39 research outputs found

    Підвищення ефективності роботи ГАПа на початкових етапах проектування за рахунок застосування ДАД-технології на прикладі лікарні

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    The article defines the stages of passing the construction project, the stages and phases of construction designing on the example of the hospital. The participation of the chief architect of the project in the initial stages of designing and the influence of these stages on the implementation of the entire construction project is determined. There are risks and uncertainties during the implementation of the construction project and the factors that provoke them. The author defines the DAD-technology, the possibilities of its application at the initial stages of design, its impact on minimization of the number of uncertainty factors and improving the efficiency of the main project architect at the initial stages of design.У статті визначено етапи проходження будівельного проекту, стадії та етапи проектування на прикладі лікарні. Визначена участь головного архітектора проекту на початкових етапах проектування та вплив цих етапів на реалізацію всього будівельного проекту. Встановлено ризики та невизначеності під час реалізації будівельного проекту та фактори, що їх провокують. Автор дає визначення ДАД-технології, можливості її застосування на початкових етапах проектування, її вплив на мінімізацію кількість факторів невизначеності та підвищення ефективності роботи головного архітектора проекту на початкових етапах проектування

    Підвищення ефективності роботи головного архітектора проекту на початкових етапах проектування за рахунок застосування ДАД-технології на прикладі агрокомплексу

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    There are defined main tasks and responsibilities of the chief architect of the project in the article. There are identified main problems and risks in the implementation of the construction project. The definition of DAD technology is given, there are described advantages from its application in the initial stages of design and the impact on the activity of the chief architect of the project.У статті визначено основні завдання та обов’язки головного архітектора проекту. Визначено основні проблеми та ризики під час реалізації будівельного проекту. Дано визначення ДАД-технології, розповідається про переваги від її застосування на початкових етапах проектування та вплив на діяльність головного архітектора проекту

    Anomalous exponents in the rapid-change model of the passive scalar advection in the order ϵ3\epsilon^{3}

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    Field theoretic renormalization group is applied to the Kraichnan model of a passive scalar advected by the Gaussian velocity field with the covariance <v(t,x)v(t,x)>δ(tt)xxϵ - <{\bf v}(t,{\bf x}){\bf v}(t',{\bf x'})> \propto\delta(t-t')|{\bf x}-{\bf x'} |^{\epsilon}. Inertial-range anomalous exponents, related to the scaling dimensions of tensor composite operators built of the scalar gradients, are calculated to the order ϵ3\epsilon^{3} of the ϵ\epsilon expansion. The nature and the convergence of the ϵ\epsilon expansion in the models of turbulence is are briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages; REVTeX source with 3 postscript figure

    Modeling of operating history of the research nuclear reactor

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    The results of simulation of the IRT-T reactor operation history from 2012 to 2014 are presented. Calculations are performed using continuous energy Monte Carlo code MCU-PTR. Comparison is made between calculation and experimental data for the critical reactor

    Asymptotics for turbulent flame speeds of the viscous G-equation enhanced by cellular and shear flows

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    G-equations are well-known front propagation models in turbulent combustion and describe the front motion law in the form of local normal velocity equal to a constant (laminar speed) plus the normal projection of fluid velocity. In level set formulation, G-equations are Hamilton-Jacobi equations with convex (L1L^1 type) but non-coercive Hamiltonians. Viscous G-equations arise from either numerical approximations or regularizations by small diffusion. The nonlinear eigenvalue Hˉ\bar H from the cell problem of the viscous G-equation can be viewed as an approximation of the inviscid turbulent flame speed sTs_T. An important problem in turbulent combustion theory is to study properties of sTs_T, in particular how sTs_T depends on the flow amplitude AA. In this paper, we will study the behavior of Hˉ=Hˉ(A,d)\bar H=\bar H(A,d) as A+A\to +\infty at any fixed diffusion constant d>0d > 0. For the cellular flow, we show that Hˉ(A,d)O(logA)for all d>0. \bar H(A,d)\leq O(\sqrt {\mathrm {log}A}) \quad \text{for all $d>0$}. Compared with the inviscid G-equation (d=0d=0), the diffusion dramatically slows down the front propagation. For the shear flow, the limit \nit limA+Hˉ(A,d)A=λ(d)>0\lim_{A\to +\infty}{\bar H(A,d)\over A} = \lambda (d) >0 where λ(d)\lambda (d) is strictly decreasing in dd, and has zero derivative at d=0d=0. The linear growth law is also valid for sTs_T of the curvature dependent G-equation in shear flows.Comment: 27 pages. We improve the upper bound from no power growth to square root of log growt

    Calculation of the anomalous exponents in the rapid-change model of passive scalar advection to order ε3\varepsilon^{3}

