483 research outputs found

    Research of the system of loose material automated precision batching

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    The imitating model of the system of loose material automated batching, including the robust system of engine control of auger feeder has been considered. The model is described in space of conditions by means of the programming language MATLAB, the interface of S-functions and the Simulink environment. The Kalman filter is used for noise filtration in the channel of measurement. Graphic representation of modeling results proves adequacy of the imitating batching model, the efficiency of the method of regulator parameter retuning and expediency of using the algorithm of measured signal filtration. A weight error at parametrical indignations influence on the worm feeder engine without retuning regulator parameters amounts to 0,3 kg (+3 %) at the set 10 kg, and with retuning regulator parameters amounts 0,01 kg (+0,1 %)

    2D Conformal Field Theories and Holography

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    It is known that the chiral part of any 2d conformal field theory defines a 3d topological quantum field theory: quantum states of this TQFT are the CFT conformal blocks. The main aim of this paper is to show that a similar CFT/TQFT relation exists also for the full CFT. The 3d topological theory that arises is a certain ``square'' of the chiral TQFT. Such topological theories were studied by Turaev and Viro; they are related to 3d gravity. We establish an operator/state correspondence in which operators in the chiral TQFT correspond to states in the Turaev-Viro theory. We use this correspondence to interpret CFT correlation functions as particular quantum states of the Turaev-Viro theory. We compute the components of these states in the basis in the Turaev-Viro Hilbert space given by colored 3-valent graphs. The formula we obtain is a generalization of the Verlinde formula. The later is obtained from our expression for a zero colored graph. Our results give an interesting ``holographic'' perspective on conformal field theories in 2 dimensions.Comment: 29+1 pages, many figure

    Non-Metric Gravity I: Field Equations

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    We describe and study a certain class of modified gravity theories. Our starting point is Plebanski formulation of gravity in terms of a triple B^i of 2-forms, a connection A^i and a ``Lagrange multiplier'' field Psi^ij. The generalization we consider stems from presence in the action of an extra term proportional to a scalar function of Psi^ij. As in the usual Plebanski general relativity (GR) case, a certain metric can be constructed from B^i. However, unlike in GR, the connection A^i no longer coincides with the self-dual part of the metric-compatible spin-connection. Field equations of the theory are shown to be relations between derivatives of the metric and components of field Psi, as well as its derivatives, the later being in contrast to the GR case. The equations are of second order in derivatives. An analog of the Bianchi identity is still present in the theory, as well as its contracted version tantamount to energy conservation equation.Comment: 21 pages, no figures (v2) energy conservation equation simplified, note on reality conditions added (v3) minor change

    Nonlocal long-range synchronization of planar Josephson junction arrays

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    We study arrays of planar Nb Josephson junctions with contacts to intermediate electrodes, which allow measurements of individual junctions and, thus, provide an insight into intricate array dynamics. We observe a robust phase-locking of arrays, despite a significant inter-junction separation. Several unusual phenomena are reported, such as a bi-stable critical current with re-entrant superconductivity upon switching of nearby junctions; and incorrect Shapiro steps, occurring at mixing frequencies between the external RF radiation and the internal Josephson frequency in nearby junctions. Our results reveal a surprisingly strong and long-range inter-junction interaction. It is attributed to nonlocality of planar junction electrodynamics, caused by the long-range spreading of stray electromagnetic fields. The nonlocality greatly enhances the high-frequency interjunction coupling and enables large-scale synchronization. Therefore, we conclude that planar geometry is advantageous for realization of coherent Josephson electronics.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Marketing analysis of the intelligent urban mobility market

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    The article presents the results of a marketing analysis of the global and Russian markets for intelligent urban mobility, including a set of solutions that improve the quality of citizens’ life – environmentally friendly modes of transport, shared services, on-demand mobility and infrastructure for integrating technologies into the urban environment. The authors propose a characteristic of the smart mobility market, consider the main segments and identify key trends in its development. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of the transport sharing market development. In a comparative way, the features of consumer preferences, the volume of investments in sharing products and forecasts of market development are analyzed

    The Fuzzy Sphere Star-Product and Spin Networks

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    We analyze the expansion of the fuzzy sphere non-commutative product in powers of the non-commutativity parameter. To analyze this expansion we develop a graphical technique that uses spin networks. This technique is potentially interesting in its own right as introducing spin networks of Penrose into non-commutative geometry. Our analysis leads to a clarification of the link between the fuzzy sphere non-commutative product and the usual deformation quantization of the sphere in terms of the star-product.Comment: 21 pages, many figure