441 research outputs found

    Confabulation: damage to a specific inferior medial prefrontal system

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    Confabulation, the pathological production of false memories, occurs following a variety of aetiologies involving the frontal lobes, and is frequently held to be underpinned by combined memory and executive deficits. However, the critical frontal regions and specific cognitive deficits involved are unclear. Studies in amnesic patients have associated confabulation with damage to the orbital and ventromedial prefrontal cortex. However neuroimaging studies have associated memory control processes which are assumed to underlie confabulation with the right lateral prefrontal cortex. We used a confabulation battery to investigate the occurrence and localisation of confabulation in an unselected series of 38 patients with focal frontal lesions. 12 patients with posterior lesions and 50 healthy controls were included for comparison. Significantly higher levels of confabulation were found in the Frontal group, confirming previous reports. More detailed grouping according to lesion location within the frontal lobe revealed that patients with orbital, medial and left lateral damage confabulated in response to questions probing personal episodic memory. Patients with orbital, medial and right lateral damage confabulated in response to questions probing orientation to time. Performance-led analysis revealed that all patients who produced a total number of confabulations outside the normal range had a lesion affecting either the orbital region or inferior portion of the anterior cingulate. These data provide striking evidence that the critical deficit for confabulation has its anatomical location in the inferior medial frontal lobe. Performance on tests of memory and executive functioning showed considerable variability. Although a degree of memory impairment does seem necessary, performance on traditional executive tests is less helpful in explaining confabulation

    A Multi-Path Approach to Histology Volume Reconstruction

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    This paper presents a method for correcting erratic pairwise registrations when reconstructing a volume from 2D histology slices. Due to complex and unpredictable alterations of the content of histology images, a pairwise rigid registration between two adjacent slices may fail systematically. Conversely, a neighbouring registration, which potentially involves one of these two slices, will work. This grounds our approach: using correct spatial correspondences established through neighbouring registrations to account for direct failures. We propose to search the best alignment of every couple of adjacent slices from a finite set of transformations that involve neighbouring slices in a transitive fashion. Using the proposed method, we obtained reconstructed volumes with increased coherence compared to the classical pairwise approach, both in synthetic and real data

    Functional MRI with active, fully implanted, deep brain stimulation systems: Safety and experimental confounds

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    We investigated safety issues and potential experimental confounds when performing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) investigations in human subjects with fully implanted, active, deep brain stimulation (DBS) systems. Measurements of temperature and induced voltage were performed in an in vitro arrangement simulating bilateral DBS during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using head transmit coils in both 1.5 and 3.0 T MRI systems. For MRI sequences typical of an fMRI study with coil-averaged specific absorption rates (SARs) less than 0.4 W/kg, no MRI-induced temperature change greater than the measurement sensitivity (0.1 °C) was detected at 1.5 T, and at 3 T temperature elevations were less than 0.5 °C, i.e. within safe limits. For the purposes of demonstration, MRI pulse sequences with SARs of 1.45 W/kg and 2.34 W/kg (at 1.5 T and 3 T, respectively) were prescribed and elicited temperature increases (> 1 °C) greater than those considered safe for human subjects. Temperature increases were independent of the presence or absence of active stimulator pulsing. At both field strengths during echo planar MRI, the perturbations of DBS equipment performance were sufficiently slight, and temperature increases sufficiently low to suggest that thermal or electromagnetically mediated experimental confounds to fMRI with DBS are unlikely. We conclude that fMRI studies performed in subjects with subcutaneously implanted DBS units can be both safe and free from DBS-specific experimental confounds. Furthermore, fMRI in subjects with fully implanted rather than externalised DBS stimulator units may offer a significant safety advantage. Further studies are required to determine the safety of MRI with DBS for other MRI systems, transmit coil configurations and DBS arrangements

    A special role for the right posterior superior temporal sulcus during speech production

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    This fMRI study of 24 healthy human participants investigated whether any part of the auditory cortex was more responsive to self-generated speech sounds compared to hearing another person speak. The results demonstrate a double dissociation in two different parts of the auditory cortex. In the right posterior superior temporal sulcus (RpSTS), activation was higher during speech production than listening to auditory stimuli, whereas in bilateral superior temporal gyri (STG), activation was higher for listening to auditory stimuli than during speech production. In the second part of the study, we investigated the function of the identified regions, by examining how activation changed across a range of listening and speech production tasks that systematically varied the demands on acoustic, semantic, phonological and orthographic processing. In RpSTS, activation during auditory conditions was higher in the absence of semantic cues, plausibly indicating increased attention to the spectral-temporal features of auditory inputs. In addition, RpSTS responded in the absence of any auditory inputs when participants were making one-back matching decisions on visually presented pseudowords. After analysing the influence of visual, phonological, semantic and orthographic processing, we propose that RpSTS (i) contributes to short term memory of speech sounds as well as (ii) spectral-temporal processing of auditory input and (iii) may play a role in integrating auditory expectations with auditory input. In contrast, activation in bilateral STG was sensitive to acoustic input and did not respond in the absence of auditory input. The special role of RpSTS during speech production therefore merits further investigation if we are to fully understand the neural mechanisms supporting speech production during speech acquisition, adult life, hearing loss and after brain injury

    The Safety of Using Body-Transmit MRI in Patients with Implanted Deep Brain Stimulation Devices

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    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an established treatment for patients with movement disorders. Patients receiving chronic DBS provide a unique opportunity to explore the underlying mechanisms of DBS using functional MRI. It has been shown that the main safety concern with MRI in these patients is heating at the electrode tips - which can be minimised with strict adherence to a supervised acquisition protocol using a head-transmit/receive coil at 1.5T. MRI using the body-transmit coil with a multi-channel receive head coil has a number of potential advantages including an improved signal-to-noise ratio

