2,680 research outputs found

    Structural and molecular basis of the assembly of the TRPP2/PKD1 complex

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    Mutations in PKD1 and TRPP2 account for nearly all cases of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). These 2 proteins form a receptor/ion channel complex on the cell surface. Using a combination of biochemistry, crystallography, and a single-molecule method to determine the subunit composition of proteins in the plasma membrane of live cells, we find that this complex contains 3 TRPP2 and 1 PKD1. A newly identified coiled-coil domain in the C terminus of TRPP2 is critical for the formation of this complex. This coiled-coil domain forms a homotrimer, in both solution and crystal structure, and binds to a single coiled-coil domain in the C terminus of PKD1. Mutations that disrupt the TRPP2 coiled-coil domain trimer abolish the assembly of both the full-length TRPP2 trimer and the TRPP2/PKD1 complex and diminish the surface expression of both proteins. These results have significant implications for the assembly, regulation, and function of the TRPP2/PKD1 complex and the pathogenic mechanism of some ADPKD-producing mutations

    Evolution of a Bose-condensed gas under variations of the confining potential

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    We discuss the dynamic properties of a trapped Bose-condensed gas under variations of the confining field and find analytical scaling solutions for the evolving coherent state (condensate). We further discuss the characteristic features and the depletion of this coherent state.Comment: 4 pages, no postscript figure

    Quantum escape of the phase in a strongly driven Josephson junction

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    A quantum mechanical analysis of the Josephson phase escape in the presence of both dc and ac bias currents is presented. We find that the potential barrier for the escape of the phase is effectively suppressed as the resonant condition occurs, i.e. when the frequency ω\omega of the ac bias matches the Josephson junction energy level separation. This effect manifests itself by a pronounced drop in the dependence of the switching current IsI_s on the power WW of the applied microwave radiation and by a peculiar double-peak structure in the switching current distribution P(Is)P(I_s). The developed theory is in a good accord with an experiment which we also report in this paper. The obtained features can be used to characterize certain aspects of the quantum-mechanical behavior of the Josephson phase, such as the energy level quantization, the Rabi frequency of coherent oscillations and the effect of damping.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Physical Review B (Rapid Communication

    Slowly rotating charged black holes in anti-de Sitter third order Lovelock gravity

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    In this paper, we study slowly rotating black hole solutions in Lovelock gravity (n=3). These exact slowly rotating black hole solutions are obtained in uncharged and charged cases, respectively. Up to the linear order of the rotating parameter a, the mass, Hawking temperature and entropy of the uncharged black holes get no corrections from rotation. In charged case, we compute magnetic dipole moment and gyromagnetic ratio of the black holes. It is shown that the gyromagnetic ratio keeps invariant after introducing the Gauss-Bonnet and third order Lovelock interactions.Comment: 14 pages, no figur

    A Closed Class of Hydrodynamical Solutions for the Collective Excitations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    A trajectory approach is taken to the hydrodynamical treatment of collective excitations of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a harmonic trap. The excitations induced by linear deformations of the trap are shown to constitute a broad class of solutions that can be fully described by a simple nonlinear matrix equation. An exact closed-form expression is obtained for the solution describing the mode {n=0, m=2} in a cylindrically symmetric trap, and the calculated amplitude-dependent frequency shift shows good agreement with the experimental results of the JILA group.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages, 1 eps figure, identical to the published versio

    Testing quantum correlations in a confined atomic cloud by scattering fast atoms

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    We suggest measuring one-particle density matrix of a trapped ultracold atomic cloud by scattering fast atoms in a pure momentum state off the cloud. The lowest-order probability of the inelastic process, resulting in a pair of outcoming fast atoms for each incoming one, turns out to be given by a Fourier transform of the density matrix. Accordingly, important information about quantum correlations can be deduced directly from the differential scattering cross-section. A possible design of the atomic detector is also discussed.Comment: 5 RevTex pages, no figures, submitted to PR

    Density of states and magnetoconductance of disordered Au point contacts

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    We report the first low temperature magnetotransport measurements on electrochemically fabricated atomic scale gold nanojunctions. As T→0T \to 0, the junctions exhibit nonperturbatively large zero bias anomalies (ZBAs) in their differential conductance. We consider several explanations and find that the ZBAs are consistent with a reduced local density of states (LDOS) in the disordered metal. We suggest that this is a result of Coulomb interactions in a granular metal with moderate intergrain coupling. Magnetoconductance of atomic scale junctions also differs significantly from that of less geometrically constrained devices, and supports this explanation.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Accepted to PRB as Brief Repor

    Detailed Examination of Transport Coefficients in Cubic-Plus-Quartic Oscillator Chains

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    We examine the thermal conductivity and bulk viscosity of a one-dimensional (1D) chain of particles with cubic-plus-quartic interparticle potentials and no on-site potentials. This system is equivalent to the FPU-alpha beta system in a subset of its parameter space. We identify three distinct frequency regimes which we call the hydrodynamic regime, the perturbative regime and the collisionless regime. In the lowest frequency regime (the hydrodynamic regime) heat is transported ballistically by long wavelength sound modes. The model that we use to describe this behaviour predicts that as the frequency goes to zero the frequency dependent bulk viscosity and the frequency dependent thermal conductivity should diverge with the same power law dependence on frequency. Thus, we can define the bulk Prandtl number as the ratio of the bulk viscosity to the thermal conductivity (with suitable prefactors to render it dimensionless). This dimensionless ratio should approach a constant value as frequency goes to zero. We use mode-coupling theory to predict the zero frequency limit. Values of the bulk Prandtl number from simulations are in agreement with these predictions over a wide range of system parameters. In the middle frequency regime, which we call the perturbative regime, heat is transported by sound modes which are damped by four-phonon processes. We call the highest frequency regime the collisionless regime since at these frequencies the observing times are much shorter than the characteristic relaxation times of phonons. The perturbative and collisionless regimes are discussed in detail in the appendices.Comment: Latex with references in .bib file. 36 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to J. Stat. Phys. on Sept. 2

    Free expansion of Bose-Einstein condensates with quantized vortices

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    The expansion of Bose-Einstein condensates with quantized vortices is studied by solving numerically the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation at zero temperature. For a condensate initially trapped in a spherical harmonic potential, we confirm previous results obtained by means of variational methods showing that, after releasing the trap, the vortex core expands faster than the radius of the atomic cloud. This could make the detection of vortices feasible, by observing the depletion of the density along the axis of rotation. We find that this effect is significantly enhanced in the case of anisotropic disc-shaped traps. The results obtained as a function of the anisotropy of the initial configuration are compared with the analytic solution for a noninteracting gas in 3D as well as with the scaling law predicted for an interacting gas in 2D.Comment: 5 pages, 6 postscript figure
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