253 research outputs found

    Efficiency Assessment of Supply Chain Policy in Fishing Industry Functioning at the Mesolevel

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    Fishery of Primorsky Krai is one of the largest in the system of fishing industry of the Far East and Russia in general that is caused by resource base, an advantageous geopolitical position, favorable climatic conditions in supply chain policy. Increase in efficiency of fishing industry is one of the most important economic problems of Russia and the priority purpose of Primorsky Krai. Recently there was a set of techniques, developments and offers on assessment and increase in efficiency of activity of economic subjects. However, most of them are based on calculation of the indicators reflecting results of activity of the enterprises which function not in a fish complex. Considering structural features of branch systems, the special relevance is acquired by a research of efficiency of economic entities at the mesolevel. In the article author's methodical approach of assessment of efficiency of functioning of fishing industry at the mesolevel is presented. This approach allows not only to estimate in a complex all components of efficiency, but also to consider branch specifics of fishing industry

    Advantages of physical activity of varying intensity for patients with type 1 diabetes and its influence on glucose metabolism

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    Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) have many benefits from regular exercise, including improved quality of life, lower blood pressure, improved lipid profile, increased insulin sensitivity, decreased insulin dose requirements, improved endothelial function, and reduced risk of micro- and macrovascular complications, as well as overall mortality. Despite these benefits, T1DM patients often do not get enough physical activity (PA) and are less physically active than their non-diabetic peers. The main reason for the low PA in patients with T1DM is the difficulty of glycemic management and the fear of developing hypoglycemia during exercise. Different types of training, such as moderate to high intensity exercise, high intensity interval training, have different effects on glycemic activity during exercise, which can be used to prevent the development of hypoglycemic reactions during and after exercise, along with carbohydrate intake and insulin dose adjustment. Higher-intensity exercise, as well as greater frequency and duration, are associated with a greater reduction in the risk of overall and cardiovascular mortality. Regular physical activity has a positive effect on reducing the risk of micro- and macrovascular complications, general and cardiovascular mortality in patients with type 1 diabetes, regardless of the quality of glycemic control, which can be used for prevention of T1DM complications

    Structure and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed Fe3-xAlCrx powders

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    Mixtures of elemental powders of Fe3-xAlCrx composition, where x ∈ (0.8 -1.2) were mechanically alloyed in the AGO-2U planetary ball mill. Obtained powders consist of particles with median size of 0.5-1.6 µm; increase in the Cr content results in the decrease in the size of particles. According to the X-ray data, all of the as-milled alloys possess a single-phase disordered b.c.c. structure. Increase in Cr content results in the decrease in the grain size of alloys, whereas the dependence of the lattice parameter on the chemical composition is not conclusive. Mössbauer spectra for most of the alloys shows that iron atoms in this alloys, in spite of the fact that only one phase was detected using the X-ray diffraction, exist both in ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic conditions

    Formation, accumulation and development of human capital in the modern conditions

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    Purpose: The aim of the study is to identify trends in the formation of human capital. Design/Methodology/Approach: The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of labor economics, human capital and management. Historical, statistical, economic and social sources of information were used to approach the subject under modern conditions. Findings: It was revealed that in the rural and urban areas the reproduction of human resources is carried out at various rates. The demographic factors influencing the reproduction of labor resources in the Russian Federation were analyzed. Practical implications: The authors substantiated the conclusions that the existence of problems in the development of rural territories is the result of the insufficient effectiveness of the measures taken by state authorities in the agrarian sphere. Originality/Value: Recommendations were made to improve the efficiency of social and economic policy in rural areas, including an increase in government subsidies to social infrastructure facilities, including feldsher-obstetric items, objects of pre-school and school education and culture.peer-reviewe

    Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Silicon Carbide and Silicon Nitride Nanopowders Composition using Sodium Azide and Halides

