3,286 research outputs found

    Tsinghua Micro/Nanosatellite Research and Its Application

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    With the development of Micro-lNano-technology, Micro-lNano-satellite are paid great attention and developed rapidly. Tsinghua Space Research Center( TSRC) has planed to develop their Microsatellite and Nanosatellite with the cooperation of Surrey Space Center (SSC). The Tsinghua-l Microsatellite is new generation 3-axis stabile Microsatellite in 50 Kg. It is used as technical demonstration of Microsatellite constellation for globe disaster forecast net. The main Payloads include Multi-Spectral Earth Image System (MEIS) which have a 50 meters ground resolution and the cameras will be mounted 15 degrees off Z-axis of the satellite to meet the 400 kilometre ground swath requirement, Date Transmit Experiment payload which is used to survey the radio frequencies interference and GPS receiver. The THNS-l is a Nanosatellite in 5Kg. One micro magnetometer, three micro 2-d sun sensor, a micro GPS receiver and MIMU is employed to determine the attitude of Nanosatellite. A small gravity-gradient boom is used as basic stabilization of satellite. The main payload is a micro Multi-Spectral Earth Imaging system (MEIS). Three on chip CMOS CCD Cameras providing 250 meter ground sampling in 3 spectral bands with an 75 kIn field of view capable of providing detailed information on Earth resources, land use and environmental haze pollution and etc. The other Micro-Mechanical-Electric-system (MEMS) devices are as experimental payloads also

    A construção do soft power chinês em Angola

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    Com a crescente participação chinesa na economia angolana desde o início do séc. XXI, cada vez maior atenção veio a ser prestada à influência dos fatores culturais e sociais no desenvolvimento das relações sino-angolanas. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo revelar os contextos e os processos da construção do soft power chinês em Angola, analisar as estratégias adoptadas para a promoção cultural, e discutir os desafios e as perspectivas com os quais a China se tem deparado na tentativa de aumentar o seu soft power no país. A fim de contextualizar o objecto de estudo, começa-se por traçar um panorama das relações entre os dois países, por apresentar o foco e as implicações do estudo, e por introduzir a teoria do soft power e a abordagem adotada nesta dissertação. Depois disso, são ilustrados o desenvolvimento da teoria de soft power na China e o processo geral da promoção do soft power chinês ao longo da história, assim como os desafios e limitações que surgem neste processo. Seguidamente, analisa-se o caso de Angola com base numa vasta multiplicidade de materiais, como documentos oficiais, relatos da imprensa, trabalhos académicos, e ainda entrevistas e um inquérito conduzidos pela autora da dissertação, tendo por objetivo avaliar a imagem da China aos olhos do público angolano e ilustrar as abordagens para a construção o soft power chinês em Angola nos últimos anos. Em resumo, o estudo revela que a influência cultural da China tem aumentado, junto com a sua participação na economia angolana, apesar de certos desafios e lacunas, e afirma que a construção do soft power assumirá uma importância crescente no intercâmbio sino-angolano, com enfoque na cooperação no domínio da educação e da formação profissional.With China's growing participation in the Angolan economy since the beginning of the 21st century, increasing attention has been paid to the influence of cultural and social factors in the development of Sino-Angolan relations. This thesis aims to reveal the contexts and processes of the construction of Chinese soft power in Angola, analyze the strategies adopted for cultural promotion, as well as discuss the challenges and prospects for this process. The thesis begins with the presentation of relations between the two countries and the focus of the study, as well as the introduction to the theory of soft power and the approach adopted in this dissertation. After that, the evolution of soft power theory in China and the general process of promoting Chinese soft power throughout history are illustrated, while the challenges and limitations that arise in this process are analyzed in this chapter. The thesis then analyzes the case of Angola on the basis of a vast array of materials, including official documents, press reports, academic papers, as well as interviews and survey conducted by the author of the dissertation, in order to evaluate China’s image in the eyes of Angolan public and illustrate the approaches to its soft power building in Angola in recent years. In conclusion, the study reveals that the cultural influence of China has increased along with its participation in the Angolan economy, despite some challenges and weaknesses, and argues that the soft power construction will acquire increasing importance in the future Sino-Angolan relations, with particular focus on cooperation in education and professional training

    Vertex Deletion Problems on Chordal Graphs

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    Containing many classic optimization problems, the family of vertex deletion problems has an important position in algorithm and complexity study. The celebrated result of Lewis and Yannakakis gives a complete dichotomy of their complexity. It however has nothing to say about the case when the input graph is also special. This paper initiates a systematic study of vertex deletion problems from one subclass of chordal graphs to another. We give polynomial-time algorithms or proofs of NP-completeness for most of the problems. In particular, we show that the vertex deletion problem from chordal graphs to interval graphs is NP-complete

    CPCP violation phase and decomposition relations in Higgs BSM amplitudes

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    We define a CPCP violation phase angle ξ\xi to quantify the mixture of CPCP-even and CPCP-odd states for Higgs boson in new physics beyond Standard Model (BSM) firstly, and then show it explicitly in H→γγH\to\gamma\gamma, H→γℓℓH\to\gamma\ell\ell and H→4ℓH\to 4\ell amplitudes. The analytical form gives a good explanation why the CPCP violation phase could be observed and the interference between CPCP-even and CPCP-odd parts exist in H→4ℓH\to 4\ell process, but not in H→γγH\to\gamma\gamma and H→γℓℓH\to\gamma\ell\ell processes. To understand the analytical structure of these BSM amplitudes, we introduce a new method of decomposing H→γℓℓH\to\gamma\ell\ell and H→4ℓH\to 4\ell amplitudes into H→γγH\to\gamma\gamma amplitudes. For a comparison, by using the on-shell scattering amplitude approach we study the recursion relations of amplitudes and get a consistent result independently.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure
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