466 research outputs found

    Impact and shock attenuation during landing activities from different heights on different surfaces

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    The purpose of this study was to examine impact shock attenuation during landing activities from different heights on different surfaces. Thirteen healthy and active subjects performed five trials of step-off landing from four different heights (30,45,60, and 75 cm) in shod and barefoot. Ground reaction forces (GRF), accelerations of the tibia and forehead, and kinematic data were sampled simultaneously. Increased heights caused increases in angular kinematic variables (range of motions, contact and maximum angular velocities of the ankle, knee, and hip joints). Few significant changes in kinematics were observed across the surface conditions. The first maximum GRF (F1) showed a trend of greater values in the shoe landing than that in the barefoot landing, with significant difference found at 75 cm. The second maximum GRF (F2) demonstrated a trend of greater values in the barefoot conditions than those in the shoe conditions. Greater F1 and F2 values were observed with increases in landing heights. The maximum head acceleration (AccHead) showed few significant changes in across the heights and surfaces. The first tibia acceleration (AccTibia1) was generally greater in the shoe conditions than that in the barefoot conditions. On the other hand, the second tibia acceleration (AccTibia2) displayed a trend of greater values in the barefoot conditions than that in the shod conditions, with significant difference found at 60 and 75 cm. The shock attenuation index (Attelndex) in the barefoot conditions was significantly greater than that in the shoe conditions at all landing heights. The results suggested that the shoe provided an additional cushion to minimize impact forces and attenuate impact shock during the landing activities


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinematics of elderly people who had experienced a fall stepping over obstacles of varying height. Six elderly non-fallers and six elderly fallers stepped over obstacles of height 0, 2.5, 5.1, 15.2cm. The longest stance duration was found in the highest obstacle 15.2cm, which might reflect relatively fast degrading gait function of the faller group. It was found that fallers took a longer time to cross the obstacles, which resulted in slower crossing speeds than when non-fallers stepped over the obstacles. We concluded that elderly persons who had experienced falling tend to step over obstacles conservatively as characterized

    Infantile Vitreous Hemorrhage as the Initial Presentation of X-linked Juvenile Retinoschisis

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    The authors report two cases of X-linked juvenile retinoschisis (XLRS) manifested as bilateral vitreous hemorrhage as early as in an 1-month-old infant and in a 3-month-old infant. The one-month-old male infant showed massive bilateral vitreous hemorrhage. During vitrectomy, thin membrane representing an inner part of schisis cavity was excised and intraschisis hemorrhage was evacuated. As intraschisis cavities were cleared, the stump of inner layer appeared as the demarcation line between the outer layer of the schisis retina and non-schisis retina. The other three-month-old male infant presenting with esodeviation also showed bilateral vitreous hemorrhage. Typical bilateral retinoschisis involving maculae could be seen through vitreous hemorrhage in both eyes on fundus examination. Spontaneous absorption of hemorrhage was observed on regular follow-up. XLRS could be manifested as massive hemorrhage inside or outside of the schisis cavity early in infancy


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 10 weeks training program on lower extremity strength and' vertical reaction force during sit-to-stand movement in chronic stroke patients. Maximum vertical ground reaction force, difference of vertical ground reaction force between left and right foot, COP in anteriorposterior and mediolateral direction did not show any significant time main effect. However, the difference of body weight distribution between the left and right foot was decreased in experimental group after training. The peak torque generated by the flexors of the paretic limb at 60o /sec and 180o/sec in experimental group changed from baseline, an increases of 30.23% and 24.09%, respectively. These results appear that 10 weeks training program improves sit-to-stand movement and lower extremity strength in chronic stroke patients

    5′-Triphosphate-RNA-independent activation of RIG-I via RNA aptamer with enhanced antiviral activity

