1,146 research outputs found

    A Study on Methods of Citizenship Education for Developing Global Leaders -Focusing on the Practices of SGH in Japan-

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    本研究は,グローバル・リーダー育成のためのシティズンシップ教育の方法を,具体的な教育実践の分析を通して明らかにしようとするものである。参考にするのは,日本においてスーパーグローバルハイスクール(以下,SGH と表す)の指定を受けて教育改革に取り組んでいる高等学校である。近年,日本の高等学校では教育改革が急速に進み,各学校が独自の教育課程を作り,新しい教育方法にチャレンジしている。一方,教育においても,リーダ ーシップ育成論が注目されており,それは一部の人を対象とするものではなく,社会で活動する市民に必要な資質として認知されるようになりつつある。本研究では,SGH に取り組む学校が,国際的に活躍できるグローバル・リーダーの育成にいかに取り組んでいるかを分析し,シティズンシップ教育の新たな原理を解明したい。This study aims to clarify the methods of citizenship education for the development of global leaders through the analysis of specific educational practices. The reference will be the high school in Japan that has been designated as a Super Global High School (hereinafter referred to as SGH) and is working on educational reform. In recent years, Japan's high schools have made rapid progress in educational reform, with each school creating its own curriculum and taking on the challenge of new educational methods. At the same time, the theory of leadership development has been attracting attention in education as well, and it is becoming recognized as a necessary quality for active citizens in society, not just for a select few. In this study, I would like to analyze how schools engaged in SGH are working to develop global leaders who can play an active role internationally, and to elucidate new principles of citizenship education

    Roles of p38 MAPK, PKC and PI3-K in the signaling pathways of NADPH oxidase activation and phagocytosis in bovine polymorphonuclear leukocytes

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    AbstractStimulation of bovine polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) with serum-opsonized zymosan (sOZ) induced the activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), protein kinase C (PKC) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) and sOZ-induced O2− production was significantly attenuated by their inhibitors (SB203580 for p38 MAPK, GF109203X for PKC and wortmannin for PI3-K). They caused significant attenuation of sOZ-induced phosphorylation of p47phox as well. Flow cytometric analysis, however, revealed that SB203580 and wortmannin attenuated phagocytosis, but GF109203X facilitated it. The results suggest that p38 MAPK and PI3-K participated in both signaling pathways of NADPH oxidase activation (O2− production) and phagocytosis, and PKC participated in the signaling pathway of NADPH oxidase activation alone

    Sensitization to secretoglobin and lipocalins in a group of young children with risk of developing respiratory allergy

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    Background: Multiple sensitizations in early age have been reported to be a risk for development of asthma. This study evaluates the emergence and evolution of IgE to aeroallergens among a cohort of children with physician-diagnosed atopic dermatitis and/or showing food allergy symptoms and to examine the relation to asthma development. Methods: Three-hundred and four children (median age 13.4 months at entry) with food allergy symptoms and/or atopic dermatitis without asthma at inclusion were analysed for IgE antibodies against food-, indoor- and outdoor-allergens and pet allergen components and correlated to the individuals’ outcome on asthma inception. Results: At 2 years of follow-up, physician-diagnosed asthma was 19.7% (n = 49) and asthma diagnosed any time was 24% (n = 67). History of persistent cough and asthma of father, combination of milk- and wheat-allergy symptoms and dual sensitization to house dust mite and Japanese cedar were independent risk factors for asthma. Sensitization to dog was the most prevalent inhalant allergen at entry. Asthma children had a higher proportion of sensitization to dog, cat and horse allergens at entry compared with non-asthma children. Being sensitized to both food, house dust mite and pet allergens was strongly associated with asthma (p = 0.0006). Component resolved diagnosis for dog and cat allergens showed that IgE antibodies to Can f 1 and Fel d 1 was common even at very young age. Conclusions: Early sensitization to inhalant allergens increases the risk of developing asthma as well as having milk and wheat allergy symptoms. Sensitization to dog, was common at an early age despite dog ownership. Sensitization to secretoglobin and lipocalins and less to serum albumins explained the pet sensitization

    Phase competitions and coexistences in quasi-one-dimensional molecular conductors: exact diagonalization study

