399 research outputs found

    Comment on "Experimental determination of superconducting parameters for the intermetallic perovskite superconductor MgCNi3_3"

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    In a recent paper (Phys. Rev. {\bf B 67}, 094502 (2003)) Mao et al. investigated the bias-dependent conductance of mechanical junctions between superconducting MgCNi3_3 and a sharp W tip. They interpreted their results in terms of 'single-particle tunneling'. We show it is more likely that current transport through those junctions is determined by thermal effects due to the huge normal-state resistivity of MgCNi3_3. Therefore no conclusion can be drawn about the possible unconventional pairing or strong-coupling superconductivity in MgCNi3_3.Comment: 2 pages, 1 Fig. Comment on Z. Q. Mao et al. (Phys. Rev. {\bf B 67}, 094502 (2003)

    A PDEM-COM framework for uncertainty quantification of backward issues involving both aleatory and epistemic uncertainties

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    Uncertainties that exist in nature or due to lack of knowledge have been widely recognized by researchers and engineering practitioners throughout engineering design and analysis for decades. Though great efforts have been devoted to the issues of uncertainty quantification (UQ) in various aspects, the methodologies on the quantification of aleatory uncertainty and epistemic uncertainty are usually logically inconsistent. For instance, the aleatory uncertainty is usually quantified in the framework of probability theory, whereas the epistemic uncertainty is quantified mostly by non-probabilistic methods. In the present paper, a probabilistically consistent framework for the quantification of both aleatory and epistemic uncertainty by synthesizing the probability density evolution method (PDEM) and the change of probability measure (COM) is outlined. The framework is then applied to the backward issues of uncertainty quantification. In particular, the uncertainty model updating issue is discussed in this paper. A numerical example is presented, and the results indicate the flexibility and efficiency of the proposed PDEM-COM framework

    Multiscale Modeling-Based Assessment of Elastic Properties of SLGS-Polymer Nanocomposites with Double-Atom Vacancy Defects

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    In this study, which is a continuation of our earlier work, the effect of double-atom vacancy defects (DAVD) on the elastic properties of single-layered graphene sheets (SLGS)-polymer nanocomposites is assessed by the multiscale modeling. According to the latter approach, the polymer matrix is modeled by finite element approach, while the SLGS and interphase layer are simulated at the atomistic scale by the molecular structural mechanics approach. In view of the Lennard–Jones potential concept, it is assumed that the SLGS and polymer matrix are related by van der Waals reciprocity. The fact that the elastic modulus of a polymer with 5% volume fraction of SLGS is increased by 17 times is demonstrated by numerous simulation results. It is also shown that the elastic modulus of SLGS-polymer nanocomposites with DAVDs is deteriorated with an increase in the number of DAVDs and improved with the increased volume fraction of SLGS.В рамках ранее предложенного авторами подхода на основе мультимасштабного моделирования исследуется влияние двойных атомарных вакансионных дефектов на упругие свойства полимерных нанокомпозитов из однослойных листов графена. Моделирование полимерной матрицы осуществляется методом конечных элементов, а интерфазный слой и однослойный лист графена моделируются на атомарном уровне в рамках молекулярной структурной механики. На основании концепции потенциала Леннарда Джонса предполагается наличие зависимости ван дер Ваальса между свойствами однослойных листов графена и полимерной матрицы. Результаты численных расчетов показывают, что модуль упругости полимера можно увеличить в 17 раз за счет добавления 5%-ной объемной доли однослойного листа графена. Установлено, что при увеличении количества двойных атомарных вакансионных дефектов модуль упругости полимерных композитов из однослойными листами графена снижается, в то время как с ростом объемной доли однослойных листов графена наблюдается его повышение.У рамках раніше запропонованого авторами підходу на основі мультимасштабного моделювання досліджується вплив подвійних атомарних вакансійних дефектів на пружні властивості полімерних нанокомпозитів з одношарових листів графена. Моделювання полімерної матриці виконано методом скінченних елементів, а інтерфазний шар і одношаровий лист графена моделюються на атомарному рівні в рамках молекулярної структурної механіки. На основі концепції потенціалу Леннарда Джонса припускається наявність залежності ван дер Ваальса між властивостями одношарових листів графена і полімерної матриці. Результати чисельних розрахунків показують, що модуль пружності полімеру можна збільшити в 17 разів за рахунок додання 5%-ної об ємної частки одношарового листа графена. Установлено, що з ростом кількості подвійних атомарних вакансійних дефектів модуль пружності полімерних композитів з одношаровими листами графена зменшується, в той час як зі зростанням об ємної частки одношарових листів графена відмічається його підвищення

    Effect of Double-Atom Vacancy Defects on the Elastic Properties of Single-Layered Graphene Sheets

