96 research outputs found


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    Segmentation is an important research field in computer vision. It requires recognizing and segmenting the objects at the pixel level. In the past decade, many deep neural networks have been proposed, which have been central to the development in this area. These frameworks have demonstrated human-level or beyond performance on many challenging benchmarks, and have been widely used in many real-life applications, including surveillance, autonomous driving, and medical image analysis. However, it is non-trivial to design neural architectures with both efficiency and effectiveness, especially when they need to be tailored to the target tasks and datasets. In this dissertation, I will present our research works in this area from the following aspects. (i) To enable automatic neural architecture design on the costly 3D medical image segmentation, we propose an efficient and effective neural architecture search algorithm that tackles the problem in a coarse-to-fine manner. (ii) To further take advantage of the neural architecture search, we propose to search for a channel-level replacement for 3D networks, which leads to strong alternatives to 3D networks. (iii) To perform segmentation with great detail, we design a coarse-to-fine segmentation framework for matting-level segmentation; (iv) To provide stronger features for segmentation, we propose a stronger transformer-based backbone that can work on dense tasks. (v) To better resolve the panoptic segmentation problem in an end-to-end manner, we propose to combine transformers with the traditional clustering algorithm, which leads to a more intuitive segmentation framework with better performance

    Recurrent Saliency Transformation Network: Incorporating Multi-Stage Visual Cues for Small Organ Segmentation

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    We aim at segmenting small organs (e.g., the pancreas) from abdominal CT scans. As the target often occupies a relatively small region in the input image, deep neural networks can be easily confused by the complex and variable background. To alleviate this, researchers proposed a coarse-to-fine approach, which used prediction from the first (coarse) stage to indicate a smaller input region for the second (fine) stage. Despite its effectiveness, this algorithm dealt with two stages individually, which lacked optimizing a global energy function, and limited its ability to incorporate multi-stage visual cues. Missing contextual information led to unsatisfying convergence in iterations, and that the fine stage sometimes produced even lower segmentation accuracy than the coarse stage. This paper presents a Recurrent Saliency Transformation Network. The key innovation is a saliency transformation module, which repeatedly converts the segmentation probability map from the previous iteration as spatial weights and applies these weights to the current iteration. This brings us two-fold benefits. In training, it allows joint optimization over the deep networks dealing with different input scales. In testing, it propagates multi-stage visual information throughout iterations to improve segmentation accuracy. Experiments in the NIH pancreas segmentation dataset demonstrate the state-of-the-art accuracy, which outperforms the previous best by an average of over 2%. Much higher accuracies are also reported on several small organs in a larger dataset collected by ourselves. In addition, our approach enjoys better convergence properties, making it more efficient and reliable in practice.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2018 (10 pages, 6 figures

    Towards Open-Ended Visual Recognition with Large Language Model

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    Localizing and recognizing objects in the open-ended physical world poses a long-standing challenge within the domain of machine perception. Recent methods have endeavored to address the issue by employing a class-agnostic mask (or box) proposal model, complemented by an open-vocabulary classifier (e.g., CLIP) using pre-extracted text embeddings. However, it is worth noting that these open-vocabulary recognition models still exhibit limitations in practical applications. On one hand, they rely on the provision of class names during testing, where the recognition performance heavily depends on this predefined set of semantic classes by users. On the other hand, when training with multiple datasets, human intervention is required to alleviate the label definition conflict between them. In this paper, we introduce the OmniScient Model (OSM), a novel Large Language Model (LLM) based mask classifier, as a straightforward and effective solution to the aforementioned challenges. Specifically, OSM predicts class labels in a generative manner, thus removing the supply of class names during both training and testing. It also enables cross-dataset training without any human interference, exhibiting robust generalization capabilities due to the world knowledge acquired from the LLM. By combining OSM with an off-the-shelf mask proposal model, we present promising results on various benchmarks, and demonstrate its effectiveness in handling novel concepts. Code/model are available at https://github.com/bytedance/OmniScient-Model

    Compositor: Bottom-up Clustering and Compositing for Robust Part and Object Segmentation

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    In this work, we present a robust approach for joint part and object segmentation. Specifically, we reformulate object and part segmentation as an optimization problem and build a hierarchical feature representation including pixel, part, and object-level embeddings to solve it in a bottom-up clustering manner. Pixels are grouped into several clusters where the part-level embeddings serve as cluster centers. Afterwards, object masks are obtained by compositing the part proposals. This bottom-up interaction is shown to be effective in integrating information from lower semantic levels to higher semantic levels. Based on that, our novel approach Compositor produces part and object segmentation masks simultaneously while improving the mask quality. Compositor achieves state-of-the-art performance on PartImageNet and Pascal-Part by outperforming previous methods by around 0.9% and 1.3% on PartImageNet, 0.4% and 1.7% on Pascal-Part in terms of part and object mIoU and demonstrates better robustness against occlusion by around 4.4% and 7.1% on part and object respectively. Code will be available at https://github.com/TACJu/Compositor

    Convolutions Die Hard: Open-Vocabulary Segmentation with Single Frozen Convolutional CLIP

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    Open-vocabulary segmentation is a challenging task requiring segmenting and recognizing objects from an open set of categories. One way to address this challenge is to leverage multi-modal models, such as CLIP, to provide image and text features in a shared embedding space, which bridges the gap between closed-vocabulary and open-vocabulary recognition. Hence, existing methods often adopt a two-stage framework to tackle the problem, where the inputs first go through a mask generator and then through the CLIP model along with the predicted masks. This process involves extracting features from images multiple times, which can be ineffective and inefficient. By contrast, we propose to build everything into a single-stage framework using a shared Frozen Convolutional CLIP backbone, which not only significantly simplifies the current two-stage pipeline, but also remarkably yields a better accuracy-cost trade-off. The proposed FC-CLIP, benefits from the following observations: the frozen CLIP backbone maintains the ability of open-vocabulary classification and can also serve as a strong mask generator, and the convolutional CLIP generalizes well to a larger input resolution than the one used during contrastive image-text pretraining. When training on COCO panoptic data only and testing in a zero-shot manner, FC-CLIP achieve 26.8 PQ, 16.8 AP, and 34.1 mIoU on ADE20K, 18.2 PQ, 27.9 mIoU on Mapillary Vistas, 44.0 PQ, 26.8 AP, 56.2 mIoU on Cityscapes, outperforming the prior art by +4.2 PQ, +2.4 AP, +4.2 mIoU on ADE20K, +4.0 PQ on Mapillary Vistas and +20.1 PQ on Cityscapes, respectively. Additionally, the training and testing time of FC-CLIP is 7.5x and 6.6x significantly faster than the same prior art, while using 5.9x fewer parameters. FC-CLIP also sets a new state-of-the-art performance across various open-vocabulary semantic segmentation datasets. Code at https://github.com/bytedance/fc-clipComment: code and model available at https://github.com/bytedance/fc-cli
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