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    Regularities of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) or combustion synthesis (CS) by using “silicon – sodium azide – ammonium hexafluorosilicate – carbon – aluminum” powder mixture in the nitrogen atmosphere were investigated. The thermodynamic analysis of the combustion synthesis was performed. Experimental investigation of the combustion process: the measurement of linear rates of the combustion front propagation and the maximum combustion temperatures was conducted in a laboratory reactor with working volume 4.5 liters. The influence of the components ratio in the initial mixture on the combustion temperature, combustion rate and composition of reaction product was studied. The phase composition of the product synthesized was determined with an X-ray diffractometer. It was disclosed that the SHS product consists of the composition (mixture) of silicon carbide nanopowder with silicon nitride whiskers and a final halide. Investigation of surface topography and morphology of the product particles was carried out with a scanning electron microscope. Optimal mixture for the synthesis of nanoscale composition based on silicon carbide was determined: “14Si+6NaN3+(NH4)2SiF6+15C+Al”. In this case, the SHS product consists of four phases: silicon carbide (β-SiC) – 48.57 wt.%, α-silicon nitride (α-Si3N4) – 27.04 wt.%, β-silicon nitride (β-Si3N4) – 5.83 wt.%, and sodium hexafluoroaluminate (Na3AlF6) – 18.56 wt.%. The average particle size of the composition was in the range of 70–130 nm. It was shown that the composition of the silicon carbide with silicon nitride and the final halide Na3AlF6 playing a role a flux can be used as a modifier of castable aluminum alloys and as a reinforcing phase of aluminomatrix composites

    Experience in using levodopa-benserazide

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    Levodopa remains the most effective drug for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. The paper considers the mechanism of action, recommended levodopa doses, the time of therapy initiation, and risk factors for motor complications. A few dosage forms of levodopa are currently being used. The results of comparative trials of levodopa-benserazide and levodopa-carbidopa and the clinical experience with Levodopa/Benserazide-Teva are given. An open-label multicenter trial of Levodopa/Benserazide-Teva has shown its high efficacy and good tolerability

    Periodic Benefit–Risk Evaluation Report: A Review of Changes

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    A periodic benefit–risk evaluation report (PBRER) is a retrospective evaluation document enabling marketing authorisation holders to present the results of a critical analysis of the benefit–risk ratio of a medicinal product. PBRER submission and content requirements changed with the adoption of the second edition of the Guideline on Good Pharmacovigilance Practice of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU GVP Guideline) in 2022.The aim of the study was to analyse the changes to the EAEU GVP Guideline requirements for the submission procedure and the content of PBRERs.The authors analysed the main changes concerning the procedure for submitting PBRERs on multi-source and well-established medicinal products, herbal and homoeopathic medicines. The authors evaluated the updated requirements for the content of PBRER sections. The analysis identified no significant changes in the aim and concept of PBRERs.The results of the analysis described in this article will help marketing authorisation holders improve the quality of PBRERs and ensure compliance with the new requirements of the EAEU GVP Guideline

    Preserved sections of steppes as the basis for the future ecological framework of Belgorod oblast

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    The article provides a historical analysis of the transformation of the region’s steppes, the results of an inventory with remote sensing methods of the preserved sections of the steppes, assessment of the potential of their flora for the development of restoration succession, and the effectiveness for preservation of the steppe biodiversity of the regional network of specially protected areas and the formation of an ecological framewor