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    RIG-I is a cytosolic receptor for non-self RNA that mediates immune responses against viral infections through IFNα/β production. In an attempt to identify novel tools that modulate IFNα/β production, we used SELEX technology to screen RNA aptamers that specifically target RIG-I protein. Most of the selected RIG-I aptamers contained polyU motifs in the second half regions that played critical roles in the activation of RIG-I-mediated IFNβ production. Unlike other known ligands, RIG-I aptamer bound and activated RIG-I in a 5′-triphosphate-independent manner. The helicase and RD domain of RIG-I were used for aptamer binding, but intact RIG-I protein was required to exert aptamer-mediated signaling activation. Furthermore, replication of NDV, VSV and influenza virus in infected host cells was efficiently blocked by pre- or post-treatment with RIG-I aptamer. Based on these data, we propose that RIG-I aptamer has strong potential to be an antiviral agent that specifically boosts the RIG-I-dependent signaling cascade

    Lateral Decubitus Positioning Stereotactic Vacuum-Assisted Breast Biopsy with True Lateral Mammography

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    Stereotactic vacuum-assisted breast biopsy (VAB) has been used to evaluate microcalcifications or non-palpable breast lesions on mammography. Although stereotactic VAB is usually performed in a prone or upright position, an expensive prone table is necessary and vasovagal reactions often occur during the procedure. For these reasons, the lateral decubitus position can be applied for stereotactic VAB, and true lateral mammography can be used to detect the lesion. We report on 15 cases of lateral decubitus positioning for stereotactic VAB with true lateral mammography for non-palpable breast lesions or microcalcifications. The mean procedure time was approximately 30.1 minutes, and no complications occurred during the procedures. Fourteen cases had benign breast lesions and one case had a ductal carcinoma in situ. The lateral decubitus stereotactic VAB with true lateral mammography can be applied for microcalcifications or non-palpable breast lesions and helps to minimize anxiety and vasovagal reactions in patients

    Impact of Depression on Work Productivity and Its Improvement after Outpatient Treatment with Antidepressants

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    AbstractObjectiveDepressive disorders influence socioeconomic burden at both the individual and organizational levels. This study estimates the lost productive time (LPT) and its resulting cost among workers with major depressive disorder (MDD) compared with a comparison group. It also estimates the change in productivity after 8 weeks of outpatient psychiatric treatment with antidepressants.MethodsWorking patients diagnosed with MDD without other major physical or mental disorders were recruited (n = 102), along with age- and sex-matched healthy controls from the Seoul Metropolitan area (n = 91). The World Health Organization's Health and Work Performance Questionnaire and the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression were utilized to measure productivity and severity of depression, respectively, at baseline and at 8 weeks of treatment.ResultsThe LPT from absenteeism and presenteeism (reduced performance while present at work) was significantly higher among the MDD group. Workers with MDD averaged costs due to LPT at 33.4% of their average annual salary, whereas the comparison group averaged costs of 2.5% of annual salary. After 8 weeks of treatment, absenteeism and clinical symptoms of depression were significantly reduced and associated with significant improvement in self-rated job performance (31.8%) or cost savings of $7508 per employee per year.ConclusionsWe confirmed that significant productivity loss arises from MDD and that this loss can be reduced with psychiatric intervention after a time period as short as 8 weeks. Mental health professionals should work with employers to devise a cost-effective system to provide workers with accessible quality care

    A Sporadic Case of Mal de Meleda Caused by Gene Mutation in SLURP-1 in Korea

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    Mal de Meleda (MDM), also known as keratoderma palmoplantaris transgrediens, is a rare inherited form of palmoplantar keratoderma. It is characterized by erythema and hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles, extending to the dorsal aspects of the hands and feet. A 15-year-old Korean female presented with sharply demarcated hyperkeratotic plaques on the palms and soles, which extended to the dorsal surfaces of the hands and feet, in a "glove-and-socks" distribution. The histopathologic study showed marked hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, and normogranulosis, without epidermolysis. Her genetic study detected compound heterozygous mutation in exon 3 of the ARS gene encoding SLURP-1. Family history did not reveal any other affected members and no consanguineous relationship was found. In view of these findings, we diagnosed this case as the first reported sporadic case of MDM in Korea, the farthest location from the endemic island of Meleda