5,562 research outputs found

    Setting Sun: Popular Culture Images of the Japanese and Japanese Americans and Public Policy

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    The negative, stereotypical depictions of the Japanese and Japanese Americans in American popular culture in the first half of the twentieth century were of great importance in the promulgation of the Asian Exclusion Act of 1924, the internment of Japanese Americans following the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the subsequent dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The American public had been adequately prepared to accept inaccurate representations of Japanese and Japanese Americans; therefore, there was little public outcry against these actions

    [Review of] Ann Allen Shockley, ed. Afro-American Women Writers: 1746-1933. An Anthology and Critical Guide

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    Despite almost four hundred years of racism, sexism and classism, Afro-American women have managed to sustain contact with their creative muses and with the needs and aspirations of their people. Frequently, these creative and activist women have been neglected by both Euro-American and Afro-American male critics. Additionally, with few exceptions these women writers have been excluded from the canon of Afro-American literature. Ann Allen Shockley has tried to remedy this situation in this anthology

    School Counselors\u27 Perceptions about lnterventions for At-Risk Students Including Grade Retention: Implications for School Leaders

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    The term at-risk is used by educators and policymakers to describe a wide variety of students who struggle in schools (Kronholz, 2011). Factors associated with labeling students at-risk include minority status, poverty, language difficulties, low school attendance, and poor family support (Re~ Akpo-Sanni, Losike-Sedimo, 2012; Stockard, 2010). For many at-risk students, reading at a proficient level is a primary concern for school leaders and teachers (Allington, 2011; McAlenney & Coyne, 2011), especially with increased accountability including school sanctions for not closing reading achievement gaps (Chappell, Nunnery, Pribesh, & Hager, 2011). Although a plethora of interventions have been proposed to assist at-risk students, requiring students to repeat a grade continues to be used as a threat for students who are not proficient, despite evidence that suggests grade retention is detrimental to students on various outcomes (Battistin & Schizzerotto, 2012; Webley, 2012)

    Viola missouriensis Greene

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    [Review of] Sylvia Watanabe and Carol Bruchac. Home To Stay: Asian American Women\u27s Fiction

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    Frank Chin, a Chinese American playwright and essayist has written, no one . . . was going to tell them [Asian Americans] that America not Asia was their home, that English was their language . . . . The women writers collected in this volume are claiming America as their home and English as their language. These writers fashion and refashion the American experience from their ethnic perspective. This publication brings together many Asian American women writers in one volume. The contributors are not only of Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino ancestry, but also of Malaysian, Vietnamese, Asian Indian, and Pakistani heritage

    Viola missouriensis Greene

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    Reservoir mixing effect on dinitrogen gas distribution within the metalimnion of a man-made lake

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    The increasing environmental distribution of nitrogen has not only lead to changes in the global nitrogen cycle, but has also lead to many complex environmental consequences. Aquatic systems are particularly sensitive to high nutrient loading, and denitrification occurring in small lakes accounts for half the global release of dinitrogen. The objective of this study was to assess whether mixing events within the metalimnion increase denitrification rates. It was hypothesized that mixing events bring oxygen from the epilimnion and ammonium from the hypolimnion, simulating a coupled nitrification-denitrification process in the metalimnion. The dinitrogen-nitrogen (N2-N) concentration for three treatments of 0, 50, and 90% hypolimnion water samples represented mixing within the metalimnion and were measured to determine denitrification rates. The nitrate (NO3-) concentration was tested in order to determine if the insurgence of oxygen from a mixing event would increase nitrification and lead to a coupled nitrification-denitrification cycle. The results showed that denitrification occurred within the metalimnion; however, the 0% and 50% hypolimnion treatments had similar N2-N concentrations. The 90% hypolimnion treatment declined in N2-N concentration. Lack of increases in NO3- concentrations indicates that any products of nitrification proceeded directly to denitrification or microbial assimilation. The results show that the metalimnion of a reservoir can be a hotspot for denitrification, and provides opportunities for future studies to investigate the potential of metalimnetic denitrification. Metalimnetic water management can be a possible resolution for nitrogen removal from aquatic systems