6 research outputs found

    Prakiraan Daerah Penangkapan Ikan Pelagis di Perairan Laut Kabupaten Belu Berdasarkan Data Citra Satelit

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    Perairan utara Kabupaten Belu memiliki potensi perikanan tangkap yang cukup besar, antara lain kekayaan sumber daya ikan pelagis, baik ikan pelagis kecil maupun ikan pelagis besar. Potensi tersebut menjadikan masyarakat pesisir sebagai mata pencaharian sebagai nelayan dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Namun para nelayan memiliki beberapa kendala dalam kegiatan penangkapan ikan, salah satunya tidak mengetahui wilayah gerombolan ikan yang ada di perairan khususnya bagi para nelayan di laut utara Kabupaten Belu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meramalkan daerah penangkapan ikan berdasarkan data citra satelit klorofil-a dan suhu permukaan laut tahun 2003-2021. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat dalam memberikan informasi kepada nelayan mengenai daerah penangkapan sehingga kegiatan penangkapan dapat dilakukan lebih optimal dan dalam mendukung sumber daya perikanan yang berkelanjutan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, yaitu dengan mengambil data satelit dari klorofil-a Aqua-MODIS dan suhu permukaan laut. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa daerah penangkapan ikan yang potensial untuk menangkap ikan berada di perairan Selat Ombai dan perairan Kepulauan Alor. Kelimpahan ikan terdeteksi pada bulan Januari dan tumbuh pesat hingga mencapai puncaknya pada bulan Agustus dan September

    The Early Warning System Effectiveness of the Maritime Security Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (Bakamla RI) in the Prevention of Drug Invention through the Sea Lane

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    The Republic of Indonesia Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla RI) was formed based on the mandate of Article 59 Paragraph 3 of Law Number 32 of 2014 concerning Maritime Affairs. Bakamla RI has implemented an early warning system to ensure security and safety in Indonesian waters and jurisdiction. The Bakamla RI Early Warning System (EWS), known as a choke point for maritime security and safety, has already been built and spread throughout Indonesian waters. However, in reality, drug smuggling by sea is still common. Drug smuggling by sea is still dominant today. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) revealed that 80% of drug trafficking is carried out by sea. Narcotics transactions in the middle of the sea are very safe transactions, this is due to very weak supervision in the middle of the sea by officers.  The purpose of this study is to analyze the mechanism and effectiveness of an early-stage warning system in preventing drug smuggling by sea. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with interview data collection techniques. Research shows that the Early Warning System Series produces ship detection and assistance data that can be processed into ship anomaly information. The application of the Bakamla RI early warning system to prevent drug smuggling by sea has not been effective. The difficulty of realizing information between agencies and the weak synergy in exchanging information are the main obstacles to the efficiency of the early warning system. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the capability of the Bakamla RI Early Warning System by integrating the Command and Control Center (Puskodal) or Control Center (Pusdal) of related agencies, as well as equipping it with monitoring equipment that integrates the Early Warning System


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    The North Natuna Sea is full of illegal fishing and endangers Indonesia's maritime security. This is because fishery resources/fishery potential in the Natuna Sea is estimated to be worth IDR 5.32 trillion annually. In addition to the potential wealth of fisheries, the strategic location of the Natuna Sea is also the cause of rampant conflicts and illegal fishing activities in this region. Analysis of illegal fishing monitoring in the North Natuna Sea and the use of oceanographic data (sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a) to monitor illegal fishing in the North Natuna Sea are the two main objectives of this research. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study are that surveillance of illegal fishing in the North Natuna Sea has been carried out by the Indonesian Navy, the Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla RI), and the Directorate General of Supervision and Control of Marine Resources and Fisheries of the Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries with their duties and functions each. However, this is still not optimal because institutional capacity in supervision is still limited (facilities, human resources, and operational funds). Further findings indicate that oceanographic data has not been used optimally. This is because each agency has a different way of supervision. Automatic Identification Systems and Ship Monitoring Systems are technologies used by each agency in terms of surveillance. Therefore the implementation of illegal fishing surveillance by utilizing oceanographic data can be applied. This can make monitoring more optimal because by using oceanographic data it can be known directly where the potential fishing zones are. For this reason, an open oceanographic database center that can be accessed by various research institutions in Indonesia needs to be established immediately to facilitate the collection or utilization of data by institutions or researchers

    The Early Warning System Effectiveness of the Maritime Security Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (Bakamla RI) in the Prevention of Drug Invention through the Sea Lane

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    The Republic of Indonesia Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla RI) was formed based on the mandate of Article 59 Paragraph 3 of Law Number 32 of 2014 concerning Maritime Affairs. Bakamla RI has implemented an early warning system to ensure security and safety in Indonesian waters and jurisdiction. The Bakamla RI Early Warning System (EWS), known as a choke point for maritime security and safety, has already been built and spread throughout Indonesian waters. However, in reality, drug smuggling by sea is still common. Drug smuggling by sea is still dominant today. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) revealed that 80% of drug trafficking is carried out by sea. Narcotics transactions in the middle of the sea are very safe transactions, this is due to very weak supervision in the middle of the sea by officers.  The purpose of this study is to analyze the mechanism and effectiveness of an early-stage warning system in preventing drug smuggling by sea. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with interview data collection techniques. Research shows that the Early Warning System Series produces ship detection and assistance data that can be processed into ship anomaly information. The application of the Bakamla RI early warning system to prevent drug smuggling by sea has not been effective. The difficulty of realizing information between agencies and the weak synergy in exchanging information are the main obstacles to the efficiency of the early warning system. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the capability of the Bakamla RI Early Warning System by integrating the Command and Control Center (Puskodal) or Control Center (Pusdal) of related agencies, as well as equipping it with monitoring equipment that integrates the Early Warning System.</p

    Sardine (Sardinella sp.) Quality Based on Organoleptic Tests in Atapupu Waters, Belu Regency, East Nusa Tenggara

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    One of the fish handling techniques needed to maintain fish freshness is the cold chain application. Cold chain system is very important to be applied in the post-catch handling process to extend the fish rigor mortis phase. Fishermen and fishmongers are people who play an important role in maintaining fish freshness. The purpose of this study was to determine the fresh sardine organoleptic quality after catching until reaching consumers or initial selling. The method used is a survey method through on board direct fish handling activity observation conducted by fishermen and fishmongers at selling locations, as well as fish organoleptic tests using score sheets for fresh fish with observations based on transit time starting from fishing vessel after catching, collectors, fishmongers to the first consumers. Organoleptic quality measurement of sardine taken from fishmongers in Atapupu waters showed that sardine quality fitted for consumption with an organoleptic value of &gt;7