16,749 research outputs found

    Capacity of a Class of Deterministic Relay Channels

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    The capacity of a class of deterministic relay channels with the transmitter input X, the receiver output Y, the relay output Y_1 = f(X, Y), and a separate communication link from the relay to the receiver with capacity R_0, is shown to be C(R_0) = \max_{p(x)} \min \{I(X;Y)+R_0, I(X;Y, Y_1) \}. Thus every bit from the relay is worth exactly one bit to the receiver. Two alternative coding schemes are presented that achieve this capacity. The first scheme, ``hash-and-forward'', is based on a simple yet novel use of random binning on the space of relay outputs, while the second scheme uses the usual ``compress-and-forward''. In fact, these two schemes can be combined together to give a class of optimal coding schemes. As a corollary, this relay capacity result confirms a conjecture by Ahlswede and Han on the capacity of a channel with rate-limited state information at the decoder in the special case when the channel state is recoverable from the channel input and the output.Comment: 17 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Increasing the Capacity of Primary Care Through Enabling Technology.

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    Primary care is the foundation of effective and high-quality health care. The role of primary care clinicians has expanded to encompass coordination of care across multiple providers and management of more patients with complex conditions. Enabling technology has the potential to expand the capacity for primary care clinicians to provide integrated, accessible care that channels expertise to the patient and brings specialty consultations into the primary care clinic. Furthermore, technology offers opportunities to engage patients in advancing their health through improved communication and enhanced self-management of chronic conditions. This paper describes enabling technologies in four domains (the body, the home, the community, and the primary care clinic) that can support the critical role primary care clinicians play in the health care system. It also identifies challenges to incorporating these technologies into primary care clinics, care processes, and workflow

    State Amplification

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    We consider the problem of transmitting data at rate R over a state dependent channel p(y|x,s) with the state information available at the sender and at the same time conveying the information about the channel state itself to the receiver. The amount of state information that can be learned at the receiver is captured by the mutual information I(S^n; Y^n) between the state sequence S^n and the channel output Y^n. The optimal tradeoff is characterized between the information transmission rate R and the state uncertainty reduction rate \Delta, when the state information is either causally or noncausally available at the sender. This result is closely related and in a sense dual to a recent study by Merhav and Shamai, which solves the problem of masking the state information from the receiver rather than conveying it.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, revise

    Leading Quenching Effects in the Proton Magnetic Moment

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    We present the first investigation of the extrapolation of quenched nucleon magnetic moments in quenched chiral effective field theory. We utilize established techniques in finite-range regularisation and compare with standard dimensional regularisation methods. Finite-volume corrections to the relevant loop integrals are also addressed. Finally, the contributions of dynamical sea quarks to the proton moment are estimated using a recently discovered phenomenological link between quenched and physical QCD.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figs; v2: revised finite volume discussio

    Towards a Connection Between Nuclear Structure and QCD

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    As we search for an ever deeper understanding of the structure of hadronic matter one of the most fundamental questions is whether or not one can make a connection to the underlying theory of the strong interaction, QCD. We build on recent advances in the chiral extrapolation problem linking lattice QCD at relatively large ``light quark'' masses to the physical world to estimate the scalar polarizability of the nucleon. The latter plays a key role in modern relativistic mean-field descriptions of nuclei and nuclear matter (such as QMC) and, in particular, leads to a very natural saturation mechanism. We demonstrate that the value of the scalar polarizability extracted from the lattice data is consistent with that needed for a successful description of nuclei within the framework of QMC. In a very real sense this is the first hint of a direct connection between QCD and the properties of finite nuclei.Comment: Lecture presented at: 18th Nishinomiya-Yukawa Memorial Symposium On Strangeness In Nuclear Matter : 4-5 Dec 2003, Nishinomiya, Japa

    Absorbing-state phase transitions on percolating lattices

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    We study nonequilibrium phase transitions of reaction-diffusion systems defined on randomly diluted lattices, focusing on the transition across the lattice percolation threshold. To develop a theory for this transition, we combine classical percolation theory with the properties of the supercritical nonequilibrium system on a finite-size cluster. In the case of the contact process, the interplay between geometric criticality due to percolation and dynamical fluctuations of the nonequilibrium system leads to a new universality class. The critical point is characterized by ultraslow activated dynamical scaling and accompanied by strong Griffiths singularities. To confirm the universality of this exotic scaling scenario we also study the generalized contact process with several (symmetric) absorbing states, and we support our theory by extensive Monte-Carlo simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 10 eps figures included, final version as publishe

    Baryon resonances and hadronic interactions in a finite volume

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    In a finite volume, resonances and multi-hadron states are identified by discrete energy levels. When comparing the results of lattice QCD calculations to scattering experiments, it is important to have a way of associating the energy spectrum of the finite-volume lattice with the asymptotic behaviour of the S-matrix. A new technique for comparing energy eigenvalues with scattering phase shifts is introduced, which involves the construction of an exactly solvable matrix Hamiltonian model. The model framework is applied to the case of Δ→Nπ\Delta\rightarrow N\pi decay, but is easily generalized to include multi-channel scattering. Extracting resonance parameters involves matching the energy spectrum of the model to that of a lattice QCD calculation. The resulting fit parameters are then used to generate phase shifts. Using a sample set of pseudodata, it is found that the extraction of the resonance position is stable with respect to volume for a variety of regularization schemes, and compares favorably with the well-known Luescher method. The model-dependence of the result is briefly investigated.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Talk presented at the 30th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2012), June 24-29, 2012, Cairns, Australi

    Underflight calibration of SOHO/CDS and Hinode/EIS with EUNIS-07

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    Flights of Goddard Space Flight Center's Extreme-Ultraviolet Normal-Incidence Spectrograph (EUNIS) sounding rocket in 2006 and 2007 provided updated radiometric calibrations for SOHO/CDS and Hinode/EIS. EUNIS carried two independent imaging spectrographs covering wavebands of 300-370 A in first order and 170-205 A in second order. After each flight, end-to-end radiometric calibrations of the rocket payload were carried out in the same facility used for pre-launch calibrations of CDS and EIS. During the 2007 flight, EUNIS, SOHO CDS and Hinode EIS observed the same solar locations, allowing the EUNIS calibrations to be directly applied to both CDS and EIS. The measured CDS NIS 1 line intensities calibrated with the standard (version 4) responsivities with the standard long-term corrections are found to be too low by a factor of 1.5 due to the decrease in responsivity. The EIS calibration update is performed in two ways. One is using the direct calibration transfer of the calibrated EUNIS-07 short wavelength (SW) channel. The other is using the insensitive line pairs, in which one member was observed by EUNIS-07 long wavelength (LW) channel and the other by EIS in either LW or SW waveband. Measurements from both methods are in good agreement, and confirm (within the measurement uncertainties) the EIS responsivity measured directly before the instrument's launch. The measurements also suggest that the EIS responsivity decreased by a factor of about 1.2 after the first year of operation. The shape of the EIS SW response curve obtained by EUNIS-07 is consistent with the one measured in laboratory prior to launch. The absolute value of the quiet-Sun He II 304 A intensity measured by EUNIS-07 is consistent with the radiance measured by CDS NIS in quiet regions near the disk center and the solar minimum irradiance obtained by CDS NIS and SDO/EVE recently.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables, accepted by ApJ Supplement (Sep. 2011
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