10 research outputs found

    Notes on the Fauna of the Pterostichus Ground beetle in and around the Hiruzen Experimental Forest

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    鳥取大学蒜山演習林の生物多様性調査の一環として、同演習林および周辺地域でナガゴミムシ類Pterostichus (s.str) (Coleoptera, Carabidae)のチョウサを実施した。2001年~2002年にかけて、演習林内および周辺地域でピットフォールトラップを用いた採集を実施し、7種のナガゴミムシ類を採集した

    Fauna of the Carabid Ground Beetle around the Hiruzen Experimental Fires (2)

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    鳥取大学蒜山演習林の生物多様性調査の一環として、同演習林におけるオサムシ相の調査を実施した。2002年9月7日から9日にかけて、演習林周辺の60カ所でピットフォールトラップを用いた採集を実施し、以下の6種485個体のオサムシを採集した:オオオサムシCarabus (Ohomopterus) dehaanii、ヤコンオサムシ Carabus (Ohomopterus) yakoninus、ダイセンオサムシ Carabus (Ohomopterus) daisen、ヒメオサムシ Carabus (Ohomopterus) japonicus、クロナガオサムシ Carabus (Leptocarabus) procerulus、キュウシュウクロナガオサムシ Carabus (Leptocarabus) kumagaii。これらのオサムシの、演習林周辺における分布特性について検討した

    Three new species of the fairy shrimp Eubranchipus Verill, 1870 (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) from northern Japan and far Eastern Russia

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    Abstract Background Small crustaceans in the order Anostraca that lack a carapace are commonly referred to as fairy shrimps. Eubranchipus is an Anostracan genus distributed across the Holarctic region. E. uchidai has been recorded only in Japan and has been considered the only species of Eubranchipus in the region. Results We obtained fairy shrimps from three previously unsampled locations (Shiretoko and Chokai in Japan, and Khanka in Russia). Each specimen shares morphological similarities with E. uchidai, but can be discriminated by the second antenna of males and the genital morphology of females. Based on these specimens, we describe three new species of fairy shrimp: Eubranchipus asanumai n. sp. from the banks of the Shiretoko Five Lakes (Japan: Hokkaido), Eubranchipus hatanakai n. sp. from the base of Mt. Chokai (Japan: Yamagata) and Eubranchipus khankanus n. sp. from the banks of Lake Khanka (Russia: Primorsky). Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA reveals significant differences from other known Eubranchipus species, including E. uchidai. Conclusion Both morphological and molecular analyses show that the three new species are similar to E. uchidai but constitute distinct species. Pronounced differences in female morphological features correspond to variability of the amplexus structure previously reported in the genus