849 research outputs found

    Correlations between Religion and Book Sales in the Mississippi Gulf Coast Region

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    This thesis will involve how local religious populations might affect the sales of books/book genres on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. This paper will endeavor to answer this question: how would local religions affect book sales in the Mississippi Gulf Coast region? Firstly, it will explain the history behind religious literary censorship, as well as listing secular and religious institutions that protest or ban books. Secondly, it will define and categorize literature into genres, mainly fiction and nonfiction, with subgenres including fantasy and spiritual. Similarly, it will record what characteristics such as gender/sexuality, presence of intimate/sexual scenes, violence, supernatural phenomena/creatures, inappropriate language, and “pagan” influences caused these books to be protested or banned. It will then report on interviews conducted with local religious officials to see how they feel about different literature based on the aforementioned characteristics. Another Chapter will outline online surveys circulated to get a more complete picture of how different religions and denominations feel about aspects of literary works and what they feel should be censored. By interviewing local library employees, there is also a compiled list of locally banned/protested books that also meet the aforementioned criteria. Geographic data will then illustrate how the general local population is divided religiously. A conclusion will then be reached based on the geographic data and interviews using marketing and literary principles to estimate that books containing characteristics that the majority of local religions view as inappropriate may or may not do well in sales here

    Relationships Among Gender, Casual Attribution and Depression

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    Composite Payload Fairing Structural Architecture Assessment and Selection

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    This paper provides a summary of the structural architecture assessments conducted and a recommendation for an affordable high performance composite structural concept to use on the next generation heavy-lift launch vehicle, the Space Launch System (SLS). The Structural Concepts Element of the Advanced Composites Technology (ACT) project and its follow on the Lightweight Spacecraft Structures and Materials (LSSM) project was tasked with evaluating a number of composite construction technologies for specific Ares V components: the Payload Shroud, the Interstage, and the Core Stage Intertank. Team studies strived to address the structural challenges, risks and needs for each of these vehicle components. Leveraging off of this work, the subsequent Composites for Exploration (CoEx) effort is focused on providing a composite structural concept to support the Payload Fairing for SLS. This paper documents the evaluation and down selection of composite construction technologies and evolution to the SLS Payload Fairing. Development of the evaluation criteria (also referred to as Figures of Merit or FOMs), their relative importance, and association to vehicle requirements are presented. A summary of the evaluation results, and a recommendation of the composite concept to baseline in the Composites for Exploration (CoEx) project is presented. The recommendation for the SLS Fairing is a Honeycomb Sandwich architecture based primarily on affordability and performance with two promising alternatives, Hat stiffened and Fiber Reinforced Foam (FRF) identified for eventual program block upgrade

    Pterodactyl: The Development and Performance of Guidance Algorithms for a Mechanically Deployed Entry Vehicle

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    Pterodactyl is a NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) project focused on developing a design capability for optimal, scalable, Guidance and Control (G&C) solutions that enable precision targeting for Deployable Entry Vehicles (DEVs). This feasibility study is unique in that it focuses on the rapid integration of targeting performance analysis with structural & packaging analysis, which is especially challenging for new vehicle and mission designs. This paper will detail the guidance development and trajectory design process for a lunar return mission, selected to stress the vehicle designs and encourage future scalability. For the five G&C configurations considered, the Fully Numerical Predictor-Corrector Entry Guidance (FNPEG) was selected for configurations requiring bank angle guidance and FNPEG with Uncoupled Range Control (URC) was developed for configurations requiring angle of attack and sideslip angle guidance. Successful G&C configurations are defined as those that can deliver payloads to the intended descent and landing initiation point, while abiding by trajectory constraints for nominal and dispersed trajectories

    Reverse Genetic Analysis of the Transcription Regulatory Sequence of the Coronavirus Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus

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    Coronavirus discontinuous transcription uses a highly conserved sequence (CS) in the joining of leader and body RNAs. Using a full-length infectious construct of transmissable gastroenteritis virus, the present study demonstrates that subgenomic transcription is heavily influenced by upstream flanking sequences and supports a mechanism of transcription attenuation that is regulated in part by a larger domain composed of primarily upstream flanking sequences which select appropriately positioned CS elements for synthesis of subgenomic RNAs

    Pterodactyl: Thermal Protection System for Integrated Control Design of a Mechanically Deployed Entry Vehicle

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    The need for precision landing of high mass payloads on Mars and the return of sensitive samples from other planetary bodies to specific locations on Earth is driving the development of an innovative NASA technology referred to as the Deployable Entry Vehicle (DEV). A DEV has the potential to deliver an equivalent science payload with a stowed diameter 3 to 4 times smaller than a traditional rigid capsule configuration. However, the DEV design does not easily lend itself to traditional methods of directional control. The NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD)s Pterodactyl project is currently investigating the effectiveness of three different Guidance and Control (G&C) systems actuated flaps, Center of Gravity (CG) or mass movement, and Reaction Control System (RCS) for use with a DEV using the Adaptable, Deployable, Entry, and Placement Technology (ADEPT) design. This paper details the Thermal Protection System (TPS) design and associated mass estimation efforts for each of the G&C systems. TPS is needed for the nose cap of the DEV and the flaps of the actuated flap control system. The development of a TPS selection, sizing, and mass estimation method designed to deal with the varying requirements for the G&C options throughout the trajectory is presented. The paper discusses the methods used to i) obtain heating environments throughout the trajectory with respect to the chosen control system and resulting geometry; ii) determine a suitable TPS material; iii) produce TPS thickness estimations; and, iv) determine the final TPS mass estimation based on TPS thickness, vehicle control system, vehicle structure, and vehicle payload

