16 research outputs found

    Risks in the Processes of Digitalization of Law and Supply Chain Strategy in Economic Relations

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    One of the main trends in the law development is its digitalization under the supply chain strategies, which is manifested both in the digitalization of legal regulation, legal technologies, legal processes and law enforcement. In the emergence of regulations affecting the issues of the digital economy, electronic state, information security. In this article, the authors assess some risks of digitalization of law through the prism of features of logical operations in legal thinking, analyze the interaction of a number of legal institutions and modern supply chain management systems that undergo radical changes in connection with digitalization


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    Purpose: The purpose of the article is to conduct a scientific analysis of the place of cryptocurrency in the system of objects of civil rights in Russia. Methodology: This research applies a system of general scientific, special scientific, and special methods of cognition of socio-legal and socio-economic phenomena, including historical-legal, comparative-legal, formal-logical methods, the method of dialectics, the method of system analysis. Result: Digital information technology has become a global trend in world economic development. This article deals with the study of the current state and prospects of legal regulation of virtual currencies (cryptocurrency) in Russia. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Virtual currency as an object of civil rights in Russia is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Estado como Fenômeno em Evolução: Principais Problemas e Abordagens

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    The article analyzes the fundamental issues of state evolution and typology. The authors justify that the state is an evolving phenomenon of social and legal reality. At that, it is shown that in the process of this evolution, along with the preservation of universal (essential) characteristics, conditioned by the nature and social purpose of the state, there is a modification of those properties and attributes that have a specific historical character and depend on a variety of factors that influence a state on an appropriate stage of development. The paper substantiates that the evolution of a state phenomenon must be considered in the context of general social evolution, which is, in the most general sense, the process of that intersubjective experience complication, accumulation and organization. The authors argue that any common (generic) concept of "state" is a conditional one to a certain extent, since it does not have a real ontological status, acting as the result of a series of typifications mediated by language and carried out in accordance with the relevances largely dictated by that practical life situation.El artículo analiza los problemas fundamentales de la evolución del estado y la tipología. Los autores justifican que el estado es un fenómeno en evolución de la realidad social y legal. En eso, se muestra que, en el proceso de esta evolución, junto con la preservación de características universales (esenciales), condicionadas por la naturaleza y el propósito social del estado, hay una modificación de aquellas propiedades y atributos que tienen un carácter histórico específico y dependen de una variedad de factores que influyen en el estado de una etapa apropiada de desarrollo. El artículo corrobora que la evolución de un fenómeno de estado debe considerarse en el contexto de la evolución social general, que es, en el sentido más general, el proceso de esa experiencia intersubjetiva de complicación, acumulación y organización.Los autores argumentan que cualquier concepto común (genérico) de "estado" es, en cierta medida, condicional, ya que no tiene un estado ontológico real, que actúa como resultado de una serie de tipificaciones mediadas por el lenguaje y llevadas a cabo de conformidad con las repercusiones dictadas en gran medida por esa situación de vida práctica.O artigo analisa os problemas fundamentais da evolução do estado e da tipologia. Os autores justificam que o estado é um fenômeno em evolução da realidade social e legal. Nisto, mostra-se que, no processo dessa evolução, juntamente com a preservação de características universais (essenciais), condicionadas pela natureza e finalidade social do Estado, há uma modificação daquelas propriedades e atributos que possuem um caráter específico. e eles dependem de uma variedade de fatores que influenciam um estado em um estágio apropriado de desenvolvimento. O artigo corrobora que a evolução de um fenômeno de estado deve ser considerada no contexto da evolução social geral, que é, no sentido mais geral, o processo dessa experiência intersubjetiva de complicação, acumulação e organização.Os autores argumentam que qualquer conceito comum (genérico) "status" é, de certa forma condicional, porque não tem status ontológico real, que atua como um resultado de uma série de caracterizações mediadas pela linguagem e realizadas de acordo com as repercussões ditadas em grande parte por aquela situação de vida prática

