16 research outputs found

    Predicting death in patients with end-stage liver disease: a new model for assessing disease severity

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    Objective. To define possibilities of clinical application of the new original method for estimating failure (death) probability in patients on a liver transplant waiting list.Material and Methods. The study included 350 patients who had been on a liver transplant waiting list for 5 years. Using the comparison of Mann-Whitney test results and evaluation of sensitivity and specificity (ROC curves) it was established that values of age, MELD-Na score, leukocyte level, nature of liver failure and presence of portal vein thrombosis had statistically significant differences between the dead and survived patients (p < 0.05). By means of binary logistic regression, the model assessing the risk of death taking into consideration indicators mentioned above has been obtained. The new index of death probability of a patient on a liver transplant waiting list within one year has been created.Results. Quality evaluation of the created model and the index derived from it showed that the new index had a stronger ability to estimate somatic status severity in a patient with cirrhosis and allowed to make more precise prognosis of adverse outcome risk for not less than 12 months as compared to the standard MELD-Na score. The predicted risk of death coincided with actual mortality of patients in 83% of cases. The EPV criterion was 17.4 what exceeded the minimum admissible threshold of the criterion (10) for small samples and allowed to use the obtained index.Conclusion. The original method allows increasing the accuracy of assessment of failure (death) development in a patient with cirrhosis for one year at any time of its application in the non-invasive way, using the data of the examination standard. In addition, the method helps setting priority in liver transplantation


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    The aim. of the study was to improve organ-preserving pancreatic head resection in patients with chronic pancreatitis due to application of developed methods that eliminate the pain, common bile duct obstruction, duodenal stenosis, and involvement of major retropancreatic intestinal vessels that prevent the development of inflammatory, infiltrative and septic complications of abdominal cavity. With the use of developed techniques we operated 30 patients. The results of clinical studies and additional tool researches confirmed the effectiveness of methods for addressing the underlying symptoms, clinical manifestations of chronic pancreatitis and prevention of inflammatory, infiltrative and disseminated septic complications of abdominal cavity

    Оригинальная методика трансплантации поджелудочной железы в аспекте профилактики интраабдоминальных гнойных осложнений

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    A clinical case of pancreas transplantation (PTx) based on an original technique is presented. The applied technique made it possible to prevent the spread and involvement of the abdominal organs in an inflammatory process caused by postoperative graft pancreatitis, and to preserve the pancreas graft.Представлено клиническое наблюдение трансплантации поджелудочной железы по оригинальной методике. Примененная методика позволила предупредить распространение и вовлечение органов брюшной полости в воспалительный процесс, обусловленный послеоперационным панкреатитом трансплантата, и сохранить трансплантат поджелудочной железы

    Functionals of the Brownian motion, localization and metric graphs

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    We review several results related to the problem of a quantum particle in a random environment. In an introductory part, we recall how several functionals of the Brownian motion arise in the study of electronic transport in weakly disordered metals (weak localization). Two aspects of the physics of the one-dimensional strong localization are reviewed : some properties of the scattering by a random potential (time delay distribution) and a study of the spectrum of a random potential on a bounded domain (the extreme value statistics of the eigenvalues). Then we mention several results concerning the diffusion on graphs, and more generally the spectral properties of the Schr\"odinger operator on graphs. The interest of spectral determinants as generating functions characterizing the diffusion on graphs is illustrated. Finally, we consider a two-dimensional model of a charged particle coupled to the random magnetic field due to magnetic vortices. We recall the connection between spectral properties of this model and winding functionals of the planar Brownian motion.Comment: Review article. 50 pages, 21 eps figures. Version 2: section 5.5 and conclusion added. Several references adde