    MRI and pathology correlations in the medulla in SUDEP: A post-mortem study

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    Aims: Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) likely arises as a result of autonomic dysfunction around the time of a seizure. In vivo MRI studies report volume reduction in the medulla and other brainstem autonomic regions. Our aim, in a pathology series, is to correlate regional quantitative features on 9.4T MRI with pathology measures in medullary regions. Methods: Forty‐seven medullae from 18 SUDEP, 18 nonepilepsy controls and 11 epilepsy controls were studied. In 16 cases, representing all three groups, ex vivo 9.4T MRI of the brainstem was carried out. Five regions of interest (ROI) were delineated, including the reticular formation zone (RtZ), and actual and relative volumes (RV), as well as T1, T2, T2* and magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) measurements were evaluated on MRI. On serial sections, actual and RV estimates using Cavalieri stereological method and immunolabelling indices for myelin basic protein, synaptophysin and Microtubule associated protein 2 (MAP2) were carried out in similar ROI. Results: Lower relative RtZ volumes in the rostral medulla but higher actual volumes in the caudal medulla were observed in SUDEP (P < 0.05). No differences between groups for T1, T2, T2* and MTR values in any region was seen but a positive correlation between T1 values and MAP2 labelling index in RtZ (P < 0.05). Significantly lower MAP2 LI were noted in the rostral medulla RtZ in epilepsy cases (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Rostro‐caudal alterations of medullary volume in SUDEP localize with regions containing respiratory regulatory nuclei. They may represent seizure‐related alterations, relevant to the pathophysiology of SUDEP

    The effect of interferon beta-1b treatment on MRI measures of cerebral atrophy in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.

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    The recently completed European trial of interferon beta-1b (IFN beta -1b) in patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SP multiple sclerosis) has given an opportunity to assess the impact of treatment on cerebral atrophy using serial MRI. Unenhanced T-1-weighted brain imaging was acquired in a subgroup of 95 patients from five of the European centres; imaging was performed at 6-month intervals from month 0 to month 36. A blinded observer measured cerebral volume on four contiguous 5 mm cerebral hemisphere slices at each time point, using an algorithm with a high level of reproducibility and automation. There was a significant and progressive reduction in cerebral volume in both placebo and treated groups, with a mean reduction of 3.9 and 2.9%, respectively, by month 36 (P = 0.34 between groups). Exploratory subgroup analyses indicated that patients without gadolinium (Gd) enhancement at the baseline had a greater reduction of cerebral volume in the placebo group (mean reduction at month 36: placebo 5.1%, IFN beta -1b 1.8%, P < 0.05) whereas those with Gd-enhancing lesions showed a trend to greater reduction of cerebral volume if the patient was on IFN<beta>-1b (placebo 2.6%, IFN beta -1b, 3.7%; P > 0.05). These results are consistent with ongoing tissue loss in both arms of this study of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. This finding is concordant with previous observations that disease progression, although delayed, is not halted by IFN beta. The different pattern seen in patients with and without baseline gadolinium enhancement suggests that part of the cerebral volume reduction observed in IFN beta -treated patients may be due to the anti-inflammatory/antioedematous effect of the drug. Longer periods of observation and larger groups of patients may be needed to detect the effects of treatment on cerebral atrophy in this population of patients with advanced disease

    Bilateral Weighted Adaptive Local Similarity Measure for Registration in Neurosurgery

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    Image-guided neurosurgery involves the display of MRI-based preoperative plans in an intraoperative reference frame. Interventional MRI (iMRI) can serve as a reference for non-rigid registration based propagation of preoperative MRI. Structural MRI images exhibit spatially varying intensity relationships, which can be captured by a local similarity measure such as the local normalized correlation coefficient (LNCC). However, LNCC weights local neighborhoods using a static spatial kernel and includes voxels from beyond a tissue or resection boundary in a neighborhood centered inside the boundary. We modify LNCC to use locally adaptive weighting inspired by bilateral filtering and evaluate it extensively in a numerical phantom study, a clinical iMRI study and a segmentation propagation study. The modified measure enables increased registration accuracy near tissue and resection boundaries

    Pathology-MRI correlations in diffuse low-grade epilepsy associated tumors

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    It is recognized that IDH mutation negative, low-grade epilepsy associated tumors (LEAT) can show diffuse growth patterns and lack the diagnostic hallmarks of either classical dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors (DNT) or typical ganglioglioma. “Nonspecific or diffuse DNT” and more recently “polymorphous low-grade neuroepithelial tumor of the young” have been terms used for these entities. There are few reports on the MRI recognition of these diffuse glioneuronal tumors (dGNT), which is important in planning the extent of surgical resection. In 27 LEATs T1, T2, FLAIR, and postcontrast T1 MRI were evaluated and the pathology reviewed, including immunostaining for NeuN, CD34, MAP2, and IDH1. Each case was then independently classified by pathology or MRI as simple DNT, complex DNT, or dGNT. There was agreement in 23/27 (85%; Kappa score 0.62; p < 0.01). In 4 cases, there was discrepancy in the diagnosis of simple versus complex DNT but 100% agreement achieved for dGNT. DNT showed significantly more expansion of the cortex, cystic change and ventricle extension than dGNT. dGNT showed significantly more subcortical T2w hyperintensity and focal cortical atrophy which correlated on pathology with CD34 expression, cortical neuronal loss and white matter rarefaction. There was no distinct cortical dysplasia component identified by MRI or pathology in any case. This study highlights that dGNT can be reliably discriminated on MRI from DNT