    Práticas formais, informais e de poder sombra no espaço político contemporâneo

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    The present paper considers various forms and practices of power-related interaction in the political system of modern society. It is noted that the institutional-normative and structural-functional aspects do not reflect the variety of forms and types of communication between public and power. The authors substantiate the methodological position according to which the activity of political subjects should not be considered in traditional theoretical and methodological coordinates, where attention is paid only to "positive phenomena", and power communication is not analyzed from the standpoint of "negative structures", i. e. those aspects which are not recognized as being fit into the dominant type of political and legal activity, into the framework of the emerging social order as a whole. The formal, informal, shadow and other power practices that exist in today's political space are considered in the work from this position.El presente trabajo considera diversas formas y prácticas de interacción relacionada con el poder en el sistema político de la sociedad moderna. Se observa que los aspectos institucional-normativos y estructural-funcionales no reflejan la variedad de formas y tipos de comunicación entre el público y el poder. Los autores corroboran la posición metodológica según la cual la actividad de los sujetos políticos no debe considerarse en las coordenadas teóricas y metodológicas tradicionales, donde la atención se centra únicamente en los "fenómenos positivos" y la comunicación de poder no se analiza desde el punto de vista de las "estructuras negativas", aquellos aspectos que no se reconocen como adecuados para el tipo dominante de actividad política y legal, en el marco del orden social emergente como un todo. Las prácticas formales, informales, de sombra y otras prácticas de poder que existen en el espacio político actual se consideran en el trabajo desde esta posición.O presente trabalho considera diversas formas e práticas de interação relacionadas ao poder no sistema político da sociedade moderna. Observa-se que os aspectos institucionais-normativos e estruturais-funcionais não refletem a variedade de formas e tipos de comunicação entre o público e o poder. Os autores confirmam a posição metodológica que a atividade de sujeitos políticos não deve ser considerada em coordenadas teóricas e metodológicas tradicionais, onde o foco é apenas sobre os "desenvolvimentos positivos" e comunicação de poder não é analisado do ponto de vista das "estruturas negativas", aqueles aspectos que não são reconhecidos como adequados ao tipo dominante de atividade política e legal, no contexto da ordem social emergente como um todo. As práticas formais, informais, sombra e outras práticas de poder que existem no espaço político atual são consideradas no trabalho a partir desta posição

    Role of Confidence and Supply Chain Strategy during Legitimization of Justice in Countries of Transitional Period

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    In recent years representatives of various sciences began to pay attention to the problems of legitimacy of power, making them the subject of scientific and political discussions by considering the supply chain strategy. At the same time, geopolitical changes in the world put on the agenda the search for effective ways of transition to democracy, which was the impetus to the development of the concept of "transit society" and its separate direction - "transit justice". Instability, as a characteristic feature of this stage of social development, bring significant attention to the legitimacy of power and its institutions. Indeed, this question largely determines the perspectives for stabilizing society. It becomes relevant in relation to justice and court system that represents it. The legitimization of court acts as a prerequisite for the legitimization of other authorities and democratic processes in the state. In the most widespread definition of institutional confidence is an integral element of legitimacy and supply chain provides the process for its better transparency. In regard to court it implies faith in the fairness of its actions and decisions as well as public recognition of its authority. In this article we studied key questions about the role of confidence in the legitimization of justice in the countries of transitional period. We argued that the level of confidence in justice in society is directly proportional to the level of its civil consciousness. The informational nature of both predetermines the need of using of information methods for building confidence in court as a necessary condition for legitimizing justice in transitional society


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    Purpose: Ensuring the rule of law, human rights, the principles of constitutionalism and the democratization of society, the factor analysis of legislation remains relevant during the period of transformation of state and public institutions. Methodology: The study of factors is present at the theoretical and applied levels: the subject of the theory of law traditionally captures the laws and trends in the formation of the legislative system, primarily in connection with the factors that determine the boundaries and scope of legal regulation. 50 surveys conducted to investigate the factors of impact on content and dynamic of legislation evolution Result: The analysis of the impact factors of influence on the content, structure, and dynamics of the legislation, which is always conditioned by the development of objective and subjective circumstances, is in the focus of the paper. The study of factors is especially relevant in the period of society's and its legal system transformation in the direction of ensuring the rule of law and human rights. Research puts emphasis on the development of forecasting principles of legislation evolution dynamics. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of the factors of impact on content and dynamics of legislation evolution is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    The Legitimacy of the Government in the Political, Legal and Economic Space of Modern Russia: Features of Understanding of the Socio-cultural Reasons

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    The article presents theoretical-methodological foundations of social and cultural interpretation of the nature of legitimacy of power. The authors present arguments for the importance of the transition research the government as a whole, its institutions, processes of legitimation and legalization of the national legal system from class or liberal principles and heuristic schemes to different cultural methodologies using hermeneutic methods in the study of Russian political and legal reality. In this context, the article presents and analyses aspects of the modern conservative legal discourse. It should be noted that modern legal literature is taking place several basic approaches to the understanding of its essence: institutional and sociological neo-institutional. Each of these methods of treatment of political (or rather, the state-legal) regime is valuable because it reveals the one or the other aspect of it, so these three approaches allow to reveal the essence of the institutions of state and legal regime and its special functional nature. Any economic model that does not properly solve the problem of inequality eventually will face a crisis of legitimacy. Unbalanced market and the state will not allow the interaction of the economy to overcome the social and political instability, which in turn will harm the long-term economic growth and well-being (Nouriel Roubini). Keywords: political and legal organization of society, socio-cultural factors, national leader of the legal mentality, political regime, state power JEL Classification: M14, G30, D72, K4