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    A molecular structural mechanics approach is used to study the effect of double-atom vacancy defects (DAVD) on the elastic properties of zigzag and armchair single-layered graphene sheets (SLGS). To this end, the space frame structure is also adopted to model the interatomic forces of the C–C bonds. The numerical simulation results obtained via the finite element method strongly suggest that double-atom vacancy defects reduce the elastic module of SLGS, which effect weakens with graphene size. Finally, the elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio of SLGS are found to decrease with the number of DAVDS.В рамках подхода молекулярной структурной механики исследуется влияние двойных атомарных вакансионных дефектов кристаллической решетки на упругие свойства однослойных листов графена с зигзагообразной и плетеной структурой. Для моделирования межатомных сил связей типа углерод–углерод используется пространственная структурная сетка. Результаты численного моделирования, полученные методом конечных элементов, подтверждают, что наличие указанных вакансионных дефектов снижает модуль упругости графена, что приводит к уменьшению его несущей способности. Установлено, что увеличение количества вакансионных дефектов обусловливает снижение модуля упругости и коэффициента Пуассона однослойных листов графена.У рамках підходу молекулярної структурної механіки досліджується вплив подвійних атомарних вакансійних дефектів кристалічної гратки на пружні властивості одношарових листів графена із зигзагоподібною та плетеною структурою. Для моделювання міжатомних сил зв’язків типу вуглець–вуглець використовується просторова структурна сітка. Результати чисельного моделювання, отримані методом скінченних елементів, підтверджують, що наявність указаних вакансійних дефектів знижу є модуль пружності графена, що призводить до зменшення його несівної здатності. Установлено, що збільшення кількості вакансійних дефектів призводить до зниження модуля пружності та коефіцієнта Пуассона одношарових листів графена

    An interactive control architecture for interpersonal coordination in mirror game

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    In this work, an interactive control architecture based on velocity segments is developed to generate the human-like trajectories in the mirror game, a simple yet effective paradigm for studying interpersonal coordination, and the existence of velocity segments possessing a prescribed signature is theoretically guaranteed. Then an online control algorithm for the architecture is proposed to produce joint improvised motion with a human player or another virtual player while exhibiting some desired kinematic characteristics. Finally, the transition from solo motions to joint improvised motions is illuminated, and the proposed control architecture is validated by matching the experimental data

    Bedoi: Benchmarks For Determining Overlapping Images With Photogrammetric Information

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    For conventional SfM pipeline, image matching is enduring limitation when considering the time efficiency. In the last few years, to speed up image matching procedure, many image retrieval works were proposed to fast find overlapping image pairs, e.g., bag-of-word that clusters hand-crafted local features in a hierarchical way for efficient similar image retrieval, or learning-based global features (such as, VGG or ResNet) are used to represent image in a global compact manner. However, there are rarely benchmarks with referenced overlapping information to: first, evaluate the retrieval performance; second, fine tune deep-learning models along the direction that is more capable to deal with overlapping image pairs. In this work, based on traditional photogrammetric procedures, relevant photogrammetric information is obtained including image orientation parameters, 3D mesh model and etc., we then generate a benchmark for determining Overlapping Images - BeDOI, in which referenced pairwise overlapping relationships are estimated via rigorous photogrammetric geometry. To extend the generality, in total, BeDOI contains 13667 images which are basically UAV and close-range images of various scene categories, e.g., urban cities, campus, village, historical relics, green land, buildings and etc. Lastly, to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed BeDOI, several image retrieval methods are tested and the experimental results are reported as a competition challenge

    Vortex dynamics and states of artificially layered superconducting films with correlated defects

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    Linear resistances and IVIV-characteristics have been measured over a wide range in the parameter space of the mixed phase of multilayered a-TaGe/Ge films. Three films with varying interlayer coupling and correlated defects oriented at an angle 25\approx 25 from the film normal were investigated. Experimental data were analyzed within vortex glass models and a second order phase transition from a resistive vortex liquid to a pinned glass phase. Various vortex phases including changes from three to two dimensional behavior depending on anisotropy have been identified. Careful analysis of IVIV-characteristics in the glass phases revealed a distinctive TT and HH-dependence of the glass exponent μ\mu. The vortex dynamics in the Bose-glass phase does not follow the predicted behavior for excitations of vortex kinks or loops.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    Theory of charge transport in diffusive normal metal / unconventional singlet superconductor contacts

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    We analyze the transport properties of contacts between unconventional superconductor and normal diffusive metal in the framework of the extended circuit theory. We obtain a general boundary condition for the Keldysh-Nambu Green's functions at the interface that is valid for arbitrary transparencies of the interface. This allows us to investigate the voltage-dependent conductance (conductance spectrum) of a diffusive normal metal (DN)/ unconventional singlet superconductor junction in both ballistic and diffusive cases. For d-wave superconductor, we calculate conductance spectra numerically for different orientations of the junctions, resistances, Thouless energies in DN, and transparencies of the interface. We demonstrate that conductance spectra exhibit a variety of features including a VV-shaped gap-like structure, zero bias conductance peak (ZBCP) and zero bias conductance dip (ZBCD). We show that two distinct mechanisms: (i) coherent Andreev reflection (CAR) in DN and (ii) formation of midgap Andreev bound state (MABS) at the interface of d-wave superconductors, are responsible for ZBCP, their relative importance being dependent on the angle α\alpha between the interface normal and the crystal axis of d-wave superconductors. For α=0\alpha=0, the ZBCP is due to CAR in the junctions of low transparency with small Thouless energies, this is similar to the case of diffusive normal metal / insulator /s-wave superconductor junctions. With increase of α\alpha from zero to π/4\pi/4, the MABS contribution to ZBCP becomes more prominent and the effect of CAR is gradually suppressed. Such complex spectral features shall be observable in conductance spectra of realistic high-TcT_c junctions at very low temperature