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    We investigate ground state properties of a quasi-one-dimensional electron-lattice coupled model for quarter-filled molecular conductors. The effective one-dimensional extended Hubbard model coupled to adiabatic lattice degree of freedom is derived by the inter-chain mean-field approximation and solved by Lanczos exact diagonalization method. We find that the critical behavior among lattice tetramerized states with different charge-lattice ordered patterns is sensitively affected by the inter-chain Coulomb interaction, lattice anharmonicity, and intrinsic dimerization. This indicates a subtle balance between these states originating from strong correlation and reduced dimensionality

    Effect of Band Structure on the Symmetry of Superconducting States

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    Effects of the band structure on the symmetry of superconducting (SC) states are studied. For a square lattice system with a nearest-neighbor attractive interaction, SC states with various symmetries are found by changing the band structure, or, the shape of the Fermi surface. The spin-triplet ((px+ipy)(p_x + ip_y)-wave) and spin-singlet (dd- or s-wave) SC states, and states with their coexistence (d+ipyd + ip_y, s+ipys + ip_y) can be stabilized within the same type of interaction. The stability of interlayer-pairing states with line nodes is also examined, and its relation to the SC state of Sr2_2RuO4_4 is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Humidity-Induced Charge Leakage and Field Attenuation in Electric Field Microsensors

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    The steady-state zero output of static electric field measuring systems often fluctuates, which is caused mainly by the finite leakage resistance of the water film on the surface of the electric field microsensor package. The water adsorption has been calculated using the Boltzmann distribution equation at various relative humidities for borosilicate glass and polytetrafluoroethylene surfaces. At various humidities, water film thickness has been calculated, and the induced charge leakage and field attenuation have been theoretically investigated. Experiments have been performed with microsensors to verify the theoretical predictions and the results are in good agreement

    Finite-temperature phase transitions in quasi-one-dimensional molecular conductors

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    Phase transitions in 1/4-filled quasi-one-dimensional molecular conductors are studied theoretically on the basis of extended Hubbard chains including electron-lattice interactions coupled by interchain Coulomb repulsion. We apply the numerical quantum transfer-matrix method to an effective one-dimensional model, treating the interchain term within mean-field approximation. Finite-temperature properties are investigated for the charge ordering, the "dimer Mott" transition (bond dimerization), and the spin-Peierls transition (bond tetramerization). A coexistent state of charge order and bond dimerization exhibiting dielectricity is predicted in a certain parameter range, even when intrinsic dimerization is absent.Comment: to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 76 (2007) No. 1 (5 pages, 4 figures); typo correcte

    Muscle-specific tyrosine kinase-antibody-positive myasthenic crisis with detailed electrophysiologic studies.

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    A 69-year-old male who presented in a coma due to sudden respiratory arrest was transferred to our hospital. After endotracheal intubation with manual ventilation, he became alert and his neurologic findings were within the normal range, except for palsy of the respiratory muscles. Biochemical analyses of the blood and brain computed tomography failed to indicate the cause of the respiratory arrest. An edrophonium test did not improve the respiratory arrest. An urgent electromyogram at the dorsal interossei, biceps, and sternocleidomastoideus muscle and a repetitive nerve stimulation test at the trapezius and deltoid muscle were also negative on the first hospital day. However, on the 16th day in the hospital, a repetitive nerve stimulation test at the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi showed a waning phenomenon. This result indicated a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. Anti.muscle-specific tyrosine kinase antibody was found to be positive. After treatment with plasmapheresis and prednisolone, he regained normal respiratory function. Anti.muscle-specific tyrosine kinase (MuSK)-antibodypositive myasthenia gravis (MG) (MuSK-MG) tends to be associated with a lower incidence of a positive edrophonium test, a lower incidence of a positive electrophysiologic study excluding the face, and a higher incidence of respiratory failure in comparison to anti.acetylcholine receptors (AchR)-antibody-positive MG (AchR-MG). Respiratory failure is curable with treatment. Accordingly, in addition to obtaining a precise diagnosis, an emergency physician should recommend an electrophysiologic study including the face to make a differential diagnosis for respiratory arrest when biochemical and radiologic studies fail to indicate the cause of the respiratory arrest