    Optimizing Fully Anisotropic Elastic Propagation on 2nd Generation Intel Xeon Phi Processors

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    This work shows several optimization strategies evaluated and applied to an elastic wave propagation engine, based on a Fully Staggered Grid, running on the latest Intel Xeon Phi processors, the second generation of the product (code-named Knights Landing). Our fully optimized code shows a speed-up of about 4x when compared with the same algorithm optimized for the previous generation processor.Authors also thank Repsol for the permission to publish the present research, carried out at the Repsol-BSC Research Center. This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme (2014-2020) and from the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation through Rede Nacional de Pesquisa (RNP) under the HPC4E Project (www.hpc4e.eu), grant agreement n.◦ 689772. * Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    SARS-CoV replication and pathogenesis in an in vitro model of the human conducting airway epithelium

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    SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) emerged in 2002 as an important cause of severe lower respiratory tract infection in humans and in vitro models of the lung are needed to elucidate cellular targets and the consequences of viral infection. The severe and sudden onset of symptoms, resulting in an atypical pneumonia with dry cough and persistent high fever in cases of severe acute respiratory virus brought to light the importance of coronaviruses as potentially lethal human pathogens and the identification of several zoonotic reservoirs has made the reemergence of new strains and future epidemics all the more possible. In this chapter, we describe the pathology of SARS-CoV infection in humans and explore the use of two models of the human conducting airway to develop a better understanding of the replication and pathogenesis of SARS-CoV in relevant in vitro systems. The first culture model is a human bronchial epithelial cell line Calu3 that can be inoculated by viruses either as a non-polarized monolayer of cells or polarized cells with tight junctions and microvilli. The second model system, derived from primary cells isolated from human airway epithelium and grown on Transwells, form a pseudostratified mucociliary epithelium that recapitulates the morphological and physiological features of the human conducting airway in vivo. Experimental results using these lung epithelial cell models demonstrate that in contrast to the pathology reported in late stage cases SARS-CoV replicates to high titers in epithelial cells of the conducting airway. The SARS-CoV receptor, human angiotensin 1 converting enzyme 2 (hACE2), was detected exclusively on the apical surface of cells in polarized Calu3 cells and human airway epithelial cultures (HAE), indicating that hACE2 was accessible by SARS-CoV after airway lumenal delivery. Furthermore, in HAE, hACE2 was exclusively localized to ciliated airway epithelial cells. In support of the hACE2 localization data, the most productive route of inoculation and progeny virion egress in both polarized Calu3 and ciliated cells of HAE was the apical surface suggesting mechanisms to release large quantities of virus into the lumen of the human lung. Preincubation of the apical surface of cultures with antisera directed against hACE2 reduced viral titers by 2 logs while antisera against DC-SIGN/DC-SIGNR did not reduce viral replication levels suggesting that hACE2 is the primary receptor for entry of SARS-CoV into the ciliated cells of HAE cultures. To assess infectivity in ciliated airway cultures derived from susceptible animal species we generated a recombinant SARS-CoV by deletion of open reading frame 7a/7b (ORF 7a/b) and insertion of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) resulting in SARS-CoV GFP. SARS-CoV GFP replicated to similar titers as wild type viruses in Vero E6, MA104, and CaCo2 cells. In addition, SARS-CoV replication in airway epithelial cultures generated from Golden Syrian hamster tracheas reached similar titers to the human cultures by 72 hours post infection. Efficient SARS-CoV infection of ciliated cell-types in HAE provides a useful in vitro model of human lung origin to study characteristics of SARS-CoV replication and pathogenesis

    Distribution of major anions and trace elements in the unsaturated zone at Franklin Lake Playa, California, USA

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    The composition of surficial salts formed near dry and drying saline lakes are partly the product of processes active in the unsaturated zone between the ground surface and the water table. These processes were investigated by determining the abundance of water-extractable solutes in sediment from the ground surface to the water table (~2.8 m) beneath Franklin Lake playa, California. Accumulation of solutes in the sediment is attributed to evaporation of aqueous solutions transported upward from the water table through the capillary fringe to an evaporation font that is currently 20-30 cm below the ground surface. Salts in the sediment from 0 to 20 cm depth are depleted in chloride and enriched in carbonate relative to deeper samples. Chloride depletion is most likely a product of selective dissolution by vertical recharge. The entire unsaturated zone contains greater amounts of carbonate than expected for evaporation of ground water and is best explained by preferential dissolution of more soluble salts in recharging precipitation but may also reflect the assimilation of CO2 as carbonate minerals precipitate. Variations in the concentrations of arsenic, molybdenum, tungsten, and uranium in the water-soluble fraction of the sediment are complex and suggest unique geochemical controls on the abundance of each element. The distribution of these trace element abundances indicates the arsenic is the element most likely to accumulate in near-surface salts