68 research outputs found

    The Status of Women in Colorado

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    The Status of Women and Girls in Colorado aims to provide reliable data to help empower communities across the state to build on the successes of women and girls as well as effectively address the diverse needs and realities of their lives. This report addresses this need by analyzing how women and girls in Colorado fare in five topical areas that profoundly shape their lives: economic security and poverty; employment and earnings; educational opportunity; personal safety; and community leadership. We will use this research to inform the focused and strategic work of The Women's Foundation of Colorado, and it is our intent for this report to be a valuable resource to our communities in every corner of the state

    Virtual synchronization for fast distributed cosimulation of dataflow task graphs

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    Racial Inequality in the Prevalence, Degree, Extension, and Permeation of Incarceration in Family Life

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    A descriptive project that uses quantitative analysis and data from a national probability-based sample to provide new detail about the demographic structure and characteristics of incarceration in families in the United States, with a focus on racial/ethnic inequality

    Institutions in Childhood and the Transition to Adulthood: Consequences of Criminal Justice and Child Welfare System Contact in the United States

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    172 pagesThis dissertation investigates the implications of foster care placement and incarceration for living arrangement transitions and health in early life. First, I use the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth to propose an expanded conceptualization of home-leaving that incorporates institutional transitions typically excluded from such analyses. Using life table and regression analysis, I find that this institution-inclusive measure estimates earlier first home-leaving in the transition to adulthood than conventional methods, particularly for young adults who are Black and have lower levels of parental education. Second, I use inverse probability-weighted regression and the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Wellbeing to estimate associations between foster care placement and care and living arrangement instability among children with similar risks of entry into foster care. Although foster care is associated with greater instability overall, analysis of only “excess” changes finds that foster care is linked to less instability in children’s living arrangements and persistently greater instability in their primary caregiver relationships. Finally, the third chapter uses linked administrative data from New York City to estimate associations and causal effects of gestational paternal incarceration on infant birth outcomes. Counter to prior research on paternal incarceration and health, I find evidence of negative effects of paternal incarceration on likelihoods of adverse infant birth outcomes. Combined, these analyses situate experiences of institutionally involved children and families within a broader understanding of family life and health in the United States.2022-06-0

    Design of Longitudinal Control for Autonomous Vehicles based on Interactive Intention Inference of Surrounding Vehicle Behavior Using Long Short-Term Memory

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    This paper presents a method of intention inference of surrounding vehicles' behavior and longitudinal control for autonomous vehicles. A Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) cells has been used to predict the future driving lane of surrounding vehicles. Interaction among the adjacent vehicles is considered in the RNN to improve the behavior prediction accuracy. A Model Predictive Control (MPC) has been designed to derive the longitudinal control input of the autonomous vehicle in a predictive manner based on the prediction results. The proposed behavior prediction algorithm has been evaluated according to its behavior classification accuracy. Also, the longitudinal control algorithm has been validated in car-following scenarios with the existence of cut-in vehicles via computer simulations. Experimental results show that the proposed predictor improves the performance of behavior prediction and the longitudinal control method enables autonomous vehicles to maintain safety with respect to the cut-in vehicles with proper ride quality.N

    CondNAS: Neural Architecture Search for Conditional CNNs

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    As deep learning has become prevalent and adopted in various application domains, the need for efficient convolution neural network (CNN) inference on diverse target platforms has increased. To address the need, a neural architecture search (NAS) technique called once-for-all, or OFA, which aims to efficiently find the optimal CNN architecture for the given target platform using genetic algorithm (GA), has recently been proposed. Meanwhile, a conditional CNN architecture, which allows early exits with auxiliary classifiers in the middle of a network to achieve efficient inference without accuracy loss or with negligible loss, has been proposed. In this paper, we propose a NAS technique for the conditional CNN architecture, CondNAS, which efficiently finds a near-optimal conditional CNN architecture for the target platform using GA. By attaching auxiliary classifiers through adaptive pooling, OFA’s SuperNet is successfully extended, such that it incorporates the various conditional CNN sub-networks. In addition, we devise machine learning-based prediction models for the accuracy and latency of an arbitrary conditional CNN, which are used in the GA of CondNAS to efficiently explore the large search space. The experimental results show that the conditional CNNs from CondNAS is 2.52× and 1.75× faster than the CNNs from OFA for Galaxy Note10+ GPU and CPU, respectively

    Real-Time and Energy-Efficient Face Detection on CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Embedded Platforms

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