble. The formula was obtained for the closed PHP made of the copper with water as a heat carrier. Information about this heat flux can be used for further design of cooling systems for heat-sensitive elements, such as LED for promising lighting devices.Получена формула для расчета теплового потока, обеспечивающего начало кипения теплоносителя в пульсационной тепловой трубе (ПТТ), т. е. определяющего нижнюю границу эффективной работы ПТТ. Показано, что основными факторами, влияющими на искомую величину теплового потока, являются движущий капиллярный напор и скорость движения парового пузырька. Формула для определения теплового потока была получена для замкнутых ПТТ, изготовленных из меди, с водой в качестве теплоносителя. Информация о величине теплового потока необходима для дальнейшего проектирования систем охлаждения различных теплонагруженных элементов, чувствительных к перегреву, например светодиодов перспективных осветительных устройств

    Профилактика болезней рыб в племенных карповых хозяйствах: ветеринарные, экологические, технологические аспекты

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    The aim of the study is to analyze and summarize the existing veterinary, ecological and technological requirements and norms that ensure optimal conditions for the reproduction and cultivation of fish and their health in carp breeding fish farms. Materials and methods. Informational and analytical methods were used to generalize the veterinary, ecological and technological requirements to the growing conditions (water quality, artificial feeds) and the health status of fish in carp fish farms, and to analyze veterinary and sanitary measures and control their implementation in the technological cycle of reproduction and Cultivation of fish in breeding carp farms. At the same time, domestic regulations for breeding and commercial fish farms, approved according to established order. Results and discussion. Prevention is a preventative measure in the fight against fish diseases. It is aimed at compliance with veterinary norms and requirements in specialized breeding carp farms, as well as on conducting preventive veterinary-sanitary and fish-reclamation measures during the whole technological cycle of reproduction and growing fish. In the timely implementation of these measures, a significant role is assigned to veterinary control. It is aimed at maintaining the epizootic well-being of the economy and includes checking the implementation of the annual plan for preventive and veterinary-sanitary measures and environmental and technological requirements that provide fish health, as well as recommendations for improving the veterinary and ecological-technological state of the breeding fish farm in order to increase production of a highly productive, competitive environment. Safe breeding products.Цель исследования - анализ и обобщение существующих ветеринарных, экологических и технологических требований и норм, обеспечивающих оптимальные условия воспроизводства и выращивания рыб и их здоровье в карповых племенных рыбоводных хозяйствах. Материалы и методы. Использованы информационно-аналитические методы, позволяющие обобщить ветеринарные, экологические и технологические требования к условиям выращивания (качеству воды, искусственных кормов) и состоянию здоровья рыб в карповых рыбоводных хозяйствах, а также провести анализ ветеринарно-санитарных мероприятий и контроль их выполнения в технологическом цикле воспроизводства и выращивания рыб в племенных карповых хозяйствах.. При этом учитывали отечественные нормативные документы для племенных и товарных рыбоводных хозяйств, утвержденные в установленном порядке. Результаты и обсуждение. Профилактика является предупредительной мерой в борьбе с заболеваниями рыб. Она направлена на соблюдение ветеринарных норм и требований в специализированных племенных карповых хозяйствах, а также на проведение профилактических ветеринарно-санитарных и рыбоводно-мелиоративных мероприятий в течение всего технологического цикла воспроизводства и выращивания рыб. В своевременном выполнении указанных мероприятий существенная роль отводится ветеринарному контролю. Он направлен на поддержание эпизоотического благополучия хозяйства и включает проверку выполнения ежегодного плана профилактических и ветеринарно-санитарных мероприятий и эколого-технологических требований, обеспечивающих здоровье рыб, а также рекомендации по улучшению ветеринарного и эколого-технологического состояния племенного рыбоводного хозяйства в целях увеличения производства высокопродуктивной конкурентоспособной экологически безопасной племенной продукции

    О рецептуростроении клеев с постоянной «липкостью» на основе бутадиен-нитрильных каучуков