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    The aim of the study was the comparative analysis of treatment for gonarthritis of 0–2 stages by symptomatic therapy (Symptomatic slow acting drugs for osteoarthritis — SYSADOA) and in combination with orthovoltage x-ray therapy (OVRT) within an open randomized study.Material and methods. The study included patients with clinically confirmed gonarthritis. Patients were randomly divided into 2 groups, each of them was administered a combined SYSADOA glucosamine (500 mg) and chondroitin (400 mg) sulfate, OVRT was prescribed to patients of second group. OVRT was performed on X-ray machine Xstrahl-200, a single dose was 0,45 Gy, in 10 sessions to a total dose of 4,5 Gy. The pain syndrome was evaluated by VAS, WOMAC scales, efficiency of the treatment by OARSI/OMERACT (reduction of VAS and WOMAC by more than 20% of the baseline). Disability and the number of endoprosthesis replacement were also analyzed. Evaluation was performed before, after treatment, 6, 12 and 36 months.Results. There were selected 300 patients, 150 in each group, eight people were lost. By the end of the treatment there were no statistically significant differences in the reduction of pain syndrome evaluating by VAS and WOMAC A. After 6–36 months degree of pain reduction was significantly higher in the OVRT group. After three years in the OVRT group, WOMAC A levels, VAS, VAS 20%, WOMAC A 20% were 21,9, 21,2, 69%, 78%, in the SYSADOA group 53,5, 54,9, 25%, 32%, p<0,0001. In the SYSADOA group, by the end of follow-up, 48 (32,9%) patients had a disability group, 42 (28,8%) underwent endoprosthesis replacement, in the combined treatment group — four and four cases (2,7%), respectively, p<0,0001.Conclusion: there was stable reduction of pain syndrome level among patients underwent OVRT, and improvement of the functional state of the joint, which allows to reduce the frequency of disability and knee endoprosthesis replacement.Цель исследования: сравнительный анализ исходов лечения гонартритов 0–2 стадий симптоматическими медленнодействующими препаратами (Symptomatic slow acting drugs for osteoarthritis — SYSADOA) и в комбинации с ортовольтной рентгенотерапией (ОВРТ) в рамках открытого рандомизированного исследования.Материалы и методы. В исследование включали больных с клинически подтвержденным гонартритом. Пациенты случайным образом разделены на две группы, каждая получала комбинированный SYSADOA глюкозамина (500 мг) и хондроитина сульфат (400 мг), ОВРТ назначали пациентам 2-й группы и проводили на аппарате Xstrahl-200, разовая доза 0,45 Гр, всего 10 сеансов до суммарной дозы 4,5 Гр. Оценку болевого синдрома проводили по ВАШ, шкалам WOMAC, эффективность оценивали по OARSI/OMERACT (снижение ВАШ и WOMAC более чем на 20% от исходного показателя). Анализировали инвалидизацию и количество эндопротезирований. Оценку проводили до начала, после окончания лечения, через 6, 12 и 36 мес.Результаты. Отобрано 300 пациентов, по 150 в каждую группу, потери составили восемь человек. К концу курса не было статистически значимых различий в снижении болевого синдрома по ВАШ и WOMAC А. Через 6–36 мес степень снижения болевого синдрома была значимо выше в группе ОВРТ. Через три года в группе ОВРТ уровни WOMAC A, ВАШ, ВАШ 20%, WOMAC A 20% составили 21,9; 21,2; 69%; 78%, в группе SYSADOA — 53,5; 54,9; 25%, 32%, р<0,0001. В группе SYSADOA к концу наблюдения у 48 (32,9%) пациентов установлена группа инвалидности, 42 (28,8%) проведено эндопротезирование, в группе комбинированного лечения — по четыре случая (2,7%) соответственно (p<0,0001).Заключение: при проведении ОВРТ больным гонартритом происходит длительное и стойкое снижение уровня болевого синдрома, улучшение функционального состояния сустава, что позволяет уменьшить частоту инвалидизации и эндопротезирования коленного сустава

    Erythropoietins (Epostim®) during chemoradiotherapy for malignancies in anemic patients

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    Anemia in female patients with solid neoplasms is corrected to normalize hemoglobin levels, to increase quality of life, and to improve antitumor therapy tolerance. The clinical application of recombinant human erythropoietin preparations has become an important treat- ment step that permits multiple hemotransfusions to be avoided. Epostim is effective and safe in increasing hemoglobin and packed cell volume and in overcoming the additive toxicity of chemo- and radiotherapy