63 research outputs found

    Review of the some specific features of the detecting of heavy recoils

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    In this paper, we present the results of the first beam tests of the detection system at the focal plane of the Dubna Gas-Filled Recoil Separator-2 (DGFRS-2), which receives beams from the DC-280 FLNR cyclotron. The high beam intensity of 48^{48}Ca+10^{+10} heavy ions from the cyclotron enables us to obtain a number of superheavy recoils sufficient to compare both the measured and calculated spectra of superheavy recoils implanted into a silicon detector. A real-time algorithm to search for an Evaporation Residue (ER) -- α\alpha correlated sequences is described in brief. It should be noted that the DGFRS-2 spectrometer operates in conjunction with the 48x128 strip DSSD (Double-sided Silicon Strip Detector; 48x226 mm2) detector and a low-pressure pentane-filled gaseous detector (1.2 Torr; 80x230 mm2^2). A block-diagram of the spectrometer and the event format are also presented. Special attention is paid to the response of a low-pressure pentane-filled DeltaE multiwire proportional chamber for recoils of Fl, synthesized in the 242^{242}Pu+48^{48}Ca \to 287^{287}Fl +3n complete fusion nuclear reaction. Some actual parameters of the detection system have also been extracted from nat^{\rm nat}Yb + 48^{48}Ca, 232^{232}Th + 48^{48}Ca, 243^{243}Am + 48^{48}Ca, 238^{238}U + 48^{48}Ca reactions. The effect of neighbor strip charge sharing for the ohmic side of the DSSD detector is also under consideration.Comment: 18 page

    Comparison of energy consumption in modern production technologies of steel

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    The main power expenses in a modern civilization are concentrated in production technologies of steel. Our civilization can not exist without steel and other metals. The data on power expenses by production of steel by various methods applied now are provided.Основные энергозатраты в современной цивилизации сосредоточены в технологиях производства стали. Без стали и других металлов наша цивилизация существовать не может. Приведены данные по энергозатратам при производстве стали различными методами, применяемые в настоящее время

    Ecosystem and human health assessment to define environmental management strategies: The case of long-term human impacts on an Arctic lake

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    Abstract There are rich deposits of mineral and fossil natural resources in the Arctic, which make this region very attractive for extracting industries. Their operations have immediate and vast consequences for ecological systems, which are particularly vulnerable in this region. We are developing a management strategy for Arctic watersheds impacted by industrial production. The case study is Lake Imandra watershed (Murmansk oblast, Russia) that has exceptionally high levels of economic development and large numbers of people living there. We track the impacts of toxic pollution on ecosystem health and then -human health. Three periods are identified: (a) natural, pre-industrial state; (b) disturbed, under rapid economic development; and (c) partial recovery, during recent economic meltdown. The ecosystem is shown to transform into a qualitatively new state, which is still different from the original natural state, even after toxic loadings have substantially decreased. Fish disease where analyzed to produce and integral evaluation of ecosystem health. Accumulation of heavy metals in fish is correlated with etiology of many diseases. Dose-effect relationships are between integral water quality indices and ecosystem health indicators clearly demonstrates that existing water quality standards adopted in Russia are inadequate for Arctic regions. Health was also poor for people drinking water from the Lake. Transport of heavy metals from drinking water, into human organs, and their effect on liver and kidney diseases shows the close connection between ecosystem and human health. A management system is outlined that is based on feedback from indices of ecosystem and human health and control over economic production and/or the amount of toxic loading produced. We argue that prospects for implementation of such a system are quite bleak at this time, and that more likely we will see a continued depopulation of these Northern regions


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    The paper shows that the treatment of brain traumatic lesions is a topical problem. Moreover, the complications associated with the development of cerebral recompression play a particular role in the posttraumatic period. The purpose of the present study was to reveal the regularities of reorganization of cyto- and synaptoarchitectonics of different layers of the cerebral cortex in patients with cerebral recompression in the acute period of brain injury. Cerebral cortical biopsy specimens taken in 6 patients from the perifocal area (subdural hematoma and a contusion focus with intracerebral hematoma) were examined. The results were statistically processed, by using a package of the applied programs «StatSoft Statistica 6.0». Based on the findings, the authors suggest that it is necessary to make an early diagnosis and a complex intervention that promotes the improvement of the ultimate results of treatment.В статье показана актуальность проблемы лечения травматических повреждений головного мозга. При этом в посттравматическом периоде особую роль играют осложнения, связанные с развитием повторного сдавления головного мозга. Целью настоящего исследования было выявление закономерностей реорганизации цито- и синаптоархитектоники различных слоев коры большого мозга у пациентов с повторным сдавливанием головного мозга в остром периоде черепно-мозговой травмы. Изучены биоптаты коры головного мозга, взятые у 6 больных из перифокальной зоны (субдуральная гематома и контузионный очаг с внутримозговой гематомой). Статистическую обработку полученного материала проводили с помощью пакета прикладных программ «StatSoft Statistica 6.0». На основании полученных данных выдвигаются предложения по необходимости ранней диагностики и проведению комплексного вмешательства, способствующего улучшению конечных результатов лечения