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    The optimal set of the properties of elastomeric glues can be achieved by the right ratio of components. The combined influence of resins, plasticizers and agents of tackiness on the properties of adhesive compositions was studied.Оптимального комплекса свойств эластомерных клеев можно достигнуть благодаря правильному соотношению компонентов. Изучено совместное влияние на свойства клеевых композиций смол , пластификатора и агента липкости

    Nonlinear relativistic optics in the single cycle, single wavelength regime and kilohertz repetition rate

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    Pulses of few optical cycles, focused on one wavelength with relativistic intensities can be produced at a kilohertz repetition rate. By properly choosing the plasma and laser parameters, relativistic nonlinear effects, such as channeling and electron and ion acceleration to tens of megaelectronvolts are demonstrated. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87926/2/138_1.pd

    Исследование влияния процесса модификации на групповой состав битума и модификаторов методом Фурье-ИК-спектроскопии

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    Objectives. This study evaluates the effect of the modification process on the group composition of bitumen and bitumen binders containing rubber powder and hybrid modifier that is based on styrene–butadiene thermoplastic elastomer and rubber crumb. The aim of the study was to determine the presence or absence of functional groups that reflect the direction of physicochemical processes during the preparation of a hybrid modifier in rotary dispersers and during the modification of bitumen binders. Methods. Rubber powder and hybrid modifier were obtained by high-temperature shear grinding using a rotary disperser. Bitumen and modified bitumen binders were investigated via Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy. Using the method of spectral subtraction, it was determined that during the process of manufacturing modified bitumen binders, structural changes occur in both bitumen and modifiers. During this study, the extraction of modifiers (rubber powder and hybrid modifier) in toluene was performed. Results. The quantitative analysis of changes in the group composition of modifiers before and after the modification procedure was carried out. The active polymer and structural indices were determined. The general trend of the change in the active polymer and structural indices was noted for the initial spectra of the rubber powder and hybrid modifier, and their spectra were obtained after the procedure of subtraction from the spectra of bitumen binders. Conclusions. The interdiffusion of aromatic compounds between the bitumen component and modifier particles was confirmed. On the basis of the results of the extraction of modifiers in toluene, and by taking into account the infrared spectroscopy data, it was determined that during the production of hybrid modifier during the simultaneous grinding of rubber crumb and styrene– butadiene thermoplastic elastomer, there was a chemical interaction between them. Цели. В статье проанализировано влияние процесса модификации на групповой состав битума и битумных вяжущих, содержащих резиновый порошок и гибридный модификатор на основе бутадиен-стирольного термоэластопласта и резиновой крошки. Целью исследования было определение наличия или отсутствия функциональных групп, отражающих направленность физико-химических процессов при получении гибридного модификатора в роторных диспергаторах и при модификации битумных вяжущих. Методы. Резиновый порошок и гибридный модификатор получены методом высокотемпературного сдвигового измельчения на роторном диспергаторе. Битумы и модифицированные битумные вяжущие исследованы методом инфракрасной спектроскопии с Фурье преобразованием. С помощью метода вычитания спектров установлено, что в процессе изготовления модифицированных битумных вяжущих происходят структурные изменения как в битуме, так и в модификаторах. В работе также проведена экстракция модификаторов (резинового порошка и гибридного модификатора) в толуоле. Результаты. Проведен количественный анализ изменений, происходящих в групповом составе модификаторов до и после процедуры модификации. Определены активный полимерный и структурный индексы. Отмечена общая тенденция в изменении активного полимерного и структурного индексов для исходных спектров резинового порошка и гибридного модификатора и их спектров, полученных после процедуры вычитания из спектров битумных вяжущих спектра битума.Выводы. Подтверждена взаимодиффузия ароматических соединений между битумной составляющей и частицами модификаторов. На основании результатов экстракции модификаторов в толуоле и с учетом данных ИК-спектроскопии найдено, что в процессе производства гибридного модификатора совместным соизмельчением резиновой крошки и бутадиен-стирольного термоэластопласта между ними происходит химическое взаимодействие.