3,227 research outputs found

    Down-regulation of ROBO2 Expression in Prostate Cancers

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    Several lines of evidence exist that axon guidance genes are involved in cancer pathogenesis. Axon guidance genes ROBO1 and ROBO2 are candidate tumor suppressor genes (TSG). The aim of our study was to address whether ROBO1 and ROBO2 expressions are altered in prostate cancers (PCA). In this study, we analyzed ROBO1 and ROBO2 expressions in 107 PCAs. In the immunohistochemistry, loss of ROBO2 expression was identified in 66 % of PCAs and was significantly higher than that in normal cells (p < 0.001). By contrast, there was no significant difference of ROBO1 expression between normal and PCAs. Our results indicate that axon guidance protein ROBO2 is frequently lost in PCA and that ROBO2 might be involved in PCA pathogenesis as a candidate TSG

    Degradation mechanism of Schottky diodes on inductively coupled plasma-etched n-type 4H-SiC

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    The degradation mechanism of Ta Schottky contact on 4H-SiC exposed to an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) was studied using deep-level transient spectroscopy and angle-resolved x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Four kinds of traps T1, T2, T3, and T4 were observed in the ICP-etched sample. The T4 trap was deep in the bulk, but the shallower levels, T1, T2 and T3, were localized near the contact. From angle-resolved XPS measurements, the ICP-etched surface was found to be carbon deficient, meaning the production of carbon vacancies by ICP etching. The activation energies 0.48 (T3 trap) and 0.60 eV (T4 trap) agreed well with the previously proposed energy level of V-C (0.5 eV). The ICP-induced traps provided a path for the transport of electrons at the interface of metal with Sic, leading to a reduction of the Schottky barrier height and an increase of the gate leakage current.open6

    Pyridoxine induced neuropathy by subcutaneous administration in dogs

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    To construct a sensory neuropathy model, excess pyridoxine (150 mg/kg s.i.d.) was injected subcutaneously in dogs over a period of 7 days. During the administrations period, the dogs experienced body weight reduction and proprioceptive loss involving the hindquarters. After pyridoxine administration was completed, electrophysiological recordings showed that the M wave remained at a normal state, but the H-reflex of the treated dogs disappeared at 7 days. The dorsal funiculus of L4 was disrupted irregularly in the axons and myelin with vacuolation. The dorsal root ganglia of L4, and sciatic and tibial nerves showed degenerative changes and vacuolation. However, the lateral and ventral funiculi of L4 showed a normal histopathologic pattern. Although this subcutaneous administration method did not cause systemic toxicity and effectively induced sensory neuropathy, this study confirmed the possibility of producing a pyridoxine-induced sensory neuropathy model in dogs with short-term administration

    Pure nongestational choriocarcinoma of the ovary: a case report

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    Abstract Pure ovarian choriocarcinoma can be gestational or nongestational in origin. Nongestational choriocarcinoma of the ovary is extremely rare, and its diagnosis is very difficult during the reproductive years. We present a case of a 33-year-old woman diagnosed with pure nongestational ovarian choriocarcinoma. Following surgery, multiple courses of a chemotherapy regimen of etoposide, methotrexate, and actinomycin-D (EMA) were effective.</p

    Transcriptional Regulator TonEBP Mediates Oxidative Damages in Ischemic Kidney Injury

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    TonEBP (tonicity-responsive enhancer binding protein) is a transcriptional regulator whose expression is elevated in response to various forms of stress including hyperglycemia, inflammation, and hypoxia. Here we investigated the role of TonEBP in acute kidney injury (AKI) using a line of TonEBP haplo-deficient mice subjected to bilateral renal ischemia followed by reperfusion (I/R). In the TonEBP haplo-deficient animals, induction of TonEBP, oxidative stress, inflammation, cell death, and functional injury in the kidney in response to I/R were all reduced. Analyses of renal transcriptome revealed that genes in several cellular pathways including peroxisome and mitochondrial inner membrane were suppressed in response to I/R, and the suppression was relieved in the TonEBP deficiency. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the cellular injury was reproduced in a renal epithelial cell line in response to hypoxia, ATP depletion, or hydrogen peroxide. The knockdown of TonEBP reduced ROS production and cellular injury in correlation with increased expression of the suppressed genes. The cellular injury was also blocked by inhibitors of necrosis. These results demonstrate that ischemic insult suppresses many genes involved in cellular metabolism leading to local oxidative stress by way of TonEBP induction. Thus, TonEBP is a promising target to prevent AKI

    mtCO1-based population structure and genetic diversity of Pacific oyster \u3ci\u3eCrassostrea gigas\u3c/i\u3e populations acquired from two farms in South Korea