    Political and legal models of institute transformation in the 21st century

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    The paper analyzes the key theoretical and practical approaches and doctrines representing the prognostic projects of the political and legal transformation of the state institution in the 21st century. The authors argue that the transfer of the basic functional responsibilities of state institutions to other political actors will lead to the dysfunctional social and power institutions and instability of the political process. The paper proves that it is necessary to develop legal structures and political forms that adequately describe the modern functioning of government institutions and the strategy for their development in a globalizing world.В роботі аналізуються ключові теоретико-практичні підходи і доктрини, що презентують прогностичні проекти політико-правової трансформації інституту держави в XXI столітті. Автори аргументують, що передача основних функціональних обов'язків державних інститутів іншим суб'єктам політичної діяльності призведе до дисфункціональності публічно-владних інститутів та нестабільності політичного процесу. У праці доводиться, що необхідна розробка правових конструкцій і політичних форм, які адекватно описують сучасне функціонування інститутів державної влади і стратегію їх розвитку в глобалізованому світі.В работе анализируются ключевые теоретико-практические подходы и доктрины, представляющие прогностические проекты политико-правовой трансформации института государства в XXI веке. Авторы аргументируют, что передача основных функциональных обязанностей государственных институтов другим субъектам политической деятельности приведёт к дисфункциональности общественных и властных институтов и нестабильности политического процесса. В работе доказывается, что необходима разработка правовых конструкций и политических форм, адекватно описывающих современное функционирование институтов государственной власти и стратегию их развития в глобализирующемся мире

    Political and legal models of institute transformation in the 21st century

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    The paper analyzes the key theoretical and practical approaches and doctrines representing the prognostic projects of the political and legal transformation of the state institution in the 21st century. The authors argue that the transfer of the basic functional responsibilities of state institutions to other political actors will lead to the dysfunctional social and power institutions and instability of the political process. The paper proves that it is necessary to develop legal structures and political forms that adequately describe the modern functioning of government institutions and the strategy for their development in a globalizing world.В роботі аналізуються ключові теоретико-практичні підходи і доктрини, що презентують прогностичні проекти політико-правової трансформації інституту держави в XXI столітті. Автори аргументують, що передача основних функціональних обов'язків державних інститутів іншим суб'єктам політичної діяльності призведе до дисфункціональності публічно-владних інститутів та нестабільності політичного процесу. У праці доводиться, що необхідна розробка правових конструкцій і політичних форм, які адекватно описують сучасне функціонування інститутів державної влади і стратегію їх розвитку в глобалізованому світі.В работе анализируются ключевые теоретико-практические подходы и доктрины, представляющие прогностические проекты политико-правовой трансформации института государства в XXI веке. Авторы аргументируют, что передача основных функциональных обязанностей государственных институтов другим субъектам политической деятельности приведёт к дисфункциональности общественных и властных институтов и нестабильности политического процесса. В работе доказывается, что необходима разработка правовых конструкций и политических форм, адекватно описывающих современное функционирование институтов государственной власти и стратегию их развития в глобализирующемся мире

    Role of Confidence and Supply Chain Strategy during Legitimization of Justice in Countries of Transitional Period

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    In this article we studied key questions about the role of confidence in the legitimization of justice in the countries of transitional period. We argued that the level of confidence in justice in society is directly proportional to the level of its civil consciousness. The informational nature of both predetermines the need of using of information methods for building confidence in court as a necessary condition for legitimizing justice in transitional society.У цій статті ми розглянули ключові питання про роль довіри в легітимації правосуддя в країнах транзитного періоду. Ми аргументували тезу про те, що рівень довіри до правосуддя в суспільстві прямо пропорційний рівню його громадянської свідомості. Інформаційна природа обох зумовлює необхідність використання інформаційних методів формування довіри до суду, як необхідної умови легітимації правосуддя в транзитному суспільстві.В этой статье мы рассмотрели ключевые вопросы о роли доверия в легитимации правосудия в странах транзитного периода. Мы аргументировали тезис о том, что уровень доверия к правосудию в обществе прямо пропорциональный уровню его гражданского сознания. Информационная природа обоих предопределяет необходимость использования информационных методов формирования доверия к суду, как необходимого условия легитимации правосудия в транзитном обществе