    Трансплантация печени в Ростовской области: пятилетний опыт

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    Objective: to reflect on a 5-year experience in liver transplant surgery at the Rostov Regional Clinical Hospital. Materials and methods. Liver transplant was performed in Rostov Oblast in July 2015 for the first time. There were 52 liver transplant surgeries performed in the region by the end of February 2020. Cirrhosis due to viral hepatitis is the leading indication for liver transplantation in 33.3% of patients. The average age of recipients was 43.5 ± 15.8 years. Male recipients accounted for 59.6% of cases. Nine recipients got liver transplants from blood relatives, while 43 recipients received an organ from post-mortem donors. For two patients, liver graft was obtained by splitting the liver into two lobes using the in situ split technique. Results. The average duration of surgery was 5.14 ± 1.92 hours. Blood loss during surgery did not exceed 1400 ml. Up to 93% of lost blood was recovered using the reinfusion system. The need for red blood cell transfusion was observed in 48.1% of cases. Fresh frozen plasma was transfused in all cases. Early postoperative complications were observed in 15 patients (29.4%), and some of them had several complications simultaneously. Biliary and vascular complications, which were eliminated by minimally invasive methods and open surgeries, had a significant influence on liver transplant outcome. In-hospital mortality was 5.6%. The causes of death were intra-abdominal bleeding (1), portal vein thrombosis (1) and biliary sepsis (1). Four more people died in the long term after being discharged from hospital: lung cancer (1), graft rejection (1) and fungal sepsis (2). Conclusion. Liver transplant outcome depends on the skills and experience of the specialists implementing this program. Post-transplant in-hospital and long-term mortality depends on the presence and nature of complications, and on the possibility of early treatment.Цель. Отражение пятилетнего опыта операций по трансплантации печени, проведенных в Ростовской областной клинической больнице. Материалы и методы. Первая трансплантация печени в Ростовской области была выполнена в июле 2015 года. Общее число операций по состоянию на конец февраля 2020 года составило 52. Основным показанием к пересадке печени у 33,3% больных стал цирроз печени в исходе вирусных гепатитов. Средний возраст реципиентов составил 43,5 ± 15,8 года. На долю реципиентов мужского пола пришлось 59,6% наблюдений. Для девяти реципиентов донорами печени стали их близкие родственники, 43 реципиента получили орган от посмертного донора. Для двух пациентов донорский орган был получен в результате разделения печени на две доли по технологии split in situ. Результаты. Средняя продолжительность операции составила 5,14 ± 1,92 часа. Объем кровопотери во время операции не превышала 1400 мл. До 93% потерянной крови удавалось вернуть при использовании системы реинфузии. Необходимость трансфузии эритроцитарной массы возникла в 48,1% наблюдений. Во всех случаях осуществляли переливание свежезамороженной плазмы. Хирургические осложнения в ранние сроки после операции мы наблюдали у 15 (29,4%) пациентов. У некоторых больных возникало сразу несколько осложнений. Существенное влияние на результаты трансплантации печени оказывали билиарные и сосудистые осложнения, которые устраняли минимально инвазивными способами и открытыми операциями. Госпитальная летальность составила 5,6%. Причинами смерти были внутрибрюшное кровотечение (1), тромбоз воротной вены (1) и билиарный сепсис (1). В отдаленные сроки после операции умерло еще четыре человека: рак легкого (1), отторжение трансплантата (1), грибковый сепсис (2). Заключение. Результат трансплантации печени зависит от компетентности и квалификации специалистов, участвующих в реализации данной программы. Показатель госпитальной летальности и смертности пациентов в отдаленные сроки после трансплантации определяет наличие и характер осложнений, возможность их своевременного лечения

    Лечение кровотечений из варикозно расширенных вен пищевода у больных из листа ожидания трансплантации печени

