132 research outputs found

    Rare non-traumatic periprosthetic femoral fracture with features of an atypical femoral fracture: a case report

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    The expression of the nuclear protein p53 in oligodendrogliomas was investigated by immunohistochemistry, using a monoclonal anti-p53 antibody (DO-7) on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded material in 84 histologically verified cases, and compared with the histopathological grade and survival. p53-immunoreactive cells were found in 75 per cent of the samples acquired at the first biopsy. The p53 labelling index was not related to the degree of nuclear anaplasia. Tumour cases with more than 75 per cent p53 immunostained cells had a rapidly fatal clinical course. However, no significant correlation was found between p53 labelling index and tumour grade, mitotic index, or ploidy status. In most tumour recurrences (n=25), the p53 labelling index increased or remained at the level of the first biopsy. In five cases (6 per cent), p53 was absent in the first sample as well as in the recurrence. Irrespective of the underlying aberration of either the gene or the metabolic pathway of p53, it is concluded that a high percentage (i.e., more than 75 per cent) of p53-immunolabelled cells is predictive of an unfavourable clinical course, while a percentage lower than 75 per cent immunoreactive cells does not exclude a rapid fatal outcome

    New Paradigms of Radiotherapy for Bone Metastasis

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    Proper care of patients with bone metastasis requires interdisciplinary treatments. Radiotherapy (RT) plays a central role in the management of painful bone metastasis. External beam RT can provide rapid successful palliation of painful bone metastasis in 50–80% of patients, is associated with very few adverse effects and leads to complete pain relief at the treated site in up to one‐third of patients. Intensity‐modulated RT (IMRT) or stereotactic body RT (SBRT) enables the delivery of higher doses to the target tumor while minimizing the dose to adjacent organs. Reirradiation using IMRT or SBRT is a valuable option for the management of bone metastases. A multidisciplinary team, especially one consisting of a spinal surgeon and rehabilitation physician, is particularly useful for treating patients with spinal bone metastases characterized by spinal instability. Rehabilitation intervention which increases the physical activity level and prevents deconditioning is important. Future developments in surgical procedures and RT will likely improve the management protocols for bone metastases and technology to reduce metal artifacts in radiation planning might improve the efficacy and safety of combination therapy

    Dynamic Trend of Myocardial Edema in Takotsubo Syndrome: A Serial Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Study

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    BACKGROUND The wall motion abnormalities of the left ventricle (LV) in takotsubo syndrome (TTS) are known to be transient and completely recover within a few weeks. However, there is little information about the relationship between functional recovery and tissue characteristics. The aim of this study was to investigate the recovery process of TTS using cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). METHODS Consecutive patients with TTS were prospectively enrolled. We performed serial CMR in the acute phase (<72 h after admission), the subacute phase (7-10 days after admission) and the chronic phase (3 months later). To assess the degree of myocardial edema quantitatively, we evaluated the signal intensity of myocardium on T2-weighted images and calculated the signal intensity ratio compared with the skeletal muscle. RESULTS Fifteen patients with TTS were enrolled. CMR demonstrated reduced LV ejection fraction in the acute phase, and it recovered almost completely by the subacute phase. On the other hand, severe myocardial edema was still observed in the subacute phase, associated with increased LV mass. The highest signal intensity ratio in the subacute phase was correlated with the maximum voltage of negative T wave on electrocardiogram (r = 0.57, p = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS In patients with TTS, myocardial edema associated with increased LV mass still remained in the subacute phase despite functional recovery of the LV. Electrocardiogram may be useful to assess the degree of myocardial edema in the subacute phase. Our study suggests that myocardial ischemia might have a central role in developing TTS

    A Novel System for Transcutaneous Application of Carbon Dioxide Causing an “Artificial Bohr Effect” in the Human Body

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    BACKGROUND: Carbon dioxide (CO(2)) therapy refers to the transcutaneous administration of CO(2) for therapeutic purposes. This effect has been explained by an increase in the pressure of O(2) in tissues known as the Bohr effect. However, there have been no reports investigating the oxygen dissociation of haemoglobin (Hb) during transcutaneous application of CO(2)in vivo. In this study, we investigate whether the Bohr effect is caused by transcutaneous application of CO2 in human living body. METHODS: We used a novel system for transcutaneous application of CO(2) using pure CO(2) gas, hydrogel, and a plastic adaptor. The validity of the CO(2) hydrogel was confirmed in vitro using a measuring device for transcutaneous CO(2) absorption using rat skin. Next, we measured the pH change in the human triceps surae muscle during transcutaneous application of CO(2) using phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((31)P-MRS) in vivo. In addition, oxy- and deoxy-Hb concentrations were measured with near-infrared spectroscopy in the human arm with occulted blood flow to investigate O2 dissociation from Hb caused by transcutaneous application of CO(2). RESULTS: The rat skin experiment showed that CO(2) hydrogel enhanced CO(2) gas permeation through the rat skin. The intracellular pH of the triceps surae muscle decreased significantly 10 min. after transcutaneous application of CO(2). The NIRS data show the oxy-Hb concentration decreased significantly 4 min. after CO(2) application, and deoxy-Hb concentration increased significantly 2 min. after CO(2) application in the CO(2)-applied group compared to the control group. Oxy-Hb concentration significantly decreased while deoxy-Hb concentration significantly increased after transcutaneous CO(2) application. CONCLUSIONS: Our novel transcutaneous CO(2) application facilitated an O(2) dissociation from Hb in the human body, thus providing evidence of the Bohr effect in vivo

    Involvement of the Circadian Rhythm and Inflammatory Cytokines in the Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Among the symptoms of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), joint stiffness is influenced by diurnal rhythm and reaches peak in the morning, which is a common complaint and reflects the circadian nature of disease manifestation. In addition, inflammatory cytokines, which reach peak secretion early in the morning are major players causing the morning stiffness. In this review, we explore the link between the circadian clock and inflammation, focusing on the interactions of various clock genes with the immune-pathways underlying the pathology of rheumatoid arthritis

    Novel Surgical Treatment for Refractory Heel Ulcers in Werner’s Syndrome

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    Patients with Werner’s syndrome frequently develop chronic leg ulcers that heal poorly. We present a patient who suffered from this rare syndrome and developed typical heel ulcers. Treatment of the ulcer is challenging, as flap options are limited over the lower third of the leg and skin grafting is not easy as there is a lack of healthy granulations. We successfully treated the ulcer with osteomyelitis by drilling the bone and applying an ultrathin split thickness skin graft with the thigh skin as the donor site