107 research outputs found

    Analysis of the recultivation effectivity performed after gas industrial complex accidental impact

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    The current state of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine is characterized by the increase of technogenic impact on the environment, especially in emergency situations. The state of soil and groundwater was determined for the terrain affected by technogenic disaster and where subsequent recultivation took place. A comparison with the state of the soil and water of the “ecologically clean” settlement of the same district was carried out. Conclusions on the effectiveness of the recultivation measures have been made

    Surface pinning in amorphous ZrTiCuNiBe alloy

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    We have measured the amplitude and the phase of an electromagnetic (EM) field radiated from superconductor (amorphous ZrTiCuNiBe alloy) in the mixed state due to interaction of the flux lattice with an elastic wave. The results undoubtedly point to an essential contribution of a surface pinning into the flux lattice dynamics. We propose a model that describes radiation of EM field from superconductors with non-uniform pinning. The model allows to reconstruct the viscosity and the Labush parameters from the experimental data. The behavior of the Labush parameter can be qualitatively explained in terms of the collective pinning theory with the allowance of thermal fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Characteristics of the electric field accompanying a longitudinal acoustic wave in a metal. Anomaly in the superconducting phase

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    The temperature dependence of the amplitude and phase of the electric potential arising at a plane boundary of a conductor when a longitudinal acoustic wave is incident normally on it is investigated theoretically and experimentally. The surface potential is formed by two contributions, one of which is spatially periodic inside the sample, with the period of the acoustic field; the second is aperiodic and arises as a result of an additional nonuniformity of the electron distribution in a surface layer of the metal. In the nonlocal region the second contribution is dominant. The phases of these contributions are shifted by approximately \pi /2. For metals in the normal state the experiment is in qualitative agreement with the theory. The superconducting transition is accompanied by catastrophically rapid vanishing of the electric potential, in sharp contrast to the theoretical estimates, which predict behavior similar to the BCS dependence of the attenuation coefficient for a longitudinal sound.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Magnus force and acoustic Stewart-Tolman effect in type II superconductors

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    At zero magnetic field we have observed an electromagnetic radiation from superconductors subjected by a transverse elastic wave. This radiation has an inertial origin, and is a manifestation of the acoustic Stewart-Tolman effect. The effect is used for implementing a method of measurement of an effective Magnus force in type II superconductors. The method does not require the flux flow regime and allows to investigate this force for almost the whole range of the existence of the mixed state. We have studied behavior of the gyroscopic force in nonmagnetic borocarbides and Nb. It is found that in borocarbides the sign of the gyroscopic force in the mixed state is the same as in the normal state, and its value (counted for one vortex of unit length) has only a weak dependence on the magnetic field. In Nb the change of sign of the gyroscopic force under the transition from the normal to the mixed state is observed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Elastic constants of borocarbides. New approach to acoustic Measurement technique

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    A new version of the phase method of determining the sound velocity is proposed and implemented. It utilizes the ``Nonius'' measurement technique and can give acceptable accuracy (~1%) in samples of submillimeter size. Measurements of the sound velocity are made in single-crystal samples of the borocarbides RNi2B2C (R = Y,Lu,Ho). The elastic constants and the Debye temperature are calculated.Comment: 5 figures, 2 table


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    A sequential strategy of implementation elective online courses at medical university on the basis of distance learning technology is revealed in the article. It is shown that successful implementation of online courses is possible in the presence of such components as academic staff readiness to develop new learning technologies and the acceptance of the fact of their changing role in the educational process; students’ readiness to use distance learning technologies; availability of infrastructure at university that provides distance learning services; presence of a quality assurance system for courses content. Particular attention is paid to the need to change the structural organization of the educational process and the role of instructors in the implementation process. The authors substantiated their choice of the Open edX platform for online courses development based on some criteria.У статті розкрита послідовна стратегія впровадження в медичному університеті курсів за вибором на базі технології дистанційного навчання у вигляді онлайн-курсів. Показано, що успішне впровадження онлайн-курсів можливо при наявності таких складових, як: готовність викладацького складу до опанування нових технологій навчання та зміни своєї ролі в навчальному процесі; готовність студентів до використання дистанційних технологій навчання; наявність інфраструктури в університеті, яка забезпечує сервіси дистанційного навчання; наявність системи перевірки якості контенту онлайн-курсів, які розробляються. Особлива увага звертається на необхідність зміни структури навчального процесу та ролі викладачів при впровадженні онлайн-курсів. Авторами обґрунтовано вибір платформи для розробки онлайн-курсів Open edX за критеріями


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    Problem-based learning appeared in the Ukrainian higher education fairly recently. Taking into account world’s best practices we can speak with certainty about its relevance and innovation. This work describes the experience of Zaporozhye State Medical University in PBL implementation into the junior medical students’ education in frames of Tempus project  530519-Tempus-1-2012-1-UK-TEMPUS-JPCR “Establishment of the Supra-Regional Network of the National Centers in Medical Education, focused on PBL and Virtual Patients” (“ePBLnet”). It also depicts some peculiarities in curriculum adaptation, OpenLabirynth platform use for case development based on virtual patients and role of Medical Education Centre of ZSMU.Проблемно-орієнтоване навчання в українській вищій медичній освіті з’явилося відносно недавно. Зважаючи на передовий світовий досвід, можна впевнено говорити про його актуальність та інноваційність. У даній роботі висвітлено досвід Запорізького державного медичного університету щодо впровадження проблемно-орієнтованого навчання у студентів молодших курсів медичного факультету у рамках проекту 530519-Tempus-1-2012-1-UK-TEMPUS-JPCR “Створення Міжрегіональної мережі національних центрів медичної освіти, головним напрямом яких є впровадження проблемно-орієнтованого навчання з використанням віртуальних пацієнтів” (“ePBLnet”). Описано особливості адаптації навчального плану, використання платформи OpenLabyrinth для створення кейсів на базі віртуальних пацієнтів, показано роль створеного Медичного освітнього центру при ЗДМУ