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    Objective: to study the outcomes of main surgical methods for stopping and preventing variceal hemorrhage in waitlisted cirrhotic patients. Material and methods. In our prospective case-control study, the «case» cohort included 132 patients with cirrhosis complicated by recurrent varicose bleeding, while the «control» group consisted of 92 patients with  one episode of bleeding esophageal varices. Treatment included conservative therapy, endoscopic ligation, transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, and the original azygoportal disconnection technique. Results. High MELD scores, severe hepatic encephalopathy, portal vein thrombosis, high degree of varices, and recurrent bleeding significantly affect the mortality of cirrhotic patients. Irrational use of nonselective  beta-blocker monotherapy has a negative impact on treatment outcomes. Combined use of drug therapy and surgical methods of stopping and preventing varicose bleeding, reduces the number of relapses, prolongs patients’ life to two years or more, which allows to move on to the next stage of cirrhosis treatment – liver transplantation. Conclusion. The likelihood of recurrent variceal hemorrhage increases in patients who undergo passive surgical tactics. Azygoportal disconnection should be considered as the operation of choice if the patient has more than one episode of variceal bleeding. Timely and adequate treatment measures, clinical and diagnostic monitoring reduce waitlist mortality.Цель. Изучить результаты основных хирургических способов остановки и профилактики кровотечений из варикозно расширенных вен пищевода (ВРВП) у больных циррозом печени, находящихся в листе ожидания.Материал и методы. Проведено проспективное исследование по типу «случай– контроль». В группу «случай» вошло 132 больных циррозом печени, осложненным  кровотечениями из ВРВП рецидивного характера. Группу «контроль» составили 92 больных с одним эпизодом кровотечения из варикозно расширенных вен пищевода. Лечение включало консервативную терапию, эндоскопическое лигирование,  трансъюгулярное портосистемное шунтирование и оригинальную методику азигопортального разобщения. Результаты. Высокие показатели MELD, выраженная печеночная энцефалопатия, тромбоз воротной вены, высокая степень варикозного расширения вен, рецидивирование кровотечений существенно влияют на смертность больных циррозом печени. Монотерапия неселективными β-блокаторами и их нерациональное  использование оказывают негативное влияние на результаты лечения. Совместное  использование медикаментозной терапии и методов хирургической остановки и профилактики кровотечений из ВРВП сокращает число рецидивов, увеличивает время жизни больных до двух лет и более, что позволяет перейти к следующему этапу лечения цирроза – трансплантации печени. Заключение. Вероятность рецидива кровотечения из ВРВП возрастает у пациентов, в отношении которых прослеживается пассивная хирургическая тактика. При наличии у больного более одного эпизода кровотечения в качестве операции выбора должно быть рассмотрено азигопортальное разобщение. Своевременные и адекватные  лечебные мероприятия, клиникодиагностический мониторинг обеспечивают снижение  смертности больных в листе ожидания.

    A five-year liver transplant experience in Rostov Oblast

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    Objective: to reflect on a 5-year experience in liver transplant surgery at the Rostov Regional Clinical Hospital. Materials and methods. Liver transplant was performed in Rostov Oblast in July 2015 for the first time. There were 52 liver transplant surgeries performed in the region by the end of February 2020. Cirrhosis due to viral hepatitis is the leading indication for liver transplantation in 33.3% of patients. The average age of recipients was 43.5 ± 15.8 years. Male recipients accounted for 59.6% of cases. Nine recipients got liver transplants from blood relatives, while 43 recipients received an organ from post-mortem donors. For two patients, liver graft was obtained by splitting the liver into two lobes using the in situ split technique. Results. The average duration of surgery was 5.14 ± 1.92 hours. Blood loss during surgery did not exceed 1400 ml. Up to 93% of lost blood was recovered using the reinfusion system. The need for red blood cell transfusion was observed in 48.1% of cases. Fresh frozen plasma was transfused in all cases. Early postoperative complications were observed in 15 patients (29.4%), and some of them had several complications simultaneously. Biliary and vascular complications, which were eliminated by minimally invasive methods and open surgeries, had a significant influence on liver transplant outcome. In-hospital mortality was 5.6%. The causes of death were intra-abdominal bleeding (1), portal vein thrombosis (1) and biliary sepsis (1). Four more people died in the long term after being discharged from hospital: lung cancer (1), graft rejection (1) and fungal sepsis (2). Conclusion. Liver transplant outcome depends on the skills and experience of the specialists implementing this program. Post-transplant in-hospital and long-term mortality depends on the presence and nature of complications, and on the possibility of early treatment