70 research outputs found

    Rethinking CycleGAN: Improving Quality of GANs for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation

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    An unpaired image-to-image (I2I) translation technique seeks to find a mapping between two domains of data in a fully unsupervised manner. While the initial solutions to the I2I problem were provided by the generative adversarial neural networks (GANs), currently, diffusion models (DM) hold the state-of-the-art status on the I2I translation benchmarks in terms of FID. Yet, they suffer from some limitations, such as not using data from the source domain during the training, or maintaining consistency of the source and translated images only via simple pixel-wise errors. This work revisits the classic CycleGAN model and equips it with recent advancements in model architectures and model training procedures. The revised model is shown to significantly outperform other advanced GAN- and DM-based competitors on a variety of benchmarks. In the case of Male2Female translation of CelebA, the model achieves over 40% improvement in FID score compared to the state-of-the-art results. This work also demonstrates the ineffectiveness of the pixel-wise I2I translation faithfulness metrics and suggests their revision. The code and trained models are available at https://github.com/LS4GAN/uvcgan

    Implementation of ACTS into sPHENIX track reconstruction

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    sPHENIX is a high energy nuclear physics experiment under construction at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). The primary physics goals of sPHENIX are to study the quark-gluon-plasma, as well as the partonic structure of protons and nuclei, by measuring jets, their substructure, and heavy flavor hadrons in pp++pp, pp+Au, and Au+Au collisions. sPHENIX will collect approximately 300 PB of data over three run periods, to be analyzed using available computing resources at BNL; thus, performing track reconstruction in a timely manner is a challenge due to the high occupancy of heavy ion collision events. The sPHENIX experiment has recently implemented the A Common Tracking Software (ACTS) track reconstruction toolkit with the goal of reconstructing tracks with high efficiency and within a computational budget of 5 seconds per minimum bias event. This paper reports the performance status of ACTS as the default track fitting tool within sPHENIX, including discussion of the first implementation of a time projection chamber geometry within ACTS

    Evaluating Portable Parallelization Strategies for Heterogeneous Architectures in High Energy Physics

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    High-energy physics (HEP) experiments have developed millions of lines of code over decades that are optimized to run on traditional x86 CPU systems. However, we are seeing a rapidly increasing fraction of floating point computing power in leadership-class computing facilities and traditional data centers coming from new accelerator architectures, such as GPUs. HEP experiments are now faced with the untenable prospect of rewriting millions of lines of x86 CPU code, for the increasingly dominant architectures found in these computational accelerators. This task is made more challenging by the architecture-specific languages and APIs promoted by manufacturers such as NVIDIA, Intel and AMD. Producing multiple, architecture-specific implementations is not a viable scenario, given the available person power and code maintenance issues. The Portable Parallelization Strategies team of the HEP Center for Computational Excellence is investigating the use of Kokkos, SYCL, OpenMP, std::execution::parallel and alpaka as potential portability solutions that promise to execute on multiple architectures from the same source code, using representative use cases from major HEP experiments, including the DUNE experiment of the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility, and the ATLAS and CMS experiments of the Large Hadron Collider. This cross-cutting evaluation of portability solutions using real applications will help inform and guide the HEP community when choosing their software and hardware suites for the next generation of experimental frameworks. We present the outcomes of our studies, including performance metrics, porting challenges, API evaluations, and build system integration.Comment: 18 pages, 9 Figures, 2 Table

    Ultrafast X-ray scattering offers a structural view of excited-state charge transfer

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    Intramolecular charge transfer and the associated changes in molecular structure in N,N'-dimethylpiperazine are tracked using femtosecond gas-phase X-ray scattering. The molecules are optically excited to the 3p state at 200 nm. Following rapid relaxation to the 3s state, distinct charge-localized and charge-delocalized species related by charge transfer are observed. The experiment determines the molecular structure of the two species, with the redistribution of electron density accounted for by a scattering correction factor. The initially dominant charge-localized state has a weakened carbon-carbon bond and reorients one methyl group compared with the ground state. Subsequent charge transfer to the charge-delocalized state elongates the carbon-carbon bond further, creating an extended 1.634 Å bond, and also reorients the second methyl group. At the same time, the bond lengths between the nitrogen and the ring-carbon atoms contract from an average of 1.505 to 1.465 Å. The experiment determines the overall charge transfer time constant for approaching the equilibrium between charge-localized and charge-delocalized species to 3.0 ps

    Determining Orientations of Optical Transition Dipole Moments Using Ultrafast X-ray Scattering

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    Identification of the initially prepared, optically active state remains a challenging problem in many studies of ultrafast photoinduced processes. We show that the initially excited electronic state can be determined using the anisotropic component of ultrafast time-resolved X-ray scattering signals. The concept is demonstrated using the time-dependent X-ray scattering of <i>N</i>-methyl morpholine in the gas phase upon excitation by a 200 nm linearly polarized optical pulse. Analysis of the angular dependence of the scattering signal near time zero renders the orientation of the transition dipole moment in the molecular frame and identifies the initially excited state as the 3p<sub><i>z</i></sub> Rydberg state, thus bypassing the need for further experimental studies to determine the starting point of the photoinduced dynamics and clarifying inconsistent computational results

    25th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics

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    The Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) technology plays an essential role in many current and future neutrino experiments. Accurate and fast simulation is critical to developing efficient analysis algorithms and precise physics model projections. The speed of simulation becomes more important as Deep Learning algorithms are getting more widely used in LArTPC analysis and their training requires a large simulated dataset. Heterogeneous computing is an efficient way to delegate computing-heavy tasks to specialized hardware. However, as the landscape of the compute accelerators is evolving fast, it becomes more and more difficult to manually adapt the code constantly to the latest hardware or software environments. A solution which is portable to multiple hardware architectures while not substantially compromising performance would be very beneficial, especially for long-term projects such as the LArTPC simulations. In search of a portable, scalable and maintainable software solution for LArTPC simulations, we have started to explore high-level portable programming frameworks that support several hardware backends. In this paper, we will present our experience porting the LArTPC simulation code in the Wire-Cell toolkit to NVIDIA GPUs, first with the CUDA programming model and then with a portable library called Kokkos. Preliminary performance results on NVIDIA V100 GPUs and multi-core CPUs will be presented, followed by a discussion of the factors affecting the performance and plans for future improvements