1,362 research outputs found

    Evolution equation of quantum tomograms for a driven oscillator in the case of the general linear quantization

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    The symlectic quantum tomography for the general linear quantization is introduced. Using the approach based upon the Wigner function techniques the evolution equation of quantum tomograms is derived for a parametric driven oscillator.Comment: 11 page

    Mobile laboratory explosive destruction of natural materials: investigation of the behavior of ice and limestone under explosive loading

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    In the paper, the behavior of ice and natural limestone under explosion condition was investigated. The objects of study were the river ice and natural limestone quarry on Siberia. The practical significance of research due to the need to increase production of oil and gas in permafrost regions, the fight against ice jams, etc. We organized a mobile laboratory ''Explosive destruction of the natural materials" at the National Research Tomsk State University. The main purpose of the laboratory is express analyzing of explosive destruction of natural materials. The diameters and depths of explosive craters in the limestone and explosive lane in the ice were obtained. The results can be used to test new models and numerical methods for calculating shock and explosive loading of different materials, including ice

    Change in stability of solid solution at radiation influence

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    Stability of solid solution at radiation influence has been investigated. Expressions for diffusion streams of binary alloy components, which specify the existence of temperature interval in which the phenomenon of ascending diffusion of elements is observed, were received. Vacancy characters of diffusion, configuration entropy, and potential energy of atomic bonds were considered at derivation. The ascending diffusion testifies to stability infringement of homogeneous solid solution - stratification. Influence of radiation is connected with increase in concentration of vacancies which changes the energy of atomic bonds and, simultaneously, accelerates diffusion processes. The condition of alloy stability with regard to stratification at radiating influence was obtaine

    Modeling of high energy impact on ice in taking into account the temperature

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    In this paper, the problems deep penetration of compact impactors into the ice, taking into account different temperatures were solved. The behavior of ice is described by the basic system equations of continuum mechanics, i.e., the equations of continuity, momentum and energy in the lagrangian approach. Medium are compressible, isotropic, no mass forces, internal sources of heat and thermal conductivity. Medium also includethe shockwave phenomena, as well as formation “spall” and “shear” damage. The stress tensor is divided into deviatoric and spherical components. Equation of statewas chosen in the form of Walsh. The components of the stress tensor deviator located on the elasticplastic flow model based on the equations of Prandtl-Reis associated with von Mises yield criterion. Initial impactor velosity was varied atfrom 50 to 325 m/s. Numerical simulation results showed the influence of temperature of the ice to the depth of penetration of the impactors

    Комплексное теоретико-экспериментальное исследование процессов динамического нагружения поликристаллического льда

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    The research of dynamic loading of ice are presented. Physical and mathematical model of the behavior of ice under shock loads explosive and a numerical method for calculating the stressstrain state ice have been developed. Full-scale experiments on the destruction of the annual river ice explosive charge in water was conducted. Laboratory experiment on impact of the spherical impactor with ice barriers is made. The task of the penetration of the spherical steel impactor into ice was solved.Представлены результаты исследования процессов динамического нагружения поликристаллического льда. Разработаны физико-математическая модель поведения льда при ударновзрывных нагрузках и численный метод расчета напряженно-деформированного состояния с учетом эволюции деформационных картин и областей его разрушения. Проведены натурные эксперименты по взрыву речного льда зарядом взрывчатого вещества (ВВ) в полиэтиленовой оболочке. Проведен лабораторный эксперимент по соударению сферического ударника с ледяными преградами. Численно решена задача о внедрении стального сферического ударника в лед при низких скоростях


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    The literature review reflects the present view of pathological mechanisms for mitochondrial dysfunction in hypoxia during critical conditions. It notes the role of succinates in the development of mitochondrial dysfunction, further organdisorders, and multiple organ dysfunctions in different diseases during emergency hypoxia adaptation only due to the mobilization of energy resources: their centralization, intensified carbohydrate, fat, and protein catabolism, as well as to suppressed anabolic processes in tissues. The mechanism of emergency adaptation to hypoxia during critical conditions develops with a characteristic decrease in the amount of succinate (as a substrate for the enzyme), which enables the correction of its deficiency with the promising increase of oxygen consumption, the activation of aerobic oxygenation processes, and the reduction of intracellular aerobic metabolic processes.В обзоре литературы отражен современный взгляд на патофизиологические механизмы развития митохондриальной дисфункции при гипоксии критических состояний. Отмечена роль сукцинатов в развитии митохондриальной дисфункции, последующих органных расстройств и полиорганной недостаточности при различной патологии в период срочной адаптации к гипоксии, которая осуществляется за счет мобилизации энергоресурсов: их централизации, интенсификации катаболизма углеводов, жиров и белков, а также подавления анаболических процессов в тканях. Механизм срочной адаптации к гипоксии при критических состояниях развивается с характерным уменьшением количества сукцината (субстрата для фермента), что позволяет проводить коррекцию его дефицита с перспективой увеличения потребления кислорода, активации процессов аэробного окисления и восстановления процессов внутриклеточного аэробного метаболизма

    Diagram of the equilibrium phase composition of the Fe – Cr – Si – B system

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    Isothermal sections of the phase composition diagram of the Fe – Si – Cr – B system in the temperature range of 300 – 3 000 K with a step of 200 K are constructed. The diagram is shown at a temperature of 1 900 K, which is typical for silicochromium at the outlet from the furnace. A mathematical model of the diagram has been created in the form of a system of linear equations connecting the chemical composition of the metal with its phase. A computer program has been developed for the numerical calculation of the number of formed phases. Silicochromium with 0,3 – 0,5 % boron is located in the crystallization field CrSi2 – Si – SiB4 – FeSi

    Changes in the plasma levels of myokines after different physical exercises in athletes and untrained individuals

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    The influence of dynamic and static load on the plasma level of myokines in strength-and endurance-trained athletes and untrained subjects has been studied. The range of myokines has been found to depend on the type of loads and the level of fitness. Dynamic and static exercises have different effects on the level of myokines in athletes and untrained subjects. The dynamic load increases the level of IL-6 and IL-8 in the plasma of athletes, while the static load increases the concentration of IL-15 and LIF. At the same time, no increase in the level of IL-8 after cyclic loading or in IL-15 after a static load has been observed in the control group. These differences may be based on a number of mechanisms. The cellular composition of skeletal muscles and the phenotypic features of muscle fibers, changing as a result of regular exercise, can modify the processes of myokine production. However, the processes of transcription in muscle fibers are much more important; the most important ones are HIF-1α, [Ca2+]i and [Na+]i/[K+]i-dependent intracellular signaling pathways. The modification of these mechanisms caused by different physical loads and intensity is of great interest since it is a promising way to influence the metabolic processes at the cellular and systemic levels, which is very helpful in both improving athletic performance and correcting metabolic disorders in a number of socially significant diseases