4,020 research outputs found

    Effects of depolarizing quantum channels on BB84 and SARG04 quantum cryptography protocols

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    We report experimental studies on the effect of the depolarizing quantum channel on weak-pulse BB84 and SARG04 quantum cryptography. The experimental results show that, in real world conditions in which channel depolarization cannot be ignored, BB84 should perform better than SARG04.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Technological novelty profile and invention's future impact

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    We consider inventions as novel combinations of existing technological capabilities. Patent data allow us to explicitly identify such combinatorial processes in invention activities. Unconsidered in the previous research, not every new combination is novel to the same extent. Some combinations are naturally anticipated based on patent activities in the past or mere random choices, and some appear to deviate exceptionally from existing invention pathways. We calculate a relative likelihood that each pair of classification codes is put together at random, and a deviation from the empirical observation so as to assess the overall novelty (or conventionality) that the patent brings forth at each year. An invention is considered as unconventional if a pair of codes therein is unlikely to be used together given the statistics in the past. Temporal evolution of the distribution indicates that the patenting activities become more conventional with occasional cross-over combinations. Our analyses show that patents introducing novelty on top of the conventional units would receive higher citations, and hence have higher impact.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Concept of multiple-cell cavity for axion dark matter search

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    In cavity-based axion dark matter search experiments exploring high mass regions, multiple-cavity design is considered to increase the detection volume within a given magnet bore. We introduce a new idea, referred to as multiple-cell cavity, which provides various benefits including a larger detection volume, simpler experimental setup, and easier phase-matching mechanism. We present the characteristics of this concept and demonstrate the experimental feasibility with an example of a double-cell cavity.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Study of the Top-quark Pair Production in Association with a Bottom-quark Pair from Fast Simulations at the LHC

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    A large number of top quarks will be produced at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for Run II period. This will allow us to measure the rare processes from the top sector in great details. We present the study of the top-quark pair production in association with a bottom-quark pair (ttbb) from fast simulations for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. The differential distributions of ttbb are compared with the top-quark pair production with two additional jets (ttjj) and with the production in association with the Higgs (ttH), where the Higgs decays to a bottom-quark pair. The significances of ttbb process in the dileptonic and semileptonic decay mode are calculated with the data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 10 fb-1, which is foreseen to be collected in the early Run II period. This study will be an important input in searching for new physics beyond the standard model as well as in searching for ttH process where the Yukawa coupling with the top quark can be directly measured.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Revisiting the detection rate for axion haloscopes

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    The cavity haloscope has been employed to detect microwave photons resonantly converted from invisible cosmic axions under a strong magnetic field. In this scheme, the axion-photon conversion power has been formulated to be valid for certain conditions, either QcavityQaxionQ_{cavity}\ll Q_{\rm axion} or QcavityQaxionQ_{cavity} \gg Q_{axion}. This remedy, however, fails when these two quantities are comparable to each other. Furthermore, the noise power flow has been treated independently of the impedance mismatch of the system, which could give rise to misleading estimates of the experimental sensitivity. We revisit the analytical approaches to derive a general description of the signal and noise power. We also optimize the coupling strength of a receiver to yield the maximal sensitivity for axion search experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    A Study on Radiant Heat Application to the Curing Process for Improvement of Free-form Concrete Panel Productivity

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    As free-form panel production takes a long time, it extends the construction period and increases construction expenses. This study suggests a method to apply radiant heat to concrete for the purpose of shortening the curing and removal process in free-form panel production. The optimal temperature and time for removal are determined based on the results of constant temperature/humidity curing experiments and quartz tube heater curing experiments. Through an experiment in various time settings, the general time of FCP (Free-form Concrete Panel) production is measured to examine whether the productivity is enhanced. It is expected that findings of this study contribute to shortening the construction period and reducing construction expenses as well as future studies on the FCP manufacturing equipment