    Collimation of a Circulating Beam in the U_70 Synchrotron by Use of Reflections in Axially - Oriented Crystals

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    The possibilities of the extraction and collimation of a circulating beam by a new method due to the reflection of particles in crystals with axial orientation were experimentally investigated in the Fall-2010 run at the U_70 synchrotron. Such crystals have positive features, because the axial potential is five times larger than the planar potential. It has been shown that the collimation efficiency can reach 90% due to axial effects in the crystal. Losses of the circulating beam on a collimator have been reduced by several times; this makes it possible to suppress the muon jet near the steel collimator of the circulating beam.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    К решению проблемы прогноза уровня моря у мыса Каменный в Обской губе

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    The problem of short-term sea level forecasting in the area of Сape Kamenny in the Ob’ Bay has become important since the Novoportovsky terminal (known as “Arctic Gate”) began operating for year-round oil shipment. The tankers loading the oil from the terminal have to pass through relatively shallow waters, located to the north, limiting the vessels draft. Thereby a short-term water level forecast is required relative to the lowest theoretical level for tankers loading at the terminal. The year-round hourly observations using buoy level gauges with a satellite channel of data transmission are organized for quick level monitoring directly in the area of Cape Kamenny. The results of the harmonic analysis of water level observations in the area of Cape Kamenny for 2016–2021 showed significant seasonal variability of amplitudes and phases of the wave М2 in the annual cycle, as well as their interannual variability due to various ice conditions of the Ob’ Bay (light, medium, heavy). Based on these results, the processing and analysis of observations data over the last month are performed by the end of each month. According to these results, the current values of harmonic constants, dependent on actual ice conditions are specified and calculation of the tide is carried out for the next month. The calculation of the forecast values of the total level is composed of calculated tide and short term (with a lead time of up to 5 days) forecast of non-periodic level fluctuations using the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of joint water and ice circulation AARI-IOCM. At the final stage of the forecast preparation, the predicted level, usually calculated relative to the conditional long term average annual value, is bound to the lowest theoretical level (according to the current values of the level gauge) and transferred to the operator of the terminal and to the tanker. The hourly observations of water level in the area of Cape Kamenny and level forecasting have been carried out since 2017 and are still continuing.Проблема краткосрочного прогнозирования уровня моря в районе мыса Каменный Обской губы актуализировалась с началом функционирования Новопортовского терминала круглогодичной отгрузки нефти («Ворота Арктики»). Краткосрочный прогноз уровня необходим для танкеров, осуществляющих транспортировку нефти, для прохождения относительно мелководного участка, расположенного к северу от терминала. Для оперативного контроля уровня непосредственно в районе мыса Каменный организованы круглогодичные ежечасные наблюдения с использованием буйковых уровнемеров со спутниковым каналом передачи данных. Результаты гармонического анализа наблюдений за уровнем в районе м. Каменный за 2016–2021 гг. показали как существенную сезонную изменчивость амплитуд и фаз волны М2 в годовом цикле, так и их межгодовую изменчивость, обусловленную различными ледовыми условиями Обской губы (легкие, средние, тяжелые). С учетом этих результатов краткосрочный прогноз суммарного уровня строится путем сложения предвычисленного с учетом сезонной изменчивости прилива и расчетных значений непериодических колебаний, получаемых в ходе гидродинамического моделирования с использованием трехмерной гидродинамической модели совместной циркуляции вод и льдов AARI-IOCM. Ежечасные наблюдения за уровнем в районе мыса Каменный и прогноз уровня для обеспечения мореплавания осуществляются с 2017 г. и продолжаются в настоящее время

    Attempt to produce element 120 in the 244 Pu + 58 Fe reaction

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    An experiment aimed at the synthesis of isotopes of element 120 has been performed using the 244 Pu( 58 Fe,xn) 302−x 120 reaction. No decay chains consistent with fusion-evaporation reaction products were observed during an irradiation with a beam dose of 7.1 × 10 18 330-MeV 58 Fe projectiles. The sensitivity of the experiment corresponds to a cross section of 0.4 pb for the detection of one decay

    Determination of the neutron fluence, the beam characteristics and the backgrounds at the CERN-PS TOF facility

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