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    The field theoretic renormalization group and operator product expansion are applied to the model of a passive scalar advected by the Gaussian velocity field with zero mean and correlation function \propto\delta(t-t')/k^{d+\eps}. Inertial-range anomalous exponents, identified with the critical dimensions of various scalar and tensor composite operators constructed of the scalar gradients, are calculated within the ε\varepsilon expansion to order ε3\varepsilon^{3} (three-loop approximation), including the exponents in anisotropic sectors. The main goal of the paper is to give the complete derivation of this third-order result, and to present and explain in detail the corresponding calculational techniques. The character and convergence properties of the ε\varepsilon expansion are discussed; the improved ``inverse'' ε\varepsilon expansion is proposed and the comparison with the existing nonperturbative results is given.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures, REVTe

    Численное исследование рабочего процесса в восстановительном газогенераторе кислород - метанового ЖРД разгонного блока

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    This article deals with the problems of creating a reducing gas generator of the liquid rocket engine (LRE) of upper stage using advanced fuel components, namely oxygen + liquid natural gas. Relevance of the work is justified by the need to create and develop of environmentally friendly missile systems for space applications using methane-based fuel (liquid natural gas). As compared to the currently used unsymmetrical dimethyl-hydrazine and kerosene, this fuel is environmentally safe, passive to corrosion, has better cooling properties and high energy characteristics in the re-generatively cooled chambers, as well as is advantageous for LRE of multiple start and use.The purpose of this work is a mathematical modeling, calculation of the working process efficiency, as well as study of gas-dynamic structure of the flow in the gas generator flow path. The object of study is the upper stage LRE gas generator, which uses the reducing scheme on the liquid propellants: oxygen + liquid methane. Research methods are based on numerical simulation.Computational studies allowed us to receive the velocity, temperatures, and concentrations of reactants and combustion products in the longitudinal section of gas generator. Analysis of the gas-dynamic structure of flow shows a complete equalization of the velocity field by 2/3 of the gas generator length. Thus, the same distance is not enough to equalize the temperature distribution of the gasification products and their concentrations in radius. Increasing the total excess oxidant ratio from 0.15 to 0.25 leads to a greater spread of the parameters at the exit of the gas generator by ~ 13 ÷ 17%. As a recommendation to reduce the size of the working area, is proposed a dual-zone gas generator-mixing scheme with fuel separately supplied to the first and second zones.Рассмотрены практические вопросы использования в качестве ракетного топлива жидкостного ракетного двигателя жидких кислорода и метана, обеспечивающих повышение надежности и многоразовости использования двигателей как силовых установок средств выведения космических летательных аппаратов. Приведены результаты математического моделирования рабочего процесса в восстановительном газогенераторе жидкостного ракетного двигателя разгонного блока, работающем на компонентах топлива жидкий метан + жидкий кислород. Расчеты выполнены с использованием пакетов Ansys CFX, Fluent и программ авторской разработки. Получены и проанализированы распределения давления, скорости, температуры, концентраций реагентов и продуктов сгорания в характерных сечениях рабочего объема газогенератора, на основании которых сделаны рекомендации по выбору длины последнего. DOI: 10.7463/aersp.0515.082189

    The Future of the Correlated Electron Problem

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    The understanding of material systems with strong electron-electron interactions is the central problem in modern condensed matter physics. Despite this, the essential physics of many of these materials is still not understood and we have no overall perspective on their properties. Moreover, we have very little ability to make predictions in this class of systems. In this manuscript we share our personal views of what the major open problems are in correlated electron systems and we discuss some possible routes to make progress in this rich and fascinating field. This manuscript is the result of the vigorous discussions and deliberations that took place at Johns Hopkins University during a three-day workshop January 27, 28, and 29, 2020 that brought together six senior scientists and 46 more junior scientists. Our hope, is that the topics we have presented will provide inspiration for others working in this field and motivation for the idea that significant progress can be made on very hard problems if we focus our collective energies.Comment: 55 pages, 19 figure

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Полисемия в английской военной лексике

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    В статье рассматривается явление полисемии в английском языке на примере военной лексики. Описана роль полисемии в формировании военных терминов, а также трудности, возникающие при переводе многозначных слов на русский язык. Подчеркивается необходимость учета специфики той сферы деятельности, к которой относится термин, чтобы избежать двусмысленности его трактовки. Рассмотрена структура военной лексики, описаны способы ее обогащения при помощи таких стилистических средств, как метафора и метонимия.The article deals with the phenomenon of polysemy in the English military vocabulary. The role of polysemy in military terms development, as well as the difficulties that arise in course of translating multivalent words into Russian are described. The necessity of taking into account the specific nature of the field the term belongs to is underlined. It helps avoid the ambiguity of interpretation. The article studies the structure of military vocabulary and describes the ways of its enrichment by means of metaphor and metonymy