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    Since the early 1990s in South Korea, climatic and anthropogenic factors have incurred the reduction of the wild seeds of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, which raised concerns about losing genetic diversity and accelerating genetic deterioration. We assessed the genetic diversity of C. gigas populations from two farms (Tongyeong and Gadeokdo) on the southern coast, where about 80% of the cultivated oysters in Korea are produced. Tongyeong showed slightly higher diversity than Gadeokdo, but both populations had a similar genetic structure characterized by low nucleotide diversity. Comparative haplotype analyses provided data supporting genetic features of the populations that include (1) weak genotype-locality relationship, (2) low levels of gene flow between populations, and (3) possible seasonal fluctuation of genetic variation within a population. Furthermore, the highly alike haplotype network patterns were observed between the wild and farm populations as well as among the populations in neighboring countries, which suggests that the genetic structure is conserved between wild and hatchery populations, and geographic proximity has minimal influence on the genetic composition

    mtCO1-based population structure and genetic diversity of Pacific oyster *Crassostrea gigas* populations acquired from two farms in South Korea

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    Since the early 1990s in South Korea, climatic and anthropogenic factors have incurred the reduction of the wild seeds of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, which raised concerns about losing genetic diversity and accelerating genetic deterioration. We assessed the genetic diversity of C. gigas populations from two farms (Tongyeong and Gadeokdo) on the southern coast, where about 80% of the cultivated oysters in Korea are produced. Tongyeong showed slightly higher diversity than Gadeokdo, but both populations had a similar genetic structure characterized by low nucleotide diversity. Comparative haplotype analyses provided data supporting genetic features of the populations that include (1) weak genotype-locality relationship, (2) low levels of gene flow between populations, and (3) possible seasonal fluctuation of genetic variation within a population. Furthermore, the highly alike haplotype network patterns were observed between the wild and farm populations as well as among the populations in neighboring countries, which suggests that the genetic structure is conserved between wild and hatchery populations, and geographic proximity has minimal influence on the genetic composition

    The involvement of GSK3β for glycogen synthesis throughout the annual cycle of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Magallana gigas)

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    Crassostrea gigas is a frequently studied species in understanding physiological processes in bivalves. Similar to other animals, oysters store glucose in the body as glycogen. Glycogen is known to supply energy for germ cell development and maintenance. Glycogen is synthesized by glycogen synthase. GSK3β regulates glycogen synthase activity and plays an important role in glycogen synthesis. Therefore, this study aims to examine the effect of GSK3β on the annual cycle of oysters and the glycogen synthesis pathway and to investigate the energy pathway in comparison with seasonal variation. Oysters were sampled monthly for one year and were subjected to glycogen content, RT-PCR, FISH, and western blot analysis. The year-round glycogen content significantly differs only in the mantle edge during spring and summer of both sexes but not in labial palp, digestive gland, gonad, and adductor muscle. The expression of GSK3β mRNA level was highest in October for females and April for males. Both sexes had the lowest expression in July. In the adductor muscle, females and males showed the highest expression in April and the lowest in July and October. The pattern of GSK3β expression in gonads and adductor muscle was similarly confirmed through FISH. As a result of examining the signaling system, p-GSK3β (serine 9) increased. At the same time, glycogen synthase decreased in May when the condition index was the highest, p-GSK3β decreased in October and July when spawning occurred, and glycogen synthase increased. Overall, it is thought that p-GSK3β expression is high in C. gigas at ripe, which inhibits glycogen synthesis and is used as energy for growth and maturation. Glycogen synthesis occurs for energy storage during degeneration